Did we fight the wrong enemy?

Did we fight the wrong enemy?

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Fuck off nazi

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clearly the soviets were worse than hitler.

also that list is bullshit, hitler killed 6 million ((jews)) but you can't attribute all the deaths from inevitable war that was ww2 to him

>Doesn't show who was killed
>Most likely includes missing jews and every German soldier

fUcK oFf NaZi

yes, it is the ultimate redpill, and the saddest. The best chance we had, gone. The victors write the history, and hitlers story is the greatest story never told.

Hitler was gay..Google it

He was Trans too

it's not over yet

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Why isn't Hitler smiling here? This is bullshit, he got 6 million of those demons killed
Even though it didn't happen, I hope it really happens again

Attacked (is the word commie fuck!) an innocent vibrant Rothschild free Christian country on behalf of blood sucking kikes... Thanks for asking!

Find the census papers online to see the jew bag population held steady at fifteen million before during and after the attack on blessed Germany

The more i research WW2 more i find out Nazis weren't as bad as history teachers want us to believe. In fact Allied soldiers were commited way more war crimes than germans.
After the war they tortured surviving Nazis into giving false confessions

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Wouldn't you two be the ones to mention that...

Wasnt he also mixed?

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most likely

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Hitler was actually a proud black woman. All the photos have been edited to keep PoC down.

You backed the wrong horse. The cost is extinction. Sucks to be you

No, some of us fought the right one - you.

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Sure are a lot of hymies around these Hitler threads!

yes, not only that but we bombed their food supply into dust then used images of starving people to convince ourselves that we are noble liberators as we raped our way across europe and layed the foundation for the extinction on the European people, a process which has possibly already passed its event horrizon


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The Hell is a "Hymie"?

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A Jewish person sir look it up!

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Haha I just call em kikes , friend

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No jews on the list?

>Stalin: 23 million
>Mao: 78 million
>Hitler: 17 million
>Stalin: 3-20 million
>Mao: 15-45 million
>Hitler: 5-6 million in the Holocaust, 50-55 million civilian deaths total during WWII

I'm running out of slurs, I all ready used that one!

There were Jews in the ranks of the CPSU but the ranking seems to focus on heads of state

You mean to tell me that if you were a jew and the nazi party took over you wouldn't leave the country?
>What is immigration?

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Haha Fair enough

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Apparently, the German authorities aimed to alleviate the tragic situation as much as they could. The Red Cross quite clearly claims that food supplies ceased at that time, due to the Allied bombing of German transport, and in the interest of the interned Jews, protested on March 15, 1944 against the "barbaric air war of the allies" (Inter Arma Caritas, p. 78). On January 2, 1944, the ICRC warned the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the imminent collapse of the German transport system, declaring that hunger for people in Germany was inevitable.

With the extensive 3-volume Report, it is important to emphasize that the ICRC delegates did not find evidence that camps in occupied Europe were a deliberate policy of exterminating Jews . On none of the 1,600 pages, the Report does not even mention anything like a gas chamber.

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pretty obvious at this point

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Shoutout to my nigga Leopold

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>jew population at 15 million
>6 million apparently die
>population remains at 15 million

>claim immigration caused this
boy are you fucking retarded?

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Fuhrer and the boys ready to drop the hottest album of 1933

lmfao i can tell if the author is stupid or trying to manipulate.

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it's from TIME or LIFE mag from the 1930s

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This is the saddest pill to swallow.

No more brother wars. Paperclips to follow.


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Leopold the II might also be getting a bad rap too.
He certainly WASN'T a dictator

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Gee... you think?

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What the fuck was wrong with the 20th century?

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Maybe his ally shouldn't have bombed the US, you utter faggot. Keep praising this literal art student failure and army grunt.

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All Hitler wanted was to protect Europe from Bolshivism.
Unfortunately the US had already been overtaken/subverted by a british banker Agent, Pres Roosevelt, who founded the FED, and legislated a bunch of horribly anti-constitutional laws, ended forever American neutrality in international politics, introduced Income Tax ... etc.... so the US throu Roosevelt constantly funded the Bolsheviki with untold amounts of shlush fund money ....

It's al well explained btw in Jow Forumss basic knowlage documentary
“The Greatest Story NEVER Told“

A MUST know for every true Jow Forumsack

>clearly the soviets were worse than hitler.
>also that list is bullshit, hitler killed 6 million ((jews)) but you can't attribute all the deaths from inevitable war that was ww2 to him
And even that is stll a bullshit number, wayyyy overblown phantasy, supported by only sayso, while the actual evidence strongly hints at seveal hundret thpusand max.