The New Awakening

The basis of our race is blood and soil. You can have all the accelerationism in the world, but your sacrifices are worthless if we do not return to a way of living that produces healthy white children. Only from physical communities rooted in blood and soil can a movement spring with the strength and longevity to save the west.
Join the New Awakening. We are a political vanguard working towards an ethnostate in the Pacific Northwest and the only National Socialist organization with a constructive focus. Our aim is to establish cultural and political dominance through a process of organic migration.
You do not need to enter some compound. Simply move to the states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana and network with like-minded people.
In order to join, you must be a National Socialist of white European ancestry and adhere to strict anonymity. If you qualify, enter our riot gateway under an account and email unattached to any personal information.
We are building physical communities through completely legal avenues. If you plan to engage in any illegal activities, do not try to join.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Why the Pacific Northwest?

Attached: rainier.gif (480x360, 3.38M)

>Why the Swastika?

Attached: AwakenYourRace.png (1213x1540, 554K)

>How does the New Awakening plan on winning the PNW?

Attached: rise.png (1079x1497, 582K)

>content blocked

Ffs lol

oh this super secret nazi stuff is so cool. i slept through history classes.
my power-level will be so high even magneto won't mess with me.

i can't wait till i get my super secret decoder ring. can i be in your tree house club

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This is retarded yet a good idea. Have fun attempting to make everyone equally poor.

National Socialism is not Marxism.

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>doesn't realize it's actually a doxing site run by antifa to collect information on you

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Nice lefty meme kike.

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Sounds like a good idea, but natsoc makes up only small portion of the “alt-right”. If you want to succeed you most likely have to find a common ground between all the groups in the alt right, then you can start redpilling them about natsoc.

thanks fool.


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OP obviously is looking for more cocks to suck.
Keep sucking those cocks OP.

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>If you want to succeed you most likely have to find a common ground between all the groups in the alt right, then you can start redpilling them about natsoc.

I agree, but the early leadership needs to be as focused at possible. We need to minimize chances of infighting, which requires ideological purity. All non-degenerate whites are encouraged to move to the PNW, but the leadership must remain National Socialist.

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Go to cuckfornia then.

Why do you out yourself kike? I thought you fucks where supposed to smart?

There is no way for you to control migration into the PNW. The only thing you can change is who migrates here. Who will it be? More non-whites and degenerates or white families?

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well my home is infested with niggers, thanks to YOU. so kys, shitskin enbabler.

payback is coming

Pakistani living in Forest Grove OR AMA. My dad owns a gas station here.

No one cares.

Sounds good, one more suggestion is too start advertising outside pol. pol can be good first stop for recruitment, but Even if all of pol moved to PNW it still would not be enough. What we need is numbers and a good place to convert normies.

Eat shit. We want no one coming here. Especially dumb fuck racists

Can I get a job

they told me it was going to be muh new white empire.

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We don’t want dumb fucks like you spewing your Marxist bullshit.

>Sounds good, one more suggestion is too start advertising outside pol
We have been. The chans remain the most effective. Jow Forums is the intersection for all kinds of White Nationalist forums.

>What we need is numbers and a good place to convert normies.
We have no use for them at the moment. What we need is a core group of people committed to building the initial infrastructure. No regular person is going to join an online movement of this kind.

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Why did y’all pick the PNW? New England is a thousandfold better. Better weather, closer you Europe so we may accept Europeans that want to get away from Londonstan and Germania, maple syrup, comfy as fuck Autumns, and New Hampshire has more wooden covered bridges than any other state. A lot of history in New England.

Too small

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>network with like-minded people.

>adhere to strict anonymity.

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I feel that you’re unaware of just how large Penn and New York State are. Granted it’s southern NE, but those states are massive. I’ve been all over NE. There is plenty of room for all ethnostate whites. Plenty of room to hunt, grow, and thrive. Oh, and Maine is fucking huge and dense with wooded land full of all kinds of amazing food. Have you ever been to Montana or Idaho? Very beautiful states, but I fee like the climate is more harsh. Shit, my ex gf lives in Wyoming in the border of Montana and got four inches of snow last night!

Just a thought my friend.

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Sorry for my shitty writing. I’m on an old cell phone.

Online you are anonymous. You will choose who you trust and take steps to meet them IRL.

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Too many libtards(Yankees) there.

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still won't get laid hahahaha

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Why dont choose a already made small village and move there one family ar the time, jsut like nigger and sudamericans do.
By the way it is awesome idea, you are actually doing something not like 99% of Jow Forums this is what Brenton Tarrant should have done instead of what he did

>I feel that you’re unaware of just how large Penn and New York State are.
Gaining any kind of meaningful influence in those states would not be possible. They are too big and do not have the growth for new people. New Hampshire and Maine would be your best bet, but they can only hold a small fraction of white nationalists.

>Very beautiful states, but I fee like the climate is more harsh.
First off, it's not only Idaho and Montana. If you're too delicate for snow, you can move further West. I don't know why you consider weather a problem. Winter's are much colder in the Northeast than most parts of the PNW.

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The LARP Continues

You are planning to big ahead, just start small, choose a village and flood it

>Why dont choose a already made small village and move there one family ar the time
This is our plan. We are integrating into already existing communities in the PNW.

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this seems like some government targeting shit

Also I think Swastica is not the best option, like why dont use the Life rune or something like that, Swastica is the worldwide symbol of "bad" is just to heavily disliked, in terms of marketing is not a good strategy

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Then don't give any personal information when you investigate.

