Uh oh

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I'm sure this time they'll get him

Drumftptf is sure done this time!

>trumps fate

What? No the the judiciary has no power over the executive

Do-equal branches

>trumps fate
I’m sure some tax records will be the end of drumpf

I'm sure this is 100% factual headline and it contains no editorials.

Its over.

>Vanity Fair
Man, the MSM just doesn't get tired of being wrong do they?

All one must do to process the news cycle on a daily basis is put the word "Opinion" after every headline, because that's what they should be doing, because it's all opinion.


MIGA! Before he gets impeached, wait for WW3 to happen.

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its O V E R .

>Vanity Fair
Do I need to type more?

Didn't they tried this a long time ago and failed? What's new this time?

They Dems got the House and they can demand it to be release but they should have a legitimate reason and evidence of wrong doing which I don't think they have.

lil drumphfffie is finished!

How do you steal a supreme court seat?

same as your opinion or fox opinions?


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Same as all opinions. Not a single one of us knows the real truth. There is an exclusive club and we ain't in it.


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Speak for yourself

>Drumpf is done This time.
The absolute state of the left.

Up your dosage.


good goy

I’ll believe it when I see it :3

>a-a-a-any day now

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>shit-tier meme that won't catch
You couldn't glow harder if you tried.

Is there any legit reason to look into his finances, though? At some I WANNA turns into a witch hunt.


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Oh yeah I always catch up on current affairs via Vanity Fair editorials......

>legislative and judicial branch have more power than the executive branch
>judges and congresshits can force President to do anything they want
Totally what the founding fathers envisioned

That's typically what you Jews call us. Thanks for confirming that. You have rendered your argument irrelevant.


Tiffany Trump once charged 500$ to her credit card at the bar. We have the statement we subpeona’d from the bank right here. Impeach now!!!

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Actually yes, the Executive branch is supposed to be the weakest and just carry out what the Congress and the Judiciary direct him to do. That's how the constitution is set up.

What a retarded post

That is a lie.

3 Judge Panels are randomly assigned.

Garland may or may not be part of that 3 Judge Panel.

That is unless the House Democrats appeal for an En Banc Full Hearing after losing at the 3 Judge Panel.

After that is the Supreme Court

He's not on the SCotUS, or it actually would be

You can stop lying. The judicial branch is suppose to be the weakest.

good goy

he looks severely retarded

They can subponea it, but you can fight those in court.
They may even win, but they won't find anything. They're on a fishing expedition, and the surrest way to deal with those is to drag everything out as long as possible. Otheriwse, they find nothing and cast a new line, some other BS investigation.

Soft news companies are important so they can pump out this shit while still going "hey it's vanity fair they're not journalists!"

Nothing will come of it because they are in violation of the law to even ask. This is all political theater and is back fireing on the Democrat party. The only thing that will end is the tyranny of the liberal party either because they are voted out or because their leaders are removed for treason. If liberals want civil they will get it.

>Didn't they tried this a long time ago and failed?
>What's new this time?
Absolutely nothing.


>My name is Donald Trump and I'm a BIG fan of Israel.

Murifarts actually voted for this faglord

Attached: President Donald Trump Endorsement for Prime Minister Netanyahu - 2013 - YouTube 21-05-2019 20-46-53 (736x494, 472K)

When did that stop Republicans and their witch hunts?
17 in jail under Trump, handpicked by him


>I'm smart but you can't see my grades
>I'm rich but you can't see my tax returns
>I'm innocent but you can't see the report
>I'm a nationalist but we need immigration in the highest numbers ever

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Oh yeah I forgot.
When was the last time we saw Justice Ginsburg?
I swear she's dead and they're hiding it.
Trump probably knows, too. He's just letting enough time pass that it looks bad for them.

Don't worry iran, we won't kill all of you. Just most of you.

Friendly reminder Jews and government are trying to assassinate white men

Yes, especially catholics

Sounds like a conflict of interest to me

That's not how it works.

Supreme Court will have final say. Too bad Merrick aint on it lmaooooooo

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Scotus would punt as it is a clear Congressional power


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How did they steal his seat? You can go to Ikea and buy a new one for $50 its not that big a deal.

