Why CP is hated by everyone including the most degenerate people (like those, who sit on Jow Forums)...

Why CP is hated by everyone including the most degenerate people (like those, who sit on Jow Forums), but they are okay with nigger and trap porn?
Not defending cp, but if I'll see naked child on internet I'll be like "whatever". But if I see a naked nigger I'll be disgusted to such a degree, that I'll puke.
So how is cp worse than niggers?

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all sexual degeneracy is pushed by kikes like you

>CP is wholesome and pure, just like deflowered virgins!

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I am not pushing anything, you imbecile.

Because a fucking child is being abused and exploited you fuckwit.
I'd say have kids of your own and you'd understand but you'd probably just fuck them

cp is just plain wrong but why tf loli banned?

Most of us have an instinctual urge to protect children at all cost. Child abuse sends us into a rage unlike any other we've ever experienced. If you do not experience this yourself, you should likely gas yourself so you don't pass on your defective genes.

you were never diddled when you were a kid?

Ah yes, Jow Forums the great advocate of nigger and trap porn.

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Why should I care about child being abused?
Oh, yeah, btw, there are gore threads on /gif/ with people killing children. And no one seems to care. But cp is somehow super evil and bad.

Because 2 are between consenting adults?

when you are 8 and you got elderly people breathing their death breath into your lungs and rubbing your cock and ass..

you never got that growing up?

No? People like rape fetish. Look how popular this genre on pronhub.

What's the definition of Loli on here? Real teens? Or cartoon pre-teens?

Off yourself.

Because a child can't be able to decide for themselves what to do and it will later on mess with their brain, true facts.

Ancient greeks molested their children every day and look at them! What a great civilization they were. Alexander had one of the hugest empire, thanks to his childhood "education".

Again - rape is tolerable fetish for people. Many of men like it. Rape will mess the brain of the victim and it is not consent, and it doesn't matter what age is he.

This poster actually is a jew.

Only heterosexual pedophilia gets dislike from Jew media and women. Homosexual pedophiles get government positions and a parade.

>Why CP is hated by everyone including the most degenerate people (like those, who sit on Jow Forums), but they are okay with nigger and trap porn?
No one argues this, you stupid nigger.

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I am disgusted by your lack of disgust for CP. Niggers are disgusting but not even the average nigger will fuck an actual child. Neck yourself, creep.

>Only heterosexual pedophilia gets dislike from Jew media and women. Homosexual pedophiles get government positions and a parade.

True. True.

They do, if they are muslim.

>People like rape fetish. Look how popular this genre on pronhub.

I looked for it on pornhub once to see if it was true it was there and it wasn't on there.

(I know Faux rape porn exists but I've never seen it on the popular sites)

> Rape...

Who said anything about rape?

Even just basic normal sex is just going to mess up the child's brain, they aren't supposed to be doing that yet so the development process slows down.

Muslims disagree with you, 6 y.o. is more than enough for children to fuck. They do this for ages, everyone seems to be ok with it.

>t. kike
OK, whatever you say, Avi.

Traps and blacks can consent to sex. Kids can't.

It's all bad.

Did you asked that particular trap on video you fapped to, that act was consent?