Christianity IS the problem

Christians are really good at mental gymnastics. We're supposed to live in eternity with Tyrone and Paco if they also love the kike Jesus...yet the bible and Jesus were redpilled on race.

>you can live away from Jose and Tyrone the christnigger on earth...but then you spend eternity with him in heaven because rabbi Yeshua saves all mankind.

No amount of gymnastics can change the fact that this Semitic death cult is foreign to Europeans and rest of non Abrahamic world for that matter.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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begone kike

*tips fedora*


>anti christianity thread
>always a memeflag

does this not get tedious for you lot? sage btw

That thot reminds me of Lauren, god what an ugly thot.

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Not arguments. Cope-posting about your fag-enabling religion isn't doing anything to change it.

You don't see many Christian biracial couples. Girls with intact families and fatherfigures tend not to burn coal.

There are always exception but that NO CIS WHITE MALE shit comes from atheists.

grown men do not worship dead historical pantheons.

The Bible forbids racemixing. The entire story is about the unbroken seedline of Adam that need to remain pure unto today.

>The Bible does not even use the word race in reference to people, but it does describe all human beings as being of “one blood” (Acts 17:26). This of course emphasizes that we are all related, as all humans are descendants of the first man, Adam (1 Corinthians 15:45), who was created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26–27). The Last Adam, Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:45) also became a descendant of Adam. Any descendant of Adam can be saved because our mutual relative by blood (Jesus) died and rose again. This is why the gospel can (and should) be preached to all tribes and nations.

>The Bible forbids racemixing

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based chinese poster

It actually is fag
If you removed those memeflags you would get an Isreali flag

>meme flag
>hates Christianity
BTFO kike

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It just shows that people can't into comprehension.
The one time jesus singled out anyone, he singled out a whore.

>The Bible forbids racemixing
>imagine being this retarded

kikes literally invented christianity aka jew light

nice try schlomo

No surprise that a foreign sand nigger religion infiltrating Europe from Iraq was so consumed with growing its own numbers it would have open enrollment.

>he Bible does not even use the word race in reference to people,

And so it has been written, “The first man Adam became a living being,” Gen_2:7 the last Adam a life-giving Spirit.
(1 Corinthians 15:45)

Acts 17:26 And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;

(2Mac 7:23)
And hence, the Creator of the world, who made everyone and ordained the origin of all things, will in his mercy give you back breath and life, since for the sake of his laws you have no concern for yourselves.'

'blood' is not supposed to be there. It was added to support universalism. He is speaking to Isrealites.

The Greek: 26 And He made from one (Adam) every nation of men to dwell upon all the face of the earth, appointing the times ordained and the boundaries of their settlements

Dunno how y0ou are getting that he is referring to Jesus in (1 Corinthians 15:45)

and yes any Adamite can be saved from above.
Salvation is the wiping away of your sins by the Sacrifice Christ made right ?
So then you have to ask yourself, what is sin and who could have sinned at the time jesus came to wash away the sins of the world. It wasn't everyone. It wasn't universal. That's a Catholic invention that Protestants ran with.

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Yep I'm sure 2000 years ago racemixing with blacks(In europe)was even thought of

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“My child, avoid all loose conduct. Choose a wife of your father's stock. Do not take a foreign wife outside your father's tribe, because we are the children of the prophets.
Remember Noah, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, our ancestors from the beginning. All of them took wives from their own kindred, and they were blessed in their children, and their race will inherit the earth.”
– Tobit, 4:12-13

“No mongrel shall enter the congregation of Yahweh, not even in the tenth generation."
- Deut. 23:2

no an argument.

looking to bang a mate similar to his mother he was

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Everything is not black and white, chink.
Merkel was and still is a staunch communist aka ideologically related to the Chink. The only reason why she's in that party is because her and the likes of her infiltrated the Christian party and made it into a commie offspring party. Atheist are the main promoters of refugees. Just look at Sweden, UK, France etc. etc. Ao your cherry picking doesn't work with us heathen.

based pooh bear

How about you try replying to his argument? What's that, you can't? Christcucks are nigger lovers in the current year.

