Germany turns RED!
What are your gonna do about it?
Germany turns RED!
What are your gonna do about it?
Laugh in Arabic
>what am I gonna do about it
literally nothing lad crack on
If they don't remove kebab, their revolution is false.
Nothing wait for them to kill each other and starve
Communism left fewer people dead than capitalism has and the famine under stalin was not the fault of communism. Stalin turned Russia from a literal shithole medievil state into a global worldpower.
Laugh in Mexican
Kebabs will stay in their country after the revolution, because imperial policies by international hyenas will not force them to flee.
>advocating for communism
>also hipster rich guy with wine a.k.a. bourgeoisie
see yourself here?
>see yourself here?
No. You might aswell come with real arguments instead of replying with ignorance.
>Germany turns RED!
It will never go red, the only reason why this shit exists or ever existed is just to whip these freaks into a frenzy so at some point they can be unleashed onto the people who no longer fall for libshit bullshit.
then again
The lowest creature on earth, truly. How we can even be related is beyond me.
Why that weird angle from below? Are they all manlets?
Wait a sec. Who is being unleashed on to who?
Says a person who openly legitimates a system in which the lowest creature in society is being held as a slave.
And yes we are related in a way, you are just a coward.
you schnitzel bois went nazi once
going red is like tuesday morning durr
Your reading comprehension, work on it nigger
nice trap beat.
you steal that from a free country?
>famine under stalin wasnt cause communism
what was it then? an act of God? oh wait...
>Says a person who openly legitimates a system in which the lowest creature in society is being held as a slave.
If that is you then I'll be openly fine with it, slave.
You voting cattle should know your place is in the dirt. You can't free yourself. Not because you lack initiative. It is just not in your nature. You are petty and idiotic, struggling with your own more than with others.
So go ahead and play revolutionary. You'll end up dead either way.
>Communism left fewer people dead than capitalism
Even that lies in our nature.
Better learn your history. The jewish propaganda is working good on you goyims.
Ever thought about why you wake up every morning to your dead end job in order to work off your debt, while people you work for, influence politcal decisions who are not in your intersts at all? You voted for people that should represent you and they end up feeding you pink slime. You are to weak to stand your ground and to openly point towards the people who are wronging you, instead you resign and will probably vote for the FPÖ, because:
>hur dur they'll make everything better
>U.S.S.R. 1917-1987
Many of the early statistics came from german propaganda while the troops retreated from the eastern front, demonising the enemy. Besides of that, the U.S.S.R was involved in four wars in that time period. WW1, a civil war, WW2 and in Afghanistan.
Tell me how many conflicts where primarly fought by the U.S? How many people die in production countrys, while making our goods?
You can create a statistic in everybodys favour, but it is undeniable that people are dying right now while manufacturing our clothes for a few cents.
>Communism's faults are always sure to external factors
>Capitalism faults are intrinsic
That was not in any way what I said. I was just pointing out that the myth that the stateform under Stalin was ineffective and killed millions of people is false.
Humor me. What kind of evidence would it need for you to admit that you're wrong?
Lets turn this around. What makes you so sure that you're right?
Burgers and Russians can you please this time just nuke Germany?
What is the Marshal Plan?
>Burgers and Russians can you please this time just nuke Germany?
Romania Isn't that far off nignog
>What is the Marshal Plan?
The Marshall Plan was an American initiative to aid Western Europe, in which the United States gave over $13 billion in economic assistance to help rebuild Western European economies after the end of World War II. -Wikipedia
And yeah it worked fine. Short term. Nowadays it looks a bit different over here.
>Famine wasn't their fault.
Who's job was it to grow and distribute food?
Before you blame it on the farmers the government took over the farms.
>Communism left fewer people dead.
Are you counting people dying of old age?
We went through communism there isn't going back for us.
Only forward,keep making your little rap videos while every other nation opens up and takes over businesses in Germany
At least you will get good at raping at will need it when begging:)
did that global superpower by chance went under because their oil exports plummeted?
>if you have one German family member you're allowed to move to Germany.
Well thank you grandpa for fucking all those Russian subhuman whores instead of fighting.
All Russians should be deported and never allowed in in the first place.
>literal shithole medievil state
And they call us bigoted.
Loans that got repaid with high interests.
next question?
>imagine the smell
Why does all this rap from Germany/France,western states in general sound so shit?
The UK/US and Italy are the only western states that have good hip-hop/rap
Here....have some Orthodox Rap.
Stop being a nigger lover and stop listening to this dumb ooga-booga shit. All rappers deserve the oven.
Nobody listens to music made by niggers.
I'm just pointing out a fact.
Any type of rap has its origins in gigaboo mating squeals, stop promoting it.
