Black Man Was the Real National Socialist

Someone explain this to me because it hurts my head. I know all about Afro-centrists, black separatists, black supremacists, and all their movements and groups. I know their are white people who are pretty much the equivalent to this (and there's a lot since progressives hate themselves and white people), but what the fuck is this? How does this happen?

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*there, sorry it's late, and i've been drinking.

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Nigger with a mental issue. Attracted to "White nationalist" imagery, no different than spics, gooks, whatver.

I think with Latin Americans, it's different. They have a different concept of what is "white." At least they did traditionally. We look at it from the outside, and we see clearly that person is not white, but they believe themself to be white. This dude, there's no way he could have that.

Also Indians (S. Asia) are fascinated with Hitler. That's completely different, and probably due to the Aryan/Swastika thing.

>I think with Latin Americans, it's different. They have a different concept of what is "white."

Who gives a fuck about concept. They're not white.

> We look at it from the outside, and we see clearly that person is not white, but they believe themself to be white.

So it's like I said, they are shitskins with a mental issue.

>This dude, there's no way he could have that.
It's a nigger with a mental issue.

>Also Indians (S. Asia) are fascinated with Hitler. That's completely different, and probably due to the Aryan/Swastika thing.

I don't care what ragheads do in asia. This isn't asia. Thats not my problem. If the nigger in the picture was in nigeria would the same thing not apply?

Hitler had black solider dumbass.

Even further for a giggle. Let's take an assumption. Lets assume the nigger in the picture Did a DNA test and he discovered that he is 16% German. Should we not be celebrating this nigger for embracing his German heritage? xD

Well there you go. That solves everything.

>Who gives a fuck about concept. They're not white.
Say that to my cara, puta

any interviews with this guy? i am interested as to what his reasoning is for being a black nazi

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Yeah. Fuck you beaner.

You are awfully combative.

Not that I know of. I figured if anything is out there, someone on Jow Forums would know.

Combative? Do you know what that word means? I made several general statements. Is "combative" how you interpret those statements? Did I offend you? Why?

nazis were a bunch of cross dressing faggots anyway

I'm not autistic, so your tone as well as mood come through quite clear through your text.

You're very terse. Dare I say, acting like a nigger.

Pro-tip: Every immigrant/minority is an extreme nationalist.. IN their own country.. regarding their own ppl. They spew all types of patriotic rhetoric when it comes to their country of origin.. but they'll pull some childish 1st grade level BS when it comes to the U.S. and it's own right to be nationalist.

I honestly don't understand multi-generational americans - who don't have hundreds or thousand (or any) of illegals on their payroll but still support this leftist ideology.
Trump said it best when he exposed you to what immigrants really think of americans: They think you're stupid.

And you are.
I'm not saying you have to be a racist but ffs safe-guard your country. Alot of people died protecting it, in defending it from it's current owners; The US
And the US did some pretty shitty things in obtaining these lands.. don't let it be in vain

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You can interpret tone and mood through text? You may not be autistic but you most definitely are schizophrenic. You've got mental problems.

Terse. Again why are you using words if you don't know their meanings? What are you a wetback highschool dropout? What would have been better for you? Verbose?

In the case of Latin Americans theres a strong argument to be made that there are whites who are Latinos.
Take for example the case of Alexander Pushkin, an individual who is considered to be important to Russian history, but who was 1/8 Black.
To most Russians he was Russian, nothing else. And to be Russian would be to imply that he is White.
Would it then, not be fair to say that Latinos who are 1/8 Amerindian, but 7/8 European, would also, be White?
Why not 3/4 European? Looking at people like Nick Fuentes (even if he is a moron in many ways), it cannot be denied that someone who is a quarter nonwhite can still produce passing white Children.

Immigrants who come here legally often fall right because they love the ideas America was founded on, capitalism, and the American dream. Of course not all, and I don't even know if most, but they stick the fuck out because they are super conservative and pro-America. With the Cuban population, I know this is true, and they still tend to fall right. The Dems are pushing their narrative that they are the catch-all for all non-whites, but those smart enough to see through it don't buy into it. Hell, I live in Louisiana, and we had our most conservative governor in forever, Bobby Jindal. Most of the Indians here are right wing.

