Do you have any family members that fought in any important battles or wars?
Do you have any family members that fought in any important battles or wars?
My wife's son fought in the great meme war of 2016.
My grandfather shot some Anglos during the Troubles
thats about it
my grandfather died in auschwitz
My wife's boyfriend fought in the Somali Civil War.
the dumb fuck fell drunk from a guard tower
My grandpa fought in korea. He came back with a burning hate for all gooks. His brother fought too - but he married one and never came back home.
I had a great great uncle in the civil war, he would hide in the trees and pick off yankees
yes but im not answering meme flags
your grandpa was mad his brother got laid and he didn't
what a loser!
I had a great uncle who was at Pearl Harbor when it was attacked. He was born in the time of horse drawn carriages and gas powered lamps. Lived to see 2 world wars, the first powered flight, the electric light, the birth of radio, television, the atomic bomb, the first transatlantic flight, the semiconductor and first computers. Died in a car accident in the late 1970's. And we think our timeline is crazy.
My dad joined the coast guard rather than being sucked into an unwinnable jungle war that had already taken several of his friends’ lives.
Also gas the kikes.
Both my grandfather on my mother's side and my grandfather and great uncle on my father's side fought in the Rhodesian Security forces.
I'm utterly shocked by how few americans even know that war occurred.
My grandfather landed on omaha beach on d day. Made it all the way to the siegfried line before getting sent home after earning a bronze star.
All we got was relentless "Apartheid" propaganda. The only things americans know about africa are slavery, apartheid, and send money for the starving black children. Oh, and blood (((diamonds))).
My grandparent survived 6 million gas chambers
my pop won a a free trip to southeast asia in '67
Far out, man
my gransdsparents worked in munition factory .
One day a fighter bomber attacked and blew up the bike, shed killed a girl
grandfather was a seabee. fought in ww2, battle of sugar loaf hill in Okinawa.
RIP German bro grandfather
Patrilineal line arrived just in time for the Revolutionary War. Both lines involved in the Civil War on both sides. Great grandfather fought in WWI and returned home to marry my 16 year old grandmother. None of my direct line were in WWII being either too old or too young. Then grandfather got drafted for Korea and took shrapnel up his backside. None I'm descended from have been to war after that.
Distant grandfather in the civil war for the Confederate army.
Uncle in Vietnam.
Cousin in Afghanistan.
My dad did 3 tours in Vietnam 66-69 101st airborne
My grandfather led sorties of glorious B-17Gs in the firebombing of Dresden.
My maternal great-grandfather fought on the pacific front during WW2. I was pretty young when he died, but I remember he had some absolutely crazy stories.
My maternal grandfather fought in the Korean War; though, he was an engineer and worked a desk job. In the rear with the gear kind-of-thing.
They were both good men.
Grandpa served in the Korean war. He never wanted to talk about it
My Great-Grandfather fought in the trenches of WW1 and I have his bayonet with blood stain remnants still on it.
Have heard I have a family member that fought in the Revolutionary War.
Can confirm I have family that fought in the civil war. My grandad God rest his soul had that person's saber, hat, and discharge papers.
My grandmothers brother was shot down in Korea and was a POW for years till the point where everyone thought he had died. But he was eventually released, he's a really nice guy btw.
My dad served in the army but never saw combat and was discharged with the rank of Corporal.
I have a cousin that served in the middle East for the army corps of engineers.
And I have a cousin that serves still today still, he's a doctor in the Air Force.
Pretty dam proud of my family.
My grandfather landed at Utah and fought in the Ardennes. Both my Uncles, his brothers, fought in North Africa and Italy. One of them took an Italian 6.5 to the gut at Anzio. He lived and returned to the front lines.
Grandfather was in Pearl Harbor and the captain of the boat he was on got a Medal of Honor for the actions that occurred when he was onboard that day
My great grandfther was tricked into fighting his own brothers during WW2
Died in a Japanese POW camp
I blame the Jews every fucking day
I should add. My grandfather in law fought in the pacific. We have his photo albums. It's loaded with dead japs, decapitated jap heads, all manner of stuff. Also, bbqs in the philippines. It's pretty eclectic.
I fought in the war for Brad's wife.
