Why does the far left treat us like kids?

I've been trying to get in to their echochamber recently. I've been reading their fiction and watching Youtubers like ContraPoints and HBomberguy. There's one thing that I really don't get - why do they act like anyone who disagrees with them is not only wrong, but primitive? It's like they think that their opinions are objective facts and that you're an inferior being for not believing in them.

Truth be told, I suspect that there must be something that I'm missing. For example, if I PhD chemist walked in to a room full of old school alchemists, he wouldn't treat them like the far left does an open racist - his face would light up and he'd experience the joy of teaching. If anything, their reaction is more like what I'd give a 7 year old boy who said that he had no interest in girls. It's almost as if they believe we're so wrong that we don't even need to be talked to - we just need to wait until life changes our minds.

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You're 1st mistake was thinking you have to justify your beliefs.

It's oversocialization. The concrete jungles make you forget that you're still an animal. The TV, twitter, and their friends all regurgitate that they're right and virtuous and that the other MUST be backwards and stupid.

Every time someone tries to make social justice look cool, at best, they just end up looking like trendy vicars to the uninitiated, at worst, they look like the fun police. That’s why it never grew organically.

>why do they act like anyone who disagrees with them is not only wrong, but primitive?
I can explain this.
The leftist theories, nevermind what common opinion is on them at the current state, are quite difficult to study and demand quite a time and certain amount of intellectual capability. Many of them rely on scientific and statistic data (for example, Lenin's "Imperialism, the highest stage of capitalism" is filled to the brim with statistics and things like that), while most of the bottom-level right-wing theories are basically economically-motivated butthurt turned into ideology (of course, not all the right wing ideologies and theories are simplistic or dumb, but many of them are).
>they think that their opinions are objective facts
Because their opinions are based on the data which is hard to debunk.
> if I PhD chemist walked in to a room full of old school alchemists, he wouldn't treat them like the far left does an open racist - his face would light up and he'd experience the joy of teaching
First, it's an imaginary situation, that probably won't happen IRL
Second, when you assault some people's beliefs, they accept them as the assault on themselves. So there could be even more dispute or even a fight.
Third, you can't predict the attitude of people.
>we just need to wait until life changes our minds.
This works in both sides. Many self-proclaimed leftists turn centrist or moderate as soon as they get married or leave the university.

Because much of the political right, especially what are known as cuckservatives now, do act like children. Instead of fighting seriously for their beliefs, they cry about how their political enemies aren't abiding by their playground rules and expected etiquette, and that they would rather die by their principles rather than do what it takes to win.

This could be it. They never see any sensible opposition. At best, they see racists who were born and breed that way.

>Because their opinions are based on the data which is hard to debunk.
Post some? A blue pill never hurts.

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Depends on which topic you want to discuss.
I've already givne an example of Lenin's work based on statistics. Another example would be Engels' theory of evolution of private property, family and the state which is based on Lewis Morgan's "Ancient Society".
To provide you with actual data ITT, I'd have to find those ancient book scans and post them here. And that would take a lot of time.
Just pick a book, find the reference and follow the thread, so to say.

>Because their opinions are based on the data which is hard to debunk.
Data they don't understand in the first place.
>The leftist theories, nevermind what common opinion is on them at the current state, are quite difficult to study and demand quite a time and certain amount of intellectual capability. Many of them rely on scientific and statistic data (for example, Lenin's "Imperialism, the highest stage of capitalism" is filled to the brim with statistics and things like that)
This is what they tell themselves because they're joiners who are afraid of looking stupid. If they were smart, they'd be studying hard science and not sociology or communications or ethnic studies.
It reminds me of this bit from Arrested Development
>deep is good. People are going to say, “What the hell just happened? I better say I like it.” ’Cause nobody wants to seem stupid.
If their theories weren't 99% bullshit filler, even a retard could recognize them for what they are.
They are the corollary to Einstein's "if you can't explain it simply".

