The Most Highly Serene and Based Mel Gibson

>uses Jewish tricks against the Jews
top kek

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Other urls found in this thread:

>A representative for actor Mel Gibson claimed in a statement Monday evening that the controversial star’s upcoming movie project Rothchild—a film about a fictional ultra-rich, multi-generational family of Jewish bankers—was “completely unrelated” to the Rothschilds, a real life ultra-rich, multi-generational family of Jewish bankers.

Kek. What a guy

Why is he so based and why have all their attempts to take him down failed?

Gibson is jewish, of course he knows the way of kikery


Senpai, he is clearly well-versed in the ways of Juden, so well-versed in fact the very fabric of his being counteracts their efforts

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The student has become the teacher

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Truly one of the only /ourguys/

wtf i love mel gibson now

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He's got fuck-you money, made a lot of kikes a shitload of fuck-you money, continues to rake in money for them through licensed syndication of his movies, and Jow Forums might not believe it but Hollywood knows fuck all about cinema and how to make movies. Mel Gibson on the other hand is very good at both.

Brilliant. Love you Mel.

Drive out the enemy of the most Serene and Based Mel Gibson>>>

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True legend of the living.

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I want to see this movie, I think I might even pay Sheckleburg for the tickets

this movie will be a 100% must-see for /pol

He is /ourguy/.
Catholic too
>Everyone pay to see his shit, imagine that

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absolute CHAD confirmed

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that movie was great

vince and mel need to work together more

>"Fucking Jews... the Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world. "

F U C K I N G K I K E S!

The most based of all (((Hollywood))) actors. If only every actor was like him, and not shekel whores...

Mel Gibson is brilliant.
Watch "Hacksaw Ridge" if you haven't yet.

Fun fact: the father of /our God/, Hutton Gibson, is 100 years old. He is closing 101 on the 26th of August. Gotta love that guy.

Also, Mel has 9 children. You hear that, cuckolds? Get a relationship and impregnate her with your seed already!

>it's a joke
>it's art
>it represents everything we've had to overcome
plus, the holohoax

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Mel Gibson is making a film called ROTHSCHILD about jews and the banking system, its his last movie before they kill him it will be his legacy film!

Is he the only man who has managed to still have a Hollywood career after calling them out?

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how fucking delusional are you guys
he's playing with Shia and the film is directed by a whole fucking bunch of kike themselves
it's damage control joolywood style and you all fall for a shitty reality tv show
Mel by himself some more times for the shits he said
you guys fall for a larp and become even more morbidly obese and stupid anyone could have ever imagined
this is your future

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Not all Jews are Zionists, and not all Zionists are Jews, senpai

How could you not ?

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>not all jews are jews

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Some of the nigger rubbed off on him and he was displeased.

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Based Mel

>See joe biden

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You're full of shit. The director isn't jewish.

so fucking based

Is he controled oposition? Why he still alive? Fuck, he named the jew several times.

can't wait till trudeau bans you homos

>t. terrified Zionist

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Based Mel.

No he's not controlled opposition.

The director is an Englishman, you absolute kike.

They know, and they are.

Yes, but he had to make fuck you money first and then he had to produce his own string of high quality indie films. He's still doing it, but has gotten a few Hollywood gigs recently.

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the whole fucking crew is so jewish they hired shia "he will not divide us" labouf what the fuck you genuinely expect form that movie ? a formal acknowledgement and public excuse for 100 years of enslavement ? or for being the face of the true hidden monarchy ?
the somaglia of this world ?
fuck you and fuck joolywood and everything that come out of it
(((Englishman))) ya right
how about the others 12 bloodlines forming the illuminati ?
why just the Rothschild ?
all that movie is trying is to glamorize and normalize ultra rich banksters it's gaslightning period

Seems like he tried to do the mason handshake to him and he didnt like it

This thread has been dank

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fixed it for you

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Rothschild's are the most exposed and well-known of them all, exposing them via film to the normies is planting the seed in their normie-minds to blossom into being one of (((us)))

it was insincere because the nog was looking at the woman while shaking mel's hand

>exposing them
ya that will totally do it a comedy will totally show the world they're enslaved by an hidden monarchy who want them all mixed into a mutt race
that movie will totally show them

for bim? is that the original tranny pronoun?

