If you haven't had an ER visit by age 12, you're a pussy

Kids today are raised by paranoid pussies, who throw a screen in their face at 6 months old. They never have any risk, they never actually do anything.

Check out this badass in the 70's no shirt, no helmet, probably got more pussy than tampax in his teen years. Lived the life. He didn't need to go on a school shooting to get attention.

Attached: Badass.png (745x580, 641K)

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I rode bmx and got a wicked busted lip from it because fuck fullface helmets. I would still wear a shirt though. Farmers tans get the brown bitches wet.

My first bike was a schwinn banana seat, I crashed that bitch so many times I finally broke the handlebar, then I got a proper BMX bike.

I had a dyno. My buddy had a powerlite. I preferred his bike over mine, but what could I do about it but steal his while he was in a cast. Goodtimes. We would make dirt jumps and the whole neighborhood would come out to test them out. Nothing like accidentally pulling off a superman just throw your bike while you're 15ft in the air.

Tru Ive gotten fucking murderd so many ways the most satisfying would be getting riddled with bullets on your chest. Feels like your getting tickled mega wickedly.

I was in ICU for 3 days when I was 5 years old, beat that faggot

If you went to the ER instead of convincing yourself that you are fine, you're a pussy.

>Broke nose while breaking on front wheels while rear ones failed
>Went bloodied up the street pushing bike
>Told mom i need a tissue
>got tissue and smack on the face
>lied it was just a scratch and im no pain
>slept on back almost suffocated couple of time
>Pussy cause i hated doctors

Dirt ramps took time, we'd just make questionable board ramps and hopefully nobody would die. Best one was going to the lake, if somebody had a shit bike, we'd jump it off a ramp into the water, all good fun until all the grease washed out of the bearings. I miss those days.

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Ok, Leaf speaks the truth.

powerlites cracked all the time, i had a schwinn prostock xl my other buddies were into redline.. lol , pulling off accidental superman while landing on your belly on the seat was ultimate

bad advice leaf. i have a lot shit that doesnt work so well anymore.

when i was a kid i slipped on the side of a pool and busted my face and needed stitches :(

same, thats how i learned 360/backflip

I did stupid dangerous shit on my bicycle all the time and paid the price a couple times but I really hated hurting my knees

First ER was age 3 for face stitches. Second trip at age 8 for multiple lacerations and more face stiches. Age 12 for broken arm. Good times.

>South Africa
Where you mauled by a lion?

We would have thrown rocks at him had he showed up to the mountain bike park without a helmet. Sure they make you look stupid, but you'd look even more retarded with half your brain on the ground.
Really though, we just didn't want some turd fucking up and getting the park closed.
Take risks, but be smart about them. Only non-whites take risks without assessing the possible dangers and outcomes.

Broke my left elbow on New Year’s Eve while hanging out with friend on a playground, broke my right the summer before my freshman year of high school. ALWAYS was covered in scabs and now I’ve got a lot of cut marks on my skin from it all... I’d say I had a great childhood lol

Yes, today it is smart to wear a helmet, back in the day, they didn't really have bike helmets that were practical, and the ones they did, nobody wore. My point is, it seems kids today don't even want to go outside and do shit.

I was in second grade and everyone called me monkey boy. It was bad..

Welp. At least I am not gay

There was always an abandoned/undeveloped lot in every neighborhood that was 'the track' where kids would ride.
Today that empyt lot would be fenced up and neighbors would call if you were riding in it

>Kids today are raised by paranoid pussies

kek, the insecurity & projection in this post is obvious.

t. R selected, public school, draft dog

Took a dive off a 2 story balcony at 3, compound fracture'd my right arm at 5, busted my left knee open on a broken car windshield at 8, broken my right fist on some guy's face at 15, split my knuckle open on another guy's face at 24, got attacked by a pitbull leaving a kakashi-scar over my right eye at 26, idk mate how the fuck am I still alive?

Zoomers will never know this feel.

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Yeah, kids need to go outside and do shit. Even if that means potentially being abducted by creepers. That's how you learn to run/ride really fast.

Boomers where the first generation of pussy parents.

maybe you're just are a clumsy retard

Well hell, they took our lead paint away! How else were we supposed to turn into supermen?

Rather be clumsy and have fun than a weak bitchboy who chills doin the zoomer forknife

>potentially being abducted by creepers
You realize that risk is far lower today than even in the 70's

Probably in prison utilizing all the sex skills he learned in his teens.

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Couch potato zoomer spotted.

I was too rugged and dexterous to get injured

lol if you have parents that would take you to an ER over some shit like a broken bone or an animal bite you are a pussy.
ER is for pussies. just do first aid.
what kind of pussy little fat faggot weakling goes to the hospital? jesus christ you guys are sad little panzy coward shits.

