You all speak English because Anglos rule the world

I couldn’t think of anything more cucked than having to speak another language lmao. We literally conquered your mind and tongues as well as your land.

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Allahu Akbar

انجلترا ستكون تحت الشريعة الاسلامية

english is just changed french

And then fell apart and now get bossed around by the EU and can't even get your vote to leave to be taken seriously


I see you typed in English. Rather proves my point doesn’t it.

Nah m8 I speak Anglish

And who changed it box head?

No cunt speaks french.

you speak islam

You can have my tongue but you ain't touching my pearly whites

OP そんなにチンポを吸う


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ये आ गया अंग्रेज़ी मुल्ला अपनी शक्ल दिखाने। मारो मादरचोद को।

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You know what it was that did it?
The space -> " "
So simple, but so effective. Genial. I have no idea why we never came up with it.

Who gives a shit anymore , I do I'll shit in your mum's face blimey now fuck off.

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English is a Germanic language with elements of French, which is a Romance Language.

Another episode of the shits again Pajeet?

Nah we use english because it's the dumbest form of comunication. With barely 3000 words and a little grammar you can talk to anyone who knows it. It's efficient.

Cucked would require speaking english inside our own countries instead of our own language, which we do not.

Face it nigel, your language is so beautifully retarded it ends up being the most effective tool to talk to the commoners. So thanks

chupa la verga, hijo de puta

This is an actual word in Hindi

Sounds like Unicode fucked up with a few characters


Du trodde neger, ha kul mohammed.

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I use Google translate. By the way, in Russia 90% don't know English. Checkmate, Williams.

Ferme ta gueule le rosbeef. Ton pays de candaules est envahi par les nègres

No, we did that. Unless you mean the poos and pakis, who are in turn, colonizing you.


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“Designated shitting streets”

I can get your spirit by that single Chinese character in your post LOL.

Döda dig själv, hoppas araberna tar över din nation och gör den bra igen!

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动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

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Come on lad. I have already read this shit for more than 10 times this day.

I am sick of it. Could you please invent a symbol or notation to represent this long shit?

It's literally an eye sore to read such Traditional Chinese characters.

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Also I love this pepe.

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America* rules the world

>I couldn’t think of anything more cucked

The only thing slightly less cucked is our inability to speak other languages.

i learned English to know my enemy.

Sehr gute Antwort. Möge es eine neue Baath Partei geben!

Friss Scheiße.

Agreed. You can communicate efficiently in English in just a few months. Polish takes a lifetime to learn for non-slav foreigners

Ba oui. Et votre pays est infesté des arabes.

>because Anglos ruled the world
Didn't even need to reach for the pillow and it's already over.

i am Anglo though yet i still feel conquered

Don’t you get it? We are the heirs of Anglo-Saxondom, not you.

Conquered by what? You are the conqueror.

well my own government took my guns and ive been robbed by abos multiple times

Do you even need to ask.

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imagine only speaking 1 language
nigger IQ

Of course he doesn't, his name is probably Mohammed.

It's a shame our great country is now full of niggers,Pakis and Muslims.

You all use the Latin alphabet because the Italians rule the world.
You all use the Hindu-Arabic numerals because West and South Asians rule the world.
You all use the Metric System because the French rule the world.

Idgaf. Worse than that is your inability to rule like a boss, for example: gibs for niggers and other kind of dysgenics.

Mais tu vas faire quoi fils de pute ? Ton pays de merde envahi par les musulmans et les nègres tombe en ruine, tu peux pas faire trois pas sans te faire racketter par des nègres et voir ta femme et ta fille se faire violer par des musulmans grosse salope.
Donc maintenant tu vas retourner sucer la bite de tes despotes globaliste, tu vas laisser ta race de grosse pute consanguine mourir et tu vas pas casser les couilles espèce de dégénèré.

Aš kalbu angliškai tik tam kad kiti mane suprastų


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No, we speak English because 1., it's one of - if not the - most basic, easily-learnable languages with a glorious alphabet of 26 letters, and 2., because you brits are fucking naïve retards

Based chink

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And the romans conqured (((you))) newfag

Nahiago badezu ulertezin egingo zaizun hizkeran egin dezaket.

Isn't there also a lot of Latin and Italian elements? Victoria or Plunim is literally latin.

》》》nordvpn nigger

Someone will inevitably bring up the "hurr durr only 26%" infographic casually overlooking the fact that the overwhelming majority of common words spoken when speaking English are germanic.

>be foreginers
>be completely saturated in the English language from birth

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I've tried all Chinese servers are banned from Jow Forums. There is however a Israeli server that works on here. Server 13. Fun fact for you. Also Chile ain't blocked.

>be foreginers
>be completely saturated in the English language from birth

Well now your speaking Alabamian

Well I’m Anglo descent myself so I’d agree but you must admit the modern country of the UK is completely fucked and mostly fallen from its former glory. You don’t conquer anything anymore your people get prison for mean tweets while foreigners rape your women and sometimes boys without consequences and you are having an extremely hard time pulling out of the EU which isn’t even like declaring independence from a full on country


English is the lingua franca because Americans use it.
Imagine being so irrelevant that one of your colonies vastly surpassed you in every way.

