Living conditions in Los Angeles is now worst than most 3rd world shitholes

Continue to vote democrat commiefaggots.

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And to think they praised this shit.

Well, I got some more migrants for them straight from the Texas border. You want to send Californias to Texas? Well, we'll send Mexicans to California.

Hopefully with those rats you get ebola or something like that

>Living conditions in Los Angeles is now worst than most 3rd world shitholes
See that's the thing, good doesn't defeat evil, evil defeats itself, it's a self defeating mechanism

If that happens then they'll all just start fleeing and spreading it to other places. And with a population like LA's, the CDC will never be able to stop it.

>democrats are the reason it sucks
Shut the fuck up boomer. Democrats run most of New England too and it generally isn't a shithole. The problem is nonwhites.LA conditions are 3rd world because its population is 3rd world.

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>Good weather
>High population density

pick TWO, idiot

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>Implying life is better with rural retards

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Explain Portland you faggot. Search "Cloward Piven strategy" and you will know whats going on.

I wonder how much more these cucks can take before they actually start voting correctly again.

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How long before the rest of the country votes to boot commie fornia out? Shit hole central

What's to explain? It's a city, cities have lots of nonwhites. I'm not saying "democrats are good" i'm saying that these areas wouldn't magically improve if Republicans got elected. The problem is the nonwhite population.

>Cloward Piven strategy
Yes, I understand this. What you don't seem to understand is that BOTH parties are fine with importing nonwhites, so both parties are contributing to this plan.

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Why stop it?

The problem is, aside from the politics, is that New England is a frozen hellscape for a good chunk of the year while LA has a fairly temperate climate all year. Many of these people are both displaced by the high price of housing and imports from other states, because of gibs and weather.

>Piles of garbage worry the people of Los Angeles
Apparently these third worlders aren't worried enough to stop throwing their garbage in the streets or to make any effort to clean up after themselves.

These animals love civilization but are incapable of creating or maintaining it by themselves.

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>These animals love civilization but are incapable of creating or maintaining it by themselves.
Doesn't the future look grand?

It’s not a state government problem. It’s an immigration problem. Not from the outside, but rather from the inside. Everyone thinks they will be a star or something and get hit with a rude awakening.

is she gonna be alright user?

>Well, we'll send Mexicans to California.
bruv, what the fuck do you think California is like? we're neck deep in beaners already, theres nothing you could do to make it more beanered

LA and San Fran are mecca for homeless people because the weather is always nice. Their policies are enabling the homeless by not cracking down on them.

Killing the golden goose

If lefty politics can turn the bountiful land of California into a shithole in a single human lifetime just think what it will do to normal places

It is that is literally what the article is saying

LOL! Who the fuck chooses to live in LA?

And who let them in and gave them free stuff you collosal faggot?

Gus Johnson

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Just think of all the jobs that can be created to clean up all the rubbish in the streets. BOOM no more homelessness.

If you ever meet someone who says they want to move to LA it’s a good indication that you can disregaurd their opinions

>import 3rd world
>turn into 3rd world

super simple stuff

I know people on facebook that lie about living in LA. Like why would you do that to yourself?

they refuse to do what needs to be done and kick out all the homeless

People can get a weird idea in their head about places.

that whatever problems or disappointmental in their lives are caused by where they are now and if they just moved to X it would all be different. People get a weird need to “escape” their family etc etc

I’ve never had that and generally speaking that concept is mostly a creation of ones on mind. It’s sort of true that changing your surroundings can help you personally change your behavior but it’s really an internal change and has nothing to do with where you want to move or whatever fantasy of X place you’ve created in your mind

I firmly believe liberal cities can only exist where it's freezing cold because it keeps non-whites out. Minneapolis is a great city and is liberal. LA is horrific and it's liberal.

Hopefully, canada can die too when the epidemic hits

>cold keeps out niggers

Absolutely not true

I agree that your environment can be a conduit for personal change, but that change has to come from inside first.

Good post.

Detroit, Chicago, etc. Explain.

>New England generally isn't a shithole.

>freezing cold keeps non-whites out
And what about Minnesota's Somali problem?

Are you guys summoning nurgle?

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It’s starting. America will be a world superpower, meanwhile at home it will have the living conditions of a third world country. Transmetropolitan was a prophecy.

Funny how spics keep posting this same picture while we keep getting new evidence as to the shittiness of beans.

Who would have thought that Mexicans would bring Mexico with them. Shocking.

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Lets do it.

People who were born here. This is my home and im not abandoning it. Things will still need to get worse before they get better though.

This world appears to be completely falling to chaos if I do say so myself

I’d argue we are generally being corrupted by slannesh

Our trash and filth is a result of our excess

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Dying with the sinking ship doesn't make you any more of a martyr than the beans who die for their gang.

>he thinks it cant get worse

Yea and running away from your home because it has issues so you can leech from somewhere wealthier puts you on the same level as those gangbanger beaner's parents who are the entire reason they are here in the first place. How is the weather in Tel Aviv, memeflaggot?

Placed there by the federal government.
They complain and leave as soon as they can.

oh god how will los angeles ever recover. that's why people are flocking to alabama and arkansas

>import the 3rd world
>become the 3rd world
Gee, who could have seen this one coming

Fuck you nigger the demos are now importing shitskins into new england too

What would you have us do? Try to start a race war but get killed by the fucking cops instead?

It's white people. If you fill Minneapolis with Mississippi niggers you end up with another Detroit.

Midwestern roasties who think they can make it in showbiz.

That is fucked. The thing is, you can't see the trash piles from Beverly Hills or Silicon Valley so nobody cares.

the pronz starlets...

>new epidemic
based and nurglepilled

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So California is finally collapsing?

thats the worse you got....those people are degenerate junkies, but at least they have clean cloths, can make car payments, probably have a home.....they are better then urban street shitting scum

So you managed to find the rural DNC voter, grats.

Hate to break it to ya. But the ultimatum is clear.

>DNC voters knows what the DNC is trying to do with urban areas
>it will get better once the entire nation is controlled by the DNC all of the shit/syringes on the streets will magically disappear once we get rid of all of the bigots
Keep telling yourself this.

Isn’t going back to the 90s what we wanted?


This though. NH, Vermont, connecticut, RI, none of them are shitholes despite being liberal.
the only correlation to 3rd world conditions is 3rd world populations.