The evil Iran regime forces Leftist Feminist women into submissive marriages

Imagine the horror of this sight. 300 naked Iranian leftist women, forced to crawl together on all 4s, like dogs, for hours and hours. Forced to compete with each other, knowing that by being faster than another girl, that girl would get the vagina-kickings. What barbarism. What an awful violation of human rights. Just picture all those whipped brown buttocks quivering in fear and pain from all that cruel abuse.

Its beyond hellish

>After a while, many agreed to pray. One admitted ten years later that she still had recurring nightmares in which she saw herself praying and thereby betraying her whole persona.;;doc.view=print

Being forced to submit to Islamic Patriarchy destroyed the very persona of these Atheist Marxist womyn. Imagine a young coed or Women's Studies Professor who has devoted her entire life to Radical Feminism, forced to admit the inferiority of her gender. The Iranian guards were merciless. They would whip the tan buttocks of these Iranian Leftist womyn until their panties were torn to shreds. The lashes would criss cross across their naked breasts and buttocks. This was a barbaric abuse.

We can't support Iran, when it whips the naked buttocks and breasts of Leftist Feminist womyn, in order to force them to submit to Patriarchy. Can you imagine the horror of the entire population of Leftist womyn being put in damp prison cells at the sexual mercy of misogynist thug guards?

I'm not Feminist. But it still pisses me off that idealistic intellectual Feminist philosophy professors reduced to serving ape cavemen Muslim neanderthals like this

I hate seeing intelligent women reduced like that

The Islamic Republic is just an Islamic State that has stayed in power. They were founded on the same principles

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_Mujahedin_of_Iran;;doc.view=print

This is how the Iran Regime treats Feminist Philosophers. It is a new burning of the library of Alexandria

Forced to wear a hijab, and be hidden and invisible to the males of the outside world. Slave lingerie to please the perverse eroticism of her husband and Master. And using Feminist philosophers to iron her lingerie submissively and womanly, to please him.

This is all Islam sees women as good for. And these are the principles Iran is founded on.

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found the kike

a small price to pay for salvation.

Shlomo, is that you?

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Lol, i remember your Yazidi girls Vs isis larps years ago. Good that you change the setting

The horrific abuses Iran are just too much. They force militant Marxist-Feminist women to marry their captors. They even use the tan buttocks of Iranian Leftist women to sit on, while they are whipping them

From the Report:

certain forms of sexual torture were inflicted on female political prisoners in a widespread manner. Amongst these was verbal abuse inflicted with the intention of reducing female political prisoners to the level of a sexual object, and denying their political identity. Other forms included striking genitals while forcing the inmates to crawl on their hands and feet, sex-based cruelty, cavity search as a means of demoralising the prisoners, and other forms of sexual harassment following release involving both the prisoners and their family members.[4] Many of the women interviewed considered the pain caused by insults to far exceed that of lashing, a serious form of physical torture, as the former questioned their identity as a human being.

female political prisoners reported that inside interrogation and torture chambers, the torturers and interrogators sat on different parts of the their bodies, particularly their buttocks and waists, while lashing them.

Haji Davoud Rahmani,[5] head of Ghezel Hesar prison, and other male prison officials, forcefully kicked female political prisoners between their legs whilst forcing them to crawl on the floor or stand facing the wall. The violent kicks caused heavy bleeding in many of the female prisoners.

>They force militant Marxist-Feminist women to marry their captors
the Muslim world is not your degenerate western world and we will not let your retardation run rampant. it will be dealt with swiftly. also you write as if the government kidnapped innocent women off the streets and beat them senseless. these women chose to forfeit their rights the day they decided to spread Anti Islam, pro whore shit. when a child acts up you must discipline them.

