Here we see a journalist literally redefining speech as violence and violence as speech.
If you don't think these people should be AT WORST, in jail, you're not paying attention.
Here we see a journalist literally redefining speech as violence and violence as speech.
If you don't think these people should be AT WORST, in jail, you're not paying attention.
lol it was yesterday that bbc radio 2 said its ok to egg and throw milkshake at people cuz it was a form of protest.
i just hope they all get bombed.
this "freedom of the press" thing really isn't working out when you think about
It would be kind of funny if "Hate speech" laws were used to silence them.
Checked. Please let it be so
It would be kinda of funny if we locked these cunts up
>protesters start throwing milkshakes on journalists
Britbongs, how are they getting away with this? With sargoy I understand but Nigel? Isnt the brexit party polling 10 points above all the other parties?
>"Hate speech" laws were used to silence them.
Are you stupid? It would be like Imams silencing their own preachers for "proselitizing".
just as miga was turned into pic related so, too, can any leftist ideology be turned against them.
Try it.
Any news about the milkshake faggot? Pic related.
>Journalists: Throwing milkshakes is not assault
>Also Journalists: Crowd boo'd me at a Trump rally, this is not ok!
I can think of much more amusing liquids one could throw at leftists.
Gnarly numerals, my dude.
That’s a really nice Mandelbrot set user, where’d you get it?
Literally no one but retarded migaboomers think this. Trumptards cannot meme.
What has science done?
I mean, can't we give Farage a break at least? The dude survived a fucking Deep State hit on him with that helicopter crash.
if you cucks had any balls you too would be throwing eggs and milkshakes at every anti white shill, politician, journalist and academic wherever you may find them
The difference is we would go to prison for a violent hate crime.
>"Don't speak too soon, for the wheel's still in spin, 'CUZ THE TIMES THEY ARE A-CHANGIN"
>Lefty throws food at you
>Not violence
>Throw food at lefty
>Hate crime
You can't win
>Literally throwing things at people isn't violence
>Words are violence
Someone needs to throw a milkshake full of gravel at this faggot.
Most of the world's problems lie in Africa, Asia and South America. Milkshakes have nothing to do with those
Fucking checked
>Most of the world's problems lie in Africa, Asia and South America
That's a funny way of saying "Israel."
>inciting hate
user No!!!!
Didn't you know, user? If you have any reservations whatsoever about unfettered mass immigration from the third world into the West, you are LITERALLY HITLER and are planning to literally gas all the PoC in gas chambers with wooden doors.
Fuck off ANTIFA. Leftists deserve only lead.
You cannot incite hatred. It is a choice.
What goes around comes around
Don't refer to them as journalists, they're bloggers, nothing hurts them more than this truth
Journalists should be executed by the state.
I truly don't know how nobody in mainstream has ever articulated this.
I mean, I'm brazilian, but I'm watching you guys and it's just... It's clear as water that mass migration is going to destroy the country. There's just no denying.
And literally nobody cares.
I'm glad I'm not a white american - at least in this aspect. See my country get stolen and unable to do nothing, say nothing, without being smeared as a nazi, it'd feel soul crushing.
Throwing an object at someone is physical assault, so yes it is violence and a crime.
wasting food ought to be punishable by death
Take better care of your rainforest and save your corrupt joke of a country you nigger.
If this is considered free speech, should we adopt this standard and start throwing eggs and shakes at all of our opponents? Politicians and journalists?
Milkshaking political figures will lead to mainstream politicians using it as an excuse to distance themselves further from the public and deny access to anyone they deem a "threat", and they will eventually define "threat" as anyone that asks them hard questions. These anti-fascists are helping to create a less-free and more authoritarian state with every milkshake they throw. But you try explaining that to them, it's like talking to a broken robot.
"muh rainforest" meme
ok hitler, I'll get right on that
we're headed for the cliff anyway
might as well do a flip on the way down
Better do. Leave us the jews and you can lynch all the farmers in brazil. Deal?
