So I think I got my girlfriend pregnant. We didn't even have sex, but she had implantation bleeding and her period is like 5 days late. We want to get a clinical abortion as a last resort. How do you properly starve yourself in order to have a miscarriage? She is a bit overweight
So I think I got my girlfriend pregnant. We didn't even have sex...
She'd be better off crushing the baby under her fat, since starvation from being overweight will take too long.
How is she pregnant if you didn't have sex tho?
Abortion pills
You didn't have sex so if she is pregnant she did with someone else. This happens frequently so don't be stupid.
> We didnt have sex
> Shes pregnant
*Closes eyes and crosses legs*
Its big brain time
> How do you properly starve yourself in order to have a miscarriage?
>she's pregnant but we didn't have sex
>starve into miscarriage
This is the most idiotic thread I've ever seen on here, how are you actually this retarded?
And yet you still bumped the thread from the middle of the catalog to all the way to the top. Good job user.
Just use a brick bro.
Of course more people need to see this
Also what do you honestly mean when you say she's pregnant outside of sex? I don't understand that at all
Op here, she gave me a blowjob and I jizzed in her mouth than I kissed her and gave her head
Odds are low from that, but I’ve heard of it happening.
You’re an idiot.
kek as fuck
Literally kekin rn
the acid in your mouth will almost instantly kill semen user
>I jizzed in her mouth than I kissed her
Kinda gross desu
>never ever had sex
>yet is pregnant
Were you born yesterday? I'd say you're doing this all for the keks but by how stupid you sound I think you legitimately believe what you're typing.
How? Also no, you cannot induce an abortion by starving. That's not how it works.
This reads like a 2008 Yahoo answers post
Go to bed Joseph