>uses Jewish tricks against the Jews
top kek
The Most Highly Serene and Based Mel Gibson
Other urls found in this thread:
>A representative for actor Mel Gibson claimed in a statement Monday evening that the controversial star’s upcoming movie project Rothchild—a film about a fictional ultra-rich, multi-generational family of Jewish bankers—was “completely unrelated” to the Rothschilds, a real life ultra-rich, multi-generational family of Jewish bankers.
Kek. What a guy
Why is he so based and why have all their attempts to take him down failed?
Gibson is jewish, of course he knows the way of kikery
Senpai, he is clearly well-versed in the ways of Juden, so well-versed in fact the very fabric of his being counteracts their efforts
The student has become the teacher
Truly one of the only /ourguys/
wtf i love mel gibson now