meta thread. are their identities known? couldn't they be FBI agents and we wouldn't even know? who ARE they?
Do we even know (((who))) the mods are here?
Other urls found in this thread:
Tabloid journalists, unironical homosexuals, autistic stem nerds. You must be new here.
their actions make me suspicious of their true agenda
Nah if they were feds they'd let us freely shitpost to expose how truly autistic we are.
>True true
>If they were feds they would let us freely shitpost until we incriminate ourselves so they can justify their jobs
they are kikes that defend pizzagate, Jow Forums is a psyop.
I assume this is a big wargaming simulator and I'm helping my country by identifying possible threat vectors. Also, fuck the mods! KILL ALL JEWS!
they delete any thread that goes too far into very important sensitive areas aka the truth
>unsubstantial niggerhate thread #9262
>i think powerful people in our government are running a secret pedophile ring and using their power to get away with it, and i have evidence
Jay Irwin is a Jow Forums mod
this. its a containment board.
think of /pol as a place where they can at least try to poison the well en-masse
if /pol every went down they would have to figure out how to track all the diaspora
- when i write it like that its so funny how obvious their role as the TRUE FASCISTS are.
if you think of yourself as a fascist - just go join whoever monitors these free-speech zones.
it always sucks when they have dibs on us but they never show their face. trust? never.
there is no "true agenda"
it's all plain
this is a honeypot
everyone is being monitored
everyone has a folder with some glow agency
the threads that stay up are the (((approved))) threads, try reporting an "x not white' thread
what do?
shitpost twice as hard under your real IP
Suck my dick glowniggers
We meet in the sewers below Gotham.
>So this is the fucking manlet kike moderating these blogposts.
Straight from jewyork
Mfw triggerd mods
Yes, I know a few personally after many years of lurking. They are indeed very homosexual. You really don't want to know more.
I've honestly never seen a deleted thread that did not deserve it.
>Jay Irwin is a Jow Forums mod
Now we now where the YangGang comes from, the mods (that and Spencer).
>Jay Irwin is a Jow Forums mod
Yes I know the mods personally, they are faggots but they are our faggots
>they got downgraded from the party van to an ex cop car
Times are tough.
A lot of them are redditors and trannies. You can tell from their discord profiles. The move from irc exposed a lot of jannies.
They reach them before you do.
It's working.