Why do vaxers care so much about anti vaxers?

If they and their kids and community are immunised what do they have to worry about? Are they autistic or something?

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because vaxxers are retarded and parrot whatever the authority figure they appeal to tells them to.

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god i wish that stingray was me

how dare you challenge the status quo reeeeeeeeeee

Dat picture makes me saad

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because vaccines are a good way to conduct human experiments

Because seeing anti-vaxxer reactions are funny

It's the MSM kike machine

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Because there are necessary vaccinations and they save lives.
I don't know how it is in America, but here in Germany at least there aren't a whole lot of unnecessary vaccinations that are done only for profit as opposed to the many unnecessary ones that exist in America as I have heard.

Same reason normal people worry about paedos being around; kids are in danger.

Because they're slaves who seek validation from other slaves. Literally the most pathetic excuse of human beings.

Show them graphs indicating some of the illnesses they vaccinated themselves and their kids against were on their way to extinction decades before GSK scammed them, and watch them burn.

Propaganda that is upvote botted on Imgrar and Redardit. So you probably shouldnt get them.

So anti vaxers are paedos i always thought so bong bro climate change deniers are also peados.
Fk conspiracy theorys brah
Big pharma is here to help, save the children.

I looked this up. Turns out that they're being very dishonest ("imagine my shock"). The majority of those aren't mandatory or even recommended in general, they're for high-risk groups like those with weakened immune systems or pre-existing diseases. They're also including follow-up jabs, as well as jabs if your baby missed any early on, and some vaccinations that aren't even given as standard to anyone (even the vulnerably).

'Well only speaking for myself vaccines to most things are ~98% effective, as i was informed when i got measles despite being vaccinated, so some faggot who doesnt "believe" in them gave it to me. But I honestly don't really care that much to piss and moan about it on the internet.

Turn the screen upside down so you can read what I said easier for you.

Lol perfect. To complex for me.
>Turns out that they're being very dishonest ("imagine my shock").

Yeah, you could just shitpost and greentext what I've said without refuting it, or you could try to make an actual argument if you think you've got one.

Because anti-vaxers could kill babies or immunodeficient people.

Yeah like make the opposition into paedophiles likey ou did fuckwit.

Your inability to read is what's getting in your way here. I didn't say they were paedos, I said they're a threat to children just as paedos are a threat to children, to show why vaxers don't like anti-vaxers.

That's the outlier, but even so, it count as a reason to loathe anti-vaxxers.
The common reason. Children need to reach a certain age before they are ready/strong enough for a specific vaccine. (Yes, this is during the time when those annoying new moms and dads are giving their opsprings age in days). Now if the child isn't yet considered strong enough to handle the vaccine, the actual disease is going to fuck them up good, maybe dead. Yeah yeah
>god I wish that was me
But some of us wants to live, and desperately want our children to live.

Vaccines can kill people too though.

>Why do survivors care about plague rats wandering around?

Because anti-vaxxers have the blame for bringing back formerly eradicated disease from 3rd world shitholes shifted onto them through a coordinated attempt by (((them))). Mind you, I'm not against vaccinations, but I see the pattern.

Why not choose something else? You went straight to the most emo shit.

Why do you think anti vaxers think vaxers are a danger?
Simple they are a threat to children.

youve got like 0.01% chance of dying from a vacchine

Vaxers care because an immunized child can infect their child who is too young to be immunized, very possibly killing them

I choose "What is mass-immunity?" for 200 please.
Your question shows that you don't even know how vaccines work.
A single individuum is never immune. The mass-immunity effect is what protects the mass of people. The more people between them who are not vaccined, the higher the chances of the disease to spread to the vaccined people.
So your question perfectly shows why we hate you: You are uneducated, self-righteous pieces of shit.

anti-antivaxxers are the most NPC-type people I see around and they seem to have noticeably gotten WAY more militant in the past year.
I don't even have 100 friends on normiebook and I see at least one anti-antivaxxer post daily, lot's of "fuckings" thrown in there. How did people just overnight decide that they have to campaign for antivaxxers to be thrown into gulags, I've seen blatant death threats publicly celebrated.

To clarify, I'm not an antivaxxer. I think there are questions to be raised but I think it is weird that all of a sudden antivaxxers are the new holocaust-deniers, there's definitely a political element.