The only way for them to accrue a following is to act pretentious and uppity while talking out of their ass to retards that want to larp as "#intelligent". If arguments from the far right were even considered, the truth would be apparent, and the show would be over. Hence, the circle-jerking. Not to mention the fact that self-loathing and validation from the common man are pillars of leftist ideology; lolbertarians, (((centrists))), cuckservatives, et al each have a different set of personal fixations that self-sustains their respective communities, which manifests in their behavior as well

>Data they don't understand in the first place.
What makes you say that?
>If they were smart, they'd be studying hard science
Implying that social studies, economics and history are not difficult.
>If their theories weren't 99% bullshit filler, even a retard could recognize them for what they are.
If some humans are so smart (especially anti-left), why didn't anyone wrote a complete debunking of left thought book that wouldn't have any fallacies? Because as far as I've listened to many right-wing opinion leaders, most of them haven't been studying left stuff well enough to make statements without errors.

>why do they act like anyone who disagrees with them is not only wrong, but primitive?
their ideology doesnt stand up to scrutiny, its not routed in reality, its build on the premise of equality of potential between humans that has never existed anywhere but books theyve written themselves.
they have to be dismissive of anyone questioning the fantasy outside of their arbitrary tight boundaries, otherwise they begin being asked questions they cant answer, which is unacceptable

>wouldn't have any fallacies
>statements without errors.
why haven't anyone made a "perfect" debunking of the left.

i am just taking a guess here and say this is an impossible task

>right-wing opinion leaders

>Group associated with pepe and wojak memes is seen as childish

Truly one of Earth's greatest mysteries. Kek.


Well, I've seen several guys on PragerU, I've seen russian right-wingers, such as Yegor Prosvirnin and Vatoadmin. Most of their anti-leftist arguments are based on emotions and idealized picture of the past and the West. They don't dive into the theory to uncover its errors, as, for example, Bohm von Bawerk tried to.
>i am just taking a guess here and say this is an impossible task
I disagreee.

>If some humans are so smart (especially anti-left), why didn't anyone wrote a complete debunking of left thought book that wouldn't have any fallacies?
inb4 Frankfurt school

>I've seen several guys on PragerU
curious on this one as my right wing thought leader is the real world and mother nature

>muh feelings
>based on the data which is hard to debunk
Okay, Igor.

Simple, for most people it is easier to justify violence against animals than against man, so they reduce man that they do not like to animals.

It is all mental conditioning for the conflict to come.

Man leftypol sure is salty for some reason.

Oh honey sweety. Have sex.

People become right wing as they get older and its something the left hates to face, so instead they choose to live in opposite land in their little minds.

>muh feelings
Most of the """leftists""" that argument with muh feelings don't seem to be that much into theory and more into ideology. And that's no good.

And they have the audacity to cry about dehumanizing.
Though it is a known fact that people who do x get the most butthurt when someone does the x to them.

Real leftism has not been tested?

It's because the left are fucking mongoloids who cannot deal with the fact every serious goy intellectual pre-45 was an antisemitic racist misogynist as they pretentiously clamour for a veneer of intellect. The only thing they have is the currentness of their progression cult, which is ALWAYS on the cutting edge by virtue of being made up by unhinged Jews.

This is why if you ever 'debate' them, you'll find they ignore your points, snarkily frame things their way strawmanning you then begin using the words 'cognizant', 'problematic', 'subtle' (only in reference to themselves) etc. It's a masquerade of insecurity on their part.

Look at OP's pic where some leftoid spastic discovered HP Lovecraft stopped being a cuckservative and became a withdrawn Fascist, and somehow misconstrued it as 'growing up'. The entire world they construct for themselves is a coping mechanism for the harsh realities and social judgements they would face if they had conviction and free thought.

Like says they're socially neurotic so play everything safe too. It's funny that they call our types bigots, but this use of bigot itself is bigoted by definition.

Yes debate is meaningless and a waste of time. The elite are counting on us to argue with each other instead of violently overthrowing the system.

