An incredibley excellent question...thoughts?

An incredibley excellent question...thoughts?

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Okay, this is epic.

We need common sense Chad control!

Because women have the minds of children and need to be regulated for the good of society.

>Ridicule "incels"
>Want to make all men into incels.
What a beta whiteknight faggot.


You incel-ent fool

Men are more responsible, simple answer really.

Because women are the ones who get abortions.

Are you sterilizing your women over there burgerbro?

Because we're not trying to regulate a person's reproductive health. We're trying to make murder via abortion illegal.

Women are property. Like a guitar or a nigger

Indeed we need to sterilise low iq men.

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what are twins for 200 alex

We need only Alfa males reproducing

100 women were incredibly stupid.
That's all that proves.
Next question

idget....Guys are regulated heavily through finance and police.

I thought you reds loved sexual degeneracy, now you're against it?

Uh. Men are responsive for this too. Wear a condom, pull out, ensure your girlfriend is taking her birth control, etc etc. Fuck this strawman argument.

>Reliable test of intelligence
Pick one.

Because of the exact reason the guy said. If you regulate men, the few men who you fail to regulate will knock up all the women anyways. If you regulate women, you form stable families and your society prospers.

On top of that, women never evolved to *want* to reproduce, because they reproduced whether or not they wanted to. So listening to what women want is a really stupid idea.

You can apply for a million dollar loans as many times as you like.

Its up to the banks to honor said loans.

>1 guy produces 100 pregnancies
she's right
we must regulate all 100 of those women

Reliable enough if you score >80

Hypergamy has produced failure men.
They can help it, the market demands they be assholes.
Women feel rejected from constantly fucking the same group of men.
And from their perspective they have a point.
Imagine fucking the same girl who abuses you and fucks other dudes constantly...
Oh wait

And that’s a good thing!

>Because of the exact reason the guy said. If you regulate men, the few men who you fail to regulate will knock up all the women anyways. If you regulate women, you form stable families and your society prospers.
This is the most cogent statement made so far.
>On top of that, women never evolved to *want* to reproduce, because they reproduced whether or not they wanted to. So listening to what women want is a really stupid idea.
Women evolved to be the weaker sex -- they're literally made to be raped and enslaved, and nature selected for weak women because it's the weak women who've always had the best reproductive strategy. Women aren't evolved to choose good mates. Strong men kill weak men and rape their women. That's how natural selection got us to where we are today.

T. nigger

so if there are 100 men and 100 women in the population, then each man can impregnate 100 women = 10,000 babies
these men must be stopped, someone think of the children

Chad has no control over whether the child lives or dies

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Easier to regulate one egg a month than it is to regulate millions of sperm a session.

>Jow Forums is a person



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It's no mystery why right wing politics isn't popular with women. Right wing policies would lead to women having fewer sex partners.

Modern women view sex as an inevitable bodily function like taking a shit. Banning abortion and next hormonal birth control is a process to enforce women's chastity again.

That’s really what 95% of feminism boils down to. Sex, and women believing they have supreme authority over it, and all that entails, at all times, and if you contradict them or oppose them in any way then you are "literally Hitler" and they will seek to destroy you in all forms to protect their power. I'm not even joking about that, if you view everything through that lens all of their actions make perfect sense and come into focus very clearly.

Women want into the work place, knowing it’s all shitty jobs and hard work for 99% of them and is usually soul crushing over all. Why? Because then they can have sex with whomever they want, whenever they want, they aren’t reliant on a husband for support so they can fuck around as they please.

Women want into colleges more and more and want more spaces for themselves creating a situation where only the athletes and the absolute smartest and hardest working men are going to be afforded spots, despite the fact the vast majority of programs these women join provide useless pieces of paper and no practical training that will amount to anything. Why? Because those degrees require damn near zero fucking effort, leaving them to spend all their time focused on the men, and that means they have insanely easy access to sex with athletic men, and have already weeded out the vast majority of men for potential "marriage material" (i.e. some loser to pay for their whoredom) so they don’t have to do all the work on their own out in society. Easy sex now, and setup for longer term situations down the line with some cuck to support them.