>Why do vaxers care so much about anti vaxers?
why do traditionalist care so much about degenerate hedonists
because we live in a society and the behavior of the community has repercussions on all individuals

open borders make it worthless

If your vaccine works, then it won't matter to you that I may catch something you can't get. If you can get it, then your vaccine doesn't work. Either way, it's not a problem with me, it's your problem for injecting yourself with some shit you don't have any information on.

If you still disagree, then you may be interested in this rock I have that keeps tigers away. I know that it keeps them away because I have the rock and I've never been attacked by tigers. If it stops working, it's only because some pro-tiger nutjob brought one into your neighbourhood. Buy the rock.

>blames antivaxxers for reintroducing disease but happy to import tens of thousands of untreated Africans into the country on a yearly basis

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herd immunity faggot. Why don't you know something this basic?

I went straight for the most obvious threat to children, since OP's implication was that vaxers shouldn't be getting involved in anti-vaxer business, conveniently side stepping the actual issue: that there are children being caught up in that same business at risk. You may think anti-vaxers have that same concern, but they're weighing possible autism or whatever shit it is they believe happens, to actual death from disease. The vaxers have the stronger concern there. At the end of the day, even if vaccines did do some conspiracy shit (which they don't), they're at least not killing people.

Now, the fact I've had to explain this to you because you've been unable to grasp what seems to be the subtleties of English makes me think you're actually just autistic and unable to extrapolate at even a basic level. Not your fault, people get dealt a bad hand, but please if you're going to try to communicate with other people keep in mind that you've got a social impediment that's going to hold you back from getting the whole story.

>If you can get it, then your vaccine doesn't work
That isn't how vaccines work. People being vulnerable can allow diseases to evolve and mutate beyond what is presently associated with the vaccine.

Communities are not immunised because of people like you spazmoids

>That isn't how vaccines work
So, they don't work, then? The same way the flu shot gets issued every year and people who get the shot still get sick?

I haven't had a polio vaccine. Are the people around me at risk of polio infection through me?
If so, how come neither they nor I have polio?

>So, they don't work, then?
They do. But they're not panacea.
Think of it like building a wall around society. Your section might be great, but if someone else elects to not build a wall, shit can get through, and while inside the walls, evolve the ability to fly over your wall. That wouldn't have happened if everyone who could build a wall did so.

If all vaccines could be administered at birth, and only require one dose, I wouldn't care. I would happily watch anti-vaxxer children die horrible deaths. Unfortunately the major vaccine courses aren't complete until around age 3 or 4, so that's plenty of time for selfish anti's to endanger other kids.

I saw his son swimming with stingrays recently....

I feel Brian blessed at your rage response but no.
How many times will you have to explain the english.
You are a shithouse rep.

>they only work when everyone buys my product
Not everyone does though. Which is to say that they don't work. Good to know, Shlomo.

They're not 100%, no. They also don't prevent mutated strains, or extreme exposure. If you've got 2 people who are immune, chances are much more likely that they won't get a disease they're vaccinated for. But if 1 of those people isn't vaccinated, is easily infected by the disease, then becomes a distributor for that disease, they're going to massively increase the risk of the vaccinated person being infected.

Oh, you're an abbo that stole a laptop. Everything makes sense now. Carry on, little nog.

If you were to leave the country and contract and return in this case you'd put others, especially children and elders, at risk. A vaccine prevents a disease from taking hold in certain circumstances, if someone fully fucked walks up to you, your body won't be able to handle the massive influx of bacteria or some shit, it can only stop it in small amounts. That's why we get vaccinated all the way through high school and are meant to get them every couple years out of school. However I just noticed that does sound a bit sus, like routine shit.

>A hundred people get vaccinated
>One guy doesnt and he doesnt get sick because nobody around him gets sick
>Lol vaccines are fake abd made to control people!
Yeah sure. Vaccines are failuresand jews use them to spread mkultrashit or aomething like that. The writing's on the wall and all that

You're using the wrong flag for that, idiot.
>Which is to say that they don't work
Incorrect. How many times have you caught smallpox or polio?

Well you are the one trying to supply a wall of text to a simpelton.
Best logic man.

You just told me that immune people can be infected, so it follows that either immune people can be infected and your vaccine doesn't immunise anything, or that you're misusing the term "immune". Which is it?

Does a vaccine stop a disease from mutating in external non-human vectors?

herd immunity

>single individuum is never immune
>vaccines protect individuals from pathogens
>pathogens protect individuals from herds
>herds protect pathogens from individuals
>individuals protect herds
>scientists have settled the debate
>science Is based on evidence
>dogma is not scientific
>dogma is certainty
>science is certainty

from what i understand, vaccins do not cause autism however, can they be potential time bombs for Alzheimer ? because of the toxicity of aluminium

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You haven't answered the question. I'm not vaccinated for polio. How come I haven't got it.