Come on dude, it's not about trying. It's about being honest enough to study the basics of your political alignment.

If their movement attracts a bunch of useful idiots, does it matter if a tiny, uninfluential (besides maybe Chomsky) minority of them believe in the actual theory of their Marxist claptrap?

In practice it's still conservatives who believe in natural law vs. a baying mob of masochistic retards supported by the media and corporate globo-homo complex.

Unfortunately, despite the usefulness of such self delusions, it is dangerous to the psyche of those that practice it. One day, after you have enough blood on your hands, you cannot deny what you have done and to whom. It is why it is better to get warriors and future combatants used to knowing their foe is man. The method of readying people mentally for conflict is a cheap and self destructive shortcut for actual mental fortitude, which is hard earned.

OP why are you even listening to their opinions in the first place?
We are talking about people who chop their dicks off so they can pretend to be something they're not and look down at the very people who are responsible for life.
These are mentally ill people and the whole movement will die out in a decade.

>In practice it's still conservatives who believe in natural law vs. a baying mob of masochistic retards supported by the media and corporate globo-homo complex.
In fact, both of them are backed by media and corporate money sources. And neither of those self-proclaimed leftt do what left should do.
>If their movement attracts a bunch of useful idiots, does it matter if a tiny, uninfluential (besides maybe Chomsky) minority of them believe in the actual theory of their Marxist claptrap?
It does. If there are honest in their beilefs, they may begin to act. If they're not, they're just sellouts in the hands of businessmen, just as their supposed enemy.

The best part is those '''Stalinist''' gays, trannies and perverts on twitter who bang on unironically about putting their 'enimies' in gulags unaware that their larp god Stalin put their kind in gulags for being dislikable faggots.

They legit think they will be lining people up against the wall, lol. Faggots.

>people who chop their dicks off so they can pretend to be something they're not
Why are they even called left if they're just asylum runaways with political attitude?

They receive their beliefs in the officially recognized education system. Which they trust implicitly and regard as the source of all real knowledge

therefore anyone who disagrees with them must simply not have gone to school

It us laughable yes, but do not let your guard down despite this. A fool can kill someone as easily as anyone else, but will initate it with less justification. Because they are to stupid or mentally unhinged, they see no reason why they should not throw themselves suicidally into the meatgrinder.

>>Because their opinions are based on the data which is hard to debunk.
Leftists don't even know what gender they are. They make up unfalsifiable conspiracy theories like white privilege to work explain away everything that contradicts their narrative.

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Trotsky had some very interesting things to say about Bolshevism, or secular Judaism as it should be known. Chomsky I think is the ultimate in how far leftist theory can go before eating itself. He's highly intelligent but misleading.

It should be noted leftist theory always uses words with double meanings, complicated implied connotations etc in order to obfusticate their material. This is to get the pretentious without the prerequisite knowledge to grasp it involved and parroting its nonsense notions.

>Leftists don't even know what gender they are
Queerfags are not left IMO, since their main consern is their comfort under capitalism. They want tax-paid healthcare and they want to be recognized as one of the market target groups. Only few of them really go deep into theory.
>They make up unfalsifiable conspiracy theories like white privilege
Alright, you made it. I'll translate a russian copypaste about relations between communists and SJWs, that explains my point.

And the Injun is only higher than nigger for rape cus they all fuck their underaged cousins on those reservations.

>we just need to wait until life changes our minds.
Funny thing is that it works the other way around. I was raised as your average leftist, I was an antifa when I was 15 and keep getting worse until my 23. Then, everithing changed (finished uni, start to work and provide for myself *for real*, experienced my first diverse neighborhood). And I'm not alone. Many people I know stop being leftists same way, they just pretend on facebook for eusocial behaviour or whatever.

It's just typical ivory tower thinking with an echo chamber. Academics do it all the time. Especially if they view you as of a lesser social station. You can be exceedingly educated but they won't care if you are a plumber because they view you as below them.

