Wat do?

Well Jow Forums ?


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Other urls found in this thread:


i bet Palestinians think so.

Jews are literally the cause of antisemitism.


wow only took em like 2000 years

They bring it on themselves with their snobby "chosen people" thing. Although they could do a lot better - more Jonas Salk and less Al Goldstein. I would have even less of a problem with them if they all moved to Israel.

>I would have even less of a problem with them if they all moved to Israel.
piss off zionist shill.

are they finally gaining consciousness?

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Who cares at that point if they're all in a containment zone? Do we even think about the bronies anymore?

> Jews in a country act in a way that makes the locals hate them.
> Jews say "look, everybody else hates us, so we have to stick together as a tribe"
> Nepotism
> Further isolation from locals
> Expulsion
> Repeat

This is how they've survived for thousands of years. They literally thrive on hatred.

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They are the literal cause of it,and made it up.Look up Shulamit Aloni's comment about anti-semitism is a jewish trick,how the jews use it in Europe against Whites because of the holohoax,and how they use it in the USA against Whites for guilt money.

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>enemies they create
Funny how I've never heard that quote before...

They are all terrible, but I think it's the non-religious jews that get the ovens fired up. They have the persecution complex mixed with the "God's chosen people" delusion, but they don't have the limitations placed on them by an organized religion. That's a mixture to make a real selfish piece of shit person.

If a Jew can be antisemitic, and they absolutely can, I suppose this is potentially possible.

Jews are the ONLY cause for antisemitism.

>they don't have the limitations placed on them by an organized religion
The Jews during Jesus' day and before had even more restrictions (which they often failed to live up to), but after the Temple was destroyed, the rabbis pretty much gave them carte blanche to indulge in the worst things, hence the Synagogue of Satan.

from the article:
>Journalist Frederik Schindler, who has written about antisemitism for German papers, wrote on Twitter to Mendel, "Right-wing Jews carry just as little responsibility for antisemitism or the failure of fighting antisemitism as leftist, apolitical, communist, capitalist, orthodox, moderate or secular, atheist or whatever ... Jews."


Exactly. Nothing is off limits when it comes to goyim. They even have the gall to think that they can fool God.

first, check out that ratio

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Comments on that tweet are pretty good

Took them long enough, jewish IQ everybody.

You guys are the best

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Fuck off space nigger, we're full

>Strapping infant boys to tables and destroying their penises


>that moment when you realize that one simple thing you've done wrong your entire life

>you can name any group but never masons or Sabbatean-Frankists
Really makes me think.

>Jerusalem Post dropping redpills and exposing the kikes

Fucking BASED

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Yes, they are responsible and no amount of pilpul can change it:


Israel means "wrestling with God". You cannot make this up.

at first I got the impression this article was bait by the JP to get people to write stuff like this
then I realized that most times, people honestly don't think strategically, and are usually sincere in what they write, so the comments are probably surprising to them

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>naming the Sabbatean-Frankists

Holy shit, an ACTUAL redpill on nu/pol/.

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This is revolutionary to the kikes you can tell. They know everyone hates them.
Could it be OUR fault?

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About that...

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ah shit here we go again


so here's the article:
>The head of the Germany-based Anne Frank Center, which previously defended the Jew-hatred of a former German journalist, accused a Jerusalem Post reporter and a prominent German Jewish author of damaging the fight against antisemitism in Germany, triggering sharp criticism from a leading Israeli international expert on antisemitism and a German journalist.
>Dr. Efriam Zuroff, a prolific author on antisemitism and the Holocaust , who heads the Simon Wiesenthal's Center's Jerusalem office, told The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday, “Again and again, we see instances of Jews such as Meron Mendel of the Anne Frank Center who hinder and harm the fight against antisemitism and are usually exploiting their own Jewish origins, which naturally attracts media attention.”
>Mendel is the director of the Anne Frank Center in Germany.
>"It is another one of those problems we face when combating antisemitism in different places in the world,” Zuroff added.
>The Israeli-born Mendel began attacking Jerusalem Post’s Benjamin Weinthal, a correspondent for European affairs, and Henryk M. Broder, a German Jewish author and journalist who is widely considered to be the top authority on German antisemitism, on Twitter in late March.
>“It is unbelievable what damage Jewish right-wingers such as Weinthal & Broder are doing to combat antisemitism,” Mendel wrote.
>This twitter battle - between Mendel, Weinthal and Broder, has continued for nearly two months. Eventually, Mendel backpedaled, tweeting, "I never claimed that Jews are responsible for AS."
>The "AS" in his tweet is an abbreviation for antisemitism.
>Journalist Frederik Schindler, who has written about antisemitism for German papers, wrote on Twitter to Mendel, "Right-wing Jews carry just as little responsibility for antisemitism or the failure of fighting antisemitism as leftist, apolitical, communist, capitalist, orthodox, moderate or secular, atheist or whatever ... Jews."

