Getting red flagged

My ex girlfriend recently said she's going to get my guns taken away. I live in Florida.

What the fuck do I do besides lawyer up?

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Other urls found in this thread:

that's a nice fucking image
also get a lawyer
don't speak with her and dont talk to your family/friends about wanting to kill her like a retard

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Restraining Order and Lawyer up Buckaroo.

How the FUCK are red flag laws not unconstitutional ?

>innocent until proven guilty, unless the state says so
>"security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed"
>"[t]he right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated"


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Because someone's claims now trump all law.
Look at everything with Kavanaugh and how they're bringing up NEW lies

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report her first for terrorist threats against your civil liberties

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>How the FUCK are red flag laws not unconstitutional ?
They ARE unconstitutional. It’s black and white. It’s part of a bigger gungrab.

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Get a restraining order due to threats before she does. It'll make you look better.

This. Also ask a shooting buddy or close friend if you can keep the guns at his place for a while as this whole ordeal blows over.

Sadly there are people who exist in this world, who love the idea of losing rights and being oppressed.

US law has gone from tolerable to basically Europe tier in the last few years. It started after 9/11 and has only compounded. We're going to be living in 1984 very very soon if some big doesn't happen.

Big this, media is an absolute joke and does nothing but lie, its going to be sane Americans vs the severely mentally ill other half of the country.

like zoinks man

>to basically Europe tier
worse than europe in some cases

Take your guns and valuables and leave the state.


Gather ALL evidence of harssment. EVERY TIME SHE TEXTS YOU reply with
>our relationship is over, please leave me alone.
>please stop texting me

And yes. Get a restraining order the moment you think you can construe evidence of harassment. Threatening you with false police reports IS A CRIME. Report that to your local and her local police immediately.

>My ex girlfriend recently said she's going to get my guns taken away

She may already red flagged you. Police serving red flag cases will do surveillance on you first for several days then detain you when you are least expecting it and do not have access to guns; such as for example when you are walking to your car with shorts and flip flops to go down to the convenience store or when you are leaving work.


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I like the way you think.

Non american who dealt with the same situation
>passed all unregistered guns to bro after threats were made
>called the police and transferred all the registered ones
>dealt with cops coming a week later for said guns
>gave them reference numbers and proof they weren't in my possession anymore
>had to fight with them and bring a constable down because they wanted to take my smokeless powder and ammo
>explained the situation and fighting for the last month and a bit
>kicked gf to the curb after tossing her shit outside
>got my guns back a week later from bro
Simple fucking is

Shoot her

> Sharebluimage678.jpg

Holy shit we are being raided

The cops can't kick my door in and arrest me for criticizing muslims on twitter yet but we're close.

>What the fuck do I do besides lawyer up?
>"Hello? Yes, my ex-girlfriend has been taking our break-up very badly. She keeps talking about slitting her wrists and taking a warm bath."

Not this.

This: enjoy a nice outing with all your guns on a good boating trip. Try not to drown.

holy shit you're obvious

you do you think the mods are now.....

The constitution is antisemitic.

>Thread fishing for probably illegal advice

Since I know you people are reading this I genuinely hope you kill yourselves. You are working for Satan.

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Also this. Call the cops through a non emergency line and explain the situation and ask them to do a wellness check as you fear she may do self harm. Be in contact with local authorities to build a case and be resilient. The worst thing to do is be a loner or vague.

Give your guns to a friend who will hold them for you till the shit blows over. Then you can say, "hey I knew she would do something like this and to prove I'm not threat to anyone I gave someone my firearms." I knew a guy who was going through a divorce and his wife was filing a protective order and he did that, at the trial she said he has guns and could threaten us with them and he told the judge I don't have any firearms I gave them to a friend when she filed the order. The order was denied.

However I'd say Lawyer up.

keep covering your tracks

Plant hard drugs on her property and call in a tip.

Temporarily give all of your guns to a close friend. Try not to attack the cops at 2am when they No-Knock Raid you.

Literally just purged every fucking normie from my life to avoid getting Red Flagged. Godspeed, faggot.


