
I need redpills for history class. It's about history from 1960-2012,
and I want Jow Forums's ideas about these subjects. I also have to pick ten
more things to write about, and some images. Preferably old political

Vietnam War
Arab League
Camp David Accords
Iranian Hostage Crisis
Mikhail Gorbachev
Berlin Wall Comes Down
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini
Operation Desert Storm
Twin Towers
Omar Kaddafi
Star Wars Defense System
Osama Bin Laden
Tiananmen Square

Looking for more mini-redpills to subtly sow doubt in normies.
Need to finish it on Thursday, will check this thread a few times
a day after school.

Attached: assignment.jpg (1440x1874, 490K)

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Ain't nobody gonna do your homework for you


1965 immigration act


45 goals of communism in America, 1963. Red pill heaven!

fuck off with your 8th grade homework, do your own research and dont post again until youre 18

Us federal uniform anatomical gift act, 1968. A precursor to abortion in 1973 to give away the pieces of retarded sluts dismembered and dissected fetuses...

Jews killing JFK
US note
stolen nukes
kike lobby as foreign agent

NASA killed jfk

Attached: JESUSCHRISTISGOD.jpg (1920x1186, 942K)


Iran was right should have killed those jews


The Dallas Cowboys killed jfk

Fuck off nigger do your homework yourself. This is some high school shit as well, we are fucked

read foucault on the iranian revolution.

Much as I dont want to do some highschoolers homework you should do the sinking of the USS Liberty

>Omar Kaddafi

If you are supposed to use your textbook as a resource and this came from it, I recon that you're fucked.

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alfred kinsley and the sexual revolution

Read crisis of Islam. Short book that trashed Islam. Kinda Pro Israel work but generally expected. Well liked by neocons. The thesis of the book is that Arabs and Islam are inherently backwards. Short and easily accessible for a high school student and the author is known by geo political professors.

Arab Spring, Kennedy assassinations, Operation Caste Lead, 24-hour news cycle, 1989, iPhone 3G, Seattle WTO protests.

Ruby Ridge
Rainbow Farms
Ken Ballew
James Beck
ATF in general (gun shows, antiques, signalling, entrapment)

not sure if underaged or in the special ed class....

Vietnam War. - Lost thanks to the Democrats stabbing the South in the back and cutting supplies of weapons and equipment after the Pairs Peace Talks.

Attached: 1493345195957.png (1280x1707, 2.08M)

Iranian Hostage Crisis - Operation Credible Sport
A planned way to extract US hostages from a soccer stadium with a C-130 Hercules modified with rockets for short take of and landing.

Attached: rh.jpg (474x355, 13K)

Star Wars Weapons Program - Casaba-Howitzer

>About this time the representatives of the military (who were funding this project) noticed that if you could make the plume a little faster and with a narrower cone, it would no longer be a propulsion system component. It would be a nuclear directed energy weapon. Thus was born project Casaba-Howitzer.

Attached: howitzer.jpg (342x400, 55K)

Gulf War - Operation Desert Storm : Highway of Death.

Following the collapse of the Iraqi army they fled from advancing US forces on Highway 80. They fell pray to coalition air power and between 1800-2000 vehicles were destroyed. This was one of the definitive proofs of the power of air craft in modern warfare.

Attached: 1248725868554.jpg (570x387, 53K)

Attached: 1200px-IrakDesertStorm1991.jpg (1200x801, 386K)

He could be 18 or in general studies in a college community or otherwise

9/11 A sneak attack by Islamic Terrorists starting the global war on terror. This wasn't the first successful attacks on the US but it was the one that got the Middle East's shit kicked in over it.

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I think it's AP History.


Independence Day

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chiquita bananas is the progeny of the United Fruit Company which slaughtered by proxy tens of thousands of ecuadorians in the 50s-60s

and this, good work leaf

Attached: 1325661630599.jpg (990x651, 285K)

The terrorist group that Osama Bin Laden was a part of was aided by the U.S. in Afghanistan to combat the Soviet Union

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Rhodisian Bush War - The fall of Rhodisian to communist insurgents after the world turned their back on them because of claims of racism.

For a full video: youtube.com/watch?v=YeGAUVlIesc

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and they are being aided today in syria against russia

fuck off kike

Some fucking commies getting Guarded during anti war protests.

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Sick operators with old Stormin' Norman back in GW1.

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Nixon abolishing Bretton Woods in 1971

how about the following if you want to redpill someone ... speak about the reunification of Germany and how it came into being. Revolution from the people without any violence. However then show how the large part of the West-German lefties reacted to it: they wanted to stop the reunification with all possible means.

Look at the photo ... there you can see for instance Claudia Roth who is now Vice-President of the Parlament in Germany. I think you can understand the sign even without speaking German. "Never again Germany" "against the annexion of East-Germany" etc.

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1971 Bretton Woods gold standard

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Atf gunwalking scandal fast and furious. Obama let Eric holder off with executive privilege

Talk about the Iranian Revolution. It's a great example of people ("nonwhite" people (because all Mohommedans are nonwhite, somehow)) rising up against the Jew, so (((they))) won't be able to argue against it.

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Iran contra scandal in the 1980s

Students for a Democratic Society
Weatherman Underground
Prairie Fire Organization
Bill Ayers/Bernardine Dohrn
Larry Grathwohl

You could just put 30 pictures of the B-52 dropping bombs on people for the last 60 years.

Attached: b52.jpg (1200x817, 211K)

Cesar Chavez hated illegal immigrants. He and is spic union used to raid Illegal camps and beat them with baseball bats. Even spics, hate Illegal spics.

Puerto Rican protestors shot at Congress from the balcony in the 1950s


Moon landings?

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Folke Benadotte: killed by none others then Yitzhak Shamir, Natan Yellin-Mor, Yisrael Eldad and David Ben-Gurion

Attached: 200px-Folke-Bernadotte.jpg (200x256, 10K)