It was nice while it lasted but we'll see you later leaf bros.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Thank you. Hold my coffee!

Goddamn what did he do now?

See you on the front lines gentlemons

This means social media must be held accountable for sex tracking and prostitution too, e thots btfo

I respectfully disagree. What we need is an #InternetBillofRights. Twitter deletes people and that's not free speech. Each social media should be verified so people are accountable for their actions. The future is bright, @Lambright2002 #FuckIsrael.

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>The Government of Canada will defend freedom of expression and protect against online threats and disinformation designed to undermine the integrity of elections and democratic institutions.

>Canadians can expect that digital platforms will not foster or disseminate hate, violent extremism or criminal content.

Fuck no fuck oh God fuck no why fuck. This is not good shitposting is illegal now fuck goddamn.

Oy vey, they are waking up, shut it down.

This isn't going to work, everybody has a carefully curated and cherry picked version of the 'truth', and their own definitions of hate speech. Subjective objectivity is going to fail.

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The day of the rake is upon us gentlemen and the Canadian government is doing the work for us.

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Trudeau is honestly the most pathetic world leader. At least Arden and May have the excuse of having pussies instead of being a giant one.

You'd think so, but functionally it's going to be 'Orange Man Bad' by law. Of course Justin did this. Fuck.

ISIS recruitment and beheading videos are fine because taking them down would be considered islamaphobia

>hate speech
Punishment for those spewing hatred for 'Nazis' when?

its been fun posting BBC threads with you bros

>Hate speech
literally no such a thing, who defines 'hate'?
wasn't Jesus technically crucified for 'hate speech'?

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And you idiots will reelect him anyway.

>shitpost leftist pablum for you masters daily
>get shut down by said masters
This is what is known as a moment of realization.

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But DUDE WEED, right guys??

Look out American servers, Canada's coming for you.

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None of the things listed will stop anything except for people who say "men can't be women"

Trudeau is still running on windows 95 neoliberalism. All his pals already trottes this fake concern stuff a long time ago while he was busy playing mr dressup with all the fags n browns

I doubt much happens until some “timely” attack takes place on one of his pet classes. Even then, He isnt nearly popular enough to justify this type of thing right before an election

>The day of the rake is upon us gentlemen and the Canadian government is doing the work for us
Though wise guidance you can wage your war.

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jews define what is hate-speech, ever since Ernst Zundel's defamation trail proved the holo was a hoax

Canada seriously needs to unfuck themselves and get rid of this absolute faggot.

Oh no faggot trudeau will lock me up for saying mean things, try harder dudeweed.

except the constitution does not protect you against private entities such as Twitter. Your free speech is not protected on Twitter. That's the end of the discussion. Period. Full stop. If you don't like Twitter, don't use it.

No, stupid. He's doing this as a final 'fuck you' on his way out because he knows he's got no chance and he's got no opposition with a majority parliament.

>Faggot who got elected because of his daddy, his haircut, and “dude weed lmao”
>Half-senile reality TV star who likes Israel more than his own country.
North America is fucked.

dont worry leaf bros were being protected

he needs removed

Wait, are you saying that the leaves will be no more? YES! YES! YES! YEEEEEEEEEEESSSSS! NO MORE RETARDED THREADS! NO MORE FAGGOTY RESPONSES! NO MORE . D O G . F U C K E R S . YES!

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Why do faggots say "full stop" ?

He's getting voted out in October. The green and NDP are going to steal most of the progressive support, make the campaign all about climate change and hand CPC a majority government.


How is this man still going after all those scandals?

This has actually gone to court before. If a private entity owns all nearby methods of using a god-given right, then they are not allowed to abridge it. For example, a factory can tell you "no Trump posters on factory grounds", but if the company owns the factory and all the city around it then they can't since you would have to leave town to do something you should be able to do now.

Well time to disconnect Canada from the internet

Trudeau dies when

based leaf.
Reminder to Americans and some leafs: Canada has had hate speech laws for a long long time because we had a sort of holocaust denial movement. The only reason people in Canada aren't being arrested for online hate speech is that the government repealed section 13 by Harper which was done because jews would have been tried under the hate speech laws for criticizing islam. Therefore civil rights in Canada have never, ever been for "Canadians" its always for Jews, Blacks, Muslims, Trannies, etc.
The Canadian government has been looking at bringing section 13 back with the Jewish councils in Canada saying why its necessary to bring it back.

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I fucking hate it

That’s only the ‘full stop’ for simpletons like yourself.