Document everything, on paper, in a dedicated notebook for this purpose. print out every mail or text and record of phone calls with your ex and note down the time and date and content of any conversations from the point she threatened you. scrub your social media of anything edgy or angry or political or complaining about your ex. gather together proof of employment, residence and anything else that makes you look sane and responsible. get a lawyer. wear a suit to court or at least a button down collared shirt. don't talk any shit. at all.

>he wasn’t here for the 2017-2018 meme wars

Tell the cops your ex is threatening you before she fucks you, presuming you are telling the truth and haven't fucked up. Hopefully she texted the threats or left some clear record.
If you have fucked up, get a lawyer, don't lie to the cops.

They are. The entire country is sitting around with a petrified smile on its face pretending they aren't. Just like we pretend that parents who chemically geld boys and send them to school in dresses aren't guilty of felony child endangerment, and that every legislator that voted for sanctuary city/state status isn't a felon under Federal immigration law.

This is how Bourbon France died. It wasn't oppressive. It was the opposite. Parties and cities and provinces kept breaking the fucking law, seeing how far they could go, while King Louie sat like a saint not wanting to fight or oppress his own people right up until he and his wife were murdered. Not a comfortable parallel, even if you're a well armed peasant.

phil please stop replying to every bait thread
scroll up and check OP's filename

>illegal advice
Atf is illegal, the entire state of Florida is illegal, honestly. OPs life is literally in danger right now because cops could kill him while trying to get his guns.

Take one for the team

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The only way to make this better is to flood the system with red flags until enough innocent people get their rights taken away or killed by no knocks that the general public wakes up and the supreme court fixes it.

> The entire country is sitting around with a petrified smile on its face pretending they aren't.

Support for red flag laws is >70% in most surveys with up to 90% in some.

This includes 66.0% of registered Republicans and 67.0% of gun owners.

It may be unconstitutional, but make no mistake; these laws are overwhelmingly popular and bipartisan by all accounting.

> and that every legislator that voted for sanctuary city/state status isn't a felon under Federal immigration law.

What happened to the "Muh states rights mufugga!" argument I constantly seeing your intellectually bankrupt ass making when the topic is about guns, or bumpkin ass Ranchers. What about you constantly yelling that everyone needs to no be compliant with the gun laws of the state you live in? You don't get it both ways, cunt. You're for flouting the government or against flouting the government.

Who are we kidding? This is just your typical Trump supporter/Republican double think.

They are unconstitutional. The problem is that it takes many years and millions of dollars to get a legal case to the Supreme Court to strike down the law.

Well I guess if the media says it, it must be true.

Lawyer up all you want. If she wants she can go down and get an ex parte hearing and same day police will be there to take your guns, you don't even get to go to court for that hearing if she doesn't tell you about it.
Then you can have the slim chance of defending yourself a month or two out.

>NPR poll
>another article citing NPR poll
Yeah, not a bunch of liberals without guns pretending to be conservatives with guns on poll to make it seem like both sides agree on this. Assuming a poll was ever really done and they didn't just slap a number and say "trust us". I don't remember doing this poll, anyone else here remember voting on this?

Since when is "The Hill" a liberal rag and APM Research a liberal pencilwhipping shop?

Which average Americans don't have. Then the Supreme Court can simply bounce it back because they don't want to vote on it. The amount of faith in our legal system is astonishing when you see how much the thing fucks over people and how contradictory it can be any moment. Plus, some states have and will take a strict "Don't care what the Federal Government says" stance and will ignore anything that doesn't mesh with what they want.

Poll was conducted with 2 partners.
One of which being Guns and America.
>go to guns and america website
>articles about school shooters and what it is like after being shot
Yep, this is working out grand. Follow your own rabbit hole and research what bullshit narrative is being pumped out by the ones involved with this.

Plus survey was of 1000 people. There is no merit to a survey of 1000 people.

Probably going to have to make the biggest decision of your life soon OP

May the founders look upon you in these trying times

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Kill her. Dump the body in the Everglades

>Call the cops through a non emergency line and explain the situation and ask them to do a wellness check as you fear she may do self harm. Be in contact with local authorities to build a case and be resilient. The worst thing to do is be a loner or vague.

First person to file police reports wins the case.

