The hero we need!

The hero we need!

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pol when it gets offline

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Imagine trying this hard to win good boy points from society.

Not all heroes wear capes

Ironic because he looks like a child molester.

Thank god someone was going around beating all those vile sex offenders who committed the crime of having sex with a 17 year old girl.

gotta wonder what skeletons he's compensating for that he'd willingly become women's attack dog

Really makes you think

Dude looks like a pedo himself. I hope one of the guys puts hot lead into his skull.

100% pedo

Absolutely nothing wrong with beating pedophiles with a hammer

Vigilante shit like this is nigger-tier because the fags never even do research and contemplate the possibility the person could be innocent and the justice system just failed them

> (((1 post by this ID)))


just a psychopath that decided to fuck up people that society hates anyway. doubt there was any bigger moral mission at work

There is absolutely nothing wrong with beating pedophiles with a hammer.

Doing shit like this will just get the registry removed and then no one will be able to enjoy looking at the degenerate's mug shots.

He was a degenerate drug addict who wanted to rob some people and thought the police wouldn't go after him if he was targeting sex offenders.

>Vukovich, 41, is also accused of robbing his three victims after his vengeful beatings
Oh, well what a fucking nigger lol, it says he just read the names of the registry so like I said before, he didn't even check to see if anyone was innocent or not. 100% nigger

Think the cops were secretly cheering him on? I mean, the ones that weren't pedophiles themselves.

Based. Dexter tier

white knights are cancer

Some immature cops probably cheered.

Vigilantism isn't something I'm really against if it is for a good cause, but using the sex offender registry in this way could get LGBTQ freaks an avenue to win rights for pedos.

he was probably raped himself


Hello kike piece of shit

Based and fucking warrior caste pilled

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Anyone who is pathetic enough to denigrate this has to be a pedo that is in fear.

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The average American commits three felonies a day, usually unknowingly. Considering the complete lack of justice in the USA, I’d be more sympathetic with the guy if he was beating jews with a hammer instead.


We need him in Alabama

>Jow Forums member decides to go on a wacky adventure.

Based and checked

Good guy hitler

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More should be like him.

Can anyone make an archive link?

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Based vigilante.

I don't know why you're getting this sort of admonition from pol of all places. the people did their time, have to deal with severe restrictions already, and some useless vigilante decides to do this for attention.

>The hero we need!

Fuck no you bluepilled fag. This is yet another 4D chess by the kikes. They'll use this as a reason to take off sex offender registries and allow the pedokikes to roam free.

How low IQ are you guys

>Jews instead of pedos
There’s probably quite a bit of overlap

What the fuck
guy is a total retard
what gave this motherfucker that moral authority


Is that Terry Silver, nuclear waste merchant and Cobra Kai alumni??!!

Jow Forums has changed. It's full of sjw roasties and Jews posing as white nationalists.

>> 213866598
>low iq faggots

Or maybe it's because he got abused as a kid and it ruined his child hood so he resorted to drugs and not sleeping/eating white permately damaged his physical appearance.

Pretty easy to break down the motive via basic phycology.

I know of someone from the highschool the next town over who shit in a garbage can in his classroom on a dare and is now on the registry for it. I hope these vigilantes are at least checking what the actual crime is first.

The basic instinct to protect the innocent you fucking degenerate faggot

was was Jow Forums like your day?

Sounds about right.

He learned what being a matyr is

okay dont hammer me bro
you got your reasons

No. He made their jobs harder.


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Why do I feel like I read this headline years ago? I swear this headline, with that exact picture, was published years ago. Like, two or three

pol was a lot more like /b/ used to be, a lot more memes and a lot more fun. The shills didn't come about until the election and then after the alt right meme replaced conspiracy theorist it was all over

He looks like a total pedo.

This made me laugh

Takes one to know one

A real hero, shame he got caught

I know you are but what am I

Pedophile rapists should be hung.
The idea that heinous criminals can be rehabilitated into functional members of society is a modern indulgence with no basis in reality.



they are blowing this story out of proportion he would have lived in a tiny town where everyone knew each other, it wouldn't be that hard to find 3 people

HA! Finally some good news!

Put some gofund or patreon for this hero.
Doing God's work.

Is that styxhexenhammer666?

>Dude looks like a pedo himself.
Which is probably why you get people like this.

I know it's maybe a misused word but they're really the epitomy of people projecting.

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DESU not really. You can be a sex offender for taking a piss on a wall. It's a meaningless designation.

The Pedoisher

No, it's Man.

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>so what are you in for whity?
>beating pedos with a hammer.
>i always new whites are the hardest niggas.

Fake News.

Jow Forums has many lists
It is in the interest of every nation that Jow Forums remains operational

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Do you feel it lads

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>Absolutely nothing wrong with beating pedophiles with a hammer
good shit. hope he gets off. hope the jury understands. hell i hope he gets out and doesa it again. good shit.

>I don't know why you're getting this sort of admonition from pol of all places. the people did their time, have to deal with severe restrictions already, and some useless vigilante decides to do this for attention.
tell that to the PARENTS

his commissary account is maxed out. I cant send him more money lol

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>his commissary account is maxed out. I cant send him more money lo
good shit. motherfucking hero like this? needs to eat as many fucking Ramen noodles a day as he fucking WANTS. keep us posted.

there was that one guy who shot the guy in the face in the middle of an airport or something while he was surrounded by cops escorting him because the guy raped his kid lol he only got probation

>leave the house
>have to pee
>no public toilet in sight
>find a secluded place to take a piss
>a woman spots you
>calls the police
>end up in jail to get beaten up and raped by niggers
>get put on a sex offender list
>crazy person kills you with a hammer
Just another day in America.

(salutes). God bless this guy.

True. The guy wasn’t charged for wasting the pedo, either.

It's one of those crimes where no one is ever going to fault him, but unfortunately you can't let people start going wild with it and have to start a precedent. The other fact is is probably right.

Uncle Paul pls

I doubt it. The thought for most cops would be that they won't lose sleep over it, but he can't just be deciding what is and isn't proper punishment for people who already were struck hard by the system.

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feel-good normalfags are the worst

>accessing and reading sex offender registry to target people
What this guy did is still 100x better for society than going after random people. At least child fuckers deserve more than just a robbing. Even Jesus believed child abusers were better off to have never been born.

so many seething kidfuckers trying to make excuses

you'll all burn



The left is a paedophile ring. Look at them ITT and their trannie maa’aam!!! ‘Allies’.


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See this? That’s called projecting.

This is old as shit