So, Jow Forums...

So, Jow Forums, explain to me how the Holocaust didn't happen despite being one of the most well-documented genocides in human history.

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Other urls found in this thread:],_Oct_4,_1943.ogg

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the reason the Holocaust never happened is because nobody gives a shit if a jew dies.

It happened, and it's a display of german logistical, industrial and technologial superiority.

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there is no concrete proof to substantiate the theory of the holocaust

if it so well documented, why is it illegal to question it?

Documented by who?
The only evidence of a holocaust came from behind the iron curtain in Jewish Communist Russian controlled territory.
There is no evidence from anywhere else.
Those people were so good at their jobs there is no documented evidence of the Gulags which killed 30 million or so yet the entire world believes them without exception about the holocaust... why?

It offends the victims and their relatives, as well as the Jewish population as a whole.

There is a fucking tape of Himmler talking about how they are exterminating the jews.

himmler was a liar and more fucked up than stormfaggies.

>not providing a link to said video


looking for truth offends people? why only jewish feelings are the ones that are protected by law?

No there isn't

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Also the holocaust is irrelevant. Doesn't matter if it happened or not. The new german right has understood this. Jow Forums is dwelling in some 2003 debates here.

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Because the Jews are milking an event that happened ~80 years ago for sympathy and influence.

Yeah such as gas chambers without ventilation systems, or with wooden doors.

You're worse than religious nuts
>Another religious nut wrote that this happened therefore it's real
>Other religious nuts who get paid by the church also said it happened
What a moron

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Rudolf Hoss (Auschwitz commandant) stated during Nuremberg that he killed 2.5 million by gassing and 0.5 million died due to disease.
3 million in total

Strange, since the offical death-toll is now at 1.1-1.5 million.
Q)Why would Hoss lie?
A)Because he was tortured and forced to confess to something he didn't do.
its in polish but it has everything you need to know the holocaust wasnt fucking real

Why is that everyone knows about the Holocaust but not about the 30m christians killed in the Holodomor?

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There’s so much messed up evidence. A lot for both it did and didn’t happen it’s really impossible to truly put the debate to death. However, what’s not up for debate is they deserved it, and deserve another. 109 doesn’t lie. If you have been fired 109 times who’s fault. If you’ve been evicted 109 times, who’s fault is it? If your child has been expelled 109 times, who’s fault is it?

Just go to []
They have books about pretty much everything.

>There’s so much messed up evidence.
The only evidence is from Jews under Jewish Communist controlled territory
>really makes you think

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>Q)Why would Hoss lie?
Because they weren't keeping a running count of all the people they killed lmfao
There were millions of Jews in pre-war Poland. They were not there post-war. If the Holocaust didn't kill them, then where the fuck did they go?

Nazis were uncircumcised. Get it right, you globalist shill.

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Died from starvation and disease.

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>The only evidence is from Jews under Jewish Communist controlled territory
Here's footage from the Allied liberators

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>well documented without any documentation referring to an extermination plan
Try again shlomo

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In the camps. That makes it so much better.

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>where the fuck did they go?
Russia and America...
It's very well documented, they left before the Germans arrived.

Read the rest of the post
>tldr: maybe it happened maybe it didn’t. But they deserve it and another

Ah yes, starvation and disease specifically wiped out 95% of the Polish Jews but only a small fraction of Polish gentiles. Sounds very likely.

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>Not keeping track of everything

Besides if he didn't knew, why would he lie?
and also:

Baron Paget of Northampton wrote in his book titled “Manstein: His Campaign and His Trial” (published by Collins in 1951) on page 109:

[The US Simpson Inquiry Commission] reported among other things that of the 139 cases they had investigated, 137 had had their testicles permanently destroyed by kicks received from the American War Crimes Investigating Team.

Pennsylvania judge Edward L. Van Roden – member of the commission investigating the accusations by Colonel Everett who reported that Germans did not receive fair trial, wrote in his book titled “American Atrocities in Germany“:

Our investigators would put a black hood over the accused’s head and then punch him in the face with brass knuckles, kick him, and beat him with rubber hose. Many of the German defendants had teeth knocked out. Some had their jaws broken. All but two of the Germans, in the 139 cases we investigated, had been kicked in the testicles beyond repair.

