Why are Jews observably smarter than whites?

Why are Jews observably smarter than whites?

>However, the average IQ score of Ashkenazi Jews has been calculated to be within the range of 108 to 115 under some studies, which is significantly higher than that of any other ethnic group in the world

ncas.rutgers.edu/sites/fasn/files/How Jews Became Smart (2008).pdf


Literally the same sources that state blacks have lower IQ than whites which you take as gospel truth (i.e. Lynn, Taylor) are the same ones that state jews have higher IQ than whites

Literally the only defense lower IQ groups have against these studies is the same ones that blacks use against white IQ such as "they cheatin!"

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The lynn vanhanen study is horseshit. They got caught fucking with data sets to make their data fit their views.

>In addition, some people have argued that Lynn deliberately ignored samples or studies that found higher IQs in sub-Saharan Africa, and only used data that provided especially low IQs. For example, in one study from Nigeria that involved seven samples, Lynn only used results from the two lowest scoring samples. Lynn did not provide an explanation about why the 5 highest scoring samples were ignored
>Some criticisms have focused on the limited number of studies upon which the book is based. The IQ figures are based on 3 different studies, one study in 34 nations, and two studies in 30 nations. There were actual tests for IQ in 81 nations. For 104 nations there were no IQ studies at all and IQ was estimated based on IQ in surrounding nations.[2] The limited number of participants in some studies has also been criticized. A test of 108 9- to 15-year-olds in Barbados, of 50 13- to 16-year-olds in Colombia, of 104 5- to 17-year-olds in Ecuador, of 129 6- to 12-year-olds in Egypt, and of 48 10- to 14-year-olds in Equatorial Guinea, all were taken as measures of national IQ.[3]

Htf is "Ashkenazi Jew" an ethnic group


You might as well have "Presbyterian American"

>jew study shows that when jews specifically choose only the smartest jews the IQ is higher
no shit stupid

Jews are unironically the smartest people in the world.
Proof: They're the ones making Americans die for them in wars that only benefit Jews.

Why cant I slam both buttons and the third one off screen that gasses 6 million jews

if jews ever achieved anything on their own in their history i would believe it, but that never happened
they always work together and that's their strength
being a parasite doesn't make you smart

the conclusion is simple: jews are dumb and without morals

Because the superior people, the Jews, made sure that you can't. Their superior intellect has ensured so.

Whats stopping me from gassing them?

Why are Asians observably smarter than Jews and yet do not have the same representation in every part of American society despite being at or above the same demographic levels?

The fact that you're their servant. You are programmed to subconsciously love them and to die for them, no matter what you consciously say and write.
After all, Trump loves the Jews, and since all rightwingers love Trump, they must now also all love the Jews.

They have a higher IQ because they pay to have articles written claiming that. IQ tests are not real in the first place. Same as Israel.

then how were the germans, a clearly inferior people, able to kill 6 million of them

Their leader didn't love them. Thus he had to be eliminated.
Now the Germans are forever ashamed for not loving the Jews.

You completely avoided the question

nepotism is a high iq trait

Yet Isreal is so low?

The average IQ of Ashkenazi Jews is 111.
A silly estimate that keeps getting peddled about w/ no real evidence. There's been only one study of Ashkenazi IQ with a representative sample size (1,000+ in NY)--Backman in 1972. His averages:

91.3 for Spatial Reasoning
95.1 for Abstract Reasoning
107.8 for Verbal
109.7 for Mathematical

This puts the (American) Ashkenazi IQ average at 101 at best. That's a yuuuge difference.

>Hurr durr so Jews are idiots but theyre still controlling the world?

Turns out it’s really really easy to get away with a lot of shit when you have ethnic solidarity. That’s why whites are banned from practicing it these days

100% white Anglo male here, IQ verified 170+. They tried to recruit me to advocate against my own people out of college, IQs over 150 tend to gravitate toward sociopathic personalities. In essence, we are easy to turn oddly enough. Violence is the only answer

Jews aren’t smarter, they achieve positions of power through deception, dishonesty, and a total lack or morals or ethics. The moral compass of the white man is used against them by the synagogue of satan.

Yes, they have higher average IQs. But there are simply more Whites with higher IQs than jews. IQ does not explain Jewish over-representation in political, financial and cultural institutions at all. This is such a stupid argument, and I don't know why you keep making it. Just compare jews and East Asians to see this. There are roughly the same number of jews and East Asians in the US, and they have about the same average IQ, yet East Asians are nowhere near as over-represented as jews.

Its not that they're inferior. It's just they ruined the world. That's why pol hates them.

Attached: 6 million lies.jpg (561x450, 67K)

Here is one of the most plausible theories as to why that is. The unique conditions they lived under during the Middle Ages selected for high verbal and mathematical, but not spatial, intelligence.

Attached: natural_history_of_ashkenazi_intelligence.png (1026x1052, 156K)

We don't think they're inferior, we think they're our enemies. Our predators.

And here is one of the biggest redpills you can take. Ashkenazi Jews outnumber white gentiles at the 160+ IQ range in the US.

Attached: jewish_IQ_distribution_in_US.png (918x119, 6K)

130-145 master race

>107.8 for Verbal
>109.7 for Mathematical

Your point is a bit moot if these are the abilities they are using to succeed. Spatial reasoning doesn't matter all that much for lawyers or doctors, or novelists, or pretty much any of the other fields they are successful in.

Oof - that's a blackpill. Ron Unz found that Jews were overrepresented at Harvard, even by strict IQ, simply because there are so many huwhites overall, and we're not dummies. But this is dismaying.

You need to actually do the math on this. Because of the way bell curves work, a small shift forward for one group creates enormous disparities at the furthest ends. See: This isn't perfect and it assumes a standard deviation of 15 for both, which may not be the case, but it's a decent enough thought exercise. If there are 716,289 gentiles and 280,175 Ashkenazi Jews in the US with IQs above 140, you are going to see an enormous amount of Jewish overrepresentation.

That is very interesting coupled with what this user wrote >IQs over 150 tend to gravitate toward sociopathic personalities.
Its clear to me that sociopaths run the world and recruit from other sociopaths.

Don't forget, IQ is the average of spatial and verbal IQs. So, to get that 110-115 number, they've got to have a verbal of 120+, again AVERAGE, if their spatial is only average (100). On the other hand I think I've seen this reasoning disputed.

It debunks the point of them being these superior ubermench overlords we should all bow down to. They happen to have the tools to be leeches on other societies and the ethnic solidarity to fleece the other races for all they are worth. A successful parasite is still just a pest.

> they
> advocate against my own people
Can you elaborate? They want you to write magazine hit pieces against whites or something?

This guy gets it.