Tommy Robinson Rally Attacked by
>inb4 controlled opposition
It's quite obvious from watching him that he's just dumb enough to fall for crafty Shapiro memes about Palestinians being uncivilized (they are, but that isn't the problem in this case). Some of his rallies have also come dangerously close to looking almost revolutionary ( I really think there is growth potential among the English white working class. They're starting to realize that they have very little left to lose.

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Other urls found in this thread:

the gang that were escorted in came from the area this happened

I genuinely don't even understand how this kind of thing can happen.

>They're starting to realize that they have very little left to lose.
Good, maybe they’ll finally realize what’s at stake. No country in Europe is as hopelessly lost as the UK. It’s a fucking police state where Orwell’s 1984 has been used as a template.
>inb4 controlled opposition
Controlled opposition is a fallacious argument anyway, or at least in most of the cases that it gets used on this board. People who side with Israel on the pally question are immediately denounced, it’s a “no true scotsman” fallacy; people also need to come to grips with the fact that these kinds of movements serve a very real purpose of galvanizing support for nationalist & European cause. Just because people aren’t screaming “fuck kikes” they’re automatically labeling them as not worthy of support or attention. There is a broader struggle going on but some fags don’t seem to grasp that (aside from the traditional divide and conquer trolling going on, which routinely engage in retarded “controlled op” threads).

Tommy Robinson is JDIF. If he’s the white working classes hope then they are doomed.


This but also fuck kikes :^)



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in b4 "the absolute state of bongland"

It's one thing to do what tommy robinson is doing, and it's another to be a milquetoast rightwinger who supports israel. It's all about how much are we getting out of the deal. If it's fuck all or scraps, then they are most likely controlled op.

tommy mossad robinson tool of the rabbis and lying twat

Thought this said Tony Robinson. I was pretty surprised desu.

yeah we know.

Keep sucking the Mudslime cock, faggot traitor. See what it gets you.

Getting attacked was part of his cunning plan

Fuck off paki

Letting millions of unwanted muslim scum invade your country.....

I support Tommy.
Jews & Muslims are equal in my eyes.
Why do Muslims think their opinion of him matters?
I don’t know or care if he is a Zionist. I expect he’s just trying to annoy the muz.
Doesn’t really matter what Pakistani leafs want. Muslims must be banned. Jews can go live in Israel.
I’m literally eating sloppy joes right now but fuck Mossad AND musshills.

Delicious too. Had seconds. I love our cook she has made me so fat though.
Smoggy jog mussad

Theoretically would work for exposure if I cared to know who this was.




Other way round and it would be 24/7 (((media))) coverage.

I hate Tommy for being a (((Civ-Nat))) ZOG cunt so all this serves another purpose at least for me.

they were actively invited by (((MPs)))

Nothing would ever happen if purity turds and Muslim backstsbbers had their way. Everyone’s a Jew apparently according to them.
It would take 10 seconds to turn tommy on Jews, but I’m sick of thinking about them when Muslims need sending away.
Muslims are the issue in this case. Anyone of them bringing Jews into this are just jewing

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I don’t hate him. He’s halfway there and better than 99.99% I support him.

But I want to get things done. Move towards replacing the corrupt political parties not just LARP. You’re an impediment to change if you’re constantly joining in with the enemy and shitting on it.
Let Tommy be useful. If you hate useful people you’re a waste of time, you might just as well go work at the Metro or BBC.

you're worse than a paki if you don't get that reference.

Why are UK police useless

youre still too stupid to understand their endgame right?

the european ZOGs brought in millions of these people and let them chimp out for months and years now while shutting down the debate about it, in order to make the people angry and develop anti islam sentiments.

suddenly there are new right wing pro-zionist anti-islam shills and parties springing up like mushrooms everywhere and theyre presented as the last voice of reason.

people are so angry at this point that they are ready to fight islam for the )ews. they cant conquer the entire middle east alone. they need the help of angry white goyim for their greater israel plan and also ww3 religious war before their messiah will arrive.

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this, one group is the more pressing problem and if you think it's the jews you are a fucking idiot.

Incoming armchair Nazis who do fuck all to help fix the UK with stale overused pics of out of context images and screencaps of Tommy's PUBLIC (before they were banned) Social Media profiles of him in Mossad shirt/stood with Jews/"I'm a zionist"

You don't get why he says that because you are either a Labour Party shill/ Mi5/ retarded and out of touch.