Terse is not an obscure or big word, but I think you don't know how it's used in a sentence.

The only way that they could produce passing white children is if they were allowed access to white women. Is that what you are advocating for?

Did I say it was an obscure or a big word? I asked you if you knew what the word meant. Can you not read?

Free gibs accepted with joy and glee.

No, and I'm ready, not for racial reasons, but out of practicality to accept criollos (at least 7/8 white, the rest Amerindian) as white, because they pretty much are. When you get to castizos, it's hit or miss. Mestizos aren't white though. They're straight up biracial, and I've seen a lot of photos of Mestizo white nationalists.

Alright dude, fuck off out of my thread, then. Everyone is being cool and having a discussion, but you're being an ass. Yet again, you are being combative. No one else is. Just you.

>photos of Mestizo white nationalists.

Fuck you and your thread. All I did was make a few statements and ask a few questions. Have a mod ban me. Good luck with that. Retard.

During slavery he would have been an overseer that's known for brutally beating out of line slaves just so he can be allowed in masters house. Niggers are their own worst enemy.

Holy sh*t man, you gotta be kidding me.. what race are you? Are you white?

I'm hispanic and my community is made up of two people. Hisp, illegal hisp and Black. There are no whites around here. Not far from this neighborhood there is a university with white kids and they do not step foot outside of campus, they're scared shitless and for good reason. Every ethnic enclave in this city is a fucking shithole.. from china-town, to korea-town, some black areas, most hisp. areas, "little armenia", "little philippines".. all the "littles" and all the immigrant sanctuaries are shit tier, overcrowded and/or crime ridden.
You have no idea, you live in white Louisiana but listen to you talk as if you knew better

Made up of three types of people

Sad but true, I know a alot of white latinos/ Latinas thinking they are 1000% white
Show me a white better than this lad.

How does this happen?

>Join military
>deploy to combat in multiracial environment
>discover different races look after, protect, and promote their own regardless of circumstances
>People on political fence take notice
>People then pick a side to ensure their survival/success

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there are some black hebrew israelites who like hitler

"Latino" isn't a race. There are White Latinos, meaning unquestionably White. And there are people who aren't White and try to convince you that they are. I'm not saying that people who "speak Spanish" cannot be White. That isn't true. I'm simply saying most of them aren't.

Voting records and stats tell a different story.

When I have kids I’m going to show them the black area of town, and then the white area, and let them get redpilled subtly

Dude you were being a dick for no reason, and you still are.

I asked a question and some wetback got triggered. So what.

>Are you white
>I'm hispanic
Most Hispanics here are conservative. Both my neighbors are Hispanic. One is totally white and claims 100% Spanish/Galatian heritage. The other is Mestizo. They both give me shit for being too centrist. In Texas, well it's more complicated, but there are a shit ton of conservative Hispanics.
>you live in white Louisiana
Louisiana is far from being white. There are a lot of conservative Hispanics. I know it varies by region and how well they are accepted in the community. Here, they're by and large accepted and live with the white people. I know this is anecdotal from personal experience, but they're the only ones who openly talk shit about black people. White people won't touch that shit.

That's what happened to me when I came back home. I redpilled myself with an environment I had gotten so used to seeing and never really noticed.. until I was reintroduced to it after experiencing other places.
Went from a stretch of city blocks ranging about 5 miles.. one side almost exclusively immigrant the other exclusively black.. in the middle, a gradual mix - 50/50 dead center.
I came to the realization that blacks aren't the worse minority. It was an epiphany, especially with the way things were with spanish speaking ppl (extremely racist: a hispanic trait). Wetbacks will fuck your neighborhood up man, big time

He's actually blind and thinks he's white. His name's Clayton Bigsby. Comedy Central did a documentary on him a while back

Because talking shit about niggers means we should flood the country with beaners. Useful.

