>Brexit never
Bonginstan eternally btfo'd
Brexit never
That's like the opposite of what should happen
user, how did your shit get in my ass?
Yeah but whaddaya gonna do. I mean we could all rise up and hang 'em from the lamp-posts, but the next lot will probably be even worse.
If you promise to back me in betraying the country I will allow us to vote on a deal that the subsequent re try will nullify and so you won't have to be accountable
>have vote
>ignore vote
>promise another vote
democracy 2019
>the next lot will probably be even worse.
nooses are reusable
two weeks ago i would of been devastated and really upset
but with are nige leading the polls i cant help but feel happy about this. Its only helping to sink the ship, and finally break us free from this two party system. Her being so out of touch with what her voters want, even after all the polls and all the lashback, is so absurd to the point where it feels intentional
5D chess anyone?
You say that as if you wanted it to not happen
>back shitty deal and you can vote until we all agree to stay
Throw the tea into the harbor already you fucking limp wrists.
Well how many politicians do you have to hang before you get an honest one? I mean, you can only use a rope so many times.
I am ok with her doing this. Before there was no plan, just a plane crash. Now:
>theresa may keeps making a fool of herself
>keeps losing support of loyal conservatives
>conservatives lose support of the country
>brexit party steamrolls european elections, just as already predicted
>enough pressure to get theresa sacked, and a real PM that will give us brexit
>everyone had enough of the tories anyway and brexit party winds next general election
Stopped caring like a year ago
> Parliament has to first accept her deal
> then people will vote to put the final stamp on the shit
What's the point, if rejection of staying EU means you'll get May's deal anyway?
Is this her way of coming out of closet with her willingness to stay in EU?
People will vote to stay in second referendum
Ropes are reusable mate.
thats what i was scared of before, but in the lead up to the european elections the brexit party has had the most support and is about to destroy the competition
How are the tories not ripped in two yet? Surely this news has completely destroyed their base. Does this mean if this passes, a second vote would determine the vassal state deal or remain?
So did we mate. It's like a really long and not very funny comedy sketch by now. I don't give a monkey's what they do, I just wish they'd all stf up about it.
no deal or another vote are both good outcomes for chaos and accelerationism
May was always a leftist that was only there to appease while getting nothing done. She is intentionally being incompetent.
The first referendum is still not delivered, yet the remainers want another vote.
You don't reason with the crazy retards, you out-crazy them:
Brexiters should only publicly announce that they agree to a second referendum, if the result of the vote (which as "leave") is the same as the previous referendum. If it's not, then the result doesn't count.
they are all careerists user. Even when things happen that they dont like, in the end they would rather stay in their comfy job they've been working to their whole life. Even people like rees who i like.
>so did we
>still voting for fucking Farage
YOU might have
The EU would lose. But that’s not the point she can fuck off.
I don’t get how they lied about what the EU was until 2010-ish, total black mouthed lies, how can everyone just memory hole this crime?
Who lied? The EU never lied. That's not the German way. They just make you disinterested, reluctant to find the information and make it annoying to look for. All the info is still there.
Bongs you should honestly consider killing her.
Based May, helping us to shoulder keeping the EU afloat.
Based Poland crashing this plane
>3.6 billion only for Hungary
This will not do, Hans.
You need to pay reparations for blowing our bridges up.
If rope isn't cheap and reusable enough you've got the Thames in your capitol to just drown them in.
Holy shit, that's a fucking disgrace. Sickening.
And if the second vote doesn't yield the (((right))) result, a third one will take place and so on.
The absolute fucking state of democracy.
>But new information has come to light since the first vote
Even more new information has come to light since joining the EU. Do we get a second referendum on that?
It's not about the hangings, you have to put the fear of god in the politician. That's been the American way till now
Saddest thing is that it got fucked up this badly because German sappers did a shitty job.
The bridge had 4 chain chambers connecting it to the riverbank. Germans planted bombs in all 4 of them. The 4 bombs were supposed the explode at the same time, which would've resulted the collapse of the middle section of the bridge.
Only one bomb exploded which made the entire bridge unstable. Instead of the middle section collapsing, the entire structure got twisted to the left, violently tearing one of the gates apart and pulling another one towards the Danube.
Commies didn't want rebuilding the old bridge, because repairing it would've cost as much as building a new one. So they build that white abomination.
someone cunt punt that useless boomer bitch out of office already.
>German engineering
>commie financing
I'm sorry, Hungary. You don't deserve that.
it took 2 people at cnn to write this article.
We are witnessing the death of the conservative party and it is rather glorious.
I'm not sure many people have cottoned onto this yet. It's historic.
how many times are they going to vote on brexit?
She probably just destroyed the Conservative Party and assured Brexit Party will get close to 40%
What an interesting story.
Less talking, more paying
I noticed and I am but a humble leaf. The media is kiked and retarded and is thus focusing on “OMG WHITE PEOPLE FUCKING WRECKT BREXIT DO OVER HAHA FUCK WHITEY” meanwhile the real story is May will never get to move forward with this proposal as she will be sacked when Based Nigel gets over 40% this week and threatens to destroy the Tories in the real national elections
If Britbongs don't kill that witch now they will never see any laws work ever again.
Anti-EU parties generally win seats for the EU (lol) but the second referendum is gonna be much ore propagandized and promoted.
No. There is already a bridge. Thats enough.
And Japanese floodlights.
The night illumination was planned and financed by Japan (it was a present for some occasion).
It looks ok at night, so thank you for that.
Parties actually. It's happening all around the world, America being an outlier because of Trump, but even that will come to an end when people realize that both parties are the same shit basically.
Imo, I think it's got to do with the fact the conservationism has conserved fuckall and has continually given ground to the left. When they fuck off, a new sort of right wing will fill the vacuum, hopefully they're not as useless
This is how i know muzzrats are controlled by the kikes.
Not one of these politicians are ever touched by the ebil psychopathic muzzies, and it's not even that hard to get close to the ones in power.