>still buying into the same old D&C
there wont be any intellectuals left once the leaves have gone

>Perhaps the biggest challenge is that both the privacy reforms and the broader digital charter have little prospect of becoming law before the federal election scheduled for the fall. Rather, their release suggests that the government views digital governance and privacy law as potential election issues. Mr. Bains and the Liberal government are first out of the gate, but with an outdated law and mounting fears about the emerging risks of a data-driven economy, they are unlikely to be the last.

Ha! You twinks though you'd get rid of leafposters so easy! Think again. You just got trololololled.

leafs are all faggots, prove me wrong you cant.

btw these are the senior execs at the Canadian Broadcasting Corp

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some more

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Annexation when?

In Canadian universities, the white majority are discriminated against due to affirmative action policies

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If everyone just cut off Canada from the internet would anyone actually notice?

It’s just a way of saying “the discussion is over because I can no longer argue my point.”

americans are all jews, prove me wrong, you cant

based trudeau effecting the day of the rake

dumping my cbc folder

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Civil Rights Act says it does though faggot


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I hope Trudeau does everything he can to bring these good boys home. Hopefully they all get million dollar payouts.

Day of the Rake! Day of the Rake! Day of the Rake! Day of the Rake! Day of the Rake! Day of the Rake! Day of the Rake! Day of the Rake! Day of the Rake!

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These people will destroy the Op themselves through pure stupidity.
GlowNiggers fuck themselves with Diversity.

traitors get the bullet first

Yes who would make BBC threads if leafs were gone ?

I can't wait until Canadians can no longer post here. I hope they ask china for help build a great firewall of political correctness too, and then punish people for using VPNs.
Fuck all of you, you deserve this.

It’s reddit faggotspeak.

see this americans, this is why we're better than u

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'People of Color'
When did white stop being a color?

This place will instantly improve by leaps and bounds once you retarded faggots are all gone.

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If a foreign country demands censorship and an American company complies and consequently censors things for an American audience, how is that not a violation of free speech?

Seriously, if a foreign country threatens to fine an American company unless they remove content, how is that not an infringement of my free speech?

It's like how retards slowly mouth each word when they try to read except that libtards do it with punctuation.

this is the canadian immigrant

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Cheer, Burgers, you finally got what you wanted, day of the rake soon

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5 years ago? 10? I dont know you lose track of what the current term is in Canada 1984 land

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Get out Canada whole you can. Canada is 70% white. You're only 9% whiter than America despite you Canadians starting your importation of non-whites much, much later than us, not bordering Mexico, and not already having large non-white populations from before you started increasing immigration.

You guys are importing non-whites at a much faster rate than America, you will literally become minority majority well before America does. Get out while you can bro.

technically it's a shade, like black.

>I can't wait until Canadians can no longer post here.


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I'll keep saying it until they march me to the camps:


>see this americans, this is why we're NOT better than u
FTFY, leafcuck

It's a shade!!

Why do retards like you keep making the same debunked argument?

If you rake yourself, your enemies lose.

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Why do you think he proposed the internet bill of rights? Are you on drugs? Can’t read properly?

>full stop. Period
Please be bait

Ok stay and watch your country fall. I guess it doesn't matter, what's happening to Canada is happening the entire west. There's nowhere you or I can run anyway.

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Trudeau is so based

day of the rake for wh*Te dogs SOOON

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>blah, blah, blah. I'm a Jew

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>Canada is 70% white.
lol, good one. Government statistics aren’t trustworthy and the number is almost certainly below 50%.

I doubt it will crash and burn. Debt based economies just dont do that when we keep importing millions of people to take on more and more debt. I think we will ultimately be called colonizers of North America and the natives and minorities will unite to vote for land grabs like you see in South Africa.

but we'll never get the in-store prices :(

yes it does stupid faggot, if you operate here, you are not fucking allowed to infringe the constitution. I can't just create a company to sidestep people's constitutional rights, my god you niggers are so fucking stupid it hurts.

It is it just seems like its less because of the rapid change as well as baby boomers mostly staying inside. If you're posting on pol you're most likely 20 - 35 which means your age demographic and people you interact with the most are probably around 60%. Generation after zoomers is practically non white though.

The Jew has Canada under it's fist, I doubt it is even still 70% white, they lie about everything, they don't want people to know how bad it really is as they flood in the 3rd worlders to replace us even faster.

Fuck over kikebook and google all you want, I don't give a shit. All those San Fran tech companies are cess pools of rotten shit. But I have a feeling all the shit you will do to these companies, will be to restrict the speech of people on the right. Call me crazy all you want......kind of weird how it took the christchurch shooting to evoke all these laws across the world. None of the mudslime terrorist attacks gave anyone a care in the world, after all, they didn't want to offend their welcomed invaders. but when a white guy does it, suddenly we need to shut down all free speech? fucking lel.absolutely pathetic.

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