How long until Asia becomes more powerful than western countries?
How long until Asia becomes more powerful than western countries?
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If they send more anime I don't care.
>How long
They already are we only exist because they let us.
This, half of Los Angeles is low key owned by the Asians probably more now
it already is
Asian girls are cute. Why aren't Asian men?
Before the middle of this century.
Shouldn’t be long they’re not having to slow down to babysit niggers and spics so they’ll leave us behind before long
12th of never, see The End Of History...
Asian men are pretty cute too desu
Never they have abismal birthrates at least Japan does I suppose only China and might catch up to the USA but it doubt it
China is about to have an economic and a population catastrophe, there are growing numbers protesting on the streets and Trump is adding fuel to the fire. Industry is already starting to move overseas where the labor is cheaper. Vietnam, Thailand, Laos etc. will fill the trade hole left by China for the west, so there might be an awkward period but Western economies will keep running smoothly.
SEA will make some gains but they have greedy, incompetent governments. Especially Vietnam who still operate crumbling colonial era trains and the government keeps having internal assassinations and corruption.
Japan has peaked
Only real threat in Asia is Indonesia if they managed to gain a competent government but islam prohibits them from that
Could be totally wrong, I'm an Aussie this is my 2c
blackpink is good =3
uhm.., never? at least not America
Never maybe China might have a chance but they have India at their border man I wish those animals annihilate each other
Asia will be subverted by eastern esoteric cults, just like Europe.
>The Chinese economy will collapse any day now
I’ve been hearing this since the early 2000s.
Power to do what? Asian influence is negligible. Have you started to eat dogs?
I can't say when it'll start, but it'll end when they run out of makeup.
at least I still have my bible
They're hot but they kinda look ridiculous
BAKA average mouth breather pagan go suck some cock from the nords or something
Ok Jow Forums why did I say baka
False dichotomy. The "Asian countries" are already hyper-Westernized. Do you notice they wear t-shirts and jeans, have Western uniforms, wear suits and ties? Do you notice they have orchestras and play the piano and violin?
What they have that we don't is Confucianism, which is incredibly badass.
Very laugh/10
>How long until Asia becomes more powerful than western countries?
Already there economically senpai. All they would have to do is take control of the money power, and militarily build some floating castles for force projection.
10 years.
It's dumb. If you want to know who is going to win, look at what people are doing, not what they're saying. China has learned to build absolutely everything efficiently and does build absolutely everything efficiently. Our economy is mostly selling their products, growing food, and money/real estate shell games.
I'd start learning Mandarin... or adopt Confucianism.
why are her hands so pale, not even caucasian pale but cyborg synthetic skin pale
imagine unironically thinking China will be relevant
haha holy shit
Not long if the west keeps up with the equality and feminism bs
They bleach their skins and stay out the sun.
If you don't want Islam and be told to point your ass to Mecca five times a day, Confucianism is by far the best solution to that shit.
>what is make up, lighting and color filter
they're probably just cyborgs user, you're on to something
Yeshua ben Pantera
cause you're baka, baka
How long before their credit runs out?
>China has learned to build absolutely everything efficiently and does build absolutely everything efficiently
Give it a decade. Asian century can't come soon enough.
wew lad, we get it already you absolute faggot
because you're not gay? faggot
Confucianism to the chinese is never a religion but rather a moral system
That's fine. Call it whatever you want. It works.
>If they send more anime I don't care.
Digits and sort of true. But you can really see the cracks lately.
No, you don't. No one in the West even knows what the fuck Confucianism is, to the point that they're totally mystified about why Japan, for example, is so polite and well-functioning. It's retarded and I am on a crusade for Master Kongzi until he's as well known as Buddha.
Man, Asians are autistic. Even their dancers act like preprogrammed robots. It's like putting a coin into a slot.
This is a silly example. Urban Asians don't really eat dogs either unless I've missed that
>Japan has peaked
nigger they're far better off than you honestly, you're the ones that have peaked
nah, I mean we get it you're sucking Confucious' dick. Nobody cares though.
Can we get more sexy asians dancing like your webm related?
Just remember that Confucius >>>>>>> Mohammed and it's all good brah.
have you seen my flag? We don't exactly like that nigger around here
Girls camp out for a week in cold and rain just to see BTS. You're just an oldfag who's out of touch.
insect peepol have the insect mentality they can never reach the white individual. that being said, since murka is becoming sandshark territory, they will overtake the sandsharked countries but white man will find himself a new home. he always has.
The sooner the better.
I hope they conquer Europe and remove Christianity just as they remove it in China.