Not even close. Nonwhites are literally the result of breeding with the devil.

funny how you ignore the growing African population in China Zhang

That is not even close to the view held by mainsteam christianity, you are either a weird cultist or lying. In either case, kys.

Pastor Anderson (independent fundamental baptist) on "race mixing" -

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Reminder that shit like this is a divide and conquer tactic

>There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
Christfags worship an evil skygod from Iraq, a literal kike, in the form of an infiltrator from the middle east who was born of a mother who supposedly cucked her husband (more likely she fucked random men and then pulled the Shaggy defense). Christfags will go on and on about how Jesus isn't a kike and then try to explain to you the original
meaning of texts they have trouble defending - or they flat out deny the plain meaning of what is being said. It's so fucking sad.

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Christianity is a divide and conquer tactic. Even your kosher god says it:
>If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.
>Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:

What? Link?

fuck off kikes!

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Actually blacks are beasts of the field and jews are the most subtle beasts of the field. Christogenea will show you that.

Now the serpent (Nakash - when means enchanter) was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God (Yahweh Elohim) had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?
(Genesis 3:1 KJV)

The Bible describes the fact that Nineveh had beasts of the field and men, both of whom were dressed in sackcloth and repented of their sins.
There is no such thing as a four-legged “beast” capable of repenting. Only two-legged humanoids can perform what is required here in these passages. God calls some men beasts of the field.

“But let man and beast be covered with sackcloth, and call mightily to Elohim. And let each one turn from his evil way and from the violence that is in his hands.
(Jonah 3:8 TS2009)

Beasts wearing clothing ?

And I will let loose the wild (2) beasts among you, which shall ROB (1) you of your children, and destroy your cattle, and make you few in number, so that your ways shall become desolate.
(Leviticus 26:22 RSV)

Beasts that rob you of your children ?

Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will sow the house of Israel and the house of Judah with the seed of man, and with the seed of beast.
(Jeremiah 31:27 KJV)

Beasts that impregnate humans ?

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Daily reminder: Christcucks on Jow Forums already confirmed everything in that pic and aren't even remotely apologetic about it.

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>Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division
Christanity is the ultimate kike scheme to get goyim to fight one another. To think that the dark ages were all about Jews playing white nations off against one another using ideological subversion. Kikes always divide. People read a fucking Hebrew book and then immediately went about slaying their own brothers. The Bible is the ultimate Jewish subversion manual, even worse than the Protocols because white people still believe this garbage.

Jow Forums being against Christcuckery isn't D&C, it's survivalism. Who do you think is empowering Jews, opening the borders, and attacking white ethnocentrists?

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Agreed. When I left my apartment because it was filling with fucking Somalicoons who were stealing from me, damaging my property and harassing my wife it wasn't just Kikes sponsoring them to come here and bring chaos to my home; it was the fucking Lutheran Church - because they wanted warm bodies and money for their emptying churches.

I'm so glad to have a home now, but it is primarily Christfags who are responsible for this.

Daniel 2:43. pretty much describes the US.
>And just as you saw the iron mixed with baked clay, so the people will be a mixture and will not remain united, any more than iron mixes with clay.

the Bible is against race mixing and Christians used to understand that until the (((CIA))) cucked Christianity. what is called Christianity is a mere shadow of what it used to be and that's precisely why it's in decline. it's spiritually empty.

most so called Christians are nothing more than christcucks and only nominally Christian. Jesus spoke of them when he said
>Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you workers of lawlessness!’

you judge a tree by it's fruit and America is the most wicked nation to ever exist on earth ,much of that is do to the mass 3rd world migration which has allowed the devil to completely dominate this nation and utterly destroy our since of self and morality.

>listed are pro-christinsanity arguments ITT:


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Are you kidding me? You must not get out very often because I know dozens of interracial Christians couples. It's super common in bigger Churches.

>The Bible forbids racemixing.

Is this the part where you start pulling scripture out of the mother fucking old testament / the Torah and pretend that Hebrew law is somehow applicable to Christians today?