The way I see it is there would be nothing wrong with having Southern European women breed with Criollo and Castizo men to clean out the nonwhite racial portion of their gene pools.
And in the case of Castiza and Criolla women, they can breed with Northern European men or just generally White Americans.
It would be the best way to clean up the mess that was made 500 years ago.

I really like the Nazi taxi driver, what a great guy

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>with Criollo and Castizo men

Let me get this shit out of the way right here and now.. these Jow Forums buzzwords, these people you think are "approved" or whatever are straight up trash. You talk about them without knowing anything about them. These motherfuckers are garbage. They're indistinguishable, characteristically speaking from this ball of dysfunction that makes my own demo.

The way I see it is that these people aren't relevant and they are fast becoming a majority in this country. Not that it matters because they are a low achieving population anyway. I don't need a spic eugenic program to accommodate a group of people that shouldn't even be here in the first place. That's retarded.

>Because talking shit about niggers means we should flood the country with beaners. Useful.
No one said that. I was pointing out that the Hispanics who live near me are more racist than the whites.

Well for one, Mestizos we’re never mentioned in my post, so Im not accomodating anything for them. Mestizos should be deported effective immediately.
I don’t recognize Mestizos and Castizos/Criollos as being the same thing. They’re two different populations, and it can be seen in their social behavior and integration rates.

They are indistinguishable because they do not distinguish themselves. They don't distinguish themselves from their indians, and they don't distinguish themselves from their niggers. They are a culture based on a creation that is not our own. These people seek to replace our culture by replacing us demographically and thus subverting us to who and what they are.It will never actually matter because only poor retards will be affected, but their presentation doesn't make any sense.

Yeah. That's generally a beaner talking point.

I'm just trying to correctly categorize people, and generally by how they categorize themselves. Not everyone on here is racist. I'm not.

So you’re implying that Castizos and Criollos behave and act in the same manner as Mestizos? Then why is it that in ever Latin country these people are the rich and famous? Why is that they look nothing like Mestizos and look more European passing?
The way I see it, you cannot compare apples to oranges. You may not think them to be white, but they cannot be compared to Mestizos as being the same.

There is no difference between a meztizo and a castizo. You're either white or you're not. Nick Fuentes is White. His sister isn't. This is the problem with beaners. That's what makes them so funny.

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Why is he white and she isn’t?

>There is no difference between a meztizo and a castizo
Do your eyes work? If you are super leftist and came at me with that argument, it'd be different. Clearly there is an ethnic difference. Also, you are mega racist, so why the fuck do you have photos of Hispanic Qt 3.14s saved on your computer if you aren't jackin' it to them?

Because he hates Jews?

Because you obviously have vision impairment issues.

Of course they distinguish themselves - in their own country that is, here they're just wetbacks like everyone else..
But in their element they'll actually believe they're hot-shit. They'll run for every political office imaginable and they'll run their shit hole deeper into the ground, how do you think these places became so shitty? You won't find a more corrupt, inept, stupid, egotistical bunch of idiots anywhere else except maybe Jow Forums

You don't just have them saved, like with a random 34324324324r234 number, you have them labeled. What's up with that?

What would Nigger-Hitler do?

You are all about being white but have saved and labeled photos of Hispanic cuties? Come on, now. You ain't fooling anyone.

What makes Nick Fuentes white then? Nick Fuentes is a literal Castizo at being 79 percent European and 21 percent non-European.
Your logic is immensely flawed. Castizos and Mestizos differ immensely in physical appearence, social status and monetary influence, whether here or in their native countries. Look at almost all of the Latino tourism to the United States, they’re pretty much all Castizos and Criollos, and they behave themselves like generally normal and upstanding people. I can’t see how one can genuinely believe them to be the same as Mestizos.

If you want to be a white supremacist, at least make an effort not to look hypocritical.

Whether you like it or not, the new era we are moving into is Anglo-mutts and Spanish-mutts. Strategically, either form an alliance with them or be btfo.

>in their own country
In their own countries yes. Most definitely so. But not here. This isn't their country. This isn't what they do here. Here they act in the best interests of their own linguistic group, which does not exclude race. It's the equivalent of the man in the picture moving to America and being "Italian".