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He's either a Muslim or a retarded accelerationist.

Times almost up for your lot

>Just because people aren’t screaming “fuck kikes” they’re automatically labeling them as not worthy of support or attention activated my almonds. i am going to eat some home made coconuts and rethink my ways.
TRLDR: this

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England is a muslim country man, and aint nothing you can do about it.

>in4 muslim
Because I'm not. I just observe and call it what it is

hey man, we don't call you Africa 2.0 now do we, well we should but we don't. how is the spic influx going my dude?

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Don't shart where you eat, mutt. Doesn't your wife have a state mandated black breeding programme to attend?

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>that graph
The US will balkanise. All the warning signs are already there right now.

he IS controlled opposition

i wont feel sorry for him before he names the jew, they are the ones who have brought the muslims here in the first place

>The US will balkanise
Yeah because it went well last time they tried that, all the men with any testosterone left over there were rounded up and killed in the civil war.

Makes sense why they're all negrophiles

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I don't care if you did. My peoples didn't purposefully flood the americas with africans

>i wont feel sorry for him
no one here does. It isn't about him. It is about the women and children that got stones thrown at their heads.

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>My peoples didn't purposefully flood the americas with africans

>what was the postbellum freedmen migrations

look at pic related and remember... 620,000 Americans died for this!

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>doesn't know who he's talking to

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yeah you keep waiting for them Nazis mate, its doing your country wonders.

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Tommy is a Zionist.

all my wuts! no seriously explain

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>posting le "sweden yes!" amerimutt cope meme

Sweden is unironically doing better than England at this point in time

Don't forget to tell us his real name like we are all 'confused and out of the loop' genius.

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Whenever Tommy Robinson is mentioned a pack of leftist scream "I-Israel", "Better let our girls raped by muslims!".

Fucking brainwashed bongs.

>Fucking brainwashed bongs.
Not one of the people you replied to were British though

hey tommuh tommuh tommuh tommuh tommuh tommuh robensuhn

reading your post made me sleepy. did it also made you sleepy while typing this?

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Zionism won't led us anywhere. Displacing those people will lead to a browning of Europe.
Strong borders not wars for Israel ok.

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England is muslim.
The US is still christian. Will it remain so, nobody knows but that's besides the point.

The US remains firmly christian and if you're paying attention to our news, they're becoming better ones which took the entertainment industry and feminist scene by surprise.

They actually banned abortion full stop in some states. A clothes hanger specialist risks 99 years in prison for attempting the act

He's in great physical shape, way better than that sawed off dad body Shapiro.

Reminders are good, plus I see people post him here like he isn’t controlled opposition, like /ptg/.

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The police escorted a gang of masked pakis, carrying stones and bricks, all shouting allah akbar, into the middle of a peaceful housing estate and stood by while they fucked shit up and attacked women and children in the street. The media then lied about everything that happened. If the authorities keep up with these dangerous tactics things will get a whole lot worse before they get any better.

Hes doing more than you. Shut the fuck up

Masonic ritual. Look at the cops hands. Left over right. The ruling class and all their minions are trannies that hate real humans. Democracy is a sham.

Google: Transvestigation.

Google: Crisis Actors.

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Absolute state of bongland

pretty much the entire far right is Israel First these day buddy
except golden dawn I think.
some of it is tacticool like salvini and he still gets shit done.
some of it is probably sincere evangelical dupes who still hate fags and get a pass on most things except Israel like Bolso.
some if it is extortion like Trump and Tommy, who know how fucking kiked up Anglo countries are and know they have to tow the line or they go to gulag.
anyhow I still like Tommeh, but I can't really see a redemption arc for Trump.
eh he could surprise me I guess.

Your a shill cunt.

The baby in the black van is wearing orange. When it pulls away, you see an orange car behind it. Orange is 33 in gematria.

I said he's doing a good job. We're all fucked anyway so it doesn't matter. Once you truly understand how far back this shit goes, you can't avoid coming to the conclusion that jews really are god's chosen people.

>Better let our girls raped by muslims

No one is saying that, and it is a better movement if you are not sucking Jew or Muslim cock. Also (((who’s))) been letting them in and not doing a damn thing about it and want you to hate Muslims to deflect any attention to (((them))?

pic related, just a prank bro, blame the Jews, because nothing gets a country to stop and listen to you like screeching about Jews and shilling Hitler as a hero.

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Its the shills. The British public support Tommy. The mans a martyr, and very brave.