The reason it’s such a widespread language or basically the new lingua franca (basically what Latin was for the longest time) is because it’s used by so many countries and many other languages are only useful in one country

A Japanese businessman/diplomat/etc speaking to a pole for example. It’s a better use of time for them to both learn English and then be able to speak to English speakers around the world than learn eachothers language useful only in their countries. I guess though among the former eastern bloc Russian would also be a similarly useful language

The problem is so many languages aren’t widespread around the world. Kind of like how Chinese while having more speakers than English is damn near useless outside china. In international trade etc it’s better to find a common language. It’s why Latin never became a lost language because throughout Europe everyone agreed to use Latin in international inter language diplomacy trade etc so everyone involved only had to learn one additional language to their own

One thing I’ll say about English is it’s easier to speak it poorly and still get a message across than many languages. Some languages like many Asian languages for example if you even pronounce something wrong it can change the meaning

Блядь, eбaный ты шизoид, ты мoжeшь нopмaльнo выpaжaть cвoи мыcли? Tвoй пoтoк coзнaния читaть пpocтo нe вoзмoжнo. Boзникaeт oщyщeниe, чтo y тeбя paзopвaннoe мышлeниe или peчeвaя бeccвязнocть. Пpocтo cлoвecный шyм кaкoй-тo. Пpими тaблeтки и нe зaбывaй пoceщaть пcихиaтpa, y кoтopoгo нaблюдaeшьcя.

Aллaхy Aкбap, eбaнapoт

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You may only reply under me if your country has never been conquered by another country

Пoшeл нaхyй, бpитбoнг

Пшeк eбyчий


Гoллaндeц eбyчий

Пидop и мeмфлaг

Лaтинcкий ниггep

Швeдcкий кyкoлд

Индyc, ты пoкaкaл?



Oчepeднoй пeдик мeмфлaг




Tы, чe, aллaхнyтый нe взopвaлcя?

Лябyc eбyчий


Bы тaм c фeминизмoм eбaнyлиcь, eптaблять

Use italian letters and arab numerals now even be muslim

>3,000 words
what.. there are over 170,000 words in English
main reason is because most of you retarded languages are so self indulgent its crazy, with specific words for every little thing. English is a utilitarian language and is efficient as fuck.

english has more words than polish, fucking fight me you euro fuck, you are not superior to shit.

It’s Arabic you redneck fucktard. At least learn the minimum about your enemy like what language they speak.

무슨 소리야? 난 영어 못해 ㅠㅠ

It's going to be the Mecca of Pain if you pipe up like that one more time, go have some hummus and settle down

>You all speak English because Americans rule most of the world

lol, fokof jou rooinek doos

This thread will ALWAYS cause the most intense butthurt


Because it's true lmao

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It's true, but the reason it's the lingua franca is because of America. Y'all did a good job setting up the only successful colonies in the world and teaching English to a billion poo in loos, though.

> Its always the Brits talking about "Anglo this" when they are just the retarded, senile grandfather of the Anglos

You literally lost your position as the leading world power to one of your colonies going rogue. Can't make this shit up.

>You all speak English because Anglos rule the world
nah I do it because of USA and their influence not because of some UK fag

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>We literally conquered your mind and tongues as well as your land.
Which is why you speak a dialect of northern german instead of bretonic or whatever the celts or normans spoke.

English is easy due to its simple grammar and no declinations

english is for stupid people a fine 2nd language to learn.
also all programming languages are written in it.

It's true. English rules the world at present (1% of English is of Dutch origin, so we're doing better than most at least), but I wonder if it will last.
French, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic; all are gaining ground. Truly, I wonder.

I would agree that if youre a non anglo country, speaking english is somewhat submissive. USA Aus NZ Canada all speak it because their founders were anglo and up until recently most of their populations blood was Anglo. 20th century explosion of US power/influence is what really spread english to todays level, which in a way you can take some credit for as its your offspring.

The user meant that you only need that many words to communicate in English, and that's true. Not many times you'll use the word "sacrosanct" in a day or a month. Plus how many languages have only 26 letters? We don't have the wavy line or dots or slash-through.

we dont have gendered tables and chairs either like a lot of the eurofag languages, so the fuck what?

>I couldn’t think of anything more cucked than having to speak another language lmao. We literally conquered your mind and tongues as well as your land.
You're an idiot. It’s just that your language has become international due to circumstances Everyone speaks American English, not pure English. Anglo, do you use helicopters? The helicopter came up with a Russian living in the United States. No one cares. Language is the same tool, only for communication, not for flying.

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yeah, the grammar for a lot of languages is unnecessarily hard. why do inanimate objects need genders?

>conquer us
>fill everything with sub 80IQ niggers
>the english language gets mangled to bits
>ooooga booga bix nood

If only you were a good Overlord, i wouldn't give a shit. Sadly the actions of your people show otherwise

Agreed, God Save The Queen

>merkel is english

Feels good to be of English descent

English is lazy but also adaptable because of its phonetic alphabet
Romans apparently transliterated/translated a lot of texts

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are you Hideo kojima?

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