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Human rights abuses affect us all in the West

>On the forced marriages to Misogynist thugs, Leftist women were forced to endure

Our findings indicate that marrying off female political prisoners in the 1980s, often as a condition to escape execution, was an issue that recurred in a number of prisons across the country and this indicates the systematic nature of this policy. These marriages are thus classified as forced marriages and any sexual relations resulting from them are a form of sexual torture in accordance with the principles of international law. Those who perpetrated these rapes enjoyed impunity as a result of the absolute denial by Iranian officials that there was any wrongdoing in the prisons of the Islamic Republic. Many of the prisoners have experienced it happening to them or their cellmates. Placing pressure on female prisoners to accept the marriage proposal of the interrogator, prison or judicial official ranged in reason from personal vendetta to an effort at controlling the female prisoner even after her release. Based on what was concluded from our interviews with former female political prisoners, pressuring the prisoner to accept marriage was often done by placing marriage as a condition for release or as a guaranteed exemption from torture or execution. On multiple occasions, young female political prisoners, particularly those who had become tavvab[3], who were psychologically pressured in the harsh conditions of the prison, including by interrogation and torture, developed an attraction toward their interrogators.

>these women chose to forfeit their rights the day they decided to spread Anti Islam, pro whore shit. when a child acts up you must discipline them.

A woman can be a good Muslim and a Marxist-Feminist at the same time

>A woman can be a good Muslim and a Marxist-Feminist at the same time

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The organization that John Bolton spoke to is both Marxist and Muslim's_Mujahedin_of_Iran

Being raped and tortured as political prisoner is bad enough. But I can't imagine the hell of these Revolutionary Womyn having to spend the rest of their lives in the beds of their worst enemy, forced to be submissive slaves to Islamic Patriarchy. Forced to call the man who had destroyed all her Egalitarian ideas- Husband and Master. Since polygamy is legal, these poor women would often have to share their shame with their fellow Leftist comrades who would be their sister slave wives in their Husband's household. They would do chores and breastfeeding and childraising together as sister wives.

It is so sad that these Leftist rebels were fighting to overthrow all forms of domination and hierarchy in favor of an egalitarian system; but instead they were forced to spend the rest of their lives enduring the greatest domination and inequality possible under the thumb of their Islamic Patriarchal Husbands as humbled slave wives. The flashbacks to studying Marxism-Feminism in university must have brought these ex-revolutionary womyn nothing but pain.

Why my pp so hard?

To use the parlance of our day FUCKING BASED

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Theres nothing based about it

If these women had triumphed, instead of being servile slave-wives, they would be part of the ruling politburo of a Socialist Iran. A woman who could have been a Marxist Prime Minister of Iran, is instead meekly serving her patriarchal husband in bed. These Leftist women went from thinking they could overthrow the Islamic Patriarchy, and be the Feminist rulers of a new Socialist State, to not even being able to wear underwear, not given to them by their Patriarchal Husbands. From thinking they could rule a whole country, they now don't even have any power over the bra and panties they wear.

blah blah blah commie bullshit blah blah
The feminine must always be dominated by the masculine principle lest chaos abound.

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Absolute inequality actually has the same problems as full equality.

Of course there are going to be some creative, intelligent, intellectual women. But Islam treats all women the same equally base and low. So it sees a Feminist intellectual in glasses, and only thinks how to reduce her to a hijab lingerie slave. When her mind could be contributing to civilization.

All women are reduced to the same low level

Nice castizo qts bro! Sauce 4 dat?!

>But I can't imagine the hell of these Revolutionary Womyn having to spend the rest of their lives in the beds of their worst enemy, forced to be submissive slaves to Islamic Patriarchy.

Ah, I don't think they will mind it at all. Feminist-Marxist philosophy is bullshit anyway, they will adapt to their new roles.

>Our findings indicate that marrying off female political prisoners in the 1980s, often as a condition to escape execution, was an issue that recurred in a number of prisons across the country and this indicates the systematic nature of this policy. These marriages are thus classified as forced marriages and any sexual relations resulting from them are a form of sexual torture in accordance with the principles of international law. Those who perpetrated these rapes enjoyed impunity as a result of the absolute denial by Iranian officials that there was any wrongdoing in the prisons of the Islamic Republic. Many of the prisoners have experienced it happening to them or their cellmates. Placing pressure on female prisoners to accept the marriage proposal of the interrogator, prison or judicial official ranged in reason from personal vendetta to an effort at controlling the female prisoner even after her release. Based on what was concluded from our interviews with former female political prisoners, pressuring the prisoner to accept marriage was often done by placing marriage as a condition for release or as a guaranteed exemption from torture or execution. On multiple occasions, young female political prisoners, particularly those who had become tavvab[3], who were psychologically pressured in the harsh conditions of the prison, including by interrogation and torture, developed an attraction toward their interrogators.

