What would be the political implications if more people grew their own food?

What would be the political implications if more people grew their own food?

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What is everyone growing this season?

People would understand better what growing seasons are and how the quality of the environment directly impacts the food you eat and therefore obviously your health as a result. The political results of this could be anything, but I would expect it makes people lean more toward environmentalism.

Yeah people don't appreciate how much goes into growing food and how it ends up at their table

I'm just doing some tomatoes and zucchini this year

Got to have some tomatoes this year. The price of tomatoes is going to be insane.

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Wife wanted some lavender to make bath bombs and cookies. Cat wanted catnip. Rest is beets.

First pic is a mix of tomatoes, herbs, eggplant, peppers.

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Tomatoes, peas, bottle gourd

Looks great. Homegrown tomatoes always taste way better too

They do man, corn too. People forget how easy it is to grow corn and beans from seed. I remember doing it in kindergarten in 1982.

Carolina reaper pepper. That's it so far.

More leftist municipalities banning gardening.

Allotment Gang
Allotment Gang

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Soviet govt gave out land which later was privatized. These were the first dachas (summer houses) or just a place where you could grow whatever you like.
Back in the 90s when we were poor as fuck we planted the whole property with fucking potato, I remember being 5yo helping my parents to dig it. It's not like we lived off the land, it was only 600m2, but 600m2 of potato is a lot of money saved.
Now my mother grows flowers and berries there for her own amusement.
It's not really practical to fully sustain yourself as you would have to spend all your time working on your land, but it's a good and redpilled hobbie

It's so easy. Everyone should at least grow something

sorta bad. unless they grow animals. or plants for animals. plants waste water also no real nutrition. aka complete.

pretty much everything lol
>lima/green beans
>spicy/regular peppers
I actually lined the sunflowers around my 4ft fence so maybe i'll get some fuckin privacy from my chink neighbor that likes to watch me in my yard

fuck I forgot my potato box too

You need a lot of plants to grow one cow. Together it's more nutrious than the meat of the cow.

Farmers would demand more gibs and block roads in France and Greece.

Ginger an potatoes will have mint and strawberry in a few months.