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Women want easy and free access to birth control and abortions (while the "free" push isn’t as public at the moment, make no mistake it is coming), despite the damage it does to their bodies and the fact they're murdering the most innocent, weak, and vulnerable form of human life. Why? Because pregnancy and children make them far less appealing to fuck, and eat up much of their time and resources leaving them far less time TO fuck.

I can keep going, but that is ultimately what it all boils down to, pleasing their vaginas and keeping a stranglehold on men who wish to have access to their vaginas. Its why they both hate and fantasize about rape so much, it’s a man taking away all their power by sheer force and not submitting himself to them which they despise, but they also massively get off on the idea of being subjugated by someone standing up to them and realizing they cannot fight back and simply taking what he wants, that makes them wet, its why they write about it so god damned much that its frankly sickening.

It’s why they put each other down constantly, but never address female on female "slut shaming" and the like and only blame men for it. Because they know they do this to each other FAR more than men ever will, but they use it to try to increase their own value and may the best whore win. Its why they don’t give a fuck about "oppressed women" in the 2nd and 3rd world, because it’s never been about female freedom, it’s always been about individualistic desires to get wet and get off.

And on and on. When you stop and realize this, all female/feminist actions make much more sense. You don't have to wonder "why" they think about how they do about abortion, or pills, or college, or whatever else, the answer is ALWAYS "to please their vagina and hold power over men... basically, sex." They're very simple creatures when you get right down to it, their entire existence can be summed up in one word… pussy.


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We did, it was called monogamy.
You can thank boomer feminists for fucking that up.

Brad is a faggot.

because women are stupid and require regulation


Actually more women are anti-abortion than men.

Simple, restart the Lebensborn.

Round up all the sluts.

Card carrying members get to go and have fun.

Stfu incel

you stupid cunt, that is exactly why you only NEED to regulate women
because population is controlled by the number of female breeders NOT male breeders

>outlaw heterosex
I knew we would get here eventually, I just didn't think it would be this soon.

>regulating women
Has he ever heard about condoms?

Wait, yes, let's go back to the old days. I want nothing more than that.

I wholeheartedly support making vaginal sexual intercourse illegal outside of marriage. Fine people. Lock them up. If they impregnate a woman outside of marriage, don't just put them on the financial hook for 18 years; force them to marry, live with, and raise the child for the 18 years. I guarantee the number of unwanted pregnancies would all but disappear.
I'm not being ironic/facetious at all. There are 1,000,001 things you can do besides vaginal sexual intercourse, but only ONE WAY to make a child. Learn some fucking self-control.

And fuck this virtue signaling faggot anyway.

who is talking about regulating women? what the hell is he talking about? is there some law that says women aren't allowed to have sex?!

Ok incel.

Indeed, we need strictly enforced monogamy, preferably resolved through a social contract that would be a prerequisite to copulation. I just wonder how we're going to call it.

100 women should've just had some decency and self control. They chose to open their legs for some random dude in this hypothetical situation.

Check'd and /thread
Goodnight pol

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You do understand that IQ of 100 is always the average. If you start killing low IQ people it just means that people's IQ scores will drop and soon most of the people will be on the chopping block...

I'm married you kike faggot. Show your flag. Just like a fucking kike to assume that anyone who doesn't want to drown in "sexual freedom" must think so because of some contrived Freudian reasons; "he's not getting any so he's mad and wants to force everyone into his own celibacy!"
I didn't even say anything against other forms of sex! I just mentioned vaginal sexual intercourse. Yeah, God forbid someone is in favor for personal responsibility and accountability. That's not part of the (((plan))), is it?

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In other words, if you "regulated" guys, a 99% success rate would still do nothing?

>no one appreciating the sheer brilliance of this post

Two words lmao
Absolutely seething

It was that controll and was called monogamy.

Max 1 woman per 1 man what means,any families, almost no incels, healthy society, and men motivated to work more and will defend society when needed.

And then society destroyed monogamy and turned into thing that "exists theoretically" and here we go, broken families, incels become a dangerous force, men have no motivation to work more, only enought to survive and will just GTFO in case of war..

Fucking this. Btw this line of thinking is really an eye opening for some people.

Saying you can't kill a human being is not "being regulated".... why do roasties keep saying that?

