There. Now you fucking RASCIST what*toids can shut the fuck up about it.
There. Now you fucking RASCIST what*toids can shut the fuck up about it
Other urls found in this thread:
>author addresses a completely different claim from the one above
Yup. That's a woman alright.
But that wasn't the question.
Nobody said they had automatically get dual citizenship, just that a bunch of them are kikes who have duel citizenship but you already knew that OP.
So it's a club you have to join we already knew that.
Sarah uh? Guess what that Stanley was a couple of generations ago...
A snopes article isn't going to save you
1. That's a strangely specific denial.
2. That's not what is even being discussed.
3. The author is an intern, like she has the ability to actually gather data.
Every jew has blood citizenship when they are born. That's not unique to Israel--many countries have right of return. However, what I'm interested in is how many of these US politicians and media figures own houses in Israel, or vote in Israeli elections. These people all need to be routed out and hung as traitors.
she looks jewish desu
her blogpress
Oyvey goyim but muh snope wiccans.
What did this pic prove? People were not asking questions but stating that 89 members of congress hold dual citizenship with Israel and all Sarah Stanley did was say no they don't without providing any evidence to try and prove these people are wrong.
a literal strawman
its all so tiring
HAHAHA I actually met this bitch once. Why are all journalism majors such sell outs.
found her twitter
Its called the Israeli Law of Return dumbass
When I tried to verify this I couldn't find any actual evidence that this was true.
The statement has got nothing to do with israeli citizenship being automatically granted to US congress members, but has been marked as "pants on fire" for that reason. This setting fire to Snope's entire underwear drawer.
jewish and a woman. Yeah there is not gonna be any logic to be found here.
>The Law of Return (Hebrew: חֹוק הַשְׁבוּת, ḥok ha-shvūt) is an Israeli law, passed on 5 July 1950, which gives Jews the right to come and live in Israel and to gain Israeli citizenship. Section 1 of the Law of Return declares:
"every Jew has the right to come to this country as an oleh [immigrant]."
>The Claim was 89 Congressmen have dual citizenship
>Don't worry they dont get automatic citizenship
They didn't even read the statement
This is so stupid it can't be real
>my house is on fire! Help!
>no, houses don't automatically light on fire.
Anne Frank died while being hospitalized for typhus at a death camp meant for exterminating jews
>These people all need to be routed out and hung as traitors.
No time for that, just kill no capture orders. Cut the head of the snake and all that.
>or vote in Israeli elections
Or serve in the Israeli Military
>people actually think this retarded biased "fact checker" is a source of credible/valid information
Rahm literally trained in Israel under an IDF program. The name escapes me atm but it's on his wikipedia.
Are you dense? The original list was just naming jews who are in Congress. If you are making the claim, you have to PROVE that they are dual citizens. Do you get it?
> One nation that does make it relatively easy to become a dual national is Israel. Under its “Law of Return”, every Jew has the right to come to Israel as an oleh (a Jew immigrating to Israel) and become an Israeli citizen. While the law seems to require an intention to reside permanently in Israel, that may not in fact be required of all who travel to Israel.
if you are jewish you can get Israeli citizenship without any problems
I need a neutral source
Do they really lurk here?
>I need a neutral source
im pretty sure they dont exist
Found it.
>Emanuel took part in a two-week civilian volunteer holiday, known as the Sar-El, where, as a civilian volunteer, he assisted the Israel Defense Forces during the 1991 Gulf War, helping to repair truck brakes in one of Israel's northern bases.
>Rahm was encouraged by his mother to take ballet lessons, and is a graduate of the Evanston School of Ballet
>This background, as well as the mayor's short stature, has led critics of the Mayor to nickname him "tiny dancer".
in all fields
I dont have to prove shit I didn't make any claim how about your faggot "fact checker" snopes does there job instead of answering questions nobody asked.
How is your reading comprehension? The article rightly exposes how the claim is predicated on the belief that Jews are inherently dual citizens with Israel on virtue of being Jewish. No attempt was made to actually prove that. So how does burden of proof work? Does the writer need to prove that all listed aren't dual citizens? Absolutely not. All one needs to do is point out how the original claim was never proved.
P.S. I think it hilarious how the use of 2nd person causes retards to self-destruct.
>"89 congressmen have dual citizenship with Israel"
>no, members of congress dont get AUTOMATIC citizenship with Israel
How is yours? the claim never said they were automatic dual citizens for getting into Congress.