>Communism left fewer people dead than capitalism has
Know true evil = capitalism
>What are your gonna do about it?
Prepare for World War 3 : Fuck Germany edition.
Being number 5 in the worlds most powerful militaries, we should be ready for anything now.
German guilt has progressed so much in the last few decades that they became Communists, even after the actual commies in WW2 raped and burned half their country.
How cucked can you be, Germany?
Ok ok calm down but you really can't say that Cedryk isn't based.
This time it will be Germany alone vs everybody else,may be this time we will be rid of them once and for all.
Without German colonization your shit tier country would not even exist. Even your president is German. You should be whipped on the market place by your teutonic masters.
I know it's bait, but god damn.
Yeah and we want him out.
He's literally a nobody that does nothing.
Dude the moment we started kicking the Sas/Austrians out the better it got for us:)
You won't be missed
Look I understand saying life was better under communism than captialism. But it's proven stalin allowed millions to die. Also bad B8 but I had to respond anyway.
Is that why Romanians are flooding western Europe because you know how to run a proper country so well?
>Communism left fewer people dead than capitalism has
Not true, because you don't know shit about the subject.
The subject is called "Democide", meaning the purposeful killing of one's own citizens in the name of politics and social issues.
Now see in pic related The Democide toll of Communism through time.
Capitalism, being built upon democracy has no real Democide (that I've seen).
And povrety is a fallacy, because in every system, in every country and before the creation of capitalism, povrety has existed and it exists regardless of capitalism.
So no, you're 100% wrong and I got the sources and definition to prove you wrong
Type Democide in Google and get yourself educated on the subject
Typical bullshit argument, comparing death of people from conflicts and dying of natural causes simply for existing in a capitalist system.
Listen here:
"the intentional killing of an unarmed or disarmed person by government agents acting in their authoritative capacity and pursuant to government policy or high command"
Step up your game commie fags.
Facts VS Feelings.
Come at me with some real shit
Unwanted leeches like the Hungarians and Germans from not so long ago.
Westerners stealing resources
Many factors to take into consideration.
Good thing is we kicked you out and you ain't getting shit in return.
Soon you won't be able to take a single log out of Romania as well.
Because of you cucks us and everyone in Europe will cease to exist. I swear, you fucking krauts have some nerve looking down on others while bending over to your psychotic government and sucking off every nigger and kike at your disposal while shaming everyone who doesn't do the same. Get fucked.
No, it's because you fuckers are keeping the corrupt system going in OUR fucking country, you cum guzzler. We had referendums that should have passed easily but the EU had to step in and keep the faggot puppet in power.
You've done nothing but try and destroy Europe for over a century, this would be the third, arguably the fourth time. Again, get fucked.
>What are your gonna do about it?
Watch your Jewish and anti-White ideology collapse all on its own.
>You should be whipped on the market place by your teutonic masters.
Top kek m8.
I see you've successfully assimilated the Muslim/Arabic culture of whipping people publicly for no good reason.
I have to ask if The GoatFucking has been legalised yet in Germanistan?
Asking for a cousin
They look like a bunch of micks
So sad that you gypsies will die out pretty soon :')
>Asking for a cousin
I see you are a cultured man:)
Neah,population will stabilize itself at around 16 mil or so.
Good thing we are taking over businesses in Germany
Keep in mind the Romanian diaspora has on average 3x more kids than in Romania.Some of them will come back
>Stalin turned Russia from a literal shithole medievil state into a global worldpower.
No. The USA did that. We did it to China too unfortunately.
>he thinks that hoards of niggers coming illegally into his country counts as legitimate population increase
Also, we beat and discriminate against gypos every day here, can you say the same about your rodent infestation? Of course not, that would get you arrested.
Imagine being this cucked, lol
>thinking corporal punishment is exclusively muslim
>thinking what made the west great was being a soft push over and leniency
>le Germanistan Breitbart meme
quick, go oppose Islam because they might take away the right of your daughter to fuck as many niggers as she wants or throw a faggot off a roof top
>Germans stole Romanias "wealth"
top cope
Those are clearly Russian immigrants who came here when their subhuman empire fell.
Just look at their dumb Russian faces.
Russshit immigrants are everywhere the same MUUH DEGENERATE WEST MUUH SAVIOR PUTIN RUSSIA THE BEST COUNTRY IN THE World... While living in the west trying everything to change their host country to the same pisshole that they fleed from.
Nobody here is turning commie just Russians being as usual subhumans.
Do you have any idea where our forests go?
Who sold us out the most to the Ottomans?
Who ware the Saxons from Transilvania?
Living like kings on the backs of Romanians.
>hurr durr I dindu nuffin
Christ, nigger nation with a nigger attitude. Be honest, when did you immigrate to Germany, Ahmed?