We are not interested in a mass movement right now. Like you said: start small.

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If you want to win you need to be cool. Appeal to the youth culture. Whether that means welcoming weebs openly or something like that idk but you gotta be more than just right. You have to be cool

I spent four years in North Dakota, two of which we had record-breaking winters. I can deal with the weather, and actually prefer the cold. I'm thinking in terms of if large, liberal-owned businesses up and leave the PNW, we may have a period of rebuilding. That's just where my mind was.

I agree with . The Odal Rune would seem more fitting than the Swastika.

hmmm seems nice, Im thinking about creating a eco-fascist party here in the homeland or YT channel, the ECO sells well among youth.

Anyway wish you the best, if you stick to the project long enough i could even donate money. I could make some posters even as long as everything is pacific.

>accepting beta males

I for sure wouldn't want to be a part of a world that brings in weak men unless those weak men want deep in their hearts to change and become strong, and even still, not everyone is born to be that way.

They want the association because it aligns with their beliefs

What about Yellowstone?

will Faith be there ?

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>I'm thinking in terms of if large, liberal-owned businesses up and leave the PNW
That would not be possible for most companies who have already built their infrastructure here. If a company like Boeing decides they have to leave, they would be selling the largest aerospace plant in the world to a company more willing to work with us. Either way. We win.

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I dig it. Recently I applied at SEATAC for a pretty good position, so this thread is quite interesting should I get the job.

That would be great. Make contact through our gateway if you want to coordinate.

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what if those beta have good hacking skills for example, after all for every front line soldier there are 4 supporting him.
Engenieering, etc are important things AF

Since you love diversity why not move to Mexico or Brazil? We're establishing a reich from Miami to Seattle. New York and California be damned

I'm sure there are plenty of Alphas who have those same skills, my friend. But, like I said, if a beta wishes deeply in his soul to become stronger and better, than I'd accept him under my wing. I feel like, generally, one can tell which betas will or will not go through with a plan. I know that goes a little against what I said before, and I apologize because I'd have to get into specific detail about what I believe.

Saved, this is a great image. Clearly and concisely communicates the message

will there be bliss ?

if there is bliss im in

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>From Miami

I sure hope so. I currently live in Florida and do enjoy it here.

We don't want people who shy at the hakencreutz!

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New England is the home of glowniggers since time immemorial. Plus it gets extremely cold there while the coastal regions of the PNW are always temperate.

Doesn't get as cold as Montana or Idaho, especially with the winds out there. Those are unforgiving. I just love the landscape of NE so much more than PNW, which is still beautiful. Just my opinions.

Who is HM?

Unironically this. These groups are 99% dudes. If I wanted to join an all-male fascist group...well, I'm on Jow Forums so...

This is a cute idea until you realize that the majority of people that would move are probably gonna be trailer park trash.

Does this include the Canadian Pacific Northwest, or are you strictly an American movement?


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We should just unironically do this.

If the have taken the /sig/(good job + workout) pill they could go on and actually search a girl and problem solved, you can actually find pretty normie-conservative girls on Tinder if you go sutile enough and indoctrinate them from there

A society of all alphas would collapse. Chiefs and indians. That and when people say beta they mean omega. A Lieutenant is not shameful.

>These groups are 99% dudes.
Normally yes. But since we're family oriented, we get a lot more women. There are even some babies in the works. Funny how groups centered around white activism tend to be sterile.

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when was the last time you did anything unironically ?

What's your stance on pot?

Yikes. Imagine this being your priority.

I'd rather live in Alabama with niggers than in Wahington or Oregon with white hipster fags. We can just reinstate apartheid here if need be, but there's no escaping those queers once youre there.

Whites can be saved. Niggers can't.

If you have a choice between white people and niggers, and you choose niggers. There is something wrong with you.

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Don't kid yourself. Northwestern retards are fucked. Move to dixie.

I can just beat the shit out of niggers and go on my way. White hipsters are relentless about pushing their bullshit.

I've lived everywhere, including Portland, I'm speaking from first hand experience. Keep your niggers in check and it'll be fine.

Reproduction rates beg to differ, but that's a different topic.

Niggers have been in the south for hundreds of years. They will never leave. Most hipsters have been in the PNW for no more than a decade. They will leave.

as an outsider dixie land and classic muh "confederate" people, are many times not much above niggers

That's not how it works. You can't coexist in the same space as niggers in the long term. Ffs, man, we went from them as slaves to them have preferential treatment in every aspect of Life.

Obviously things need to change, but we both know that's not at all what I meant.

No. They wont. They are the culture there and it's an incurable infection. Stand your ground.

Creating a homogeneous space is the first step before literally anything else can happen.

It's more white yuppies than hipsters, but the point still stands. Starting a white enclave in rural Washington won't do shit if Seattle, Olympia, Portland and Salem dictate how the region votes. And Idaho and Montana aren't too far behind.

Needs to be an entrance exam.

No, nobody wants to live in the US. It's a shithole.

As an Alabamian let me assure you we don't give a single fuck about your impressions. We're the testicles of this country and these fags are trying to get us to move to the vaginalands of the PNW.

I guess I meant "alpha" more as a male who tackles adversity and strives to improve himself. Plenty of alphas understand their roles as an Lt or Sergeant.