To answer this retards question: women aren't "producing" pregnancies, they are getting pregnant and producing a child. It's analogous to getting sick and producing phlegm. You don't "produce" a cold by staying outside in the freezing weather even though the cold came about via your own actions; you got a cold from your own actions and while having a cold you produce phlegm. Men can't get pregnant and produce children hence society doesn't require laws which affect men's non existent pregnancies. Her braindead question is wrong via illogical use of words.

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Women should have never been given the right to vote. They are irrational, illogical and base every decision on pure emotion regardless of any facts. If you want to know why the Western world went to complete shit, look no further than a morally repugnant pussy hat wearer shouting her right to chop her kid up into pieces and throw him/her in the trash can so she can go on and fuck 100 more guys.

Two words
Dirty kike

Women are a clump of cells and can't think or feel. Period

Well, I don't think it's legal for men to have abortion's either.

reasonable woman is an oxymoron

We aren't talking about regulating women? What the fuck. WHAT THE FUCK.
Why don't these people just fucking die?

Flawed argument

Women are still burdened with full term pregnancies.

Men are not.

It could be 1 woman, 100 women, or even 1000 women and it would be the woman carrying the full term pregnancy.

Therefore, each individual woman who has gone through a pregnancy is still producing one full term pregnancy.

The argument seeks to place full term pregnancies on the responsibility of men, in which case, the only responsibility a man has is deciding whether to fill the degenerate vagina with his sperm, or not.

So I fail to see the point this ridiculous tits on legs is trying to prove.

because any woman fucking a hundred guys within a year is a whore

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Marriage is the act of regulating both of the sexes. Is this dude retarded?

Is this retard saying that men are not held responsible for the kids they produce?
Hell, there are cases of men having to pay child support even for kids that are NOT theirs.
What a fucking idiot. And I'm not even pro life.

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Didn’t a majority of white women vote for Trump?

fuck, you're have 100x the ability to breed...I guess men should make the decisions when it comes to abortions, divorce settlements, etc...thanks for posting!

Most redpilled poster in this thread

Because men already are. It's called child support. We are penalized for every full-term pregnancy we create. Sometimes we are penalized for full-term pregnancies we didn't create.

To say nothing of the fact that, on average, a man is not that promiscuous while a woman is.

No it is not

Because that kind of man is a complete degenerate beta who has to be regulated by women.

Men who abandon their offspring should be snipped, and I don't just mean the seminal vesicles.

t. father of four

>You do understand that IQ of 100 is always the average.
Uh, no it is not. And you saying this proves you're a brainlet and probably a nigger to boot. Which is to say an Ostrobothnian.

Wrong. What happened was that the US got too many papists, niggers, and beaners.

And you're braindead for moving the goal posts so that men shooting babies into women then abandoning their offspring for abortion or whatever is ignored.


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>the only responsibility a man has is deciding whether to fill the degenerate vagina with his sperm, or not.
Literal nigger thinking

ok then

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What do you call the men who fuck her?

Men do get regulated. It’s called child support.

Men cant kill babies either bud/

>le roastie

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they're just men. women should know better but usually don't.

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The moron answered his own question. It's called begging the question.
I hate that morons have access to social media. There are so many more of them than intelligent people.

the fuck has that scenario got to do with the question?

Stupid beta Brad. If I nut in girl, biologically that's it there really isn't any consequences if we reproduce. Women on the other hand have to carry said child to grow it just like any other life form. occasionally, shit happens during this process and potentially the mother dies. If that is the only bitch a man can but into then the species starts to decline and inevitably dies.

>100 is the average...for whites
>whites number less than 1/7 the population
>east asians are 1.5 billion at 105 IQ
>1 billion niggers 85 IQ at best
>500 million hue monkeys 95 IQ at best
>1.5 billion dot niggers 90 IQ at best
>assorted SE asians and middle easterners 95 IQ at best.
The average is not 100. It is a test made by whites(WEIRDS) for whites.

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If a man has to pay child support to one woman the man has a problem. If a man has to pay child support to 100 women, the women have the problem.

>regulating women

What did he mean by this?

monogamy works

If a man were to have sex with 100 women wouldn't that mean the women are a bunch of slags that will have sex with anyone?