Basically he describes how capitalism isn't bad per se, if the business man reinvests in the company and creates prosperity. However the jewish capitalist lives off the profits and interest on the wealth created rather than creating new wealth for the population.
Anyone have the Henry Ford quote about jewish capitalism?
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Bump for interest in Hank Ford quotes. They trigger kikes massively
Is it in his book the international jew?
The quote you're looking for is about 300 pages of text. The title of the compiled work is called "The International Jew". It's public domain so you can download it for free without fear of stormtroopers kicking in your door... at least in The US.
>if the business man reinvests in the company and creates prosperity.
the businessman dosn't create anything faggot. the workers create everything. if the businessman were to disappear the production process will go on perfectly as before
Henry Ford never created "new wealth". you think that a single man can create wealth for society? is he a god? henry ford merely devised a more efficient way to exploit workers.
Use the full title, "The International Jew: The World's Foremost Problem", it really drives the point home.
Maybe the workers should be exploited. And how did the Soviet union do better? People still work for the man under communism
only a fool will claim that soviet totalitarianism was communism
>Maybe the workers should be exploited.
you never had a job didn't you?
Why do you want it?
This is basically the foundational problem of modern society, the
all fucking commies must fucking hang
Is that an excerpt?
You live in a fantasy world, stop reading marx for once
No, it is a book written by a filthy, stupid communist.
You know it's amazing, in 1925 the Model T was only $260, which is about $3500 today. You could buy a fucking brand new car for $3500 and since 1908 that price had gone down from $900 which was like $25,000
back then being a merchant or trader was looked down upon
Don't have the quote, but check out the book.
industrial capitalism is the Jew's greatest adversary. It creates valor, it makes white nations powerful and it's economic relations are un-parasitable
open the factories and close the stocks
>it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words.The anti-semites have the right to play
This quote by Sartre certainly doesn't hold true in the age of hate speech laws.
>live in time when slavery is supported
>say something about slaves because itll increase your face value in your community
>someone writes it down
>200 years later
>retards use your quote as proof that it's good to own slaves
Want to know how I know your IQ is under 100?
Nice whataboutism, retard
My only hangup with Ford is his involvement with Freemasonry. Any masonniggers in the tread wan't to clear this up?
The book is an inexpensive, easy read. Ford was my introduction to anti-Semitism without anger and insult.
Ford offers 0% APR to college students and recent grads to screw the kikes out of interest.
>the businessman dosn't create anything faggot.
Like to see workers work when they don't have a job retard.
capitalism isn't even a real thing, its a spook. You either have a market economy or you have a guild based society.
based H. Ford
Henry "A Little Bit of Exploitation Is Okay" Ford.
Cynical faggot.
This creates inflation, fake economic growth, massive debt and bankruptcies, disconnects reality from the economical metrics investors use to measure their fake investments, speculation without any net gain for anybody except the best speculators...
Listen schlomo the reason Old Man Ford hated Jews was the Purple Gang.
Fuck you commie before the UAW America cranked out the best
He didn't have much of a choice, the Masons built most of Detroit and he either went along or got fucked
If workers AND owners both have a stake in the outcome, beyond an hourly wage, that is when prosperity happens.