>It's very well documented, they left before the Germans arrived.
It's not well-documented at all. There is documentation of many refugee ships being denied entry to every country but China (specifically the port of Shanghai.) Most gave up and returned to Europe.

The video shows no evidence of systematic murder.
Not only that, but there were tens of thousands of Jews there (alive) which is more than enough evidence of the opposite.
You're debunking the death camps lol

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That is not true, many Jews fled to Sweden, UK and from 1933 to 1939 many emigrated to Palestine

Russia, america, israel or just set up shop in ruined germany why not? There was a huge spike in jewish migration to the US before ww2 this is never taken into account.

>Besides if he didn't knew, why would he lie?
It's called estimation. 3 million is a close estimation to the real number, statistically speaking.

muh 6 gorrillian is just their meme number from their fairy tales

they basically just made their fairy tale the official story

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They died in the camps, no one refutes this. What’s a lie is that they were systematically killed in gas chambers and by other preposterous execution methods.

>The video shows no evidence of systematic murder.
Bruh they literally opened up the gas chambers and showed the mounds of otherwise-healthy bodies piled up. They EXHUMED bodies and showed their traumatic wounds. You clearly haven't watched the full 1hr video already.

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Thats bullshit considering that everybody in europe could fuck off to america back then, my grandfather even lived there in the 20s then came back

I don't know whether or not the Germans tried to kill a bunch of Jews, but what first got me on the track of seriously questioning things was when I was younger and discovered inconsistencies and claims made in the past that turned out to be completely false.

Once, we believed in human lampshades, soap and furniture filling. That turned out to be a lie. The body count has been revised again and again. We have countless examples of absurd lies by supposed victims describing cages of exotic animals and masturbation machines used to torment and kill Jews, many of the authors of which have admitted them to be lies. Then there's the fact that nobody managed to find any document where it actually lays out the plan by the state for the murder of all the Jews.

When you're telling the truth, the story stays the same no matter how many times you tell it. Lies change.

>many Jews fled to Sweden, UK and from 1933 to 1939 many emigrated to Palestine
Not 6 million of them. The Danish Jews who fled to Sweden were around 5-10,000. The Jews who migrated to the UK were negligible.

The US actively turned away Jewish refugees. Russia held pogroms. Israel didn't exist before 1948. Try harder.

>Thats bullshit considering that everybody in europe could fuck off to america back then
That was pre-1920. The US instated new, restrictive immigration laws in the 20s.

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America most certainly did not, why on earth would they restrict movement to people they gladly let in and out in the 20s-30s at the height of weimar? Try again hymie.

If it's not an outright lie then it's an exaggeration, millions of people died but they make the whole fucking thing about the poor fucking Jews, they brought it on themselves.

No there where migrations after ww2 as well.

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America received thousands of jews during world War II. Stalin had a policy that prioritized transporting Jewish civilians away from Nazi-controlled Europe into Soviet territory. Stalin was the most pro-jewish leader Russia ever had up to that point in history, which is fitting since he had jewish blood.

You mean they found victims of typhus and tuberculosis...
They also found thousands of alive Jews who hand't been killed.
It's not hard to kill someone, if they wanted the Jews dead there wouldn't be literal millions of "Survivors"
There is so many "Holocaust Survivors" it would seem nobody even died at all, in fact after the war there were more Jews claiming compensation from Germany than had ever lived in German occupied Europe

This law doesnt regulate europeans, and jews did get accepted leading up to ww2.

1965 im not even gonna bother shlomes.

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Again, there's no proof that such measures saved the literal millions of Jews that disappeared from Poland somehow under German occupation.

You haven't watched the video all the way through; there are parts when they dig up mass graves (and bury thousands of bodies in mass graves!) There are so many survivors because most camps were work camps and not extermination camps.

>This law doesnt regulate europeans
Are you literate? It regulated everyone. It was intended to limit immigration from Poland, Russia and Italy specifically.

>most well documented

Fuck off kike. Everyone knows the numbers are exaggerated and simply not true.