Because they don't have their own kids

>"even back when literally everybody casually threw 'nigger' around like a filler word and racism is basic human nature anyway, lovecraft must have been like everybody around him because of socioeconomic factors"
Jesus fucking christ that's cringe. EVERYBODY FOR MOST OF HUMAN HISTORY WAS OPENLY RACIST. All that's changed today is that people, still racist as ever, aren't going about expressing it the same way they traditionally would. But yeah, lovecraft was totally the one person of his time that wasn't a proud and open racist by nature. Somehow it's totally evident he would have been s*yzilla if he just had more money.

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No they aren't. I'm a neuropsychologist, I really like the subject and I think that some of the greatest minds of last century were studious of the mind.
Still, to graduate in psychology you need 95 IQ and a thumb. Not even two.

That's a lot of words to say "it's pathological narcissism" user.

Because you people act like children.

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Most commies don't even know our national bank is privately owned. They're retards my friend.

It's pretty much impossible to debunk a million level clusterfuck without getting trapped in the clusterfuck.
It's obviously theoretically possible, as those are a bunch of bullshits, but the knowledge and the precision to debunk such a mess is not something a single person can do without shortcutting at some point. Or, you find an autist and make him spend his whole life on this marvellously useless topic.

Because the left advocated them

This cometh Jordan Peterson, and we all see how he has been villified and demonized and attacked. Leftist Violence is a Feature of their ideology, not a Bug.

Every shrink wannabe psych(o) major I knew from school was a neurotic uppity dullard interested in framing themselves as neurotypical.


Kek I like that phrase but isn't it a tautology? All narcissism is pathological by nature of itself.

Didn't look at the flag first

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This guy gets it. This is actually all there is to the age old "why do lefty memes suck" and "why is a lefty meme a novel-length wall of text instead of something catchy and simple" questions. They need to frame things a very specific way for their assertions to kinda sorta maintain the illusion of substance.
"lmao give up all ur property to a poc" isn't fun or catchy and doesn't persuade anybody anyway. "my meme, a journey into the darkness of humankind's soul, a journey into despair: before the time of man..." shit allows them to cram all of the definitions they need you to accept and all of the misinterpretations of data required to but their bullshit into an image. Their ideas don't stand on their own, they have to be taken on faith then filtered through a very delicate paradigm and a single piece of information that btfos their stance is enough to undo their entire meme essay. They resort to throwing bricks at people that disagree because they are quite literally incapable of changing anybodies mind because their beliefs are rooted in ignorance and informational tunnel vision. You have to REALLY want to be a lefty, be obsessed with fitting in and never being call a racist, to wire yourself to look past data conflicting with ideals you're supposed to hold and blacklist/whitelist sources of opinion and information based on which will only provide things that fit your worldview.

Nobody goes to /leftypol/ to troll and winds up a commie. A lot of Jow Forums lifers started as commies only here to troll. It's not hard to understand why.

Was Lovecraft alive for when the parties were switched?
Like when old school Dems would lynch niggers and Republicans wanted equal rights for them?

That is because psych as a field is almost entirely subverted.

Psychology/Psychiatry has fucking metaphorical crime scene tape all over the place. Certain things are very much considered career suicide or require significant clout prior to your investigation into the matter - particularly neurophysiology. This is not even taking into account that certain specializations/subfields within it have very much politically aligned themselves. Social Psychology is a great example of this - it currently only has somewhere in the realm of approximately 6% right of center or "conservative" identifying social psychologists. And those that do identify as such have communicated that there is an open hostility or unfriendly intellectual climate there. When a poll was conducted with hundreds of professionals within the field - a few questions were asked to see if there was a willingness to discriminate against the political conservatives within the field:
>Would they be more likely to reject a paper or a grant application that showed a politically conservative perspective?
>Would they be reluctant to invite a conservative colleague to a symposium?
>Would they favor a liberal job candidate over a conservative candidate?
Liberal respondents answered yes to all three of these, and it was found that the more the number of liberal respondents in an area, the more likely they were to be willing to discriminate against the conservative respondents.

ph'nglui mglw'nafh Pepe OR'lyeh h'nkho'k Jow Forumstarden

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tl;dr: it's not a coincidence that any platform without tight speech control becomes right-wing very quickly. Ask yourself why.