Could it be, that I haven't been exposed? Because you said esrlier, if a vaccinated person is exposed to an infected person, they'll be infected anyway, so the key thing seems to be exposure, not vaccination.

I'm not vaccinated for either, so your argument is meaningless when I say "zero".

>he thinks healthcare is free
Ask me how I know you're a student on a uni course you paid for with loan money.

Because it's a good analogy, the problem is not with adult people making whatever stupid decision they want, but rather with them being a threat to children, exactly the same way as paedophiles.

>You just told me that immune people can be infected, so it follows that either immune people can be infected and your vaccine doesn't immunise anything, or that you're misusing the term "immune". Which is it?
Immune means resistant. What did you think it meant?

>Does a vaccine stop a disease from mutating in external non-human vectors?
No, but it helps stop spread amongst humans of the initial disease, meaning less chances of spreading it further to non-human vectors. Effectively, the less people who can spread it, the less chances it will change.

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They aren't sure that it was the right thing to do.
Its the same with cutfags. They praise torture since they had to go through it and try to further normalize this barbaric procedure so they are not the only ones.

You're not exposed to it because people don't have it due to vaccination

>the higher the chances of the disease to spread to the vaccined people.
This is what people today actually believe. So you admit that the vaccine doesn't actually do what they claim it does?

>You just told me that immune people can be infected
Not by the same disease. You might be vaccinated against Disease X, so it just passes right by you. But then a kiked moron decided to not get immmunised, and are thus a carrier. In that selfish idiot, Disease X has a free petrie dish. So it evolves into Disease X+ Redux Boogaloo with Knuckles, featuring Dante from the DMC series. Which you are not immunised against.

>so your argument is meaningless when I say "zero".
Nice try, but it goes to show that vaccines wiped those diseases out already.
>Ask me how I know you're a student on a uni course you paid for with loan money.
Man, you just can't get anything right, huh? The point was that you don't have to go out and buy extra shit.

Polio completely eradicated because of vaccine..

America is vaxxed thats why there is no outbreaks.. People in shithole africa die of yellow fever, measels etc.. All the countries with vaxxes don't have problems.. The vax's may cause autism but it could also be diet and baby formula(which contains lead and mercury)

Only white people can be this fucking retarded

protected from a disease or the like, as by inoculation.
of or relating to the production of antibodies or lymphocytes that can react with a specific antigen: immune reaction.
exempt or protected: immune from punishment.
not responsive or susceptible: immune to new ideas.
a person who is immune.

If you mean resist, say resist.

I have this rock that keeps tigers away. It comes at the low price of $5,000AUD ex GST. Next day delivery included. Note that it won't work if some kiked-out moron brings Tiger Mk II Electric Boogaloo to your home, and I'm not liable for any damage thereafter.

Because they often have control over children and not vaccinating children is at this point more or less just child abuse. And secondly, vaccinations are only effective if a certain critical mass of people have them, they help prevent disease but they don't sop it completely, if enough people are at risk you can still have pandemics.

Here is a good analogy you are fucken paedophile.
Beacuse you want to inject toxis in little boys and later fuck them in the ass. Secured by pharma corp.
Enjoy the gold paedo.

Are you the standard that we should base our choices on are you that figure of society?

adjective: immune

1. resistant to a particular infection or toxin owing to the presence of specific antibodies or sensitized white blood cells.
"they were naturally immune to hepatitis B"

I mean immune, so I said immune.


Literally just googled the word "immune" and it was right there.

You're trying to get petty wins on word use? Do you actually care or are you trying to be boy genius with "muh word usage"

So a million kids get the MMR, then 10,000 of them could die from it.
At its height, Measles killed 700 kids.

Attached: measles-deaths-1950-2013.png (1023x610, 44K)

Okay kid

Google should at least tell you what site they reference. You must be new here if you don't know that Google routinely manipulates results to fit a political agenda. My copypaste was from dictionary.com

Yes, it's definitely the antivaxxers and not the flood of shitskins from the third world playing with the statistics.

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>I have this rock that keeps tigers away.
>It comes at the low price of $5,000AUD ex GST.
Seems a bit rich for what it offers.
>and I'm not liable for any damage thereafter.
If you're not working on the improved rock, then you're missing a major opportunity.