Well it is..
Yahweh’s laws are divided into four classes, commandments, judgments, statutes and ordinances. The COMMANDMENTS are the major rules governing man’s duties to his God. The JUDGEMENTS are the rules governing man’s relation to other men.
The STATUTES are the general rules for the health, prosperity and peace of the nation. This includes the dietary, agricultural, social and economic laws. Finally, the ORDINANCES are the religious regulations for the various festivals, sacrifices and offerings and the levitical priesthood.

Of these laws, only the ordinances have been set aside by Yahshua in the New Testament.
The other laws of Yahweh are still in force.
Thou shalt not steal, and thou shalt not commit adultery are still as important today as when Moses carried the stone tablets down Mount Sinai. However, we do not expect to gain our personal salvation by keeping the laws, this was never the purpose of the laws. We do expect to gain the peace, prosperity and good order of the community. Let no one be misled into thinking Yahweh’s commandments, judgments, and statutes have been set aside by the New Testament, these are permanent laws.

People say Christianity is all spiritual, so we have abolished the law. Not so! In Romans 7:14, Paul tells us the LAW is spiritual. In Romans 3:31 Paul says, “Do we then make void the law through faith? Yahweh forbid: yea, we establish the law.” Just as our perfect God exists forever, so do His perfect laws. Psalm 111:7-8 tells us, “The work of His hands are verity and judgment: all His commandments are sure. They stand fast for ever and ever, and are done in truth and uprightness.” Yahshua affirms in Matthew 5:18 that not the smallest part of the law will pass away, until heaven and earth pass away. Revelation chapter 21 shows us that this is not until after the millennium and Yahshua’s triumphant 1,000 year reign.

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>You're not allowed to have religion!

>except jews, jews keep theirs

every time

kys kike

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Atheism is not inherently anti white and pro jew like christianity. Worshiping no god at all is better than worshiping a jewish god. I see whites rejecting (((christianity))) for atheism as a step forward in the right direction but there is another important step which is accepting the true european religion. Checkout ThuleanPerspective for more info.

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Call me when Pagans start taking a hardline stance against premarital sex. Until then, you LARPing niggers are erasing centuries of European history, and supporting shit-tier values that are fundamentally corrosive.

It's super weird how all of the Christians, who take their faith seriously, are generally pretty good people, whereas the one Pagan I know is a "matriarchist," drinks heavily, associates Paganism with women's liberation, and is just generally a Leftist degenerate.

He fell for the Jewish lie. You absolute pleb.

Pagan Europe = All White, kept Europe strong and white. Zero bloodshed over religion.

Christian Europe = Got conquered by non white Arabs, Ottomans and Mongolian hordes. Ni99er and sandni99er saints/priests, white girls now call Christian niggers father, equality bullshit, brainwashed crusadecucks and deus vult LARPers aka warriors for Jewry fought and died for (((their))) desert holy land instead of defending mother Europe. Actually killed more Europeans than any other group (hint Northern crusade and Baltic crusade).

Christianity is a Jewish mind virus. It needs to be destroyed completely. All three Abrahamic religions must be destroyed. Pagan Europe was stronger and whiter than christian Europe. Deal with it.

How can christcucks defend Europe when they were too busy fighting wars for (((their))) holy desert land (eg. Crusadecucks and deus vult LARPers)? When they were too busy killing White people for keeping Pagan traditions (Northern crusade, Baltic crusade, witch burning/human sacrifice)? When they were too busy killing other Christians for not following the same christian denomination (30 years war, countless other religious conflicts)?

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You should be aware of the growing orthodox christian population in Serbia. From what I have heard they love crusading the white Serbian womb. But thank Óðinn Paganism is booming in Serbia as well.

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Whenever a Christfag quotes the Bible, I just think:

You're European, faggot. Speak a European language - the language of your ancestors - not Hebrew sounding yo yo hock a loogie filth. The religion you follow was put to paper by a bunch of kikes... and you don't see a problem with that, with quoting it, with believing it.

