Message from Adolf Hitler

to all atheist losers and cuck pagan LARPERS

>My feeling as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was his fight against the Jewish poison.
- Adolf Hitler Speech delivered at Munich 12 April 1932

>We tolerate no one in our ranks who attacks the ideas of Christianity [...] in fact our movement is Christian
- Adolf Hitler Speech in Passau 27 October 1928

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What about his table talk? Is not his private speech more credible than his public one?

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Too bad he killed Poles and Yugoslavs.

Christcucks are blind to propaganda

he understood the disease in the heart of christianity.. the concept is divine yet it has been spolied by evil men who set up a doctrine of weakness and downfall of it. Thtas why he was for its renewal with moement he called "positive christianity" which he conceived in discord with current papal Rome and, most importantly with the Protestant church, whom he called "negative Christianity"

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>- Adolf Hitler Speech delivered at Munich 12 April 1932
>- Adolf Hitler Speech in Passau 27 October 1928

Both dates before the NSDAP were in power. Both dates while they were attempting to pander to and win over the christcucks. Here, look at two quotes from after they were in power.

>National Socialism is not a cult-movement - a movement for worship; it is exclusively a 'volkic' political doctrine based upon racial principles. In its purpose there is no mystic cult, only the care and leadership of a people defines by a common blood-relationship
- Hitler, Nuremberg 6 Sept, 1938

>Thus one can easily imagine that, for instance, in the sphere of religion men will always work backwards to the form-language of a period in which Christianity in its view of the world appeared to meet every need. On the other hand, at the present moment the expression of a new view of the world which is determined by the conception of race will return to those ages which in the past have already possessed a similar freedom of the spirit, of the will, and of the mind. Thus, naturally, the manifestation in art of a European conception of the State will not be possible through civilizations, as, for example, the civilization of the Far East, which - because foreign to us - have no message for our day,
- Hitler, Nuremberg 6 Sept, 1938

The National Socialists tried working with the christcucks, but it became clear to all that the anti-racialist universialist religion worshiping a dead semite nailed to two sticks was incompatible with the racialist germanic 'worship' of One folk, One reich, One führer. Just stop. The NS was not christcuck. It was racialist, not religious.

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Why do you deserve free speech if you advocate murder?

Anti-Christian "quotes" in Table Talk are fabricated

>Why do you deserve free speech
Who said anything deserving anything or free speech?

>if you advocate murder?

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sure they were buddy, sure they were

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See here memeflag

if you honestly think a man in his position could even possibly follow jesus you are fucking retarded.

read your bible

If you think Hitler was anti-christian you might as well call Hitler a jew because he wasn't either of those

>ignoring my link
>pretending that because most catholics were tied to their own party that they were anti-NSDAP.
More women voted for Hitler than men. Are men kikes too memeflaggot?

Hitler was jewish

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thanks lads, very informative

Neither quotes are from the table talks, both from a public speech. How do you intend to explain that away? The NS was not christcuck

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interesting perspective.. btw what do you personally thnk about Christliche Ständednstaat and its concept of facism

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You do realize that the christianity that was allowes in the third reich was nothing like the jewish univeralist bullshit that it is in our (((western))) society. It had more ressemblance with monotheistic germanic paganism then with the jew on the stick.

based & nazi pilled!

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>We tolerate no one in our ranks who attacks the ideas of Christianity [...] in fact our movement is Christian
>who is Himmler
>Who is Striecher
>Who is Rosenberg
All open anti-Christians who constantly attacked Christianity. What changed from 1928, or maybe you cannot trust what politicians say in speeches?

Well, there's your problem buddy

Supporting the Third Reich?