These are Chicchai Bouya and Debu Otoko bombs. Please choose two cities where you drop one bomb

These are Chicchai Bouya and Debu Otoko bombs. Please choose two cities where you drop one bomb.

I'll choose Los Angeles and San Francisco. Fuck those globohomo shittys.


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Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Tel aviv and Jerusalem

Anywhere full of kikes and niggers is fine with me

Tokyo and Osaka

Hillary Clinton’s vagina and Hillary Clinton's ass

tel aviv and DC

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This is the correct answer, then in turn the Samson option nukes everyone equally

Both on Los Angeles. I can pick specific neighborhoods if you like. If not the one in Los Angeles one in Portland

Pray stupido gamuh.
Rin stupido prizuh.

honestly we've yet to get a bad suggestion in this thread

Jerusalem and Beijing.

shibuya and ikkibukoro

>Los Angeles and San Francisco

Thank you.

>I’ll have two mcnukes to go, please.

I agree, LA and SF. Do it during pride week

Mecca and Jerusalem

hiroshima and nagasaki again

suffragette and paradise

NYC and Brussles
UN and EU hq (satire of course)

Tel Aviv and Jerusalem

Quit short changing us on the bombs. I need at least 20 bombs before I waste my time thinking about how to best use them.

SF and NYC tqhwu. Deals a big blow to both states.

San Fran and Bejing

fuck's sake Japan hahahahahah

New Zealand

So the fucks that think they're going to wait it out there have to start over

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listen here you little shit. Fuck out of this board with your hentai furry porn agenda.

Mecca and Jerusalem


New York City.

Washington D.C.

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L.A. and Germany. I'm thinking without Germany the EU dies.

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Preferably Berlin pls.
Thanks in advance.

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Weeb will go extinct immediately

first prove that nuclear bombs are even real. and dont come at me with any of that retard shit about "but i heard" or "nuke videos". prove that they were nukes.

I pick New York, twice

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Vatican City,
Just like the Jews who picked targets used the cathedral at the center of Christianity as a nice place to drop a gratuitous second bomb in Nagasaki :)

Tel Aviv and Jerusalem obviously

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I'm from California and I agree with OP... both LA and SF are shit holes... absolute nasty diseases filled shit holes. You would do us a huge favor

this is the only correct answer

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Seattle and NYC.

Japan and japanese people in general, are awesome. I don't like Yoko Ono though.

Don't do shit that would get you guys killed.
Also, don't open your borders, nogs are chaos and destruction.

>first prove that nuclear bombs are even real
>being this retarded
How about the 1000 or so open air nuke tests witnessed by thousands of people over the years. The fucking french set the last one off in 1993. I can not image be so retarded as you, do you need your mom to help dress you in the morning?

Tel Aviv

Based and iodine-pilled.

Melbourne and Melbourne.

first post best post
english teacher btfo

All 5000 at Israel?

God at least save 1000 for Muslim majority cities around the globe you retards

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DC, Meca

LA would never be bombed. We host jpl here dumbass

nevermind, 2pbp. But first post still good secondary choices, for such a stupid thread.

>God at least save 1000 for Muslim majority cities
You burgers just need to make more ICBMs I guess

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Mecca and Jerusalem

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San Mateo is 30 km from San Francisco. That's where you have to aim to hit SIE headquarters.

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You fuckin japs need to base yourselves a bit more first
I read an article about Japan denationalising Japanese people with brown hair. That's totally fucked broh

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My home(sick of being alive)
Maybe New York City.

Tokyo and London

chinks and angloids must burn

Brussels and Strasburg
>fuck the eussr

Jerusalem and Los Angeles