Fuck netflix propoganda

fucking netflix propoganda has even reached india now.
>depicting hindus as nazis
>they're killing muh race mixed babies
be more subtle next time jewflix

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here's the trailer



high IQ american here



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For all your "shitposting" in a Poo thread, all you've accomplished is bump this thread 4 times.

Like "The Handmade's Tale" and "The man in the High Castle", it unironically makes me root for the 'bad guys'.

he's a high IQ lad

This is show is made by a mudslime goat fucker and an absolute whore what else can you expect from them.

the thing they're not subtle with their propaganda now

Hail Aryavarta

it's not like propaganda against you even matters
what? is 1.4 billion and growing rapidly not good enough?

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Bollywood's been netflixed, enjoy your jewish programming poojeet

You need to understand this leaf in India the population explosion is by the muslims just like in your cuck nation the ethnic hindus are becoming minority

it's not like even the first show they potrayed hindus as evil. It's thier third and no one is saying anything.

um sweatie injuns are h'white and therefore you guys need to racemix yourselves out of existence

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>they're killing muh race mixed babies
Arent we all already mix race?

That comment section is redpilled

Don't try to reason through this trash. I cancelled netflix some time ago. Someone let me use their account for free and I can't even stand to scroll through the catalog. It's all propaganda, kikery, le feminism, oversexualized, bland, or content about faggots.

I'm sure given how sheltered india is, this kind of shit tier content is popular among the rising new middle class that reveres the U.S. Feels bad man. Really can't do anything about the masses who like consuming dog shit media to comfort their dog shit brains.

no guys, it doesn't work this way

you are still subhuman shitskins

I just went through the comment section. It is indeed based and red-pilled. Indians calling netflix out for propaganda and shitting all over this. Equal number of thumbs down as up. Easiest way to make your voice heard is to cancel your subscription

they meant like hindu-muslim babies
back to somalia
>I'm sure given how sheltered india is
not at all. anit-hindu big budget shows with superstars every now and then .

The "problem" with High Castle was that the 'bad guys' like Kido and Smith were all interesting and compelling characters with understandable motivations for doing the bad things that they did, while all the 'good guys' that resisted them were weakly written retards like Juliana and Frank or sociopaths like the resistance members whose sadistic actions and slaughter of bystanders are justified by "it's okay because they're fighting nazis".

>Don't try to reason through this trash. I cancelled netflix some time ago.
you are a faggot for paying for media, also you are right most of the middle class watch utter trash and even*herbodyherchoice
>not living the pirate life
cant they call it mix religion?
i am sure its muslim male and hindu female

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lol, cope subhuman pajeet

but I honestly prefer you over somalis since you stay in your shithole mostly

yes, a muslim BVLL fucks a Hindu Arya female. almost always it is because if it were other way round you'd have muslims chimping out blowing themselves up especially since it's Ramadan.

All netflix is now is a propaganda streaming service. Literally nothing good anymore. Sad.

kek the author of the book
>Prayaag Akbar
What else do you expect

Shalini falls in love with Riz, a Muslim man. She changes her religion and gets married, to which they face some resentments from the family. The communities in the district live in gated homes according to their caste, religion and income. Their daughter Leila, disappears at the age of three and Riz dies. Shalini, now lonely, tries to find her missing daughter.
>also author is from kolkata

>i am sure its muslim male and hindu female
yep spot on
>Hindu Arya female
it doesn't exists

was he named allahabad before based yogi changed his name?

>depicting hindus as nazis
Good. Let them. The more people they paint as Nazi the larger our canvas grows.
The only way is forward.

>Good. Let them. The more people they paint as Nazi the larger our canvas grows.
The only way is forward.
Amen brother

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Just embrace your heritage.

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Don't you mean Netflix POOpaganda?

>A horrible 1984 knockoff.
Will they ever produce something original?

come on hindus you need to step up your game here

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>Will they ever produce something original?
I mean muslims have stolen all things they claim to have made from one way or another
>so NO

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of course kikes are going to compare nazis to street shitters

>>also author is from kolkata
why are bengalis so damn cucked. hindus are being thrown out of villages in bengal by bangladeshi mudslimes.

I love how (((cultural marxists))) will ALWAYS pick the worst side of anything anytime they can in any situation.

want me to guess your nationality?

predicable they won't stop till there is only their race and the mixed subhumans

The Jewish poz loads are for all races and religions now.

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based poos arent even safe of the fucking jews

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>why are bengalis so damn cucked
they are """"intellectuals""""

at least you shitters should be using torrents