What does Jow Forums think of Soph? and does her dad write her material
What does Jow Forums think of Soph? and does her dad write her material
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Who, and is that a boi or gril?
Fuck you Shill trash
How many times are you faggots gonna ask this question/start this thread?
Soph is a based 14 y/o with more cognitive worth than your entire bloodline, Shill scum
She's literally a Jewish shill
I still want to tongue her anus
Hows the unemployment line lefty?
The Shills hate our generation is learning..
She is trying to get chad's attention being an uggo
She's cuter than you, bulldog dyke whore
15 going on 10 this girl is a right wing pedos dream
Anyone who gives a shit is fucked. fuck you.
Some nice titties right there
Too bad she's on the opposite spectrum of your Boss, he'd love to get his hands on that, you despicable trash
Fuck off Leaf
ugly foul mouthed little brat followed by man children and pedophiles
her brother probably writes her material, that faggot trying to be cool burping into the mic
They’re fake.
How does it feel to resemble a bulldog you ugly fucking Leftist Skank
Allegedly dad is a hilldawg liberal
You don’t like it when children, especially little girls, are even smarter than you and able to mock you and your subhuman kind?
Fuck off you schizo faggot. You get your opinion from a BUTT UGLY 10 year old, kys
No, WE get our information from Philosophers of Old, you on the other hand? You get them from literal drag queen trash & Communists.
Bahahahaha! Go lose some weight you fat heffer.
How so, kike?
>Right wing
Mouth breather.
>Someone else is a schizo faggot
>Old ass faggot judging the physical appearance of a 14 year old girl
Didn't she sidestep israel? Until she names the jew she is a plant.
Point and laugh at these losers
How is she 14 years old? She looks like she is 8. So weird.
she's smarter than me because she...is able to mock me?
what the relation?
monkeys mock humans regularly
and how is it related to my post?
i'm sorry i don't get this mutt jewish golem cannon fodder "logic"
I don't give a fuck about what some kid thinks, she's probably going to grow up to be a libtard anyway
I’m a loser because I’m not a senile old boomer and I don’t want to MIGA?
She’s smarter than you because she is human while you are as dark if not darker than your own feces, subhuman shitskin.
Cope. You don’t know shit about Gen Z.
hey babe your hair's alright
hey babe let's go out tonight
You must be 18 years or older to post on this site.
you're incoherently babbling now
are you that little shit's brother?
All I can think about is creampieing her tight teen pussy
Can we pick someone else for politics?
These aren't off-topic or spam though.
Do you ever watch any of her videos? Cause she lists all the contributers at the end. The one that got banned recently had 5-6 people that helped, they are listed in the end credits retard.
The thing about Soph is she's generally an unattractive girl that is going to blossom into an even uglier woman. Anyone that denies this is delusional and is merely giving her credit for parroting Jow Forums memes for the shock factor. She's done well for herself though no doubt, almost a mil subs and platform on infowars is going to cement her as a staple within the alt right community.
Soph is not for lewd
Too bad. The thought of sex with a tight little girl like her sends shivers down my spine.
Did she really say that?
Imagine building up a 7 day no fap and emptying your balls into her tight cunny.
That’d be way more based than this bullshit she’s doing now.
Known shill post
Did she give many hints early on that she was leaf? because I could have sworn she outright said she was a leaf, before her more recent videos where I think she said she was living in commifornia.
She looks like a kike
she is
But the only one doing the shilling is op
>implying i care about tradthot #347212
>does her dad write her material
Who cares.
and coming from the mouth of a 14yo makes it unique and viral.
Thus the Jews are panicked of an effect right wing thoughts speading.
remove yourself faggot
I want to fuck the absolute shit out of her pussy, mouth and asshole. She’s so cute, so small, so sexy.
>still thinks we give a fuck about "social status pressure".
go back and watch soph's video AGAIN faggot
you still dont get it
She’s a kid so she appeals to immature manchildren that infest this board.
bumping for salt
She identifies as a libertarian if anyone didn’t know.
Mossad writes her material
I haven’t watched any of her videos and I won’t until she says fuck jews
Don’t you mean (((libertarian)))?
she mostly writes it with the help of her brother.
Since you are a shitskin leaf and don't speak English natively, I will explain. She sounds just like an early teen sounds when trying to sound intellectual. She uses complex words in improper contexts but in a good enough way to not come off as a sophist because she is genuniely learning and coming into herself as an adult, she is experimenting with wordplay and is doing a damned good job of it. She will do even greater things some day.
Jeanne d'Arc
Stop spamming these threads, Soph. I'm already subbed.
>She will do even greater things some day.
Why are you so infatuated with a child? It is borderline pedophilic.
I think there is some psy-op going on here and soon enough there will be a media blitz of articles about her being a nazi to tank her videos
I wonder if these threads are spammed simply to make us sick of them.
who dat ugly boi??
there were some ugly duck girls in my middle-high school who turned into really pretty women in their 20's. They were also exclusively the quiet modest girls that everyone overlooked because of their poor looks. This also means they developed a good personality unlike 90% of attractive women. It's been my experience that women who grow up attractive develop shit personalities and when they start to age, and lose men's attention, they become bitches who are prone to cheat. You want a girl who was unattractive growing up
of course it's written for her
do you really have to ask?
She is a legitimate wunderwaffe that had to have been created in a secret right wing laboratory. Sub if you havent already.
I won’t until she says fuck kikes. I keep telling your shills this.
this user finally gets it! I am saying exactly this for decades..I snatched me one of those girls, she's a gorgeous natural beauty who doesn't even have to use make up to get looks..all those stacy's back then all look like overused bitchy trash in comparison now, while she is the most modest and loyal girl I have ever met.
that said Soph isn't one of those, he will look like a washed up stoner soon
Why is everyone saying she's ugly? She's a cute kid.
>Symmetrical face.
>nice skin
>Babyface implies she will age well, and not be a boney, wrinkley, hag by age 30 like most white women.
Calling her ugly is either a leftist cope, or indication that you are looking at her as a sex object rather than a kid.