Do rich old white GOPers really hate her because they can't have her?

do rich old white GOPers really hate her because they can't have her?

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do incels really only like her because they desperately want what they will never have?

They can "have" her equivalent if they slum with their maids or local bartenders. Actually truck stop whores are probably brighter than her.

They hate her because she's retarded and worthy of constant ridicule.


Do all lib cunts hate trump because they can't have him?
World Famous
Arch freaking bush man
Hot young wife

Why would they hate her? She's helping the GOP.

why would anyone want that fat ugly retarded orange piece of shit?

I could have her easy I fuck women left and right ok. Let me tell you. She has saggy boobies and at most she's a 7/10. I fuck women at least 9/10. If she doesn't want this dick, her loss. I can bench 310 lbs. She at most weighs 140. She's easy game bro. Like fuck off.

yea, shes v cute

He would buy you a new iphone

Real nigga shit

>because they can't have her?
This is what shallow, vapid sluts actually believe

They can have their pick of 17 gals just like her every taco tuesday at the sloppy taco palace

yfw it's revealed that Trump is in debt and has been for a decade and his only profits come from laundering money for the Russians

i love her because she embarasses her party daily

I wouldn't even fuck her with a rented dick. You never stick your dick in crazy.

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No. They hate her because she's as dumb as a bag of concrete and somehow people still listen to her.

desu I don’t think anyone cares enough about her to hate her

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yes but they can not, under any circumstances, have HER

I hate her because I want to be her

I love her because she's a true brown commie who will actively work to undermine Jewish capitialists.

Dumb fuck. That's a wetback.

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>In Croatia and stuck.
If anything exemplifies clown world it's the election of a spoiled, perpetual teenager with emotional problems elected to Congress because it's a wymenz. Honk fucking honk how can this be real. Don't answer.

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why are latin and soth amreicans so drawn to socialism?

Because they’re all fucking mental and love a good slaughter

she looks like the average American poster in Jow Forums

Rich old white GOPERS, much like all rich people, prefer the forbidden fruit. cunny or boi pucci. they also probably have a stable full of horses that can give them the same thing AOC could

no. Its women who hate men they can't have. men do not hate women they can't have.

You misspelled socialists
You're correct otherwise

Who doesn’t like to fuck the maid?
That’s the biggest attraction to illegal alien maids.
Slip them an extra hundred and you get a house cleaning with a happy ending.
Totally worth it for a piece of strange.

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she's retarded, no one would give a shit about her if she wasn't hot.

She is gonna secure a 2020 term for Trump. She is a dumb fuck.

>if she wasn't hot
we have to talk user

Who says they don't have her? It is 2019, sex work isn't a stigma any more .

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AOC is stupid because we made a bunch of memes where we pretend she says things that she didn't actually say, then laugh at her for saying them (even though she didn't).

That's why she's dumb!

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The "GOP is obsessed with AOC" narrative was built because the democrat-media complex dragged her retarded face into the spotlight before realizing how retarded she is. Now it's too late to kick her into the gutter and it's impossible to defend the amazingly stupid things she says, so they project their own misplaced obsession onto people that just point and laugh. It'd be sad if it wasn't so funny.

Enjoy your idiot messiah, faggots.

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my duty is to service whenever she wants

AOC helped me realize that the communist insurgency in the USA has gone too far. We knew that they had well placed spies, that people like Biden were taking billion dollar bribes from the communist party in China, and so on. Restricted to some greedy oligarchs, schizophrenic kikes, and moderately intelligent rebels with daddy issues, the communist threat is real but manageable. When the infestation rots beyond that, begins to take root in the working class that these very same communist kikes are betraying, then we have to put them down.