American Asians (east asian and southeast asian) have the right to date and fuck white chicks

American Asians (east asian and southeast asian) have the right to date and fuck white chicks

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But I guess a Asian-Euro alliance must be built. To thwart the Jewish Menace.

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lol you have the pic but wheres the white boi??? also, every asian with chokers = white washed, not rly attractive lol

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lol but true, fuck da jews

lol fake and gay, some white boi catphishing as a chick, kinda sus bro. meanwhile, the older generation is getting the younger ones

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> rich, successful asian man gets all the white girls.
>most white bois are getting poorer and more sensitive, which turns off their own counterparts
>must be chad asian man

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I've already been doing that without being granted the "right" to, white women are ultra easy to bed when you're a chink at uni and you "help" them over a few glasses of wine.

She like's black BVLLS

Oh shit I remember that show. The dream dating thing was cool as a way for two, who should be enemies, to still be together. From what I remember the series finale was a bit of a mess. Maybe I should look up some episodes sometime.

The Jewish Menace must be thwarted.

White Men get Asian-White Women
Asian Men get Asian-White Women

seems, fair, and is.
The WW2 Alliance must prevail.

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>"asians are superior!"
>dates whites for status
The absolute state of Asian minorities

i don't really care, it's statistically neglectable and there is no big propaganda push for it like with bmwf

look at that face... she ain't white bro...

*rubs hands together.*


American Dragon and some other 90s - early 2000s disney shows was the shit when we was kids

I agree with that logic too bro. we must band together and fuck the jews up

show us dick pic right now and confirm your stats

Nope and if you Asian fag even dare to talk to one of my sisters I will pull out my CZ75s and splatter your brain over the wall creating the most beautiful wall painting mankind has ever seen. I would get prices for that.

haha you little pinkoid crackers are cute

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blonde aryan women are beautiful. i like stealing them away from you white bois. thank you for producing them

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Now that I'm looking up some stuff about it again, I'm starting to remember more of it. I think it was the first cartoon where I started to get interested in an ongoing story because stuff was actually developing at certain points. Teen Titans as well but that was a lot more memorable overall I feel. Seems like kids shows took a nosedive for a decade but then the past few years have resulted in some pretty good stuff.

Jap has no penis, no height.
Not a male

yuck. Next you will ne saying white chicks have the right to fuck dogs.

really? the recent shows are good? im still an oldfag and nostalgic over the older ones and ive seen some of the newer ones few years ago and it was shitttt. american dragon was a g as show, sucks that it was ended badly and he never got with the girl (cause she died or sum shit because of her white dad)

that's called fear and inferiority complex my boi

enjoy the yellow peril pink subhuman

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no white chicks dont deserve to fuck dogs, i praise them and worship them like goddesses... they should only ne able to fuck white men (their own race) and firstworlder local asians. and maybe some latino men

Asians boys are for White men.

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We have Vietnamese in my country. They are utter fags and dont even have a beard.
Even your name depicts your fear boi. In prison your angus belongs to gays. I would trade your for some cigarettes.


I'm even above the 6,5 but can confirm the stat is real and this is not even fully erect

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Nobody is scared or worried about asian boys, go back to plebbit or spam bbc like u normally do, it's more annoying.

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LOL, big white cock versus the small asian penis in my gif. Now that's a funny coincidence they were posted side by side.

Great work user ;)

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>Pic related.
Jake Long is a hapa.

typical chink shit

post sleazy porn to prove their masculinity


3'inch little yellow manlets

Are there any that look like pic?

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Jake got with Rose but it took some magic fuckery and then reversing it. He did something like erase everything so she was never forced to fight, as result the two of them never met, but then in the finale she got her memories back and they came together again. Jake's dad also realized his whole family is dragons. That much I remember. Looking it up and this show only ran for two years, 2005-2007? It felt way longer back then.

Not every recent show is good but a few /co/ talks about seem decent in both things for kids and in the overall writing. I think some cartoon's won't hold up because once you're older then you notice lapses in writing if the show it trying to have an actual story. Too bad it seems like the finales always end up being pretty weak or try to solve way too much in one episode.