Compare the original claim to answer. Then read the entire article. This takes a little bit of work, but anyone who passed a college-level composition course would tell you that you "member of Congress" refers to a particular group of people being singled out (jews). Your argument becomes not only false but pathetically pedantic.
>I need a jew approved source
Fix'd that for you.
They are dual citizens user, not congressmen who happen to be jewish. It's not counting people who have yet to use law of return. Was that spoonfeed enough for you?
I see. So it's not automatic.
Jow Forums btfo. See? You are wrong
>jews a singled out
That's a requirement for Israeli citizenship. No shit this is about jews.
That's hilarious. That's exactly the kind of "counter-argument" I get so often from leftists right here on Jow Forums. It's like words mean completely different things to them.
>Or serve in the Israeli Military
Remove 'in' and you hit all of them.
Spoonfeed me, dude, prove all 89 of those listed are Israeli citizens. This includes David Plouffe who was born and raised a Catholic and Bernie Sanders.
yeah thats not suspicious
what the hell, even normies will see through this whore
Go to site
For example:
Scroll down on stances and you will find Israel.
All will be clear.
If they’re Jews then they automatically have dual citizenship with Israel, claimed or otherwise. They literally just have to fill out a couple of pieces of paper and get it.
89 elected government officials have Dual Israeli-American citizenship.
Israel manipulates every vote we have in this nation. Every.Single.VOTE. can be manipulated or influenced via 89 dual Israeli-American government members who's FIRST ALLEGIENCE IS TO ISRAEL. A full list of the individuals can be found through a Google search. It is VERY easy to look up who has this dual citizenship and then see a record of how they voted on key decisions. Senate bill (S.720) is one example. THERE ARE MANY Here is a selection, please google the full list your self. The Jew is over-represented in all places except Arlington Cemetary.
Now ask yourself how many Dual Citizens serve in Israel's Government....
The answer is "ZERO"
Israelis consider dual citizens to be a security risk
2019 US Congress jews (dual Citizens) (1.4% of the US population)
>Tammy Baldwin (D)
>Bernie Sanders (I)
>Ron Wyden (D)
>Chuck Schumer (D)
>Jacky Rosen (D)
>Ben Cardin (D)
>Chris Van Hollen (D)
>Richard Blumenthal (D)
>Dianne Feinstein (D)
>Adam Schiff (D)
>Brad Sherman (D)
>Pete Aguilar (D)
>Alan Lownethal (D)
>Mike Levin (D)
>Susan Davis (D)
>Ed Perlmutter (D)
>Bill Posey (R)
>Lois Frankel (D)
>Ted Deutch (D)
>Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D)
>Jan Schakowsky (D)
>Brad Schneider (D)
>Abby Finkenaur (D)
>John Yarmuth (D)
>Jamie Raskin (D)
>Elissa Slotkin (D)
>Andy Levin (D)
>Dean Phillips (D)
>Josh Gottheimer (D)
>lee Zeldin (R)
>Jerrold Nadler (D)
>Max Rose (D)
>Eliot Engel (D)
>Nita Lowey (D)
>Chrissy Houlahan (D)
>David Cicilline (D)
>David Kustoff (R)
>Steve Cohen (D)
>Elaine Luria (D)
>Kim Schrier (D)
The Jew is over-represented in all places except Arlington Cemetary.
Citizenship doesn't matters much in USA or globalized world, what matters is ability to invest and control goyim.
Fuck, I'm fucking retarded. I tough Israel were the bad guys for a moment. Thanks user I'm cured now
>You have to prove it goyim.
>Heh... Your FOIA request is denied goyim.
Requesting the thread where user was denied his FOIA request for dual citizens in congress.
Their asses are all gaping from israeli cock
Lazy fucking propaganda. Your list has bernie on there, just lmao.
lol, let's use some classic logical premises here
>there are people with Jewish descent of varying degrees in the Congress (from spurious to orthodox)
>Israel citizenship is granted to those who fit their legal definition of a Jew
This does not follow:
>therefore, all Jews in congress are inherently dual Israeli citizens
Of course, the real conclusion is this:
>Jews in congress are not loyal to the United States!
Only a fool would believe this.
There are three republican Jews? It's a bit weird how anyone can claim that race doesn't matter, only politics, when there are such clear racial lines in politics.
Show me a jew in congress that wants to end military and financial aid to israel.
If you wanna let her know what you think about her article...
lol, harassing her will surely prove your point!
Anyway, classic low IQ misuse of the strawman fallacy claim.
