Who will win the up and coming war between America and chinka? And why?
Who will win the up and coming war between America and chinka? And why?
America. It doesn't need to invade it needs to saturate the pacific and blockade. China can't survive 2 months without oil, this it the entire reasoning behind the belt and rode initiative. The US has been funneling money from the F35 project into something else (there's no reason the F35 would cost what it did), that something else is something with long enough range to not require refueling which is what the J20 was designed to do, limit range by killing refuelers. The US will just sit on China until it collapses internally.
Kek, the gooks will squash you. Go back to watching movies.
but you're the one collapsing internally already, being a racially compromised, low-trust shithole
China because there won’t be any open war and time is on the Gooks side.
All they have to do is wait. The US will become a Latin American nation in what, 10 years, 20 years? After that it’s all over. Latinos will vote each other into office and that will be the end of the USA.
The Chinese are patient. They don’t mind waiting it out.
>there's no reason the F35 would cost what it did
Corruption? That's what I assumed.
And also that the US would mostly use its carriers to extend the range of its jets. They already have F-35s on their LHDs. The US effectively has 20 carriers now.
Bingo. China is the future. If you want a successful, guaranteed future, start learning Chinese now.
China. We're not gonna fight a hot war with them. Their AI is far superior to ours. Because their online platforms are so heavily restricted, they each have much larger user-bases(40% of all Chinese internet traffic is through wechat), and the data they collect to train their AI is much more homogenous than ours, so their AI learns faster. We're fucked.
My GF is from Singapore, but is fluent in Mandarin, so I just use her as a translator when we go to China.
China, because the by the time it happens the US will be balkanized and it's allies colonized (by China)
The US has been developing superguns. Their potential range is over 1000 nautical miles, you could hit most of the populated areas of China with a single device installed at a pacific base.
Put the proper .gif in the bag.
How can America even compete?
lol the chinks are nothing without americans buying their plastic garbage. it is over
Chink guys hate white guys with Chinese women. Prepare to be spit on.
Everyone else
you think America is a low-trust shithole? Never visit China my dude.
>Shares a border with an oil producing country that hates the yankees
Uhm try again sweety
De facto Chinese victory when America violently implodes from a Second Civil War. Alternatively, mutual annihilation of all combatants after the Chinese suffer the same fate or both sides resort to the use of nuclear weapons.
Any person who tells you that a Third World War would be anything short of utterly catastrophic for the United States is delusional.
Remember Russia in 1917? That will be America in 2020 if Trump or whoever takes his place is foolish enough to start wars with anyone.
>American economy instantly implodes if the deluge of cheap Chinese crap ceases
I have and it's nothing like an American shithole
In the inland cities, besides Beijing, you can sometimes go a couple days without seeing a white person. I'm 6'2" with a full beard. In every one of those cities that I've been to, I've only had people want to practice English, or take pictures with me.
>Civil war
You really are a retard.