AND MAKE A RECORD OF EVERYTHING. Get a notebook. If she texts you, note date, time, and subject. When you talk to the police, do the same. Get copies of police reports then and there, or as soon as you can. Record the name of every officer you talk to.

You got lucky. Under title 15 of the VAWA a woman can call 911, say you hit her, and YOU are the one evicted. Cops arrest you. Automatic restraining order. The house is effectively hers, and can be legally awarded to her if you lose the DV case. There have been cases of women who spent the day as a guest, made the call, pretended to be the girlfriend, and got awarded the property.

Thankfully most women don't know about this. But the legal weapons at their disposal are fucking nuclear.


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Nobody gives a fuck about the constitution anymore, especially when it doesn't suit their political agenda.

call the police and say she is suicidal that will buy you 3 days to pawn your guns on 60 day terms

"Constitutional" just refers to whether or not a given law can get a majority vote in favor on the Council of Nine.

Talk to a lawyer, consultation will probably be free. If you have someone you can trust, have them store your guns. For several hundred dollars you can probably get a contract drawn up if trust isn't enough.

>Threatening you with false police reports IS A CRIME.

Here's the thing though: the entire point of Red Flag is to permit confiscation of firearms without due process.

The way these things work is that someone makes a statement -- usually NOT under oath, but it depends on jurisdiction and doesn't really matter as we'll see -- that THEY FEEL you are a threat to yourself/others. If the judge thinks this statement is reasonable -- and again, this is not an actual criminal legal proceeding, it is only a facsimile of one -- then he can order confiscation.

It's possible, again depending on specifics of the law in question, that if a statement which convinces a judge to issue a confiscation order contains false statements that this might be a crime. It's even possible that a DA might prosecute such a crime. But it's not a given, and besides, Red Flag laws exist to take guns, not to punish people for telling cops to take guns.

They are blatantly unconstitutional and a constitutional argument is easy to make against them however there's a long legal path to actually have precedents against them set which would be going against organized state interests who are able to pay out a shit ton more than you, and it's entirely likely your appeals will be denied because the politicized courts would rather implement new progressive laws through their precedents than rectify existing ones

1: Do not engage with her in any way. Don't answer the phone, do not respond to texts or emails. Don't *block* her, let her engage with you, just don't react. This is to collect evidence. Any conversations you can get a hold of that demonstrate she's lying are going to help you.

2: Talk to a lawyer. As good as you can afford. You don't pay the dude who fought your parking ticket in court to write your will, you pay for what you get.

3: It sucks, but comply with all police and court orders. Do not yell, do not try to fight them, do not argue with them. If they come for your guns, hand them over. As long as you don't do / didn't do stupid shit you'll get them all back.

Red flag laws are not actually constitutional and violate no less than four amendments- the second, the fourth, the fifth, sixth (both right to trial and to confront your accuser), and the fourteenth (due process) amendments are all arguably violated by red flag laws.

More hysterically, red flag laws argue that mental health concerns are due cause to remove guns from a person, but typically contain clauses that explicitly ban a judge from consulting a mental health expert when rendering their judgement.

The problem is that the way the US is tooled, you can basically make almost any law you want and it falls to the citizenry to then pursue court trials and carry it as far as the supreme court of the United States to actually get them overturned. This is a lengthy process many lawyers don't want to touch. Even if you get all the way to the SCOTUS they can simply refuse to try your case.

Red flag laws are perfectly constitutional you idiots. The majority of them were specifically drafted to pass Constituitonal muster. The possible challenge to them is they are improperly used, harmful, or discriminatory in nature.

um excyooose me all of these polls conducted by highly respectable organizations run by individuals with the best credentials and the most soothing npr voices show that DRUMPF is going to lose there's no reason to get worked up about it it's just inevitable sorry sweetie painting nails emoji

Can you sue people for red flagging you or threatening to do so? Or can you get to the judge first?

>um excyooose me all of these polls conducted by highly respectable organizations run by individuals with the best credentials and the most soothing npr voices show that DRUMPF is going to lose

Except the part where you're confused is that no - polls didn't show Trump was going to lose.

Yeah ok retard a preliminary action without a court hearing or notification based on a single person's testimony without any prior indicators is constitutional. Get lynched shariablue

>If they come for your guns, hand them over.

