Moloch DAO

Amazed that this is flying under /pol radar considering how obsessed this board is with anything satanic

Vitalik buterin the creator of the 2nd largest cryptocurrency ethereum is donating money to Moloch DAO. This is directly political related as ethereum could very well become our new world currency massively disrupting the political balance of the world.

"Moloch whose mind is pure machinery! Moloch whose blood is running money! Moloch whose fingers are ten armies! Moloch whose breast is a cannibal dynamo! Moloch whose ear is a smoking tomb!"

Attached: moloch.gif (319x561, 110K)

Other urls found in this thread:

This will slide off the board in favor of interracial porn threads in 3...2...1....

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>ethereum could very well become our new world currency
says the cryptocurrency enthusiast about the current flavor coin of the month for the 27th consecutive month

Actually I don't even like ethereum. It would not be a good thing if this happened

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Vitalik dumped on people during the bubble crashed out $40m


The creator of moloch dao Ameen Soleimani got started with SpankChain a platform for cam girls to get paid in crypto preventing banks or payment processors from freezing their accounts.

Here is an interview with a Jewish reporter talking about how great this is. She ends up doing a cam session

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It's just some saoftware with an edgy name.
Crypto based autonomous organizations have a lot of really cool potential

Nothing is ever done lightly

ooof check

Eh, I'd say golem is a more endtime currency/AI. But whatever digital currency backed by the EU will be the next currency after America and China tear themselves apart.bBesides Moloch has always been worshipped. RedBull and the Chicago Bulls for one

Yeah I'm sure it's just a coincidence. It's totally normal

I am VERY late for work need an unemployed user to take over

His rationale from what I can tell for naming it Moloch is that society is disordered and his name for that disorder is Moloch and he wishes to organize society better. Dont have time for a better summary good luck

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sure it's al a coincidence goyim

Have fun at the warehouse, wagie!

He says he got the inspiration for Moloch from here

Seems more like the guy is some sort of discordian than involved in some NWO shit
And he hires "meme-warriors" for his he must be aware of all the Moloch shit Q put out there, so maybe trying to profit off that as well

As for the global crypto-currency, the BIS has been shilling that shit for weeks and weeks now in top tier presentations all over the world.
Rothschilds announced the global currency in the 80s, specifying the years 2018-2020 as introduction dates.

Ethereum is prolly more like a test-run. I have a hard time believing they'd let any low life anons invest before they go live with the real thing?

OP pic? caption...
"Obey the COW GOD"

Cover from 1988

Once the Phoenix-Crypto is released, it may be time to go all-in....

Attached: theeconomist-phoenix_get_ready_for_world_currency_by_2018.jpg (420x579, 36K)

It´s called bitcoin , right now it´s in the ashes stage after the halving it will resurrect once more in about a year and reach 180k usd per coin.

And thats assuming a 100% slowdon in btc growth rate , if it does not stop it will be 1M by eoy 2021 , but that´s impossible right guys?....

Attached: 1542254378093.png (926x932, 1.2M)

“I’m just doing it to get laid,” countered de Vogeleare.

But Soleimani?

“Yeah, he’s not doing it to get laid,” de Vogeleare concluded. “It’s to serve his God, Moloch.”

entirely possible, but why should they let it come to pass? They can easily have/still accumulate enough bitcoins during the last few months and during the strange bubble-thingy-whatever is happening now to let it all come crashing down gloriously once enough anons/normies fled the fiats into bitcoin and THEN introduce their own global cryptom backed by SDR (which will prolly include Gold by end of 2020)

Why should they allow Bitcoin to live?

The strategy I see/believe to be developing right now is that someone is artificially pumping the bitcoin price, so every who is fleeing fiats will buy into cryptos way overpriced. Once the fiats have crashed, they'll start dumping their own reserves and the price will again deflate to the "normal" level of 3-4k, if they don't kill it entirely

Destroying the value of a currency would be counter productive to pushing for its world wide adoption. You probably are right about bitcoin not being their choice because if it were they would yank the leash on the NY attorney general and make the bitfinex investigation go away


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