It's textbook sophistry. A few thousand years ago, this retard would be immortalised by Plato for how stupid he is.

some vaxxes might be useful even with their side effects in mind but due to capitalism they are pushing for m ore and more profit.
also if you keep niggers out of your country you don't have to fear 3rd world nigger illness

"Stop drinking water.. Water doesn't prevent dehydration.. Look i am drinking only soda and i am temporarily fine.. Water causes diseases.. One time a nigger in africa drank infected water and died of disease.. Only drink soda! Mandatory soda only diets.. See water issa psyop"

White Americans are fucking retarded nigger trash.. Jim Bob is a armchair medical research specialist in vaccine..

The autism couldn't be linked to bad parents feeding two year olds processed junk food instead of cooking and feeding them baby formula filled with lead and mercury.. I fucking hate my country

Sophistry would be telling people that there's these unstoppable diseases that can only be stopped with my immoveable vaccine immunity.

lol immagine vaccines harming our body without even doing something beneficial.

Cool beans. So where were we at again? Your semantics over the fact that immune in this context means resistant. Please, continue.

The flu vaccines is the deadly one.. Its made by Merck a pharmaceutical company and is literally the flu injected into you..

The CDC and world health org created SOME good vaccines like polio etc.. Its proven to work.. They might cause autism but its better than dying of all the niggertier diseases like whopping cough and mumps which are very rare in vaxxed societies

*Ten million kids get the MMR

Why jews are against vaccines?

Okay don't provide source, whatever.
If all it does is provide resistance than I'd rather not risk the side effects in my children and myself and I'll just focus on not exposing my family to disease. Thanks.

The vaccination debate is a distraction to make people look like retards for questioning the pharmaceutical industry.
Now if you speak up about big pharma feeding the opiate epidemic or causing mass shootings by giving out SSRI medications you're lumped in with the anti-vaxxer crowd and the discussion is over. Glowniggers love disinfo campaigns.

Polio is "completely eradicated" because they changed the conditions for what constitutes Polio.

Aren't they required to get vaccinated, though?

No, it actually wouldn't. So that's one more thing you've gotten wrong, Gorgias.

>Polio is "completely eradicated" because they changed the conditions for what constitutes Polio

More American armchair

Where did you get your medical degree Grady?

Burger King University?

Americans are fat and stupid stfu

I just told you exactly how to find where mine came from. Shouldn't be hard for you to verify yourself.

>If all it does is provide resistance than I'd rather not risk the side effects in my children and myself
Even the imaginary "side effects" aren't anywhere near the side effect of death when they get infected.

>and I'll just focus on not exposing my family to disease.
You can't control that. If people could just magically not be exposed whenever they wanted, no one would be sick. You'd have to live in a literal bubble to avoid diseases.

not sure if it is worth. The autism rate exploded over the last years and decades.
t. diagnosed with autism
its not fun and i got a lot of vaccines since the doctors said they are good (probably because they get their info from the pharma industry that wants to make money)

Because they know their immunity is not that good at all, and blame anti vaxers for the inefficiency of many vaccines.
Also the Jews control the media and don't vaccinate their children as much, so they have a vested interest into getting the cattle to vaccinate their children to the max in order to lower the risk for their children to get sick.

>doesn't notice the reference to a classical philosophical problem
>accuses others of ignorance
Thanks for the chat, Chang. Hope your visa expires soon.

The side that hopes anti-vaxers and their kids die is not something you can publicly announce, so you have to pretend to care.

The ray’s stinger is at the base of the tail. Faggot.

Okay mate. Enjoy your vaxx.

Pierre speaking truth

Junk food consumption and laziness has exploded the last decade.. Most people never eat a natural home cook meal unless its a holiday.. There was no autism because in the 1950's every mother cooked/breast fed and even the "fast food" had no GMO or industrial chemicals in it..

Its like wondering why there's so many fat people compared to the Past it's because people are lazy they have it easy and you pay the consequences for everything you do it's pretty damn simple

Will do. Enjoy yours as well, because you've clearly been vaccinated already.

And a 1 in 54 chance of being autistic.

>reference unstoppable force and immovable object incorrectly
>thinks he's clever for it, and others are stupid for not pretending he's right
I was wrong. Even Gorgias had better arguments than you, and his story was practically slapstick.

>Polio diagnoses go down
>Meningitis diagnoses go up