MOSSAD shills are afraid of her and they constantly slide threads about her. She will win once her opponents are indicted, she will redpill everyone and israel is gonna get rekted. After that, we take to the streets when she tries to implement “progressive” policy. She will bend to the will of the people or we will have war.
ITT We share memes of BASED Mommy Tulsi
>voting democrat to own israel
>he thinks the left-right dichotomy still means shit
There’s only pro-israel and anti-israel.
Bippity boppity bump
>voting for a democrat
>voting for a woman
but what if if i'm not a fucking faggot? guess i'll just vote trump.
I’m sure (((you))) will.
>voting for a Mossad shill is OKAY when it’s a man goy
imagine pretending to hate immigrants and then telling people to vote for the democrats that openly call for open borders. you're fucking pathetic you faggot shill.
>look guys, DRUMPF look likes like a butt! lol! this will help us win 2020!
lmao kys retard faggot
>ITT pic related
Cope harder
oh ok, you're just a nazi lmao
Yes, and?
and you're still gay enough to vote for a democrat lmao faggot shill kys