Why do leftists take defeat so damn seriously?
Why do leftists take defeat so damn seriously?
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>Entitled and spoiled
Every person suffers from their own internal spiritual animus that they then go and project out on to the world.
If you're a decent person, truthful, honest, well-intentioned, you're much more likely to see that side of the world when you look out on it.
If you're a fucking rotten human, lying, deceitful, full of malice towards others and ultimately seeking power and dominance over them, then that is what you're going to see when you look out onto the world.
This is what leftists see when they look out on to the world.
I think almost all people do recognize that there is at least some level of sociopathy and sadism that is extant in our world and working through government, schools, hollywood, big business ect. And I think almost everyone is open to intelligent, reasoned and fair ways to try to mitigate that negativity. But leftism and leftists and their complete reduction of every social dynamic on Earth to one of "power and dominance and submission" is evident of something dark within their own souls. It is projection.
And it is true that if you ask a psychologist they will tell you that sociopaths and psychopaths all interpret the world this way. They interpret every interaction in life something existing on a power-grid (think of how leftists interpret ordinary human interactions as "micro-aggressions") and they interpret it all this way because this dominance-aggression-submission-power matrix is the only thing that exists in their own heads, and it's the only thing they can personally relate to when they try to interpret the world around them.
Because they know what they would do in victory, and live in constant fear that we will do those things to them when we win.
They are actually fucking insane. Earlier this year, I was shitposting in a leftists twitch chat, and those fuckers got super butthurt every time.
Most of my shitposting was low effort shit also, like saying that David Duke is any "ally" because he repented his racism, converted to Shia Islam, and now advocates for Palestinian sovereignty. This got met with a bunch of them telling me(often in all caps) that racism can never be forgiven, and that I don't know how hurtful racism is because I'm white.
One time, I was talking to a guy in that chat and claimed that Jesse Lee Peterson is a 180 IQ intellectual, and he started ranting and raving at me. I shitposted a bit more, and he finally figured out I was just trolling after I said that I get my philosophy from Marilyn Manson lyrics. Then he starts DMing me about how bad his life has been lately, and he kept apologizing over and over.
wow calm down
You're delusional everything is fine, in fact it's 200% fine
Because they conflate any disagreement with their ideology as an attack on them personally.
>I get my philosophy from Marilyn Manson lyrics
They think it is their worldview and religion. They don't realize it's a game. Chumps. Family and friends mean everything.
>Angourie Rice
Why didn't we save her Jow Forums?
Dipshits on faceberg are no better. I go in to rattle their cages occasionally, its an incredible echochamber for liberal thought demons. Literally every time one of them tries to doxx me or something by putting my name and profession into the conversation (have a pseudonym account). I have no idea what they are trying to accomplish so I asked. No reply. Not even willing to own up to their own pathetic attempts to harm someone over a disagreement. This last time they were butthurt because I I warned them that political violence begets violence and free speech is paramount to the progression of truth. WOOOWEEEE NOT THAT! PLEASE DONT ASSOCIATE MY NAME TO THE CONSTITUTION!
Guy is literally trying to silence me and I point out that he is an authoritarian tyrant for trying to thought police me, and his response is I'm a boot licking nationalist... lol Great fun. Very nice.
Read "Industrial Society and its Future" by Uncle Ted (it's online for free). Mass movements and organizations are the only identity the leftist has. Invariably, the losses and victories of the leftist organization or movement are shared by its constituents vicariously, even though the role they play in the respective structures might be insignificant. This offers them the only opportunity for "fulfillment" (fulfillment being the meeting of a biological need), albeit a surrogate and superficial fulfillment.
He is /ourguy/ tbqh
>The worms will live in every host
>It's hard to pick which one they eat the most
>The horrible people, the horrible people
>It's as anatomic as the size of your steeple
>Capitalism has made it this way
>Old-fashioned fascism will take it away
They are trying to """meme""" that them acting like complete assholes is cool now, so whenever they do this shit, they always say "So much for the tolerant left."
>Because they know what they would do in victory, and live in constant fear that we will do those things to them when we win.