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nice dreaming surrender monkey

we're superior, which the history itself has just proven
just face it pink boi
we're gonna be your masters soon you better be more and more polite to us

there's no way in hell you crackers could win the race war with us
USA is going to lose the trade war with China making the Western civilization get eclipsed by the East again
we're going to rise again in the name of Genghis Khan

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cuz chinks are butt ugly and effeminate

at least with niggaz, they are voilent and masculine, even tho they are also Ugly AF.

All non whites were only made to be COLONIZED.

fuck me the ending of this show made me understand why cuckolding is bad

haha stinky pink cracker chimping out

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I am not American and I will never be polite to you manlet. Have a cope lol. I just need to go out and shoot every Vietnamese once we have an economy crisis. Thats like 15 minutes of work.

If you dare to make hapas people will off them as well

Indeed. Colossal colonizing cock was made for cute Asian cunts ;)

>watch the girls as the white boys go by
>come to terms with the fact that as a ricedick'd asian incel u will never experience a look like that, yet white boys get it just by existing

maybe they should just succumb and fap to it?

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Conquest is something we invented the first

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Hapa meme is a myth to deplore white-male sexual value. White men dating out increases white male sexual value, and thereby decreases white women dating out (via dread game). White men having a harem of Asian and white women does more good for the white race than not.

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Not If you have these hapa shitskins at school next to my children

absolutely based. East Asian alliance when? We'd easily destroy these cracka boys once united.

haha average ''measured'' height in France is like 173-4cm, which literally is almost the same as my country lmao
Northern Chinese are even much taller
genetically speaking Mongolians are the tallest among us but due to the malnourished problem they stay as the same as us
without the nutrition problem the average would be above 180

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Kill gooks and weebs.

>East alliance

spoken like a true fucktard. east has no chance at alliance. they all hate eachother and share nothing in common besides one thing: their love for white men.

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they always have been the niggers of our race but smarter, they will be used as shock troops for when we go into white lands.

Actually everyone does in reality.

east asia hating each other meme needs to be killed

it's the divide and conquer shill pink crackers keep telling us in order to separate us so that they somehow could remain relevant

if you are so superior why come you lost world war 2?

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Smol midget Asian boipussy. Unironically.

>"m-m-muh nutrition is bad so low height"

2 posts later

>heh, china will overtake the west by next year

do you realize how retarded you sound, ricedick? i've lived and breathed in shandong, the supposed "tallest" province in china. they were still all short as fuck, and i'm only 6'2".

those qingdao girls sure did love white dick though.

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all East Asians are Golden brothers sharing culture and history mate
no offence to our soulmates

wrong, Chinas rise will bring the other East Asian back into line once more creating the old tributary system. If you know nothing of history look up "tributary system china" we offer protection and troops whilst they offer us resources and loyalty, it has always worked like this pre americas rise. America is merely a hiccup before the old ways return once more and our east asian brothers are united once more. America cannot control south east china sea no longer white boy.

Whites for whites. Sorry, but seeing my fellow whites responses, your women are obviously fuckable.. just stay with them.. violate the NAP and get rekt.

lulz do whatever you want, asian women will always be subservient to white cock and covet hafu babies :)

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microwave yourserrf
cheap crap chink
plastic poop prick
satanic commie srrave
stupid weak sourrrress ugrry
greedy cheating rrying thieving
stinky dirty diseased
microdick harrf-starved skeletarr midget
srrant-eyed brrind-drive sunk-junk paper-shack
mongorroid orientarr
ching chong ding dong nip nong ping pong chicken wing wong
yerrrrow zipperhead gook
bug-face rat-tooth monkey-brain insectoid pig dog canibarr

nuke that chinked fuckee trash too before it spawns more retardedness

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门 1989年4月15日天安门广场 Winnie the Pooh 维尼熊

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it doesn't change the fact that you aren't so tall compared to us
every website i check states that the average ''measured'' height for French men is around 173-4cm which unironically isn't so tall even when compared to my country

>half of those guys are arab
so this is the legendary white race huh?

nice outdated meme map pinkoid

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Basically this. Before I discovered Jow Forums I wasnt really against Asians but having seen the disgusting outmarriage of Vietnamese women in my country, the seething men and the gross Hapas I really began to hate these yellow fags. Why even come here? Its not even a first rate country? They violated the bin aggression principle and in turn I am allowed to open fire on them as soon as the economies benefit is not available anymore.