In a sane world he'd be knighted

i'm not waiting for nazis you fucking retard, naming the kike doesnt make you a nazi

Fuck off. Go do some research shill.

Also isnt it strange how comfortable paid lefty shills are in throwing anti-semitism about just to try and demoralise anons, and STILL fail

These kikes and muddies benefit heavily from Europeans only seeing either jews or muslims; but they are both semitic trash. I have enough hate in my heart to hate both of these filth; especially since they are so similar. That is why anti-semitism is superior to muh left/right side of a semitic coin. Instead we have a European side and a semitic side. Make your choice; like all the Fascists did 100 years ago. Be proud of your ancestors and refuse any fucking semite to control the narrative. We europeans have always been superior to them, but our genes were heavily damaged from the last 2 great wars. Just now we are starting to get strength again.

Your are being naive about the bigger picture bong. Here is a video of him saying he is a Zionist.
Forgot link

have sex. wh*te subhumans are mad because black dick taking all the pink pussy


>but he should name the Jew
because nothing convinces the country that he isn't a Nazi like ranting about Jews.

Again, fix your Sharia shithole first, then get back to us.

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If hes controlled opposition why do the establishment try to kill him? You have no idea what its like on the ground burger. Your a shitposting cunt but this is my life, my home, i was born here and id like to raise a family here, but its practically a warzone.

And its maddening you cant even say anything, at work you have a constant set of rules in your head. Tommy is giving a voice to millions of people.


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Also pic related. (((They)) have been infiltrating any right wing movement and hijacking it and steering off course. Brits need a leader more like Oswald Mosley.

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England’s big problem since war with Napoleon is that the crown is owned by the Zionist Rothschilds.

All problems stem from zionist control of England and then pushing groups like gentiles and Muslims to fight each other in the street.

Of course they are pushing their JDIF puppet on pol.

>swede screeching about mossad in every right-wing thread
you're so dumb, your patterns are becoming recognizable.

>tommy mossad robinson tool of the rabbis and lying twat

get aids Benjamin

>why do the establishment try to kill him
Test runs nigger, just like why the Jews first banned Zionists shills first.
If YOU dont react to the bans and violence on the jew puppets, you know what's coming for you.

Bullshit. If they really wanted war, they'd radicalise both sides. This is replacement. Ofcourse the fucking government are engineering this, we know, we have to deal with our police force.

Funny how not one shill mentioned the police leading the violent muslims, but instead scream about Tommy.

just stop posting you fucking brainlet, everyone saw the video

Zionist want to rabble rouse so gentile whites and muslims are fighting in the streets... Don't fall for it. Attack the zionists directly. They are the root cause of muslims being in english towns.

>do nothing but sit on Jow Forums talking about Jews all day
>nothing is getting fixed
>go out and do something

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he was pro-European Union faggot and he backed off the Jews

>do nothing but sit on Jow Forums talking about Jews all day
>nothing is getting fixed
>go out and do something

>meme flag
Labour faggot detected
You realise its the left who are being played by the Jews right?!

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you are so obviously a jew

Why does Alex Jones get censored? Even though it’s clear as day he is a shill. (((They))) use these people to control us and make us think we can trust them. I’ll use aj as an example again, Jones use to tell the truth about 9/11 and who was behind it, which was the hook so that people trust him and can build up the followers then once he had enough people watching him he started giving out disinformation about 9/11 and saying the Saudis where the ones behind it. Most likely these guys like tommy and jones will become uncensored and they’ll go after the people who call out the Zionist, the left and right will say they are both against anti semitism and they both agree on banning anyone who criticizes Jews or Israel.

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Wait.... Owen Jones is JEWISH????

Fuck me...

ah so you're one of those "i don't care about raace, I care about Christian and American values! blah blah" retards, never mind then you're not worth the effort kek

keep looking for them sneaky Jews hiding behind rocks and trees mate, while you are stuck on trying to debunk shit from 80 years ago we will continue trying to get shit sorted out which is happening today.

>you're a Jew
prove to me you aren't a Labour/Muslim shill
Palestine doesn't exist, Greater Israel will come, nuke Iran.

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He wanted a E.U. That would actually protect its people not import a bunch of Africans and Middle Eastners. Just like we though the U.N was going to be used as a peacemaker.

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>Tommy will become uncensored
lol when? thick cunt, he has his shit uploaded by others and that gets taken down, demonetised etc.

Here's Tommy helping the Jewish run BBC

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Based Notch