This exactly. I wouldn't even gas some of these radicals. I would hold a quarterly event where various commies would be trotted out on stage, have a couple of their choice posts up on the big screen, and then we would hold an auction at the "Experience strangling a communist" booth.
Actually a solid plan. I should do that. I've said it before, but I'll just broken record it. They usually reply with some platitude about giving a platform to nazi's
>power structures are scary
>this would somehow be alleviated if hillary had won
>indulging in retail therapy
>”cheap shit from China makes me feel better”
And to think you’ve been told that these people are better than you.
No man, you miss read what I said. When THEY act like assholes THEY say "So much for the tolerant left." They literally think being an ass is cool.
Young Americans*
Don't speak like all of the people that could be categorized as from the left are like your exceptional cattle.
Because they're neurotic egomaniacs who think, because they're obviously working for the utopian betterment of mankind and could never possibly be wrong, that anybody who disagrees with them must be the kind of pure unscrupulous evil that you see exhibited by the villains from Captain Planet. Thus, every time they lose, it feels to them as though a supervillain has beaten them, the intrepid hero, and is about to enact a genocide or something.
>Thus, every time they lose, it feels to them as though a supervillain has beaten them
There are a couple reasons, I'm too tired to explain it well. I'll just type for a minute. Instead of God, family, or what have you, their highest ideal is Leftism and Progress.
The other thing is, leftists see victory as the truth. As long as they win, their means, lying, cheating, etc. is morally justified to them. When they lose, their whole moral foundation is collapsing.
Whatever, haha.
I've been through enough elections now that I've seen butthurt on all sides. Shit! The night Obama was elected I watched a redneck friend of mine break his own car window.
People are emotional retards.
As though you have a place to talk, Paco. Wasn't your latest President elected on a platform of socialist bullshit and sending as many Mexicans to America as possible?
>The night Obama was elected I watched a redneck friend of mine break his own car window.
Doesn't seem so stupid in hindsight.
>Doesn't seem so stupid in hindsight.
It wasn't, as now we have a bunch of sickos like this running around.
Wait what's the story here?
I'm scared to ask....
She's just a pretty young actress that we don't want to be used and abused by the perverts that run Hollywood, provided she hasn't been already. She's posing there with Ryan Gosling because she played his daughter in a movie called "The Nice Guys".
>Says the retard who unironically uses Alpha and Beta as terms for describing dominance and power in everything
Oh I'm laffin.
What if she is just getting dicked by Ryan Gosling?
i love shitposting on facebook. german news sites are my favorite target. people commenting on there are so fucking stupid. its too easy actually
I'd be mad jealous. She's a qt.
She's barely 18 though, brah.
Old enough to bare children.
Her body isn't fully developed. It'd put a lot of strain on her.
>perverts that run hollywood
I find it hypocritical when this gets mentioned on Jow Forums, same with the save Desmond thing.
Considering most people here drool over cross dressing underaged (anime) boys.
I've only ever watched Death Note.
The difference between jacking it to drawings of traps (I don't by the way), and actually physically molesting children on an industrial scale is pretty significant.
/tv/ certainly thought so. Do you think she called him daddy?
/tv/ thinks about fucking every preteen girl they see as a matter of course though....
>rightists lose
lol suck it up, it's our time now
>leftists lose
I blame school brainwashing.
The story behind that pic is so fucked up.
I cant believe his name is ouchi tho
They're the type that post inspirational quotes on kikebook and read self help books . They are weak men and women , with no aspirations to be better people .
You forgot about them listening to spoken word lmao
Well yeah but there were some suspect moments.
If this isn't a face that's anticipating getting fucked senseless later that night I don't know what is.
>Why do leftists take defeat so damn seriously?
Because they had no father to teach them that you win some, you lose some, but you get the fuck up and carry on anyway and make the fuck sure you win next time.
Their single mothers cuddled, consoled and petted them and told them the world was bad and evil for making them cry.
>>If this isn't a face that's anticipating getting fucked senseless later that night I don't know what is.
I guess I'm not used to seeing faces like that....
Ehh, she just looks young and is enjoying the spotlight.
What went so wrong?
I went to a Nightwish concert with my friends instead of going to prom. I’m still glad I made that decision.
They have prom in Albania?
Idk, I live in Los Angeles.