Maybe the Japs and Koreans even though they are pussies at least it's not as bad as the Chinese and Jungle chinks with how degenerate they are.

haha Mutts fear China

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I am 195cm. My 2 Sisters are around 180cm. You literrally took one of the lowest values while one of the highest in the Asian side you cheating chink. But that is what you do best anyway.

let me ask you, do you post on here because an asian women responded like this when you pulled down your pants and then promptly dumped you to date someone with a big white cock, or...?

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are chinks now proud of stuff that blacks are proud of?
don't you guys have the highest iq on earth?
i think being akkadian really is the best

lol he's trolling statistics, i dont even know why he brought up france, is this the best aznidentity can come up with? LOL

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>People still falling for the BBC meme When the biggest dick in the world is white and theirs nothin backing up BBC being real after 50+ years

Can confirm 5.9inch dicklet here. Saying it is 6 makes me cope better.
All my friends are way smaller btw. Like 13cm and the second biggest dude is 14 or 14.5 cm

How this make you feer white boi?

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Sorry, real flag here. Also can confirm yellow girls here like white guys.
T. Chink

>trolling statistics

lmao even in the wiki article it literally states the average height for french man is 174-5cm while that of japan is 172cm, of korea is 173cm and that of Beijing (no malnourished region) is 175cm
they can't talk shit on us about height

>why he brought up france

that's because he stated he has lots of Vietnamese in his country

It makes me feel like you are a coping faggot that actually has pictures of men saved on his phone. Stay in your country and fix your sick life goddammit

now that the trade war starts the race war is inevitable

determines your side Arab boi

I am not French.

That's a lot of fish

>anecdote without argument
no wonder the average IQ of white boys is 100 whilst ours is 110.

so you mean to say you're comparing france, a country which has millions of immigrants from manlet tier arabic countries, with china, who is known for using their richest, wealthiest, and most nurtured citizens for polling statistics?

ouch, guess ricedick iq is a myth after all

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t. pinkoid cracker

cope harder

Your lucky whites are so above you rats none of us even know what country that is or we would bully your sweet yellow girls away easy

when the noodleboy brainlet is also a ricedick, what else does he have to cope with? non-anecdote has already been posted in the thread. try again thoooooo

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It's funny you're ruining your own race while we can afford to let our worst women go to to ricemix whilst the proper ones stay with asian men, You do realise we have billions of east asians while you only have a couple million white people? hahahaha keep destroying your race works out for us cause we will be able to influence eurasians far easier than pure whites during our rise.

Lmao does this look white to you?
Nah white guys come here a lot. Do it and breed them. I do not care. Just know that heavily photoshopped images and layers of make up is not reality. The reality is that there are like 5 attractive women tops in my entire course.

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point exactly proven it's awlays our trash women that ricemix just like it's your worst roasties that get blacked. Thanks for taking our genetic trash.

>Higher Iq
>Uses it to steal white man tech more effectively

That's a big no for southeast asians, I may not be American but I know for a fact southeast asians are just as bad as niggers

And yet he imports negresses as waifus because he aborted his own lol. Inb4 Treyvon Choi shooting up Beijing while holding His Tokarev sideways.

i know. what these dumbass ricecels don't realize is that they're trying to start a war with someone they don't want.

the media will always be too busy giving a fuck about propagating black male value in a state of constant war against white male value.

the fact of the matter is that no one gives a single shit about little ricedick'd asian boys, and this will horribly backfire in their fucking faces. most white men aren't even keyed in on white fever - imagine if, because of how butthurt this all makes them, it becomes mainstream knowledge! it's already insanely easy to get matches in asian countries as a white dude, but it's not really mainstream relevant. well, these guys keep pushing this and testing the bull, i guarantee you it will be. :)

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So what country is that than no meme?
I got cash and vacation days saved up

haha you cucked traitor
neck yourself

>imports negresses
the fuck are you on about?

God, fingers off other peoples women