Its this, but even more than the echo chamber, its the removal from real life.
When food comes from the store, and death only happens in movies, and pain means your girlfriend cheated, then you already live in a rubber room.
Growing up like that, its easy to imagine we could all just hold hands and get along.
Then they look out at those of us who know what real life is like, and all they can see is cruelty and they dont understand why.
They dont realize we keep the violence of nature at bay for them. Farmers kill animals a lot, but plants are murdered in the millions. Cops kill the niggers and the savages. Soldiers fight off the barbarians. The entire system of civillization exists to keep the Dying Season (winter, obviously) at bay.
But the left doesn't personally man any of these barricades of civillization, so they dont realize the world is still savage. They think we keep the savagery because we are just evil, they dont realize the world is savage and we, the Right, hold it at bay to keep them alive and at peace in their rubber room

I agree if we are talking of males. Females are worst, far worst.
Lucky me I've asperger and went there for the "how the fuck a brain can run a mind" thing. They never liked me.

They feel intellectually superior the same way conservatives feel morally superior. The difference is the liberals don’t have a voice telling them to remain humble.

I thought that past Win95c all bugs were features.

the criticisms of leftism don't come from diving into the theory and coming up with refutations for each tiny point, but are far more fundamental, first off the belief that diving into an endless churning soup of theory is a good way to understand the world or govern a society, or that theory correctly applied by a government apparatus can mould and shift man, society and all of reality into what they believe it ought to be.

the problem with leftists isn't that they're condescending, it's that they're small men who have abandoned God and truth and are intent on driving humanity as hard as they can ever downwards into the abyss they themselves are doomed to inhabit.

all your theory is shit because you don't believe in any higher meaning or purpose or value, you don't believe in God, you are fundamentally nihilistic and vacant of anything beautiful, so for all your theory and all your organisation you're just a bunch of miserable soppy cunts.

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The bong is projecting

If I hadn't flunked and ended up in that lispy viper den we call university I'd either have gone withdrawn or postal. You can't deny, while they're harming themselves in the process they know how to upset conservatives with obnoxiousness and sheer pomposity. Every time I talk to one their every sentence is peppered with bullshit like appeals to authority.

How big is Freud in modern psyche? They seemed to study or critique (I hope) him at highschool level.

>It's like they think that their opinions are objective facts and that you're an inferior being for not believing in them.

The root of leftism is feelings of inferiority.

They feel so inferior that they have to pretend to be superior to everyone else as a mask.

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Prager u is unironically controlled opposition. They did a whole video on how "the US doesn't give israel enough money and we should be happy to fight all their battle for them" and lost a TON of subs that immediately saw through them. The comments section was shoah'd, the dislikes were doctored away (any time you see a site claim to "revert troll brigading" what that means is "we accept payment to delete criticism") and to look at it now you'd think "give israel more moneys and foreskins and cannon fodder, goyim" was an incredibly popular notion. They're kikes to the core.

>the leftoid feels noticed

Substantiate your statement you vicious shitstabber.

Are SJW Marxist?
If you say that to a real marxist, who is educated and not a schoolkid with a soviet flag on his avatar - you may give him a heart attack.

There is a common statement on the net that says that SJW is a sort of marxism. To some degree this could be true, but in about the same degee as the crab sticks are the part of crabs. This means, that there is a connection, but the original point was deeply replaced a logn time ago.

What's the point and what got replaced? Marxism, contrary to a popular falacy, doesn't promote justice. because the idea of justice is very mutable historically, and relying on the current day idea of masses on it in the long-term policy is similar to builting castles in the sand. It is possible to say that just as SJW, marxists see the mean of achievement of their goals in the struggle, but in the other kind of struggle - historical struggle of of oppoistes, which gets replaced by their dialectical unity, the synthesis. There is no need to say that SJW don't even mention the synthesis - it's either patriarchite and oppression, or lack of them and the rule of Universal Justice, tertium non datur. The idea that overkill in the gym and body positive are equally disasterous for the health don't seem to fit those heads.


