Is this really true?

Is this really true?

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Yes but it's called the dunning-kruger graph and you labelled it wrong.

Centrists BTFO

see here.

>in b4 some verbose arts degree shill

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looks similar but completely different imo

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Seems accurate to me

depends if you mean economically or socially. im socially conservative, but economically liberal

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Low IQ people are more prone to accept far right beliefs, because they think and act on a more instinctive level. The right hints towards the organic, while the left hints towards the abstract, the idealistic sphere. That's why low IQ people don't need an explanation as to why bringing in hordes of migrants will be our replacement, while average IQ people on the left are capable of rationalizing that stuff because muh liberal/marxist theory. The low IQ guy immediately understands the accute threat mass migration forms.

Mid to high IQ people aren't left or right wing based on IQ though, they determine their beliefs on what is accepted and what benefits them the most. Being on the radical right is a huge fucking risk in the West, you face a lot of social backlash and even your carreer. So those people carefully calibrate and make their decision based on social consensus.

>economically liberal

what does that even mean? high taxes? welfare? healthcare? "free" stuff for blacks from my back pocket?

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It means he wants (you)s

And how are these graphs and this theory empirical at all?

:) Jow Forums is not STEM degree user


High IQ people don't align with strict political attitudes
They have a more fluid perception of individual political issues they deal with empirically

i see you're stuck on mt. stupid...
>tend not to
many places, America for instance, have first-past-the-post voting systems in place. choosing not to align with a political party in such a system means to choose to be ignored politically.
smart people know this.

you vote for a political party out of necessity and that with ideals most similar to yours, doesn't mean you support all their ideas

>voting is real

yep. mt stupid.

both are liberals unless by conservative you are referencing monarchists.

let me choose the sample and i can construct a study that shows that conservatives or liberals are smarter than the other
also national socialist germany banned IQ tests for being materialistic and jewish
virtue is infinitely more important than being able to pattern match


how does the dunning-kruger model relate to diversity? which cultures and ethnicities have high confidence but know nothing?
do you think celebrating diversity automatically puts people on the left side of the graph?

>which cultures and ethnicities have high confidence but know nothing?

the dutch.

I've come to realize political views are strongly affected by perspective. For an example, it's easy to spend other people's money, and the people most eager to do that are coincidentally those who themselves contribute very little.

I know I became much more conservative once I started making real money. To me, the rich aren't some faceless arrogant assholes swiveling in their leather chairs and lighting cigars with 100€ bills anymore. And the whole idea of
>let's tax the fuck out of the people who contribute the most, and give it to some asshole NEETs whose parents failed them and are now only worthy of ovening
doesn't seem exactly appealing. For an example, 40% of my paycheck go to taxes and mandatory social transfers.

haha. interesting. i never would have guessed the dutch

today is world diversity day which is why i am wondering about it. i think people are duped into believing they are more competent than they are by virtue of the fact that they are celebrated as valued members of a team based on their "perspectives" as a result of their backgrounds, like being a poor, single, disabled, trans, black woman.
diversity has lowered the standard of performance in favor of tolerance and acceptance.
the poor, black disabled single mother comes to work thinking she is a valued and integral part of a team which boosts her confidence but hides the fact that she knows nothing.
>incompetence becomes evident over time
while is this is true and time should in theory weed out of the poor performers, this is not positive thinking which is why mental health days, HR departments, equal employment, and such exist. people are not stressed out at work because they are "worked too hard" they are stressed because their job is too hard as a result of their incompetence, but their high confidence does not match the incompetence they are observing about themselves, so they are conflicted

I'm a leftist that's only here because one of you is spamming his stupid Youtube video all over Jow Forums so I came to see if you had a thread but I'll participate in this, I have a 123 IQ (higher than 97% of people) and consider myself leftist, as said I don't associate or would join any party but have always voted left, you may ask me anything if you want.

>the dutch
Fuck you New Holland

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well you can visit and see for yourself.
airheads who are taught nothing of the outside world.