You babble at us in translated Hebrew and say "Fuck Jews" in the same breath. You say we speak D&C but your own Jew God professes that he intends to divide people... which is exactly what Jews do! When are you going to get it through your thick fucking head that you're nothing more than a good goy - a Jewish golem?

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Nigger when are YOU going to take a stance against premarital sex?
Nice copypasta by the way you Jew-loving LARPing mutt.

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There is no d&c when it comes to Christians because they are already conquered by the (((enemy))) right down to their very souls. To unite with a Christcuck is to become conquered as well. Any pro white group that does not exclude Christians and work against the influence of their Neo Judaic religion will never achieve results.

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Do you even know what that is you newfag?

>Well why don't YOU take a stand against this?!?!
I do, routinely. I compiled one of the anti-promiscuity infographs that get posted here often. Am I now responsible for a handful of corrupt individuals within an institution that I'm simply a member of?

It's hilarious that you don't even defend paganism's inherent sexual immorality, either. Nope, that's glossed right over for the most basic attack against the Catholic Church.

At least that's a sin in my religion. Does wotan look down on that kind of thing? I doubt it.

Pagans are D&Ced and demoralized, so they take contemporary views and project them onto a past Christfags destroyed at the behest of their Jewish masters. How about offering them a new alternative system of belief that is non-degenerate, non-pacifistic, that is race-based and not written in fucking Hebrew worshiping a Kike's god?

As for degenerate Christians - this country is being overwhelmed with them at the Southern border.

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>Well it is

No it's not.

The Old Testament was under an Old Covenant that God made with the Israelites. Christians were never involved in that covenant and therefore it does not apply to them today.

"By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear."

Apostle Paul, Hebrews 8:13 (NIV)

The Old Covenant and Hebrew Law do NOT APPLY to Christians today.

For context check out the part where Paul quotes prophesy (8:7-12) from the Old Testament about the passing away of the Old Covenant.

Varg might be a meme but he's unironically correct in this context. You literally CANNOT be a white nationalist spouting "I hate Jews!" while simultaneously worshiping Jews, reading books by Jews, venerating Jews, using Jewish fables as your morality base, deferring to Jews in all things, etc. Europeans got along JUST FINE before the Jew cult of Saul infected our world.

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>Yeah, well if you don't count the degenerate Christians, Christians aren't degenerate
And there you have it. You just write out all of the degenerate Christians in one phrase and think you have accomplished something.

Why don't you talk about the serious "pagans" (like, for example, deists) who were not degenerate fucks? Who were honorable men? You're Jewing out right in front of us fucking sophist.

>kike on a stick
>Hispanic immigration
All very basic Pagan/fedora-tier attacks here. Look, Hispanic immigration is a problem, I agree, it needs to be dealt with. The Catholic Church has plenty of voices that oppose mass immigration right now.

As far as the rest goes, look if you want to be a gay WigNat, have at it. I'll stick with a religion that I have faith in, with moral values that actually work.

Paganism is fundamentally degenerate. Atheism could hypothetically outline "secular ethics," but it lacks a non-State institution to enforce them with, and they'd be fairly similar to Roman Catholicism in terms of behavioral restrictions.

If you want a "new alternative system of belief," you're not looking for a religion. You're trying to manufacture a set of political beliefs and stamp them with mythology. You could just stop at developing political beliefs and you'd be spared getting into gay, LARPy territory.

>Well actually THESE Pagans
No, you're just a fucking retard and don't understand the difference between a Pagan making a choice in spite of his religion's general attitudes towards a behavior, and a Christian's inability to live up to standards that are codified, unchanging, and simply better.

Why will none of you fags stick to Paganism's failings for lacking any sort of codified stance against premarital sex?

Daily reminder Christcucks did not invent marriage and didn't even come up with the concept of exchanging rings at wedding ceremonies.
Your gay Jew cult mooched off superior cultures and then pretended it invented morality.

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>why don't you give my morality argument credence when pagans invented the morality system I am falsely espousing my Jew cult invented?

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Did I claim that Christians invented marriage? No, I didn't. Is anyone under the impression that we invented wedding rings? Not outside of your imagination.