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
There is no confucianism in china anymore. It has been replaced by xi jinping thought. All heroes to aspire to are communist heroes with absolute loyalty to the party. Confucious is inconvenient.
I get why you think I'm a Chinese shill, but the funny thing about Confucianism is that it's pretty much penicillin for Communism, because it puts the family unit above pretty much everything.
Pushing Confucianism is suicide for the Communist party, imho.
What's with all the "Confucius institute" stuff then? Are they still using ancient Confucius/Mencius texts?
>blackpink is good =3
agree'd fellow yellow fever friend
this statement would be True if you said india instead of china
I never even directly addressed you memeflaggot. Show flag and maybe we'll talk.
It's just a name with historical relevance, and China takes great pride in it's history, and just about anything else Chinese. Nationalism is the current driving force of Chinese unity. But it's an ideology that is being used to instill loyalty into the party rather than the idea of China or Chinese people.
The party IS China. The party IS Chinese people. Any criticism of the party or party policies is hatred of China. Xi Jinping posters up where once you would expect Mao posters in the cult of personality. Confucious is only taught in so much as where he can be aligned with party ideals.
Do not get me wrong. Confucious is great. But to suggest modern China is Confucian is not accurate.
Are you ready to embrace yellow masters, Jow Forums?
We already are mutt
I can't tell if this guy is onions or chad. Schrodinger's cuck.
how long until my dick becomes more powerful than these thots
im not yerrow fevered, im just very capitalistic
asians jerk off to an idea that will never happen. hilarious how a race so associated with ntr thinks anyone respects them or their temper tantrums online. pathetic
user is talking about party members/goverment officals have to be athiest and a true communist
reminds me of my PM (a known actual communist) and her beehive is 100% athiest
their sellout to china was not a mistake.
don't make the same mistake as the Philippines and NZ did my bros.
I think NZ was right there is nothing to gain staying with the US once they started leaving NZ
In fact that was going on for some time USA just got bored with us and packed up and left only leaving its overseas assets
there is only token USA shops and businesses here its getting very eastern/south asia centric Now
But then again NZ is directly south of East Asia so I guess it was just a matter of time.
Asian Women's Sexual Liberation
I’m a chink slave for white cock! ^_^
>Asian woman’s burning love for White Man, her exigent desire to submit to the divine White Dominance, so often ignored and unappreciated,
>will one day shine through the darkness of this ignorant world and together White Man and his submissive asian wives will reclaim the glory of the White Man!
>My Sexual Submission to White Power by Claire Liu
>Confessions of Submissive East Asian Women by Jennifer Suzuki
>Training of Inferior East Asian Women by Jennifer Suzuki
>Philosophy of White Man Worship by Emily Chin Lynch
>Those books, which I find so wonderfully written, are must-reads for any White Man who wants to properly train and discipline his asian subjects,
>to turn asian women into proper and natural slaves, perfectly groomed to the desires of the White Man,
>meticulously domesticated to the needs of the White Man,
>docile and obedient to the enlightened rules of the White Man; and for any White Man to ponder,
>and reflect on his own inner calling to apotheosis. Reclaim the ancient glory that is the White God
>through east asian woman, oh White Man, awake!
Well shit...
Filter on the camera, bright lights. Thats how.
nigger literally everyone even the niggers in africa view the west as the living embodiment of ntr
We won't, because of Demography. The US will continue to win, though I hope China could outwit the US.
100% accurate
they can think what ever they want fact is stats prove who is and who is not cucked no matter how many of you demoralized virgins say otherwise
Do they all use the same plastic surgeon?
Asian women are so disgusting looking.
Thank fuck my yellow fever lasted 6 months until I fucked a chink. Imagine being some American loser with an Asian wife and mutt kids. I'd use my second ammendment rights and off myself with a sawn off.
yeah, thanks for proving my point, have fun at your state sponsored vasectomy while going on a gay pride to hear about stronk independent wymyn etc., are catching my drift now?
How many kilograms of makeup are they wearing?
Perfection cannot be improved upon.
never because asians are spineless cunts
nigger you're literally becoming China 2.0 in 20 years, lmao
Is there videos of jaw bone surgery, i wanna see how much bone actually gets cut from their skull
>China has learned to build absolutely everything efficiently and does build absolutely everything efficiently.
Neither cosmetics nor surgeries can make you this
>Asian century
yes, the second Century of Humiliation has already begun
Only the second from the left is attractive. The rest are fugly.
i'd gulag the lot of you for a 3some with tzuyu and momo
Thousands of white women would immediately let anyone from BTS impregnate them. Just think about that
I think the point is they're all she beasts with man jaws compared to the azn