Jow Forumss thoughts on Anime

I need your input bros. What do you like. Is it all just fantasy or can it be redpilled?

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Anime is for retards
You ought to read books instead.

Every red pill you think you can get from anime actually comes from books. Seeing how people have become retards with microsecond attention spans, they have to make entertainment for simpletons.

I literally cried the at the first episode of naruto. Also, there was nothing better to fap to than naruto porn back in the day.

is naruto(the show) for autists?

shut the fuck up retard

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answer the question you fucking nigger

TO be honest user...anime becoming mainstream....nah...its over I guess. Time to read some books and watch the clown world.

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It's just an art style. It can have any moral or be used as a vehicle for any agenda, just like any other medium. Popular anime is less pozzed than Hollywood right now but there's a lot of garbage too.

That said a visceral hatred of anime is a sign of a tourist, and probably an underdeveloped amygdala as well.

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you said nothing about smoking a bowl initially
but isnt autism kinda becoming mainstream?

I don't like chibi anime types but Monster and stein's gate are great and redpilled, Bleach is okay too.

Jojo is good

>you said nothing about smoking a bowl initially
I didn't want you to make fun of me and my bro who told me to watch it was my life inspiration and it was uncomfortable that he wanted to recommend some normie weeb shit like it was going to help me.

i wont bully

Look at most anime fans. Are they the types you would want to hang around? Do they come off as mentally sound?

In school, they were autists and other kinds of weirdos. Now they're that plus gay and/or transgender.

Absolute predictable trash that's no better than western cartoons. Lazily animated, stories which should take an episode take a season.

If you liked DBZ before it turned the frogs gay and you almost like the first season of Bleach, then you might relate to Naruto a lot. You can drop it when it starts to go through the endless nothing arc and then comes back with all the characters being grown up.

Unless your in it for the plot, in which case you should watch Gintama instead.

Thanks user

ive already watched naruto bro
the main problem i have with it is how most new fights seem to invalidate the old fights because of peoples growth
DBZ did a better job with that

Consider Hajime no Ippo. Shonen will never die.

KYS Uchiha-nigger!

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Oh, or Wolf's Rain. It's only one season, but when I happened upon it trying to get drunk and go to sleep one night on the TV, something really grabbed me by the penis. I'm not sure what to make of it, but when they got back around to starting it over, it was a curious story.

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100% degenerate

Anime can be degen or it can be quite profound. Some of it is made for the express purpose of making people feel good (moeshit like HImouto! Umaru-chan, K-On, Lucky Star, Kinmoza etc) and in an increasingly grim world I find that these types of shows remind me of a type of innocence I don't see in modern society. There's no straight answer for if anime is redpilled or not, it's like any entertainment medium, some is trash, some is good, you discard the trash and consume what's interesting or useful. I will say that the Naruto and post-Naruto period of anime seemed to kind of change things from how they were in the 80s and 90s and when I think of anime what I really think of are the childhood memories of watching DBZ bootlegs or Manga Entertainment VHS tapes of Cyber City Oedo and shit like that. I will say that anime people do seem to latch onto the degenerate aspects of anime and magnify them through their behaviour, and generally speaking, watching films, cartoons, playing video games all fall under the umbrella of "huge waste of fucking time", you'd be much better served reading books (mostly non-fiction but classical English lit is acceptable or things of this ilk), learning a language, learning martial arts, lifting weights etc.


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Way too much freemasonry in it

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It also has very satanic elements in it threat are beside the obvious sorcery/demons

A quick example is a single human figure who will bring peace to all of earth. The only other figure that would do that from a religious aspect is the Antichrist.

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Only anime can use a crippled white little girl to explain freemason gang signs
The democrat party will never recover.

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Based and checked digits
Anime is literally the least jewish media format, but also highly degenerate. I avoid animes that are just centered around boobs and lewdness or grotesque violence and action.
I honestly think Avatar The Last Airbender was the best anime I have seen.

>watching diet ashita no joe for 10,000 hours

Learn to wrap. It's some pretty srs fkn bsns when you don't hide from yourself when you pass by a mirror.

Vampires (jews) can't see themselves in a mirror.

Anime is one of the greatest weapons against whites, because it undermines their degeneracy through a process of reverse subversion. Western media subverts tradition, family, religion, etc, but anime does the opposite - it shows these things in a good light, and therefore offers an alternative to people who have been brainwashed all their lives with hollywood flicks. Instead of the constant "uggh god mom, you're so lame", and "you're still a virgin?? At 14??", we get interesting stories about hard working, chaste, people who respect their parents

You don't know the true nature of anime desu

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Also read Dai no Daibouken it puts DBZ to shame

Naruto is good.
I also recommend the following:
One Punch Man
Fullmetal Alchemist
Fist of the North Star
Vampire Hunter D

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Unironically true

I'm talking about the picture of dorian gray.
This is why boys need mother figures and father figures. Otherwise, they turn in to faggots and psychopaths.

This anime is hilarious. White guy is hated by everyone and ends up becoming the hero loved by everyone.

I don't see how
>Anime is one of the greatest weapons against whites
follows from
>interesting stories about hard working, chaste, people who respect their parents

Are you saying media other than books and campfire stories is inherently degenerate?

Japanese, Korean, and other westernized cultures that have avoided the corruption of the far left that has poisoned the west's entertainment industry are an acceptable substitute. Would I prefer good shows made in my native tongue? Yes. Are there any? Not really.

Cowboy Bebop, Hunter X Hunter and One Punch Man are all pretty fantastic.

>can it be redpilled?

Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex can be pretty redpilled. It has governments and corporations staging false flags to manipulate stock prices and a refugee crisis that destabilizes Japan.

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>All Might
>The Anti Christ

You've clearly never watched the show.

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If you watch closely, Naruto flashes a big bulge and doesn't give any fucks while Sasuske doesn't really fill out his pants and has a really mad agenda.

Subtitles are like books with art in the background

Supposedly Naruto gives those powerful speeches but I'm a high test alpha chad that watches Dragonball Super

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Jojo made me cry in episode 1

Why he so mean and steal the first kiss fron her? ;_;

It’s not fucking redpilled but if you want to chill and watch a show it’s better than most Jew shit from Hollywood. You need to stop consuming anything from Hollywood.

Leafs out

I'm saying that contemporary whites will naturally resort to degeneracy, in the name of individualism and rebellion, or novelty, while the Japanese aren't afraid to depict society in its traditional state. Show a movie with a masculine father, a feminine mother, without and so-called "twists" and Westerners will be appalled, as if interesting stories can only happen in transgender households where the father is a cuck.

Don't take Satan's hand.

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>It's up to you now

The Antichrist is a human that is going to have a charisma fit for legends that the common masses won't directly worship, but worship the icon that is made in homage to the Antichrist for ushering an era of peace

>All for One ushers in a era of villains
>An unknown figure defeats the era of chaos and brings in peace in peace
>Known as Symbol of Peace
>Entirety of weeb land reveres the symbol

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do you really think (((they))) will try to gain control over the Japanese anime industry?
the Japanese entertainment industry makes billions of Dollars. Do you really think (((they))) will be forever satisfied to just get the bread crumbs of it?

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its for faggots and niggers

Attack on Titan is about the German Ubermensch taking on the jewish elite and trying to free the world of life "inside the walls"
Prove me wrong


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