Wtf is this are they actually reptile?

Wtf is this are they actually reptile?

Attached: Screenshot_20190521-070026_Twitter.jpg (1432x1416, 523K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>"And don't be saying that the Rabbi is white - Jews are not genetically white, nor are they recognized as white under the law."

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I thought gagging was the normal reaction when seeing black people

The blacks in the thread are stumped because they can't blame ebil notzees wite fokes for it. It fried their circuits.

all hellspawn can projectile vomit

When have black ever cared about nazis

They don't and they don't give a fuck about the Holocaust either and never will. We are talking about an entire continent of people now representing various diaspora who were robbed of their culture, identity, and history. Sure they get to live in the US instead of shitty Africa but they hold that against us for obvious reasons, and don't sympathize with the Jew. Some are even woke on the fact that Jews were the slave traders.

I never saw anyone capable to vomit at command, I am kinda scared

lol. reminds me of the first time i smelled one.

not receiving a lot of attention, wonder why? perhaps putting jews and black on a scale is challenging for leftist

What in literal hell ?! You people do know that actual reptiles vomit like that , this can be solid proof that they exist lol

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You can train your abdominal muscles to force it up. Only works if you have a lot in your stomach.


Holy fuck. That's exactly what a fucking reptile would do. They vomit just like that.


>Wtf is this are they actually reptile?


Attached: Jew Reptile Fatality kombat.webm (720x480, 468K)

Attached: AIPAC Lee Rosenberg.gif (320x212, 784K)

Attached: Khazar serpent people.jpg (364x105, 21K)

holyshit if you want to convince anyone of this shit you need to pull the actual clip not film your TV like a textbook schizoid

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How the hell does one vomit on command ?

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this lol

One of the strangest things I've ever seen.

Bullshit. You're just making that up to make sense of something impossibly strange.

>textbook schizoid

Textbook Reptilian Jew response

Attached: epic jew schizo.jpg (2347x2139, 2.27M)

Synagogue of Satan. Wouldn't be surprised if they are just demons disguised as humans.

>meme flag posts schizo shit
>gets called schizo
ok pal, you really know how to call em XD

Attached: Black son pranks dad.gif (320x180, 1.04M)


lol did you type that with your forked tongue?

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We are all working for the reptilians. We live in their system. For sure you can live in nature but at some point you will get sick or injure yourself and be forced to come back if you want to stay alive/healthy

I thought that was pretty fucking cool. Then again, I identify as a Dilophosaurus.

Attached: giphy (4).gif (350x185, 763K)

If he wasn't Jewish, this would be all over CNN for a solid month.

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Yo muhfuggin jambajamz schigginit yo yo bitchazz nigguh muhfuggin bix nood rakafuggin fuck muhfuggah dem jews mug muhfuggin freyands dey makin it rayyyyin wit dem rap albums an bassketbawl con-trax muhfuggah fuck whypipo an shieet nigguh.


he’s right but in this case the jew obviously spit out a mouthful of a drink he took right before

Who knows.

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Drop red pills on slavery etc

Dr tony martin

Look Who Is Behind the Push to Legalize Pedophilia in America

Nazi taxi

Muhammad Ali Vehemently Disapproves Of Race Mixing

To my black bothers from a southern white man, we need to band together to fight this shit. I want all the of the pieces of shit people, whatever the fucking color, to stop being pieces of shit. We all know lazy niggers, and lazy crackers and lazy wetbacks. Our society has them all. We have to see the jews, freemasons and the rest of the elite four what they are. The only way to fight it, is with knowledge, no fear and love. I realize this will not be popular, and I don't give a fuck. I truly hope black people will be able to see life objectively, as well as every other race. I'm sure a neckbeard will chime in with some nonsense, but that doesn't matter either. Things are the way they are, because that's how (((they))) want us to be. Divide and conquer in every aspect of our life. If we continue to hate, then we are allowing ourselves to be manipulated by the jews and every other faggot in the top 1% of the ruling class.

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This x 6,000,000