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I had chemo treatment when I was 5. Pussies don't know shit about that.

I also got a grant a wish to all the parks in Orlando with a VIP pass for two weeks. Worth losing a kidney

That has to be the most Australian picture ever.

More likely a nigger.

The “back in my day” argument is older than recorded history, but I agree about putting kids in front of a screen/tablet. I fondly remember my super Nintendo, but also my mom kicking me out of the house to go play outside; raiding local construction sites, getting stuck in mud and doing other annoying shit kids do. Seeing how little kids play outside nowadays is kind of worrisome.

Also hit my knee on some bent piece of metal while falling off a beam on a construction stie. Limped all the way home, got stiches and a tetanus shot; upside was that I got to stay home for the rest of the week and play some Nintendo games.

You have some good stories to tell.

>If you haven't had an ER visit by age 12, you're a pussy
Or just not a fucking retard/talented enough not to injure themselves/don't have parents that over react to minor injuries

a few of my old bmx mates went on to kill themselves.
there is a correlation (unknown in the 80's) between dropping onto your unprotected head when crashing from a badly performed ariel..

if we had been given helmets we would have laughed and thrown them away anyway.

>tfw rode down a hill on my bmx and fucked myself up completely

good times.

t. Angry fatso
Go outside

>it was unknown in the 80s that head impacts could damage brains
You see this ridiculous nonsense with the nfl, too. You’re all a bunch of retards then and no wonder boomers and millennials both ignore gen x.

>shin poking out, pissing out blood
i'm bad

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heh we were 11 years old, what kind of wisdom would 11 years olds be expected to have.

t. Old fag . grew up in the 70's. Good times. Tons of stupid shit done. 36 different breaks & fractures , over 200 stitches. No helmut or mouth guards back in the day sports.
THEN... middle age/old age creeps up on you.

Pretty much this, by the 90's practical helmets came around, but in the 70's and 80's Hell most of us were riding around without seatbelts (not so smart)
I still ride mountain bikes and motorcycles, I wear my gear (especially on the sport bike) Last year I had hard crash on my mountain bike out in Sedona, split my helmet, but after years of crashing, I know how to fall, probably why I didn't get seriously injured.

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I got my elbow ravaged in asphalt playing handball. I could see my bone.
Still don't know what difference does it really make.

As a teen, ironically my elbow was ravaged by my hand playing with my balls. But that's another store..

I had broken at least 3 bones by age 10

Never really had to go to the ER but my bike beat the shit out of me. I loved that thing to death though.

Yeah my pet, but he was good boi he dindu nuffin!!!!!

So many stitches as a kid, never broke a bone though.

Yeah, I can't imagine how kids today exist in this bubble of perpetual safety. They'll never be thrown from a bike at high speed, never fall a few stories and dust themselves off like nothing, never feel paralyzing pain, get the wind knocked out of them, hear your own bones crunch.

It's soi all the way down lads. We're doomed.

The only thing I've broken was my finger, twice. And that's 40+ years of
>Water Skiing
>Dirt bikes
>Mountain bike racing
>Road bike Racing
>Street racing motorcycles

Not sure how I did it, maybe my big one is still waiting for me.

Maybe I'm just not a bumbling clumsy fuck who winds up in the ER

Did your asshole ever rebound from the vicious railing that Mandela's sons gave you?

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What kind of stores you visit?

Oh yah it's so much fun being crippled. Fuck off.

The extreme sports kick is probably some kind of occult sacrifice ritual to consumerism.

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Typo. was supposed to be "story"

He can and does do all that because hes good looking, not because he's not a pussy. Noone cares about some genetically unpleasing looking person doing bike tricks and going to the ER. Are you retarded or something?

most of the bros i skated with chose it because organized sports are super gay. and we got a lot of pussy.

>bleeding profusely
>going to ER
Who is the pussy? Kek.

Spotted the couch potato fatty

damn you Americans are lucky, here in my country I broke a foot from 5th grade from dancing and falling off a rock and I had to endure 3 months of pain and hiding it from my mom but later finds out and not going to doctors to fix but instead purposely use water and delocation to fix it

Never went to ER beyond getting me balls stabbed by a cut tree stump. That wasn't painful. Just weird. And bloody. Think most of my reason for crying was because it was pretty much the most evident example that I'm not just some child of god or some shit. That I'm a real, fallible human being.

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Keep in mind this is when I was still young enough to run with undies. The fact that my reaction was mostly based on a complete break of reality was kinda crazy.

But I had fun from the incident

buddy of mine cut his ball sack on in wreck, bled like crazy, we patched it up, he was freaking, no damage though. lots of stitches.

How do I do a wheelie?

I broke my shoulder 3 times and received three concussions by time I was 13.

