Is the lottery rigged? Do only boomers win?

Is the lottery rigged? Do only boomers win?

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only boomers play.


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No it works perfectly fine and the odds of winning guarantee a profit.

Start your own lottery if you wanna see how profitable it really is. Ignore legislation it will only get in your way just pay them off with everyone's idiot money.

I'm not a boomer and I play. I figure I will win in one of these universes. There are infinite universes and versions of me so if I play at least 1 version of me can win

I don't know if it is rigged, but last week I won $4600 by getting 5 out of 6 numbers in the Florida Lotto. I celebrated by buying pic related.

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It's a scam. "Winners" are preselected. They are part of the scam. It's all fixed. No regular person ever wins the big prizes.

That's why there is over a 1 hour gap between when they stop selling tix and the drawing, so they can run all the numbers and make sure their preselected winner gets their presented winning numbers and no "normie" has those numbers as well. If there was no "fix" you'd be able to buy tix up to 10 minutes before the drawing.

Nice dude congratz. I would have been pissed 1 number off for millions

Who are these non normies winning? Are they like old people about to croak?

I was only about 5 digits off from winning 6 mill... last number was 48, and I had 43

the hour gap is because people could lie and backdate machines. it still doesn't prevent most fraud.

Did you choose a quick pick? You play every week?

>No regular person ever wins the big prizes.
Define big. My sister's piano teacher, the kid who used to drive me to school, and my accountant's wife all have won over a million dollars playing the lottery.

Do u play?

my cousin died at Sandy Hook

I'll spend a dollar or two per week on the state lottery, and a couple dollars on powerball when it gets ridiculous.

You'll find that if you live long enough and don't spend your life jacking off in your parents basement, you meet all kinds of people with different life experiences. You should try it.

I hardly ever play. I dropped a 5 into a vending machine at Publix.

you don't know yet but nobody wins
pic somewhat related

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It's rigged but not in the sense you're thinking about, the rigging is in the payout, a lottery has a rtp of ~50%, your EV is criminally bad on it, even a FOBT has 90% payout, you can get 97% on the online slots. My Poker playing avgs at 144% roi so the thought of investing money into something at ~50% return makes me puke. It truly is a tax on idiocy.

>16 million to 1 odds against.

Same odds as earth being obliterated four times over by an errant plasma strike from the sun. Yet theres always a winner for the lottery. Given the options between being flashed extra crispy or someone winning the lottery, which seems like better deal given the only two options available?

Lets see whos wise...