Austrian PM - "Southrons like Italians and Greeks take our money gladly"

Austrian PM - "Southrons like Italians and Greeks take our money gladly"

Is he right Jow Forums?

Attached: gladly.jpg (814x859, 131K)

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Yeah, because Germany took theirs through manipulating the EU markets

Greece is also taking the apes you invited. Their islands are full of them. And since Greece is poorer the apes want to go North. Piss the Greeks off and they will open the floodgates.

Shut the fuck up and pay your taxes

Why aren't your kids gay? Why aren't your neighbors brown? Are you some kind of bigot!?

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Yes, we take that money, then we spend decades paying back with interest, in exchange for consuming high-end German goods. That's how the EU works, we're economy boosters for central Europe, and this guy is either a moron who doesn't understand economics or a snake trying to clean his party's tattered reputation.

Your GDP is 1/4 of ours. And we also deal with the nignogs for free, fuck you.

yup, he cant say it about the east euro places though because of muh nazi past

I believe they're positioning Kurz to be the next EU figurehead. He's supposed to placate the right by having had his bona fides established by having been in a coalition with FPÖ. But, since BND just crashed FPÖ with no survivors, Kurz is free to act like an Establishment-friendly cuckservative while maintaining an aura of "I was willing to work with FPÖ but they fucked up so I realized being a cuckservative is the only way forward :^)", which gives him enough of an aura of sympathy to right wing populism / ethnonationalism to get those people on board with his cuckservatism

Italians PAY to stay in the EU. We are a net contributor to the EU budget.

Attached: eu-budget-contributed-received-010918.png (784x603, 82K)

and it's not yet enought

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Seething shitskin Southrons are really triggered by this

A burger that actually gets it. Kurz is pretty much an Austrian macron.

Kike detected.

Italy and France are the two countries that have had the worst deal out of the EU ; Germany would never accept partnership if it didn't imply them pigging out on the cake. Both our countries are increasingly reduced to Latin-American style vassalization, with counter-patriotic elites looking north or west, brain-drain, tax fatigue and a brewing mess of a society increasingly angry about the melting quality of life. This Austrian shill is probably a pawn trying to destroy the parliamentary alliance of patriotic electoral revolts from within before the elections. Bad strategy probably, since something terrible will probably happen if the elites don't let off a bit of steam, something that will uproot much more than just taxes or mainstream party politics. The patriotic parties are infiltrated and subverted through and through, and the fact that the eurocrats would be willing to swim against the flow to this degree is a worrying sign of how they are in a hurry to see their plans come into action. I feel like we are reaching a turn of events, something is about to snap.

We should have been allies since the beginning, we have so many common interests and our industries don't even compete with each other, while Germany is in competition with both of us.
Your governments thought you would reign Europe with Germany, but you shot yourselves in the foot.

That would be a great point were it not for the fact that Italy is a net contributor and were it not for the EU Southern Europe wouldn't even be in the terrible condition that it is in today.

>Your governments thought you would reign Europe with Germany, but you shot yourselves in the foot.
The French always thought they would rule the EU with German money and have since found out, that the Germans outplayed them at their own game

Why do Nordics treat Southrons with such hostility? It's like they don't think South Europeans are real Europeans.

Protestants view Catholics as layabouts who aren't as piously industrious as them

yet we contribute more than Austria to the EU. Makes you think


There are nominally more catholics than protestants in Germany.

>Austrian PM
I'm starting to hate this man
I think he sold his government partner

Attached: kurz-soros.jpg (467x259, 22K)

Lel pooland

That's only because all protestants are becoming atheists. The mindset remains

Yes, medcucks are the biggest welfare queens in two universes

Maybe because you are a vastly bigger country? Makes you think.

>We should have been allies since the beginning

Tbf we used to be, and the UK were a further balance in that regard (not always on our side ofc but not allowing the germans doing the germans too much) we vouched for Greece to enter in EU to further the south alliance, and paid a salty price to it.

The faggot in OP's image will hopefully have what he deserve soon, we're a net contributor and have to hear this norfer bs all the time.

Can't wait for EV to take a decisive hold on the market, the sooner the ICE engines goes out of fashion the sooner the carmakers become simply bodymakers, and at that point Germany will lose one of its major exports and hopefully back in line.