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>Red flag laws are perfectly constitutional you idiots.
No they aren't. They allow the seizure of personal property without due process (4th & 5th amendments) and without allowing the defendant to confront his accuser (6th amendment). They are specifically targeted at property guaranteed special protections (2nd amendment).

I am aware of the means used to claim that these things are not happening. Those means are nonsense, and merely indicative of the degraded state of American jurisprudence.

fucking lol. you're either new or used to propagandizing dumber demographics.

>No they aren't. They allow the seizure of personal property without due process

Hasn't been a law passed yet that does not guarantee speedy Judicial review.

> and without allowing the defendant to confront his accuser

These aren't criminal charges, they're civil and civil seizure by law enforcement has held up since the 80s. Thank Reagan and Bush.

>They are specifically targeted at property guaranteed special protections (2nd amendment).

The 2A is guarantied no special protections outside of large, categorical bans.

>Red flag laws are perfectly constitutional you idiots.

This. Same as search warrants or restraining orders.

loose them in a boating accident

6th Amendment. Confrontation Clause:
>"in all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right…to be confronted with the witnesses against him."
Red flag laws directly defy this. ERPOs are filed in secret court proceedings.
It's not even kinda exaggerating to say that this is NKVD shit.

The law is very protective about the prosecuting party. Basically your only defense in this sense is to prove that they deliberately went out of their way to fabricate a red flag for the sole purpose of seizing your firearms.
Where, coincidentally, OP has a case to make if she was dumb enough to text it to him.

>search warrants
Yeah dude, reverse location search warrants are totally constitutional

>Hasn't been a law passed yet that does not guarantee speedy Judicial review.
judicial review is made up

>These aren't criminal charges, they're civil and civil seizure by law enforcement has held up since the 80s.
What's your point? Civil asset forfeiture is also unconstitutional and surprise surprise has been systematically abused.

>The 2A is guarantied no special protections outside of large, categorical bans.
What are you talking about?

Its because a red flag isn't criminal, so being civil allows them to try to get around this.

>Leaving the house unarmed for ANY reason
That's your first mistake. Don't make it easy for them.

>Its because a red flag isn't criminal, so being civil allows them to try to get around this.
Which doesn't make it any less bullshit. You are still being deprived of your constitutional rights because of hearsay and what someone BELIEEEEEVES you *might* do. It is pre-crime.

>Clinton’s chance of winning at anywhere from 70% to as high as 99%,

So, yeah...

Most reputable polls had Trump at a 3/10 - 4/10 chances. Call it 7 in 20 for the sake of argument. That's something that happens with a fair amount of frequency. If you told me pull this lever and win a billion dollars or get shot in the dick and the odds were 7/20, I'd spend some serious fucking time thinking about that.

I know you want to wave this around as a triumph over the evil MSM or whatever it is you do but the fact is most of them got it pretty right. It was people taking "Clinton has a 70% chance of winning" as "Clinton is going to win!" and running with it. Trump fell within reliable unbiased polling, and it's statistically even less remarkable if you exclude the obviously biased outliers like WaPo and HuffPo. Polling for the most part wasn't off, it was misinterpretation of polling by leftysmugs that did it.

>Being a law makes it constitutional
Imagine ...

>judicial review is made up

So is the Constitution, what the Hell are you even trying to say? Red Flag laws passed to date require the approval of a Judge following a hearing conducted in good time. That's due process.

>What's your point? Civil asset forfeiture is also unconstitutional and surprise surprise has been systematically abused.

Not saying I agree with it, simply that this kind of seizure has passed constitutional muster in multiple courts under multiple stripes of Judges again and again.

>What are you talking about?

There are no real Constitutional protections to the 2A, at least not on the scale I picture you're imagining. You have an individual right to own firearms under certain circumstances and laws may not be passed which are tantamount to broad bans of entire classes of firearms. That's about the summary of the 2A as it stands in the judicial zeitgeist right now.

>Polling for the most part wasn't off, it was misinterpretation of polling by leftysmugs that did it.

I would mostly agree with this except that polling was off by a couple points. However, that's fairly standard and people had the wrong expectations giving that polling in the previous two elections had been exceptionally accurate.