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Stop it.. I'm actually related to people who make up both sides of the spectrum. The brokest and most depraved, nutritionally and morally speaking are the ones you're sucking the cum out of right now..

Get up dude, stop sucking on my cousins balls. He's not your homeboy and I think when he snuck in here a few years ago he had intestinal worms.

That's not a wetback "qt" that's Nick Fuentes' sister. His actual blood relation.

I'm just a dirty, pragmatic centrist who doesn't hate an individual based on race but who understands race and ethnicity are deciding factors for most people, whether they admit it or not.

You have to play the game, son. For survival.

Nick Fuentes is White in Appearance. If you want to use the social construct term it would be White passing. He looks White so he is White. I don't need a DNA test to tell me what my eyes can see.

People talk shit like we're milquetoast, and fair-weather about or politics. Uh hurr durr, you're dumnb. Cute. Those who accuse us of being fence-sitters are more on the ball. We're more aware thank you think. We're older than you've been told. We're cautious observers.

I think you need to re-read what I said about their character.. in their country of origin. Their country of origin being Shitholes and how they play a direct role in creating and keeping them Shitholes

Because when your white ass goes on vacation, you're not going into their neighborhoods, hell no, you'll be murdered.. you're going into the natives territory


Nazism is inherently anti-jew but not anti black not a lot of people know but Hitler was not a racist blacks in Nazi Germany were treated equally to whites and many black soldiers fought in the World War II for Germany

Oh ok.

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This isn't about the people. It's about race. Many parts of "Europe" are shitholes etc. The thing is White is White and that's the concept I'm dealing with. There are White hispanics and non white hispanics. The problem is the two groups are linked because their culture advocates that racemixing is permissible. Even if it weren't permissible in their culture nothing prevents a "White hispanic" from going into a indo/beaner ghetto and siring offspring with 20 to 30 different indians and niggers. It is a part of "Latin" culture. Frenchmen love their whores, Italians love their whores and it would seem the Spanish passed this cultural practice into their colonies as well.

go back to your beaner fucking country you disgusting border jumping alien fuck

Allow me to say that the biggest judaic life throughout history was saying that Hitler hated blacks. It is a fabrication. Many white supremacists that don't understand have already come across this at one point. National socialism is not about hating a race it is about preserving a culture. Most white supremacist have bit off of the Jewish lie and when they have realized that they have bit off the LIE they now come to realize that they're worshipping a disambiguous version of Hitler where he hates blacks and anyone that isn't white. And this just isn't true because if you actually read into his perspective blacks respected Hitler to no end. Allow me to drop some serious fucking red pills right now and it's thread. Rockwell in this video literally says that we should not destroy other races because they are not equal to us we should preserve them. He also said a man can't help himself based on his race. This video is of black afro centrists worshipping Hitler.

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* Judaic lie

I apologize but I'm tired as fuck and probably look illiterate as fuck.

Your telling me that the ones who actually make money, who work hard, who own their nations and who provide for them, are the morally depraved?
Not the Mestizo criminals and scum suckers who destroy their nations and beg for gibs 24/7?
You faggots need to be gassed honestly.

OK, I'm really drunk and will need to re-read then. Is it a sign of alcoholism that you function and can learn while drunk. Nevermind. I already know the answer.

If looking White is your criteria then most Castizos and all Criollos would be white.

Shit like this GENUINELY makes me think that we could physically coexist if Jews didn't exist. Jews are the fucking enemy of humanity.

Serious redpill video. I wonder if Ray browses Jow Forums

Look at this, someone with a Swazi flag who uses the "pejorative" term Nazi. Haha, meme flag newfag.

We've been here since the early 1600s. Going back to my old country means England.

This is a fun chat.

Holy shit what a bro.

>not racist
Fuck off retard

If they look White. Then they are White. Why would that be complicated? The question would come from what you think "looks" White means. Does the guy in the picture look White to you? 25% black. Literal quadroon.

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Im not disagreeing with you in any way shape or form.
I will say that almost all of Jow Forums will though. They will say you’re wrong or advocating for mutts.