You know what my point is. Christianity has a much better stance on sexuality in general that pagans. You autistic fucks keep dodging that with completely irrelevant nonsense. Why are you so embarrassed of your religion?

>Paganism is fundamentally degenerate
>provides no arguments why
why would you. all christians have is circular logic. the bible is true because the bible said so.

much better stance my ass. the early church fathers claimed that even sex with one's own wife for the purpose of reproduction is something like a necessary evil

Get saved

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>Why will none of you fags stick to Paganism's failings for lacking any sort of codified stance against premarital sex?

What do you mean by this?

Jesus himself was mixed race.

If you want to discard the Bible for this, I'll happily do so.

Here's my claim: Premarital sex is bad. Any normalization of premarital sex is fundamentally corrosive to civilization. Human sexuality needs to be strictly regulated so that the majority of people are only having sex within the confines of a lifelong religious partnership. The moment deviation from that stops being punished, and starts being normalized, civilization collapses.

Which religion am I really better off picking if I hold this position?

Mat 5:18 In truth I tell you, till heaven and earth disappear, not one dot, not one little stroke, is to disappear from the Law until all its purpose is achieved.
Mat 5:19 Therefore, anyone who infringes even one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be considered the least in the kingdom of Heaven; but the person who keeps them and teaches them will be considered great in the kingdom of Heaven.
Mat 5:20 'For I tell you, if your uprightness does not surpass that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never get into the kingdom of Heaven.

There are different types of Law. The word used in Greek when Paul talks about "Law" is νόμος nomos. It just means principles.

Hebrew word: Mitsvah
Strong’s: H4687 (from H6680)

Hebrew Word: Mishpat
Strong’s: H4941 (from H8199)

Hebrew Word: Choq
Strong’s: H2706

Hebrew Word: Choq or Chuqqah
Strong’s: H2706 or H2708 (from H2706)

Hebrew Word: Towrah or Torah
Strong’s: H8451 (from H3384)

It's the same reason that Judeo-Christians think that Jews means everyone in the damn bible because they don't make a distinction between Isrealites, Judahites, Judeans and Edomites. They just call them all Jews and it makes for a very different biblical story.

So when one makes Torah, Choq, Cuqqah, Misphat and Mitvah all mean LAW, well no wonder they are leading people down the garden path.

>The Old Covenant and Hebrew Law do NOT APPLY to Christians today.
So you don't follow the commandments, noted..

>shlomo's first shilling attempt
Lmao @your life, stop trying faggot, your last resort of bringing back "based paganism" is useless.

it had no need to be codified because no man would let his daughter fuck someone without being married. if you NEED to codify it, it speaks less for the merits of christianity. the more laws a society needs, the more corrupt it tends to be

>All very basic Pagan/fedora-tier attacks here.
All basic christcuck tactics here - avoiding argument. Your god is a Jew, the Bible is written in fucking Hebrew.
>Look, Hispanic immigration is a problem, I agree, it needs to be dealt with.
It's a problem because Christfags see them as fellow Christians, hire them, use them to fill their churches and encourage them to come here. You think the most Christian parts of the country (the midwest) is tired of illegal immigration? No! They're the fucking Mollie Tibbetts family. Gib taco. Come to church! Tithe! Plow my daughter! Rape her even! I'll forgive.
>The Catholic Church has plenty of voices that oppose mass immigration right now.
Your highest authority is a fucking communist. BTW Communism is also a Christian idea.
>Paganism is fundamentally degenerate.
Christianity has either authorized the degenerate society we see now or has been powerless to prevent it. Either way it is unfit to exist.
> Atheism could hypothetically outline "secular ethics," but it lacks a non-State institution to enforce them with, and they'd be fairly similar to Roman Catholicism in terms of behavioral restrictions.
What behavioral restrictions? Your church is full of pedophile faggots just like the Synagogues.
>If you want a "new alternative system of belief," you're not looking for a religion. You're trying to manufacture a set of political beliefs and stamp them with mythology. You could just stop at developing political beliefs and you'd be spared getting into gay, LARPy territory.
Better to just larp a middle eastern religion designed for kikes as a European man, right? That's not at all embarrassing.