Working through the bible for the first time. Near the end of Numbers right now. Is the Old Testament almost completely "Jews trying to Jew God and then getting killed or punished for it." Because that's what I'm getting out of a lot of this.

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oh, and here's the header:
>Mendel also compared German Jews, who were stripped of their citizenship during the Holocaust, with Islamic State terrorists who could face the loss of their German citizenship.
can't make this shit up.

Jews are not responsible for anything. Leave them alone. They’re perfect.
>Billy Joel’s “I Love You Just the Way You Are” playing in the background

SHUT IT DOWN in 3... 2...

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I noticed a welcomed rise in “antisemitism” but much more popular is blatant hatred of white people. It’s nonsense to think we’re winning the culture war.

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Yes. That, and rape, murder, and genocide.

There can't be anti semitism if there are no jews.

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this is just twitter drama among German-speaking Jews:
posting a google-translated screenshot of what started this "controversy"
apparently this counts as news to the JP

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I’ve read the Bible. I’ve read Dr. Seuss.
I got more out of Dr. Seuss.


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>Can Jews be responsible for antisemitism?
>Can anybody be responsible for someone hating him?
I'm not sure I really want to hear the answer from them

Pic related.

Based and Home-Movies-pilled.
(But you still have to go back, spacenigger)

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>Can Jews be responsible for antisemitism?


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looks like they need a few more holocaust museums

Yes. Can't have anti Semites without Semites. They shouldn't be here. Jews be damned

Absolutely not. It's about them looking sad while the same actions continue.

If not them, then who?

I can confirm this, the entire point of it is merely to use the "lower caste" of jews as a meatshield and footsoldiers for their elite.

>looks like they need a few more holocaust museums

I much prefer hands-on learning.

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The jew strive and flourish in anti semitism. No anti-semitism and he vanishes into nothingness.

How can Israel ever recover? Checkmate.

Taking money from Israel would destroy my campaign so I'll never do it.

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He's a complete doofus, but I like Wayne.

Of course not. Its like saying spiders are responsible for arachnophobia, it is their nature to be like that.

apparently, they want more synagogues attacked

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>Jews have been expelled from their host nations over 100 times throughout history just because of unprovoked antisemitism
>their behavior, like helping the Moors conquer Spain from within, had absolutely nothing to do with it

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Jews are not semites, antisem doesn't make sense applied to them


>Well Jow Forums ?
Without Jews, you don't have antisemitism
Checkmate kikes

FWIW, you're all right in my book.
(If you're actually Wayne)


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That's a fucking amazing question

Good argument for new shoa

Oy vey, how could anyone possibly assume that Jews are responsible for anti-semitism? Shut it down!!!!

Well, that comparison only makes sense if you assume that Jews are terrorists. Close call, Mr. Mendel.

i could honestly not have a problem with them? but then the "gods chosen people" shit comes out of their mouth. i question them on it? they BELIEVE it... so, fuck it. they bring the shit on themselves.

>after the Temple was destroyed, the rabbis pretty much gave them carte blanche to indulge in the worst things
Read your OT again, Jews have always been evil. They even wrote it down themselves.

doesn't matter, jews won WW2 , they do as they please because of that.

It's amazing how hard it is to get a normie to even consider the idea that a group which literally refers to itself and thinks of itself as "GOD'S CHOSEN PEOPLE" openly and proudly *might* have some supremacist tendencies.

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Why so many christian fags on Jow Forums?