Attached: theyneverlearn.jpg (1000x600, 157K)

Nothing to do with "gladly taking your money" since we give more money than you do. Learn to read Franz

Based comic...?

Don't insult Greeks you subhuman.

De Gaulle reluctantly accepted some integration to get himself out of electoral hot water (he needed an alliance with centrists). The idea was to be the political and cultural heart of Europe, with a divided Germany, and it briefly worked. Then De Gaulle was removed in what was perhaps the first color revolution in 1968, and the rest is history. We have the most spineless, treasonous and sadistic elite one can think of. What I make of it and what many people make of it is that when we'll take the rubbish out we'll be taking out much more than just half a century of parasites, we'll be cleaning off much more than that, since there are conspicuous issues in this country whose origins lie in the "French" Revolution (the first "proto-" color revolution, in my opinion), always with the same background of treasonous elites working for other nations' interests.

I'm sorry Italian bros, Kurz is a slimy merkelite nigger

t. shitskin

Austrian pm is a controlled-op zionist, and his cabinet is filled with degenerates and moneygrubbers.

The last based austrian politician died in 45.

There is no political solution.


wrong memeflag you shitskin

Per capita, you don't even provide half of our share.

Attached: eu_contribution.png (1100x850, 22K)


per capita has nothing to do with OP pic. Contributing less per capita =/= gladly taking your money
especially since overall we contribute more than you do, we definitely don't take "your money"

Greece did nothing wrong

never said different, just providing background information on your claim

im pale you shitskin

Factually wrong. We have always been net contribuitors. Pic kinda related.
Kurz is a kike rat(look at his ears lmao).

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On your palms or where?


You have to go back, shitskin. You are lowering the average IQ in Germany

i have a stem masters you shitskin

Italy gives more than it takes.

So what? You are still retarded medcuck shitskin, go back to your shitskin hellhole, you subhuman

>Based comic...?
yeah for me is based and redpilled
cartoonist plurisuspended from Twitter for these drawings

Would you mind showing us your flag, Pajeet?

i have a stem masters and pale skin you shitskin

You wish, mednigger

i wish i could tan, but the weather in germany is like you, subhuman

An interesting thing I noticed is that few years ago Italians were very ignorant about how the EU worked and actually believed these lies "the germans pay for us". The fact that more and more are realizing that they're just lies and we are actually paying to get ourself cucked by germans is probably the best thing this new government(or more accurately lega, since m5s is an eu puppet) has done.

Yeah, now go back to your shithole of a country, make it better place if possible, I doubt tho, shitskins aren’t capable of doing so

Well, they did forbid wearing headscarfs in primary school. Austria had been doing pretty good so far, until the recent scandal.

this is my country you shitskin

Being chucked by Germany is your old national tradition, dumb medcuck trash

This is actually fairly plausible. The former vice-president of the BND (German intelligence) suggested that it was a Mossad operation that got rid of Strache:; Now that Strache is gone, Kurz will have an absolute majority in the next elections.

What should be kept in mind: the guy is by no means some conspiracy nutjob or known right-winger and the magazine this was published in was no right-wing extremist newspaper or anything either (it's kinda a German equivalent of the Spectator).

What is also amusing are the comments by cuckservatives: "B-but Strache was opposed to Islam...", "I-israel are our allies!! They wouldn't do this.", etc.

No it’s not

This is actually fairly plausible. The former vice-president of the BND (German intelligence) suggested that it was a Mossad operation that got rid of Strache: Now that Strache is gone, Kurz will have an absolute majority in the next elections.

What should be kept in mind: the guy is by no means some conspiracy nutjob or known right-winger and the magazine this was published in was no right-wing extremist newspaper or anything either (it's kinda a German equivalent of the Spectator).

What is also amusing are the comments by cuckservatives: "B-but Strache was opposed to Islam...", "I-israel are our allies!! They wouldn't do this.", etc.

Fucking Jews. Every fucking time

Meant for

>Kurz, new joke to the populists: Soros's university moves to Vienna

Attached: Kurz-Soros-835.jpg (835x437, 47K)

Yes. The Euro is overvalued for both of us.

Though France was always allowed by Germany to do whatever it wanted in the economy (ie break constantly the 3% deficit rule) while Italy was not.