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I got saved.

I heard the Gospel message and I accepted the free gift of salvation from my loving Heavenly father through Christ's sacrifice on the Cross and I was filled with the spirit of god.

And yet I still find myself agree with OP.

Why do you think that is?

some pagans believe shit like this as well, christianity isn't the cause of retarded normies and npcs its just yet another way to justify anti white actions to normies, and yes christians here are not like that

This might surprise you, but it’s possible to hate both shitskins as well as larping pagan faggots who go on about muh ancestors when their ancestors were Christians. I don’t know where you get this idea that all Christians love blacks

>Isrealites, Judahites, Judeans and Edomites
all semitic tribes, in the same way danes, germans, swedes and norwegians are germanics.

>Mishpat, shumshum, shamsham, qoqveh
bleh. i take the sheer existence of non indo-european languages as a personal affront

my friend, you do realize that premarital sex was not more common in pagan societies than it was in christian societies. to believe so is to believe what christian propaganda and mainstream media tell about pagans.

Here's my claim:
A white person fucking a nigger is bad. It produces children who have an IQ lower than feeding a white child lead paint chips. Why doesn't your Bible warn about this? This is worse than premarital sex.

Which religion am I really better off picking if I hold this position? Not Christianity.

Galateans 3:28 . if said shitskins are christian, no reason for you to hate them. the world is divided in believers and non believers in christian doctrine, not people of this race and of that race

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>Christianity has a much better stance on sexuality in general that pagans.
You didn't invent it. You're just claiming ownership.

>pagans are sexually immoral for pre-marital sex!
>but pagans invented marriage
Guess who also invented the concept of pre-marital sex being bad, hmm?

"Single mothers of mixed race mutt babies are a BLESSING!"
t. every Christcuck everywhere

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Comparing christianity to Paganism is like comparing antifa scum to fascists. Paganism is our ethnic religion. It not only forbids homosexuality but also race mixing and other christian perversion.

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Christcucks can be hard to redpill on race. I moved to "racist" rural South that all leftists fear and squawk about, but trying to redpill these people about niggers and Jews is like pulling teeth. Most of them don't even believe in evolution, so you can't even convince them of subhuman status of niggers and people adapted to warmer climates. I'm really beginning to see that "I'm not racist, but...." really means that they're not racist. If they criticize black culture, it's because they are lacking in God and family, not IQ points. Never forget that it was Christians brought humanitarian aid and medicine to all the brown countries and allowed them to breed like rats and destroy the planet because God forbid that you let niggers starve and die of AIDS.

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Enjoy your gay little ethnostate collapsing because of sexual immorality.

I can be a racist and a Catholic.

>B-but Molly Tibbetts' dad!
Cool, you found one shitlib. Why is it that the most Christian parts of the country were the ones who opposed desegregation & vote for the one party that actually believes in having a border at all? The GOP is far from perfect, I get that, but you're a disingenuous fuck if you're pretending it's anyone other than the most Christian parts of the country that are opposing what's going on in America.

>You didn't invent it, you're just claiming ownership!
We didn't invent it, I never claimed we did. Neither did Wotanniggers. Sexual restrictions correlate heavily with the rise of civilization and move away from hunter-gatherer societies.

I'm just claiming we have a better, more consistent record on the issue than you do. Because we do.

Do you know how much libshit literature there is that fawns over pagan Europe's sexual freedom to bash Christians as oppressive? Do you know how many WigNat pagans I've had legitimately defend sodomy and claim that I've been brainwashed by a "desert jew cult" for being disgusted by gays? Have you bothered looking at apolitical pagan websites where they celebrate sexual freedom?

At least when Christians fuck this up, they know they're fucking it up. Pagansim doesn't have an equivalent to the Bible, or papal authority to beat degenerates over the head with.

you're literaly jewish or below 90 IQ if you think Christianity is the real problem here

>Europeans going back to their own religions is larping
>Pretending we wuz Egyptians/Iraqis/heebs n sheeeit is not
t. Christfag

>forbids homosexuality
You sure about that? inb4
>bu-but it's just a cherry picked example it doesn't represent paganism
>but muh cherry picked examples of leftie Christians represents all of Christianity though....