All shoulder injuries were from hockey, 2 of the concussions was from hockey one of them was from motocross

I'm not even that old, I was born in 95, and kids today are such massive pussies

When I finally learned to ride a bike around 7 years old I was riding along the road and drove off into a ditch to avoid a mailbox and ran into a chainlink fence, the handlebars twisted to the left 90° and all my weight went right into them.
I got up and thought I was fine just felt a bit dizzy.
Ended up riding back to grandmas house and was hanging out for a few.. then out of nowhere I puked everywhere.
Then I went to take a piss and it was straight blood coming out.
Scared the shit out of me.
Rushed to the hospital and apparently I tore my kidney open a bit.
Luckily I didn't need any surgery but I remember needing to use a catheter for like a week or 2.
God damn every time I pissed it was like needles in my dick.
Finally when I got it taken out it was the best feeling I'd ever felt in my life.
I took a piss for like 3 minutes and it was like I was in heaven.

With your little dillie.

>know how to fall
No, dude, you've been lucky so far.

I remember the first time one of my friends got one of those little portable metal ramps. OMG into the pool... It was glorious

>one visit
You are a pussy. I started wrecking myself on a bike at 4 just to grow up to be a 14yo and continuing wrecking on a 50cc. Than 250, now 644. I'm lucky though, just broke 2 fingers left hand, 1 finger left foot and nose. I've nearly drowned a couple of time, once I almost caught fire. It's a city vs countryside thing, at least here it is.

Yeah. That's called growing up.

>Farmers tans get the brown bitches wet.

As a zoomer,I did a lot of stuff when I were younger,some stuff that I had done when I was like 7-15 years old
>screaming at people slurs from the balcony or apartment window
>doing tricks with some shitty bikes
>going downhill with the shitty bikes
>spitting on pizza slices and throwing them to gyppos from neighborhood
>stealing fruits from people's gardens such as grapes,cherries or apples and running from
>climbing on balconies or hypermarkets
>doing parkour all whole day (tons of injuries and bones broken)
>jumping from tall objects
>some kind of king of the hill on high objects and pushing each other down from them into wheat (broke my lips multiple times)
>making people run after us at night and calling the police
>fighting championships (wrestling and boxing)
>throwing stuff or dead animals into the home's of the people that had windows opened or on balconies
>getting drunk outside at night and running while we were screaming and dancing and listening to music

>no helmet

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If you still ride an bicycle past the age of 16 seriously you are a fag, dirtbikes are where the real men go.

>fond memories of harassing twinks while riding our dirtbikes on their bicycle trails

Lean back in the seat, with the momentum from pushing down on the pedal. Don’t pull on the handlebars. Try and find the sweet spot and keep peddling to keep the momentum. If you go too high, use the back brake to bring the front wheel down.
Also, practice.

I remember pieces of this, but when I was about 2 or 3 I was on a bookshelf about 4 feet high and fell off it. I always swore I saw purple glass shattering and spreading out the same as dropping a glass would. Turns out, it was my head slamming into the floor and parents took me to the ER and the nurses pulling me aside alone and asking what happened, I guess they wanted to see if my parents were telling the truth...like in the pic. but purple...

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If you weren't doing this at 12, you're a pussy.


that's just because italian engineering is fucking awful.

>Being a retarded nigger is so cool!
lol, fucking Jow Forumscucks man, got messed up all the time and never went to no faggot doctor cause only the pussy cucks go to the hospital

Never went to the ER. When I would hurt myself pretty bad as a kid my dad would just laugh at me and tell me to walk it off.

And I did. I love you, dad.

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>what is Ferrari, Lamborghini, Lancia, Beretta
Arguably, bong engineering is worse.

Nice recall.... we did have a great life as kids.
We would cut off hollow forks from huffys and drive onto each other to aake choppers..... only problem cam when they would get loose and fall off ...then you nuts get cozy with the goose neck....good times... was still able to make kids tho.... growing up in the 70$ and 80$ good times all around.

Yeah I was shot 9 times when I was 5. Fuck outta here pussy.

No offense but Italian engineering ain't exactly all that great, the Brits on the other hand used to make some amazing fucking cars though, and bikes

The only time i had to go to the ER was 2 years ago when i dislocated my shoulder in a drunken ding dong ditch attempt. I rang the doorbell to one of the apartments we were dicking around at, my friend ran one way, i ran the other way and tripped over a chain that was blocking a private road that was apart of the property. It turns me upside down in the air, making me land on the side of my neck and shoulder. Good thing none of the nurses or doctors checked to see if i was under the influence since i was 16.

I also went to the ER when i was 14 due to a infected hair follicle.

Video games are literally superior to any outdoor activity. Back in my day all we needed was GameBoys, link cables, and Pokemon.

>Visit the ER
Rub some dirt in it and shake it off you fucking candy ass!

Mfw jumping trah cans in the alley.

What if i had something i should have went to the ER for but didnt?