People are waking up.

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That douche didn't even finished college.

> The Strache scandal led to the end of the government in Austria, the first attempt of government with a populist party that comes to fall on a strange scandal of "Corruption"

> Let's see how things are. Two German newspapers, SZ and Spiegel, the first close to the CDU and the second close to the SPD, publish a video not recent, but dating back to 2017 in which the current vice-chancellor Hans Christian Strache in Ibizia

> A 2017 video comes out randomly before the 2019 European elections, seen as decisive

> Chancellor Kurz proclaim new elections; the elections will obviously open the way for a new coalition government, but this time with the Social Democrats

The fact that the video comes out as a clock is indicative of a higher, occult power, and that obviously it also drives many hands in other European countries at other times would have triggered the conspiracy, but right now all the European media are aligned in a single position, ie anti populist parties, so no one asked themselves any questions

Italy is a net contributor, so no
To be fair we are smaller but Kurz is a retard

>but this time with the Social Democrats
Sorry, but you don't understand Austrian politics. Everybody hates the big coalition of ÖVP and SPÖ. There is no way in hell it's happening. If it does, I am giving you my left nut.

Hmmm... I wonder, why is it Vienna? If we were only able to figure out why...

Could it truly be, that Kurz is connected to Soros somehow?

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Hahahahha look at that pathetic navy
Lets conquer austria they dared to talk

Attached: Screenshot_20190521_174020.jpg (1080x1107, 112K)

I hope I'm wront too

Yes and No.

Yes because pecunia non olet, which means that money is money regardless of its origin.

But in the sense that pedophile turd intends, NO NO and NO, since WE are the ones that are net contributor to the EU.
So in short, WE are paying for the EU budget more than we get, and much more than the Austrians.

thanks for the pills

What's the last thing Italy conquered in the last 2000 years?

you got fuel for that navy retard?


Lmao you niggers basically forced Germany into the EU, you wouldn't allow the German unification if they wouldn't have aggreed to a close EU cooperation. Germany was a successful country before the EU and they will be one after the EU.

>Work hard
>Get rich
when will Italians understand?

Of course, it's also money to build new support ships, submarines and aircraft carriers

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Yea and we could conquer canada in 2 weeks

canada did better than you in ww2

Italians are wealthier than Germans.

because germany was destroyed by ww2

>achchcually y-you couldnt c-conquer us bb-because 70 yrs ago you d-did bad in t-that war

Hahahajajahah sit down nerd

North italy is richer than most european countries, scandi included. Germany is supposed to be richer but germans are stupid so avg italian networth is like 3 times higher than avg german networth

Attached: wealth-per-adult-median-europe (2).jpg (1300x1300, 641K)

you did horribly
your navy had no fuel and your army was shit you're just a bunch of weak faggots that would die in the winter

No one cares of a war 70yrs ago nerd, we'd conquer canada in 2weeks

>21st ranked army
Hahahajajjaja btfo beta nerd

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I hope for economic growth and hope for a serious defense minister: the trio Giorgia Meloni - Ingrazio La Russa - Guido Crosetto at the ministry would be perfect

I hope they decide to invest more and better in defense
We have Finncantieri that produces military ships that sell all over the world, together with the Germans it produces the most advanced submarines in Europe. We have Leonardo Areospace who works on the construction of the Eurofighter and F-35 and produces the most advanced training aircraft in the world. Iveco produces land military vehicles and Beretta firearms

With the right budget we can make our contribution against Islamic terrorism, there is no lack of brains

The soldiers become greater with love of country and intensive training
Find me a behavioral aspect of the Italians that would make them bad soldiers. Cowards? Pussy? Fagots? Weaks?

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you don't get it retard you can't even get to canada even if you wanted to and the canadian army doesn't have to fight you guys they just have to wait for the winter because you pussies can't handle real cold

>The soldiers become greater with love of country and intensive training
are you luigi cadorna?

>d-dude u cant defeate us, we might be a shit irrelevant country no one cares about with a small useless army but we'd incarcerate u all after u misgender our LGBT transexual special force


>you can't even get to canada
who said I want to come?

Conosci un sito per vedere news dettagliate sulle forze armate italiane?

no is what I think

adjust for per capita brainlet.

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>è interessante anche seguire il direttore su twitter