Wish you fags would fuck off with these divide and conquer threads, there's a good chance the pagans itt aren't even pagans but are false flagging to create a divide in the right wing communities

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Christianity started in Judea (Israel) as a sect of Jews for the goyim to follow. It is the forerunner of multiculturalism and race mixing. The first Christians were all circumcised Jews.

Diocletian, Emperor of Rome 303 C.E: "Christianity is a Jewish religion whose mission is to make Romans their slaves"

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He's obviously a retarded boomer who doesn't know how bad shit has gotten.
Notice how he defends and excuses Christianity, but never denies that misegenation is acceptable in modern Zionist Christianity.

Right wing Christfags are the same as Left wingers. The difference is the left wingers want Christianity to become the state religion.
>muh feed the poor
>muh welcome strangers
>muh we are all equal
The only places where they differ are areas where kikes took direct control - but make no mistake: you're both kikemade.

The difference is christianity which explicitly preaches jew worship our religion doesn't. Some Pagans are leftist in spite of Paganism not because of it. Can't say the same thing for christcucks.

The Bible makes it clear that Jews are G̶o̶d̶'̶s̶ Yahweh's (Jewish tribal God) chosen ones and the salvation is only from the Jews. It even says curse those who curse Israel.

God will bless those who bless the Jews and curse those who curse the Jews.
>the son of Amminadab, the son of Ram, the son of Hezron, the son of Perez, the son of Judah
>For it is clear that our Lord descended from Judah
>You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews.

Samaritans aka Gentiles.

Jews created Christianity for goys to follow, and Judaism was for the jewish race which they saw as elite. Paganism is our natural ethnic religion.

Reading the bible led me to re discover my true European Pagan heritage. I used to buy those arguments about Christianity being based, but after actually reading the (((bible))) and watching ThuleanPerspective, its clear that christianity is a Jewish program. What has happened is that Europeans impregnated christianity with some Pagan Morals but christianity at its core is absolutely Semitic, it literally started as a sect of Jews for the goyim to follow. Jews love christianity for the goy they hate it for their own.

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>Pagansim doesn't have an equivalent to the Bible, or papal authority to beat degenerates over the head with.
Because your kike masters convinced you to destroy their entire history... and you did it. Your own people.

Hell with this thread, but I;ll give it what I can.

Moses married a dark skinned woman and God defended him when his sister complained and wanted new leadership because of that marriage. God struck her with leprosy for a while as punishment.

The Bible DOES say not to marry "an unbeliever" and don't marry heathen / gentiles if you're a jew. Also it does say "don't be unequally yoked with an unbeliever." It's a technicality that you can intermarry, but since (((they))) are trying to destroy Christian society they are exploiting this small loophole to get white thots to marry and bone thugs and ruin a competing culture that's superior to (((theirs))).

Christians are the #1 competitor to (((their))) rule, so they want to annihilate us. So, study your enemy, even though many of them ignorantly don't see you as an enemy. Find loopholes, and traditional talmud pilpul style, exploit that like you're running Rules for Radicals and murder them one home at a time, one school at a time, one relationship at a time, one economy at a time, in every way, shape and form.

Most, not all, but most of (((them))) are hateful nasty people who are probably the biggest bigots on the planet. They created the word "goy" and "goyim" as the original n-word.

You can marry someone not of your race in Christianity, but you have to have wisdom of the ages not to get screwed over. Past that, who the hell deserves respect for mating with these thugs and demo-rat pieces of crap?

I won't date a chick if she's been plowed by a demo-rat basketball american. She's soiled then. Sure she can come to Christ and all that, but she can keep herself away from me in that sort of relationship. .

For the record whenever the Bible talks about loving your fellow man, they mean just that: your FELLOW man, not some shitskin, your own people. Jesus said to love thy NEIGHBOR, the people who live in your neighborhood and therefore logically (at least at the time) share your values, your faith and your blood. Nothing about loving foreign savages