They do have those Russian mutt faces now that i look at it.
Krauts being Krauts, doing Kraut things
>Romanian King invites Germans because Romanians are unable to run the country properly
>Germans move in and are instantly succesful, creating wealth out of nothing
>>hurr the Saxons are living off our backs
Saxons created formidable societies wherever they went. I get that you are jelly but you should focus on improving yourself.
>hehe Ahmed
Okay Gypsy
Well you are partially right only that a lot of tech got stolen and a lot of industry too.
And in the vudeo
Former commie states have people with their dumb commie nostalgia sure but east German commies would miss the GDR not the stupid CCCP.
fucking Russians should just die already.
>Okay Gypsy
That doesn't answer my question. You're obviously not a pure kraut since you're too retarded and have no idea what you're talking about, so what breed of shitskin are you?
Some did but most were "Boier" basically slave "master"
And no you idiot nobody invited the saxons,the Hungarians brought them here.
The only invited German was Ferdinand.
Clearly Germany can't be counted on to fix themselves. It'll take another Austrian.
Why don't you kill your corrupt politicans instead of blaming Germans that were invited into Romania 800 years ago? And created beautiful cities. You have no right to blame others until you you did everything you could to fix your country.
Invited thats horseshit the government demanded one after deposing the rightful president after both the left and right united because he wasnt alright with their neo feudalism they were making.
So the Hungarians who controlled the related territory at the time invited the Saxons.
>usual subhumans.
Meanwhile your ubermensch daughter will suck nigger cock and your grandchildren will be part baboon.
>>thinking corporal punishment is exclusively muslim
Never said it was exclusive, but if you want, tell me more about the non-muslim countries that cut off the hands of thieves. I'm interested.
>>thinking what made the west great was being a soft push over and leniency
The West was made by the Enlightenment.
My country fought for democracy inside and outside when all of Europe was still in Monrachies.
Napoleon had to kick major ass to propagate democratic ideals.
Your country was pretty fucking opposed to democracy and made sure to reinstate a king as soon as you could.
So I wouldn't take that route of conversation if I were you.
>>le Germanistan Breitbart meme
I don't read that shit. And I think the meme existed before Breitbart, but I could be wrong
>quick, go oppose Islam because they might take away the right of your daughter to fuck as many niggers as she wants or throw a faggot off a roof top
Oh wow okay, you're that dumb.
Why don't you go live in those islamic shitholes if it's such a great system?
You're actuvely promoting sharia law.
I'm just baffled at the fact you think that shit is a good idea.
Maybe you're a beta cuck that can't get pussy without that authoritarian government to give you your well-earned middle eastern waifu.
So I understand why an incel would be pro-sharia, but common, you can do it yourself, I believe in you, Hans!
Go out there and get some puss, my man.
You'll make it one day
We already did, 30 years ago. Why don't you, yours seem a lot worse?
I'm not blaming you,for that.
I'm blaming you for this.
I'm blaming the Austrians for Holzindustrie Schweighofer
I'm blaming you again for crying about "stolen" land and German leeches want Saxon land back
There is plenty to blame you for asshole,you are the ones corrupting.
The corrupt will be judged as well.
The Hungarians that subjugated the people did yes.
It's so ridiculous at this point XDDDDD
Because everyone is coopted there is literally not 1 politician that represents the interest of this nation or ethnic people of outside maybe the hungarian extremist parties.
We're not shitalians so fuck off surrender monkey
Is doing the same thing twice and fucking up both times just a German thing or what?
Because we are too well off economically to do such a thing, unfortunately. At least for now.
There will be unrest in the future if there is a big economic depression and/or enough boomers have died off to leave huge parts of our infrastructure dysfunctional.
I hope it happens soon.
gay. Holy shit, is this your first day on Jow Forums ?
>defending democracy
>defending the french revolution
>defending jew enabler Napoleon
have you learned nothing?
Shut the fuck up, discount Austrian, don't talk to Italy like that.
Soviet rape babies. The last time they tried they brought about the 3rd Reich, so maybe this is a good thing.
List of names include second or third name too and every damn shitskin is named Mohamed as first second or third name...
Well that surely showed me.
Soviet agents infiltrated your third world nation and thanks to them you're all brown mutts now.
Lmao well done commie faggots.
Better dead than kraut.
>there's so many shitskins in my country that we have more Mohamed than Hans
Yeah, I surely did show you.
>urge to bring freedom intensifies
Only one kind of commie is good.
The France strategy since the world wars has been to stick as close to Germany as possible diplomatically so the border doesn't turn into trouble. Be careful or they'll drag you into the red with them.
Great, moving Targets