You literally should. Not even joking.
it's kinda like this meme
These people don't know what they're doing
dude our economy is agriculture-based
we can't kill all the farmers
but the people they attack are a minority group as well. How can anyone be this deluded?
>With sargoy I understand but Nigel?
This is why it's a grey area. Even you are saying it's understandable in some circumstances. Everyone draws lines, everyone draws them in different places.
Kudos to the faggot that capped this
Yep, I'm pretty sure most of the people doing this are just paid.
Tucker Carlson on Fox has actually. He flat out challenged the modern normie mantra of "diversity is our strength" on live TV in front of millions of viewers by simply asking "how?"
Predictably, rather than answering his question, media leftists hysterically penned hate click articles about how he is a white nationalist Nazi Hitler clone.
>Not understanding personal integrity or the NAP
Newspeak has been real for awhile.
Who is inciting hate against minority groups?
I'm still waiting to see evidence of that.
>Who is inciting hate against minority groups?
I think we all know, gas the kikes race war now.
for years I kept hearing "hurr durr Brave New World" but no, they're using 1984 as an instruction manual, and rewriting the language is the biggest component of that.
>fuck niggers
fuck niggers
>fuck niggers
fuck niggers
>fuck niggers
fuck niggers
>fuck niggers
>fuck niggers
fuck niggers
>fuck niggers
fuck niggers
>fuck niggers
fuck niggers
how is it legal to call for damaging others properties (clothing) legal?
>Ryan Reflector
looks at image again
oh my fucking sides, they just flew over some anons house.
and then got shot down by Ryan right?
>how is it legal to call for damaging others properties (clothing) legal?
Don't worry, the state will provide them with a replacement comrade
Um sweetie Republican policies kill millions of people every year by cutting benefits to the poor to support the wealthy aristocracy. I think you can handle getting splashed by a milkshake in return.
im just saying if you are into politics and you live near where all of this shit goes down all it takes is a few friends, a few shots of hard alcohol and a night of kicking ass.
i mean dont you remember being a kid and getting into random fights, getting into trouble for the fun of it. Well do it and do it better so you dont get caught. Go find a journalist who spouts off bullshit online and kick their ass and run away.
>words mean what they mean and reality exists
>turns out I dont like those things
>because of that we need to change what words mean and ignore reality
Liberals are just immature and afraid to wake up and smell the coffee. Get a job loser.
great can't wait until they get spoken to.
fuck lugenpresse and fuck kikes
It is now prophecy. The numbers have demanded it. It will be glorious.
> people who call out lefties and Jews in public fear public humiliation
He should have gotten out of the way of the milkshake just as the fatty shouldnt have blocked forrest
Not the same thing. You are inciting violence, we are opposing it.
thats how it be unfortunately
I really was against any minor violence at all when I started but
These people are literally subverting our societies, everything they say pushes the overton window more and more to the left
if you really think the stakes are this high, you shouldn't be passive at all
but the police is gay and will arrest you, so any irl stuff is basically not worth it, which sucks
That seal is unbroken. How the fuck did they get the life off to fill it and not break the seal??
They seal it after its filled, m8. It's just a sticker.
No, I work in healthcare. That seal ensures that the jar is unopened and the interior sterile. The seal breaks when the lid is turned to open it.
This pic has some of your idiot euro words on it to help explain
Oh, okay. I thought the seal was to secure the piss. That would probably just increase spillage when trying to open it.
These are the same scum who believe “there was something aggressive” about the way the Covington Catholic kid was just standing the smiling. This is not journalism. It’s pure propaganda and a direct assault on the British people.
If one of you bongs don’t dowse this guy with a dozen milkshakes before the weekend, you’re not a good citizen.
Where do you think Israel is, exactly?
Yeah proper britting is to mortar his home with him in it
No, we're saying things you disagree with.
You're doing violence.
This is incitement and is illegal in New York city where he lives
Why don't you mutts report him to the police?
checked. That would be ironic.