>The only way for them to accrue a following is to act pretentious and uppity while talking out of their ass to retards that want to larp as "#intelligent". If arguments from the far right were even considered, the truth would be apparent, and the show would be over.


Leftism is a confidence scam.

Respectively, marxist can make a serious face and call upon taking a sit and waiting for the historical process to do all the job for him, and accuse his opponents in opportunism and revisionism, while SJWs are likely to punish you for eternity for this, meaning the abasement to the patriarchite servant, bullying, assault and other things like that. On the other side, marxist can fight against alienation in the capitalist society, and in the age of decolonisation - for the freedom of the Third World from the colonial oppression. Under the influence of that struggle in the 60s it became popular among neo-marxists to search for alienation and oppression anywhere and everywhere (and somewhere reasonably pointing it out), although only with the spreading of postmodernism in the 80s, whose founders used to be members of french ComParty, this idea finally broke off from reality. Thing is that postmodernists think that for the good cause (which, actually, is nowhere to be defined) it is possible to mix everything with anything without any concern and replace it with something else, while reasoning in the overly abstract and knowingly diffused cathegories (such aproach is called social constructivism) This is what the so-called postmarxists were doing - they replaced the classes with vulgarily understood races, genders, orientations and other stuff, began to talk about "Liberation", "The Empire" and other similar abstract definitions. Back in the USSR such people used to recive the diagnosis of "sluggish schizophrenia" for this and they were put into asylum without any further discussion, because nobody will forgive such play with the Holy Idea. But there was no Union in the 90s, so postmarxists got scot free with their focuses.

Fucking zion nazi dogs i hope you all die in pain

You barely touch Freud outside of learning about him in a historical sense. If you want Freud you either need to spec into psychoanalysis (pseudoscience) or just take English/Philosophy. He's basically a dead end.

Problem is most psych students shy away from important classes. You don't need to take very many stats classes, or biopsych or developmental psych to get your degree. So they don't.

>Jow Forums is the right

One of the most interesting studies done recently showed that Conservatives could accurately predict what Liberal values were, but Liberals were unable to accurately predict what Conservative values were.

Liberals essentially live in a world of delusion and have no idea who they're even fighting against.

Because the "right-wing bigots" are typically working class people. These kids get indoctrinated at uni, but never truly encounter anyone lower than the middle classes. This creates an exception in their programming when they leave the uni bubble because "muh workers of the world unite". So instead of facing up to the fact that it's actually they who are privileged, they have this messiah complex where they set out to educate and save their knuckle dragging "comrades".

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What would you say if I told you that both me and my girlfriend opt out research careers for this?
>me intrested in studying autism and SDDs, start figuring out that most of diagnosed "aspie" were not, that most of "high functioning autists" were retards, that psychotic kids were diagnosed on the spectrum for better access to gibs, that SDDs were in 80% of casistic school/parents fault and not "neurological"
>user, you better not write this in your paper
>user, is better you don't say it in public
>bye bye idiots.

>be girlfriend
>intrested in data analysis for social psychology
>starts working with Psy Dept. at Uni.
>research on gender gap and discrimination on the workplace in the academy
>data shows that no such thing, a slight tendence toward the opposite
>professor (head of research) literally forging data and pruning the ones pointing in the opposite direction
>"fuck you, don't you dare to put my name on it"
>bye bye forgers.
Academy sucks, social sciences suck more.

>"right-wing bigots" are typically working class people.

zioncapitalism cucks. fuck em

Leftism is a totalitarian force.

It requires massive censorship to be enforced, because its tenets go against reality.


leftism and corporate-sponsored infantilism are made for each other

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We want channel 83.