I am a very good ice-skater. They were all shitty about it and told me there was no chance I learned in Australia because "it's not cold enough there". A few high-school students even asked their teacher who happy explained "it does not snow in australia he is lying to you"

there's a fucking outdoor ice-rink in hobart city. it's abandoned and on top of a mountain. but still.

I've never met an intelligent conservative.

IQ is just the "appeal to authority" fallacy is disguise.

nee, fok jou ouwe koe. rotterdam is negers, amsterdam is flikkers, en wat zitten er tussen? eindeloose kebab en geweer.

it's close enough to dutch that you get the point.


Still the Dutch know much more about just about everything than any anglo or anglo colony. The only people more sophisticated than us are northern Germans.


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Yes. I have a lower IQ then many people who believe genetics has no impact on intelligence or politcal affiliation. They are clearly wrong, yet insist I'm a backwards caveman who's just ignorant. This entire thing is in the exact same vein as appealing to Uni or College professors who are extremely Liberal as authorites on all.

IQ ≠ Truth.

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>IQ ≠ Truth.
IQ = Truth wasn't your initial claim, you said that IQ is just the "appeal to authority" fallacy in disguise. I guess you wanted to say that claiming that someone is right because he is intelligent is the same as claiming someone is right because someone important thinks the same which isnt true.
According to you a highly intelligent person and a literal retard have the same probability of being right or wrong on a certain topic?

So never finding something concrete is high IQ got it.

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IQ has nothing to do with seeing the lies that we have been told since birth quite the opposite ""Smart'''' people alot of times think they are to smart to be bamboozled like a pleb.But dont know that even how well designed they're computer is (Brain) It does int mean a whole lot if the programming that goes inside that brain is shit an easy shit in shit comes out sum.

>alot of times think they are to smart to be bamboozled like a pleb.But dont know that even how well designed they're computer is (Brain)
Half of your post is misspellings and the other half is buzzwords, I'm not even gonna bother to try to make sense of your ramblings.

No, blacks are not conservative.

IQ is not difficult to understand, using a computer analogy is it just a measurement of stuff like RAM size (short term memory), clock speed (information processing speed), and video card (spatial visualization)

oow misspellings that makes the points i made wrong back to plebbit with you.

I'd Infact bet money the "intellectual" has a better chance of being wrong.

123 is about 80-90% percentile for whites. It's not especially smart. 130 is the cutoff for what I would call high IQ.

>Being smarter than 90% of white people is not specially smart
I'm not saying I'm a genius but I sure am intelligent, probably more than everyone ITT.
You and the rest of literal brainlets like Mr. "I bet the dumb guy is smarter than the smart guy" and the "Imagine ur brain is computar" frenchie can keep coping with the fact that you are not special and keep making threads about how smart you are according to your own asses.

>the small group of people that i personally interact with represents the whole
user, you may have never met an intelligent liberal either...

No. It's upside down

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2/3 of american GDP is generated in deeply progressive counties

HIV/STD prevalence is highest in deep red states

infant mortality, abortion and divorce rates are all highest in deep red states

poverty and food stamp consumption per capita is highest in deep red states

quality of/access to health care & education is highest in deep blue states

so i suppose if stupid people know how to govern better and create better communities, i suppose the answer is yes?

It means National Socialist


found the kike.

Sauce on these claims?

Just a glance I can tell you that the correlation between amount of nonwhites is much stronger than the correlation with republican policies for all those negatives you mentioned

But if I have your sources I can debunk with more specificity your statistical kikery

This is like when my college professor said gun crime per capita is lower in California than Texas therefore gun control works, but if you just take a look within each state you can see that the gun crime is all concentrated where niggers live and Texas simply has more nigger-dominated urban area than California, and within California, the areas where gun control is strongest, the large cities, have the highest gun crime. Not because gun control increases crime but because it’s irrelevant, it’s all about niggers