Define well documented.

You have no proof 6 million jews were killed either Shlomo. It is impossible to kill and burn that many people in 5 years even with twice the manpower and during peace time.
>muh mass graves
Yes, partisans were killed by the Nazis, possibly numbering in the thousands, but that doesn't mean they killed 6 million innocent people for no reason at all

Yet italian immigration at this time was at an all time high, polish to, you even have pop culture referenced from this very migration wave it got you the mafia and poles come on now.

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>You have no proof 6 million jews were killed either Shlomo.
There are numerous historians that have reached the estimate of 11 million people total using various primary sources. Feel free to find those sources and debunk them one by one if you want to righteously say that 11 million is a falsehood. Not all concentration camp victims were burned or gassed; most were trapped, given zero food, and left to die of starvation and disease.

The idea that you see footage of a dead body and some says "This is a Jew killed by Nazis" and you instantly believe it is ridiculous.
The Russians killed millions of civilians, they killed Poles, and Germans, They killed millions of Russians even and made mass graves
Eisenhower himself killed millions of Germans in Death Camps, Anyone could show you pictures of that and say "These are Jews killed by Nazi's" and you'd believe it

There is no evidence of the Holocaust outside of Jewish Communist controlled territory

>Yet italian immigration at this time was at an all time high,

The law's impact varied widely by country. Immigration from Great Britain and Ireland fell 19%, while immigration from Italy fell more than 90%.[22]
22. Murray, Robert K. (1976). The 103rd Ballot: Democrats and the Disaster in Madison Square Garden. New York: Harper & Row. p. 7. ISBN 978-0-06-013124-1.

>Feel free to find those sources
They don't exist

>The idea that you see footage of a dead body and some says "This is a Jew killed by Nazis" and you instantly believe it is ridiculous.
There's no evidence that they were killed by anyone other than Nazis. The footage was released quickly after being filmed, and the corpses are visibly rotting. It would be impossible for the Allies or Soviets to kill them and let their bodies rot in the timespan in which we know they gained control of Germany.

>documented by kikes

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>It would be impossible for the Allies or Soviets to kill them
The soviets were killing Germans in Poland before the war even started

>it would be impossible for the Allies or Soviets to kill them and let their bodies rot in the timespan in which we know they gained control of Germany
>he doesn't know about jewish physics
Imagine beeing this new

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It happened.

>Not a single historical source
Wow, is this the best the Jews have?
Citations to books written by other Jews?

The supply routes to the camps were constantly bombed by allies. You cannot get food or medicine or supplies to camps if the routes are being bombed and all delivery/supply vehicles would be exploded on the way. Allies controlled by globalist kikes did this on purpose so the camps would have starving, sick, dying people in them by the time of full war and invasions and it could be played off as a purposeful genocide giving jews their homeland back and eternal scapegoat/card to play to get out of any criticism or judgement.

Look how easy it worked, you idiot tool.


Official sources from the International Red Cross prove that the Holocaust was a Jewish fraud.

There are no documents... David Irving was fluent in German, and he could find no German government documents which mentioned gas chambers or mass deaths.

Secondary sources reference primary sources. This is how academic history works.

The Jews were wrongfully imprisoned in the first place; even if it were true, your explanation still makes the Germans responsible for all the Jewish deaths.

>Official sources from the International Red Cross prove that the Holocaust was a Jewish fraud.

you realize we "wrongfully imprisoned" all the japs right
you realize its what pretty much every damn country did back then


>Explain to me how Superman isn't real there are literally hundreds of books, movie and tv programs about his exploits.
This is how pathetic your arguement is.
The amount of documentation is not as relivant as how well it holds up to examination.

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>Tfw you can never piss in a pile of dead jew bodies while hailing hitler

I born in the wrong time buddies

This was never a thing if you actually bothered to look it up. The year after shows the actual numbers and guess what? There’s millions of Jews unaccounted for. This is pure cringe.

No. Trying to deny the concrete fact that millions of Jews died is a pretty big reason. It’s only illegal in a handful of European countries bc people are so ashamed of what happened.

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