He’s so cool

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Go Mel Go

How the left must hate him.


I actually haven’t watched it yet, may have to do that tonight

Had these two worked together before Dragged Across Concrete?
It's like Zahler saw this image and decided they needed to be partners

And yet his career survives because he's so skilled at what he does the public can't help but like him
He's a true artist in an age of leftist bullshit
It takes balls to make two sequential movies in dead languages
It take charisma to survive multiple character assassinations by the Jewish elite
He's named the Jew so many times and yet he's still here

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Based and Melpilled

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What's the original?
I guess that's Shiva right?


Pretty sure a movie about jewish bankers who control the world wont come out as a comedy user

Pilpul: The Movie

i like it. look at this melpilled image fren.

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>Pretty sure a movie about jewish bankers who control the world
pretty sure that's not the premise of that movie tho
also why the fuck would you ever think Shia "turbo kike" labouf will ever star in a movie that expose the bankster ?
or why would anyone for the matter since they're all balls deep in the scam
fuck off with Mel drunken rambling about the kike at the end of the day he profited from it his whole life
i will wait to see the movie but the whole thing stink psychological warfare and gaslightning

haha reminds me when a rabbi in France said that the Jesus in the talmud wasn't the actual Jesus irl. they just have similar names

i don't know who's dog whistling who anymore

Eh Close enough,thanks user

His shit eating grin is hilarious

You know that paragraph is part of the article and not an entire quote from Gibson right?

His father was a Holocaust denier and clearly taught Mel the Jews' lies and tricks. When all this is over Gibson is going to be remembered as a hero and a damn good actor and director.

Mel Gibson is unironically the greatest movie director of the last 50 years.
Movies like Braveheart, The Patriot and The Passion of Christ are some of the best films I've ever seen.
My respect!

top kek

>Seems like he tried to do the mason handshake to him and he didnt like it
Look at the thumb placement.

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He controls how the movie is cut, he has a great vision for it, I'm sure.


Sweaty African hands, wipes them on Mel’s jacket then gave still wet gibs paw to Mel

Passion of the Christ was amazing. So was Apocalypto.

The statement is not misrepresentitive,t hoguh.

>When the jews get their own tricks used against them

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ya pretty sure he'll fly as close to to sun as Kubrick did with eyes wide shuts

Celebrate because it happened

top kek


One of the best movies ever made. Just criminally underrated.

And Kubrick didn't live to see the premier of Eyes Wide Shut. They even edited the movie after he died.

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1. Mel Gibson starring in a movie does not make it "a Mel Gibson movie".

A movie belongs to the writer and director. Actors are just pawns. Prostitutes even.

2. The movie hasn't been released yet. It could be some god-awful farce. It might make light of things. (Remember "The Men Who Stare at Goats?)

3. Gibson apologised for being "anti Semitic".

4. If Gibson was really "based and red pilled" he would have done much more with his money and position than he has.

Sean Young has openly stated that Jews run Hollywood and act like pieces of shit in the process. She still gets some roles but she's pretty old now so you can't expect her to do too much.

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let's wait and see
how do you explain Shia casting ? did Jow Forums broke him after he will not divide us ? did Jow Forums create a monster ?

This man is a HERO and has earned my shekels.

>just a coincidence Moshe

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* I hope I am wrong. I'm just saying don't get your hopes up.

now thats a pepe

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Kubrick himself said when he was older, "Hitler was right about almost everything." His movies especially after 2001: A Space Odyssey are pretty reactionary. A Clockwork Orange is one long rant against liberal government in the UK.

>Defamation is a social construct