>I'm talking to my girlfriend.
>She tells me that she could easily start something with my friend J.
>I tell her I could have sex with one of her best friends without any problems if I wanted to, because she always sends me signs anyway
>she's mad at me and ignored me since yesterday
Why? If she says something like that, it's all right, but I can't?
I'm talking to my girlfriend
She is mad at you for a different reason which is why she would say something like that in the first place.
So, your girl tried to play mind games with you by saying she could fuck one of your friends and got pissy because you answered in kind?
Don't wanna tell you how to run your life, but she sounds like a bitch, my man.
Sounds like a child op
You probably shouldn't try to understand. Even if she told you her real honest reasoning this would only lead to more confusion and more questions as in a ever developing fractal.
Dump that bitch and fuck her friend.
I don't know why she should be mad. Our relationship is actually going well
Why do girls make such mind games? What did she hope to achieve by telling me something like that? I don't get it. She called me an hour ago and asked if we could watch a movie today. Why did she ignore me before?
You're in the right, but are you happy about it?
It's classic female doublespeak. She probably just wanted some validation. For you to tell her that she's desirable.
Some people will probably call me a cuck for it but i'd have agreed like it was obvious and maybe made a joke about my friend having good taste or that she probably could with most of my friends.
Basically anything except getting jealous over it and turning it into a contest of who can make the other more jealous.
Because you're dating a dumb bitch. Stop dating dumb bitches and this won't be an issue in your life anymore.
>I'll just feed into my girlfriend's mental fuckery, that will surely do well to our relationship
Holy shit why do women think this is acceptable behavior?
>>I'll just feed into my girlfriend's mental fuckery, that will surely do well to our relationship
It probably will. She gets what she wants, you're not losing anything (and also get what you want - a happy gf).
I'm not telling you to be a doormat. I'm suggesting that you let the unimportant shit go instead of considering everything a challenge you need to push back against to prove your manliness or whatever. It's a strategy that'll save you a lot of trouble, stress and effort.
You'll have to decide for yourself what's more important to you, being right and "winning" the argument (if you consider your gf ignoring you, being jealous and hurting her friendships a win) or having a happy gf.
Well, unless the makeup sex is really good. But keep in mind those relationships usually don't last that long.
She fucked J already
This. You should fuck her friend
u passed the shit test
and fuck her friend
Yeah, this was a really bitchy shit test. Honestly it was pretty fucking rude, and would make me really question the future of this relationship. You did well though, you slung it right back at her and didn't go begging for forgiveness once she got all pissy over your response.
schopenhauer says to treat them bitches like lil kids: play nice and give them the illusion of control.
if you don't love her, fuck it and start finding an exit plan.
if you do, should have said something like "well i wouldn't blame him for slipping because you a dime" and then done something playfully sexual like slap her ass, or you know something along those lines, i realize how spaghetti that sample looks on paper.
There are things you let go and there are those you dont. Saying you could fuck my friend is one of those things you don't let go. Its disrespectful to both you and your friend. Zero tolerance for shit tests and other bullshit women come up with.
Your gf is trash. Get a new one.
>if you do, should have said something like "well i wouldn't blame him for slipping because you a dime" and then done something playfully sexual like slap her ass, or you know something along those lines, i realize how spaghetti that sample looks on paper.
>gf implies she could/would easily cheat
>"reward her with a compliment and show no ill effect!"
How to Get Cucked: A Memoir of a Faggot on Jow Forums
Sounds like a roastie who will cuck you sooner or later, abandon ship.