Congress's power is not to persecute the sitting president, nor go on fishing expeditions.

Majority of Senate did not agree (which is 100% their right) to confirm Merrick to the Supreme Court.

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1 post by this id

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Oh, explain 2009-16

>He stole
The Senate would've said no even if he had his hearing. Also where's "justice is blind"?

jewish shill
Iran did nothing wrong

Majority got shit
Mcconell refused to hear, which is not a right.
Lest it be Trumps yiddosh kosher for dems to deny him everything

If Kavanaugh easnt going to overturn roe v wade, why alabama?

I hope he gets impeached

the moment when wwe politics trumps the left. circus beats your lazyness. what a great time to be alive

And Merrick Garland isssss... JEWISH

less jewish than Trump
only Sheldon Adelson is about the same amount of jewish

They've got him this time scooparinos!

Trump has been dragging this out to amplify the effect when nothing unusual is revealed.
>nb4 muh 12D backgammon
It's fucking obvious there's nothing there otherwise it would've leaked 2016

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Kek


Watkins v. United States, 354 U.S. 178 (1957), is a decision of the Supreme Court of the United States that held that the power of the United States Congress is not unlimited in conducting investigations and that nothing in the US Constitution gives it the authority to expose individuals' private affairs.

its not a right to hear an appointment either

interesting you bring up Jewdaism, cause Garland is Jewish. You want the majority of the SC to be Jewish? Cause it woulda been.

>Merrick Garland the Jew will decide Trump's kike cock sucking fate

"Born to a Jewish family, Garland was raised in Conservative Judaism."

Such lies commie lover

3 years in
>w-w-we'll get him this time

Yeah where is trannie Michelle Obama now?


This nigger is Hoggle from labyrinth prove me wrong

So shouldnt garlic recuse himself?

Recusal isnt needed since Trump is well known.

Vanity Fair.

Totally well known for its "factual" reporting and unbiased "news".

That rag is nothing but libtard fap material.

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Like Trumps ramblings

how many times can one man's endeavours be over?

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Dunno, what is Soros and Pidesta up to?

He may have feelings of revenge for not becoming part of scotus so how can his ruling be trusted

How can Trump be trusted to lead the country when he feels no pride init and is antagonistic to its functions by supporting Israel first?


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The House can request any tax information. That's in the Constitution. There's also more than enough reasonable cause anyway.

Here are the relevant statutes governing the disclosure of tax information. irs.gov/government-entities/federal-state-local-governments/disclosure-laws

You thought the world was going to be like 1984 but really it's road runner.

The relevant law, from the Revenue Act of 1924 :
>Upon written request from the chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives ... the [Treasury] Secretary shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request, except that any return or return information which can be associated with, or otherwise identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer shall be furnished to such committee only when sitting in closed executive session unless such taxpayer otherwise consents in writing to such disclosure
There is zero wiggle room. The committee is sitting in closed executive session. The chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means has made a formal request in the capacity of chairman.
This is not a police search and seizure. This is the government institution specifically granted the ability to review such documents in the laws setting up the existence of such documents.

This the end for blunff for sure

Case 1:19-cv-01136-APM Document 35 Filed 05/20/19 Page 1 of 41
pages 23-24
Finally, a congressional investigation into “illegal conduct before and during [the President’s] tenure in office,” Cummings’ April 12th Mem. at 4, fits comfortably within the broad scope of Congress’s investigative powers. At a minimum, such an investigation is justified based on Congress’s “informing function,” that is, its power “to inquire into and publicize corruption,” Watkins, 354 U.S. at 200 n. It is simply not fathomable that a Constitution that grants Congress the power to remove a President for reasons including criminal behavior would deny Congress the power to investigate him for unlawful conduct —past or present — even without formally opening an impeachment inquiry.
On this score, history provides a useful guide. Cf. Tobin v. United States, 306 F.2d 270, 275–76 (D.C. Cir. 1962) (relying on historical practice to determine the scope of a congressional investigation).