It has a link to her article about this:
It's a bit stupid, because clearly the title does not answer the argument, unless you actually read the article. She should fix it to "No, Jewish members of Congress don't have automatic dual citizenship with Israel".
Still, a ridiculous number of Jews in your congress. If you had eighty Finns there, someone might be a but suspicious about conflicts of interest, when it comes to issues dealing with Finland.
That cunt did some typical pilpul right there.
Her argument in the OP's pic is a complete non sequitur, so it's pretty obvious why people are pissed. And she could have prevented it with the addition of just a single word to it.
>155 KB
fuck you nigger
Based. Get her.
lol, that's what happens when idiots read headlines without any context and jump to conclusions.
excellent, did same
Isn't this whole argument just pilpul? It doesn't matter if they're officially "dual-citizens". What matters is that their loyalty to Israel as the sacred homeland of their people, and their ability to go and live there at any time they choose, whether by Law of Return or any other means of citizenship they may exercise, is a massive conflict of interest. I don't give a fuck whether Chuck Schumer is officially a citizen of Israel, because there are multiple recorded instances of him professing his commitment to Israel above that of the US, and acting on those words.
>claim that 89 members(there is only 34) of Congress have dual Israeli citizenship is predicated on the belief that all members with Jewish descent of varying degrees are inherently Israeli citizens
>article responds to the claim by pointing that out
It is not a strawman, you are stupid. Stop misintrepreting headlines.
>be jewess
>don't have a jew nose because surgery or not enough jew blood
why though?
I like jew nose
t.Greek man (goyim)
evening P
how was your day my man.
catch any pedo satanists today?
Jews are overrepresented in congress and many of them have Israeli citizenship, I doubt it's 89 of them though.
Some of them are pretty open about it, I don't think it's a major problem unless they are in contact with AIPAC since there are many other dual citizens of other nations too.
It really is stupid to allow dual citizens to be part of the federal government. There is a reason the president needs to be born in the USA.
Yes, I said, that is the implied conclusion. Propaganda. The old antisemitic canard that jews are inherently not loyal. It's based upon illogical premises.
get fucked you (((too)))
Wow, they purposefully changed the fucking statement.
lol, it's 34 members, that's about 6% of Congress. You faggots never proved who has Israeli citizenship, your premises are shit, your conclusions are even worse. Use the logic that supposedly others lack.
>The old antisemitic canard that jews are inherently not loyal
just leave this place immediately, you are not talking to normies, it's pretty fucking obvious from Disraeli to Chertoff that all kikes with the exception of ONE in the early U.S. care about jews more than their electoral constituencies and Israel, re-fuck you.
Tell me, Bernie Sanders makes all of these bullshit lists. Is he loyal to Israel? Get BTFO'd by your own propaganda.
>debunking a not even made argument
this is the typical way of leftists all over the world it seems
>I like jew nose
>t.Greek man (goyim)
you're married already to a jewess, shut up
>1/89 isn't, see I win the argument
Lurkers don't fall for this user.
It's not 89 turd, get double BTFO'd there are only 34 people with varying degrees of Jewish descent. These lists just try to compile anyone who is vaguely jewish to come to illogical conclusions. It's lazy propaganda. Here, we can add another to the list, a quote from the "dual-citizen" David Plouffe:
>So I was perusing Wikipedia before I came in, because I realized I've read your book, I've talked with you 10,000 times, and I never looked at your Wikipedia page. And the first thing I realized about you that I didn't know is Wikipedia says you're Jewish. You are not apparently Jewish, right? DAVID PLOUFFE: No. I may be honorary Jewish, but no, I was raised Catholic, went to Catholic school, and now am a practicing Episcopalian.
>The old antisemitic canard that jews are inherently not loyal.
But my premise isn't that Jews aren't loyal. The opposite in fact. Jews are loyal first and foremost to their ancestral homeland. It's reasonable to assume that any person in a similar situation would owe their allegiance first to their own people/religion/culture.... It's just that, to my knowledge at least, Jews are the only group that have their own ethno/religious homeland, but also serve in foreign governments. If, for example, Americans of German or Japanese descent had the ability to serve in Congress or the Senate, but also to invoke Law of Return and live in Germany or Japan, I would be equally suspicious of their motivations and loyalty.
tl;dr: It's not that I think Jews are disloyal. It's that they're Jews fundamentally and whatever other identity they have is secondary.
You absolute turd:
Not a counterargument.