The doors

What does this symbol mean? Is this satanic or pedophilic?
Also: were The Doors a government psyop, considering who Morrison's dad was?

Attached: krieger.png (705x509, 376K)

Other urls found in this thread:

the west is the best

Indians scattered on dawn’s highway bleeding.
Ghosts crowd the young child’s fragile eggshell mind.

Some kind of snake? Reptiles were a thing with that band.

it looks an upside down Omega though

was their music organic?

kreiger is also jewish btw. in addition to Morrison's father being involved with uss liberty

I thought his ancestry was German?

>was their music organic?
more organic than the pop shit today. more organic than most of the pop shit back then.
more organic than the stones.

Jewish 100%

It seems so, thats why I'm asking for more opinions
If you watch Morrison's interviews (all when he was about 24-25) he seems to be very aware of the future (rap, electronic music, djs, edm). was he that much of a genius who was only addicted to drugs, or was he a plant (considering who his dad was), and the doors only bolstered by media to be what they were, to influence "counterculture" on society

his position was given, not earned, like pretty much every famous drug addict from that beat-hippy era (william s burroughs, ken kesley, ect)
and like them his drug use caused a sort of rebellious streak in some ways. he always did what he was supposed to, just not how they planned.
the question of whether anything truly good or enlightening was hidden in his music i cannot answer because i have no idea. also i have no proof of any of this.

The Doors are literally the worst band ever. They took an obviously mentally I'll man (Jim Morrison), gave him access to psychedelic drugs, denied him psychiatric help, and eventually let him die just so they could make more music and get that sweet-ass boomer money. It wouldn't surprise me if everyone but Morrison in The Doors was a jew.

i'm also inclined to believe that he was just given the position
i believe the band was established by (((someone))) to be part of the laurel canyon bands that were to be started by sons and daughters of military men, of which many became cultural icons
thats an interesting take you had that i hadn't thought of, that he went off of the written script and thats why they had him disappear
i always just figured that he went away because they wanted his image to live forever at 27 and not age

from interviews and other limited video material out there, it does seem like the band is comprised of individuals rather than bonded people with intimate connection

Was their music organic? Brother, it was all natural, hypoallergenic, locally sourced and totally artisinal.

It's the same snake as on the pharaoh's head gear.

Regarding the Doors and music in general, it was a psyop from the start. The story is too long for this comment

Jim's dad was commander of the U.S. naval forces in the Gulf of Tonkin during the Gulf of Tonkin Incident of August 1964, which sparked an escalation of American involvement in the Vietnam War.

what do you think?

Tonkin incident, not uss liberty

Ride the snake

Redpill me on Burroughs, I was really into him before my redpilling

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1620x1080, 110K)

wrote about travelling to poo to fuck underage gigalos and do heroin

When I was a child, someone from relatives gave me a similar decoration

Attached: lev.jpg (600x400, 34K)

Symbol is too blurry but Doors were definitely a glownigger psyop, and it is satanic as fuck. It is very clear in the lyrics.


>Choose they croon the ancient ones
>The time has come again

ancient ones = fallen angels (pagan gods of old)

>When the true kings murderers
>Are allowed to roam free,
>A thousand magicians arise in the land
>Where are the feast we are promised?

True King = king of kings, Jesus Christ
his murderers = the jews
are allowed to roam free = pretty obvious, their unchallengable power after the holocaust (literally meaning 'burnt offering')
1000 magicians = Hollywood, the music industry
promised feast = Satan will have his hour in the times of antichrist

His lyrics are obviously deep occult

"I am the Lizard King , I can do anything "

pedo, as was his lover Allen Ginsburg, an open NAMBLA supporter

Found the nigger. Try actually listening to the words to the songs. They took their name "The Doors" from Huxleys The Doors of Perception"

what do you think lizard king means?

Jim Morrison is alive and well. YouTube wiping the evidence

Attached: 4B7E3882-8949-4460-9719-04F3C6244F8D.jpg (765x430, 48K)

>were The Doors a government psyop, considering who Morrison's dad was?

Yes, all the cali music is a military psi-op.

Fucking kek

All glow in the dark aristocrats take smack and fuck little brown boys but he was the only one of them that told us all about it

more like
chevy chase

Attached: chevy_morrison.jpg (401x271, 28K)

Ok. THIS intrigues me. Down the Doors rabbit hole i go..

There is a movie called Deliver us from Evil that uses their music as some kind of warning that there is evil near

Most hippy lsd musicians were cia backed.

Based and firemarshallbillpilled

In most cases it's probably more profitable to end a successful project while the artist is still relatively young.

Where are the feast we are promised?