My cousin and best friend since childhood fought against the Gulf Cartel /Zetas over 10 years ago.
killed some fr*nch dogs in algeria
Sorry about that drug war kiddo.
Also 4th great grandfather fought in the war of 1812 and 2 of my 3rd great grandfathers fought in the civil war. 1 for the north he was from Ohio and 1 for the south he was from Kentucky.
Yeah, that.
Tali ihantala 1944, Both of my great uncles fought there aswell as the liberation of Viipuri 1941.
The older brother fought in winter war aswell in Northern Finland.
they didn't let japs fight in the pacific on our side so what the fuck are you talking about
the japs HATED whites retard
My family have been famous insurrectionists for more than 2000 years, we also participated on the belligerent side of all three major rebellions in North America since white people showed up here.
>Fight for independence
>Realize your people are incapable of organizing a society
>Move to Canada to escape your people’s self created shithole
I had two relatives who fought and one who died (Shiloh) in the War of Northern Aggression. My granddad (Army) fought in the Korean War, my uncle fought in Vietnam and my cousin in Iraq.
I didn't go into the military solely because when I came of age our foreign policy was fucked...2005.
>great grandfather fought in ww1 for Italy
>great uncle fought for England ww1
>both grandfathers fought in ww2, one English one Italian
>Italian grandfather was part of the Italian volunteers and fought in Spain
>English grandfather could've gone to Korea but didn't want to fight anymore.
I really don't know too much about my family before that.
Had a great uncle in who fought in Vietnam as a M113 gunner, another great uncle who fought in Korea as a tank loader. Korea uncle was the only survivor when his tank was grenaded by some Chinamen. He showed me the pictures of his buddys and the shrapnel in his back at a 4th of July party he hosted. I still think about this when I nail Chinese exchange students at the local Uni. I really want to go to war with China and get some vengeance for him.
gggggrandfather fought at Gettysburg and was in Picketts Charge.
My uncle fought at Hamburger Hill, he was a small dude and would often would be the one going in the tunnels. He drank himself to death when I was a kid so i don't know much about his two tours other than a couple stories from my father,
>My grandfather went back to his european home lands to kill other europeans and save the jews. Made it all the way to the siegfried line before getting sent home after earning a bronze star.
Related to Robert the Bruce. He kicked Anglo ass.
grandparents from both sides not really, my paternal great grandfather though fought in the Russo - Jap war
basiert und rot-gepillt
bump, that's a great thread
My great great granduncle was at the Alamo
Levites, but my ancestors went and lived among the Germans after the synagogue of satan ran them out of Judea
Might have been my grand pappy dropping the bombs.
He flew a P47 in the European theatre.
Normandie, Iwo Jima, Chosin.
Thought you were making a historical post. Germanics were the only people to throw off the yoke of Roman occupation by force at the height of the imperial period.
my gramps was a driver in korea and i guess his convoy got attacked cause he apparently killed some gooks. He either got a silver or bronze star but thats at my cousins and i havent looked into all the collections we have just his picture books. He also got a silver and gold dining set from some gook officer so thats pretty neat. My dad got asked by the medical examiner if he wanted to go to vietnam cause he was borderline. He said no fucking thanks this was after one of his friends came back and said if u get drafted dont go it isnt worth it. Dude jumped in front of a train a couple days after he told my old man that. Dont know about great or great great grandfathers should probably look into it.
The only ancestor I know of in the Civil War was a member of the Tennessee Home Guard.
My dad still has that ancestors Klan medal. It's like a silver coin, about the size of a Chips Ahoy cookie. Apparently the Home Guard just kind of turned into the Klan after the war?
I’m related to Alexander Hamilton... he got killed by that dastardly nigger Aaron Burr in a duel.
I have ancestors on both sides of the civil war. My mother's namesake was a german mercenary that stayed in america after the revolutionary war.
how high was his fall?
>Germanics were the only people to throw off the yoke of Roman occupation by force at the height of the imperial period.
My male line ancestors lived in the Alps at that time.
A map of the distribution of our ydna haplogroup has its highest concentrations (none over 10%) at just outside the borders of Rome; Odessa, Scotland, the Alps, Sweden and a few in Russia.
my great grandfather fought in galicia in ww1
my grandfather fought for the independent state of croatia in ww2
My family is too chad to have fought in any zog wars.