Though much maligned, and sometimes rightly so, much of Freud's theory is so inextricably foundational to psychology that we simply forget he originated the ideas we now accept as established fact (ideas so ubiquitous culturally that even untrained laymen put them into practice as modes of self-improvement without need of a specialized education).

It's because leftism is a cult.
They not only right, they are also morally right. More than that, that moral righteousness is more important than being factually right.
They are cult fanatics and we are the heretics.
Think about any cult: they all think about the outsiders as the lesser beings.
They also all say that they are loving, caring and forgiving and if only the entire world believed and practiced what they do, we would all be happy and at peace.
Fuck they even have their "fire and brimstone" equivalent with their overpopulation and global warming.

Freudism is the Jewish psyche projected onto goyim.

>baby dicks, shitting and incest are his theories of development

>Jews are circumcised and sucked off by a rabbi
>Jews are so culturally obsessed with shit they write books about it
>Jews have notoriously unhealthy relationships with their mothers

*as babies

>Problem is most psych students shy away from important classes. You don't need to take very many stats classes, or biopsych or developmental psych to get your degree. So they don't.
Very, very much this.
I took neurology, neuropsychology, 3 fucking classes of data analysis, endocrinology, pharmacology, medical anthropology, neuroanatomy, evolutionary biology and ethology, sociology and sociology of deviance, psychiatry plus all the trad psy (developmental, social, clinical, neurorehab, general and experimental). Had collegues being taking "the draw of the child" as a class. Shortcutting analysis. Shortcutting biology. Shortcutting anything vaguely scientific or talking about data.
It's usually a phony degree.

Some intuitions were right. But, as always, those were stolen. Mainly from Charcot.

>Why does the far left treat us like kids
classic projection. they have no intellect, wit, education, sense of history, common sense, integrity, etiquette or facts on their side, so they quickly resort to the petulant temper tantrum tactics of a goddamn poorly raised child. and theyre just as useless to society as such a child.

A fine example. Originated, conceived and described by Freud. Now, so ubiquitous a bit of common knowledge that it may be inadvertently used as a pejorative to denigrate the very man who invented it, lol.

Actually, SJW went furher on by the path of postmodernism, believing in the necessary ideological subtext of studies of natural sciences. But even if the most fucked and indocrinated in postmodernism humanities exper knows that for the discovery of that subtext there are specific research procedures (e.g. critical discource-analysis ),SJWs claim straight-ahead that as soon as most of the scientists are white men, then all that science of yours got colonised by the white race and patriarchy, and bears their toxic ideology in them. Common outcomes of such approaches include veganism, homeopathy, occultism, anti-vaccination beliefs and other things that may damage your health. Dark and uneducated africans are told that climat change that leads to drought is solely blamed on whites, and after that simple aboriginals are getting eager to slaughter their albino children - fight against neocolonialism is the thing they have diffucluties with unerstanding, but the sacrifictions are simple and easy to perform.. And SJWs are quite pro "their traditions", "cultural diversity" etc. They even come to sympathysing with the islamists.
And bourgeois are happy : young radicals instead of being angry on them, the bougeois, are getting angry at the imaginary target - the shitlords, aks the innocent white male proletarians, they oppose the evoluton and emancipation of the Third World countries, deepen racism and sexism by supporting the positive discrimination, assault independent media, while cleaning the ground for media corporations etc and so forth.

Some of the hard-headed conspiracy theorists witness such results and either come to the conclusion that SJWs are backed by kikes (that brings the joy to the far right), or by the old habit, blame communists.Being unable to point out the direct connection, peope of the second opinion came up with the veru diffused term of "cultural marxism", thus flattering that semi-literate scm under the guidance of undereducated postmodernists.Maybe that flatter is also profitable for those in power?


you sound like an ugly cunt

I never thought of that, though I'm too happy to bludgeon his corpse with irony.

>opinions are based on the data
Trannies, egalitarianism, and multiculturalism are based entirely on social movements not on scientific facts based movements

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>All narcissism is pathological by nature of itself
no, its not, Plato