It's the same old game time after time. When you see these numbers they are asking questions like "Do you think background checks are a good thing? (they don't tell people they mean to have them undergo a background check to give their nephew a birthday present, or the fact they eventually want a registry) Do you think that machine guns should not be available over the counter? (they don't want fudds to realize they are actually talking about taking away his M1A). Do you think we should have a system to get guns out of the hands of people proven to be dangerous? (they leave out the intentional violations of due process)

The funny thing about lefties these days is they have started believing their own bullshit. These polls were designed to be propaganda, but they now think that these numbers reflect actual reality. Guns are not the only issue like this. Healthcare, immigration, trade, etc. have the same problem. See, a lot of Americans hear the sales pitch but have no faith in the outcome. Sure expanded coverage and lowered health costs is not something anyone would be reasonably against, but trusting these tools to deliver on that promise absolutely is! When this gets hilarious is when an issue the Left wants is "polling over 70%" and it looses in an election. These people have no sense of self awareness so they believe there is some well funded conspiracy against them. Remember, these are the same people who control the media, education, and pop culture. They cannot understand how anyone could vote against them unless they are "evil" while not understanding they are just bat shit bonkers at this point.

put a restraining order on her
accuse of domestic violence

Yes, that's the way it works when they actually do it.

However, if she -threatens- you with it first, then you have a case. Of course you need evidence of these threats: recorded calls or text messages.

Filing a false police report is ALWAYS a crime. Doesn't matter if you're under oath or not. If you lie to a cop in any circumstance whatsoever, you can be tried and convicted.

Will the DA prosecute her for making a false statement? Shit no. But will it weigh in your favor? Absolutely if the judge is even remotely fair.

>yeah but the judge won't be fair there is no justice etc etc

You'd be surprised. Don't argue for inaction and despair.

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>comply with all police
The gestappo comes to unconstitutionally seize your arms and you say “just comply” when they are at your doorstep?
You woulda been a model Juden for the Nazis. I’m sure they wish all of them were “reasonable” and docile and compliant like you.

>I would mostly agree with this except that polling was off by a couple points

And again, for the most part the margins of error people were whipping up in models were right and fell within statistical acceptance. Confidence intervals were a little wonky, granted; that said that's not something normal people see and is fodder for the stat nerds.

>However, that's fairly standard and people had the wrong expectations giving that polling in the previous two elections had been exceptionally accurate.

And this is where I disagree with a lot of people here. The polling proper wasn't inaccurate. Again, any statistician worth their salt during the 2016 election was saying "Trump has a statistically reasonable chance of winning." This was people getting spoon feed numbers by outlets with agendas and not bothering to read the primary source material themselves, because graphs and charts are hard for most people.

Just an addendum:

The Left does even recognize the fact that about a third of the American public owns guns, just how popular "assault weapons" are, or just how many fudds they have converted into AR owners. It turns out that when you have these people talking about how rights are obsolete, you are getting people to take their rights and their guns more seriously.

>hehehe die in a shootout with the cops goy!
How about no.

>What the fuck do I do besides lawyer up?
this, and if she sent it to you in text/email format, save the pics. Then you can file a counter claim for a false police report, which fucks her up. Also, don't communicate with her from this point on. Not a lawyer. Go get one.

>this, and if she sent it to you in text/email format, save the pics.
You can actually present your cellphone in court as evidence. Most judges accept it the way they accept other documents.

Walk into the police station with a bomb and say you want to talk, and rape your dog

Where were we all, what were we all doing; when red flagging became the new reverse rape threat in the thot tool box???

What's next I wonder?

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>Fed's fear: the post

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Everyone understands you're trying to talk gullible people into getting into last-stand shootouts with police.

The only people who benefit from that are gun grabbers. And you know it.

Give your guns away or if you feel the need write up a bill of sale. Bury them in mylar bags or pre made gun vaults designed to be buried. Try and reason with her if possible. Use language that doesn’t accuse her of anything, say things like “this is what I perceive.” Try diplomacy if possible if you are past that God help you

In Florida it is indeed a felony to make false reports in regards to the red flag law.

Lawyer up, accuse her of harassment, and file for a restraining order against her.