Jew wars kill so many innocents.
My uncle was a Chicago cop who cracked hippie skulls at the 1968 Democrat convention. He said they were throwing shit at people and balloons filled with piss.
Both grandfathers fought in WW2. on dads side grandpa fought at Tobruk lived until 1982 - have his medals somewhere. Gandad on mums side was royal navy - north atlantic convoys - died in 1977. both lovely men - never mentioned it - only found out after they died when i got given some diaries/journals. terrible times
Older brother died in the Battle of Fallujah for your freedom. RIP. Happy Memorial Day coming up next week.
My father served on a tin can in the Pacific.
Revolutionary, civil and ww2
He was drafted and didnt kill anyone
Nobody cared about Africa. I asked my Boomer dad and he said, "The map would change every five years, how the fuck was I supposed to keep things straight?"
My grandfather was an artilleryman in the Polish army in 1939, took part in at least the defense of Lwow. Then after a couple years in soviet prisons was released to the British, got trained to drive a tank and then was involved in post-D-Day operations, notably at Caen, one of the more significant encounters of the offensive in the west. Never met him though. Kinda crazy how they dragged him around Iran and South Africa.
my grandfather was a medical officer at an airbase in ohio during WWII. a trainee pilot had his engine fail during a flight. he could have ejected, but he was over a residential area, and so he rode the plane all the way down. my grandfather had to peel what was left of him out of what was left of the plane. if i tell this story to enough people, maybe some of them will tell it to someone else, and that pilot will never be forgotten.
How did it go ?
Grandfather participated in Guadalcanal and the Solomon Islands
>Do you have any family members that fought in any important battles or wars?
My great grandfather was stationed in Tunisia
In the Wehrmacht.
my grandad was omaha beach d-day. a great uncle died in battle of the bulge
My great grandfather was in the last battalion, Both grandfathers were in WW2 as Army infantry in Europe, one stayed in for Korea and Vietnam, Uncle was in Vietnam and it's very hard to understand what he did over there because he refuses to talk about it but I think it was some spooky/early socom tier shit cause all I really know is his unit had something like a 86% casualty rate and he was still having nightmares regularly all the way up through the 90's.
Hey you, this: 4:1 casualties rates. Not even won the war at all, but France was made to retreat because of UN pressure, just like Portugal and Rhodesia.
Even we, as dirty mutts, actually beat our colonial Metropolis fair and square.
Every grandfather on my Dads side has fought in one. Civil war, WW1 WW2,Vietnam. My 9th g grandfather fought In the Pequot battle? and was 1 of two guys who named Elizabethtown and has a few plaques and monuments in Mass. and his son fought in some battle called the great swamp fight in England there's also a plaque dedicated to him there too.
My grandfather killed at least two gooks when he was sent to Cambodia during Vietnam. I always used to ask him as a kid if he killed anyone and he always told me no. I found out indirectly that it wasn't true. Allegedly he killed two men who were his captors, after getting the jump on one of them, taking his weapon away and using it against them. He was a bad mofo for sure, men today including myself seem like pussies in comparison.
my grandfather was at pearl harbor(and lived)
I went to Iraq in 2007 and Afghanistan twice 2009 and 2011.
Never removed a kebab tho. Feels bad man.
Sorry you have to believe this to justify his death
Grandfather was horse-mounted cavalry in India during WWII and got shot in the ass. One Great-Uncle died in France in WWII, another one joined the Marines and went to the Pacific.
Marine Great-Uncle never talked about it until he was in his 80's, but he hated all Asians. Someone started talking about Asians one day and he said: "By the time I left the service I would eat a K-ration while sitting on the bloated corpse of a Jap. Only good Jap's a dead Jap." Never spoke of it again.
My great grand father fought in the battle of the bulge.
My grandmother has his remains, and his bronze star and purple heart.
My aunt's dont want anything to do with him. Because he cheated on my great grandmother.
Indian wars most people have never heard of, king Georges war, revolution, civil war, WWII, Vietnam, Iraq my family has been fighting in/for the U.S. since before it was a country.
I'm currently fighting the war on poverty. Unfortunately, poverty seems to have the upper hand.
a shit ton got purged by the chinese commies i think back in the 50s