There is nothing worse you can do to a woman than force her to be attracted to her worst enemy against her will.

But that is exactly what these Islamic Misogynists did to Leftist Feminist women.

As the report points out, even if these enslaved ex-Leftist women do develop attraction, arousal, fall in love etc, it is still rape under international law, because they were imprisoned and forced into it against their will

Iran is proven superior yet again. Fuck mutts

I have to agree with based user here. These cruel and barbaric apes have no right to humiliate these female revolutionaries, make them subject to lashes, forced creampies, deepthroating them like their own sister wives. Instead of listening to their inspiring calls for equality and justice, these patriarchal unibrows strike their precious genitals while forcing them to spread their tan feminists buttocks, ripping off their hijab slave lingerie and preparing these brave feminist marxists to get ravaged by some livid Islamic monkey cock. Absolutely barbaric.

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Now before you get all ideologically polarized.

>muh these women are leftist feminist communists they deserve all the sexual misery and abuse they get

Its worth pointing out that our John Bolton and Rudy Guiliani attended the party congresses of the Iranian Feminist Revolutionary Organization.

So this is beyond left-right. This is about human rights.'s_Mujahedin_of_Iran

To think the early post-Shah Republic of Iran once welcomed feminist thinkers like Kate Millet

post-Shah Iran welcomed women like this as honored guests, this is the direction Iran could have gone in, had leftist women not been so brutally sexually crushed.

That is why the sexual humiliation of feminists is the true founding of the Islamic Republic

>Placing pressure on female prisoners to accept the marriage proposal of the interrogator, prison or judicial official ranged in reason from personal vendetta to an effort at controlling the female prisoner even after her release. Based on what was concluded from our interviews with former female political prisoners, pressuring the prisoner to accept marriage was often done by placing marriage as a condition for release or as a guaranteed exemption from torture or execution. On multiple occasions, young female political prisoners, particularly those who had become tavvab[3], who were psychologically pressured in the harsh conditions of the prison, including by interrogation and torture, developed an attraction toward their interrogators.e.

According to the article, 2 reasons to force marriage on ex-Leftist womyn would be as a personal vendetta or to keep her under control. A vendetta is a cruel, sadistic reason to marry a woman. You just want to hurt her more for her Leftist Feminist ideals? That is more a slave, than a wife. And marrying a woman to make sure that her Leftism is gone forever and she will be subservient to Patriarchy, is also a cruel reason to marry. How could any man take a wife for these reasons? If they hate these women so much, why do they want to share their bed with them every single night?

>muh bolten
>muh human rights
This is probably all propaganda to drum up support for Trumps was but thank you for showing me how awesome Iran is. I pray that God and the forces of Tradition will halt the US and modernity in her tracks.

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The medieval Quran will not in the long run triumph over Marxist-Feminist dialectical materialist science

Nothing is more degenerate than forcing your Feminist political enemies to marry you against her will

These women have no choice to sex in their marriage, thats why its rape by international law.

Being raped and tortured as political prisoner is bad enough. But I can't imagine the hell of these Revolutionary Womyn having to spend the rest of their lives in the beds of their worst enemy, forced to be submissive slaves to Islamic Patriarchy. Forced to call the man who had destroyed all her Egalitarian ideas- Husband and Master. Since polygamy is legal, these poor women would often have to share their shame with their fellow Leftist comrades who would be their sister slave wives in their Husband's household. They would do chores and breastfeeding and childraising together as sister wives.

I really hate this picture. It just perfectly captures their fate in Iran.

The hijab their submission to conservative traditionalism.

The lingerie, their duty to provide intense sexual pleasure to their misogynist Masters.

The complete victory of the medieval Quran over Marxist-Feminist dialectical materialism. Spanking the atoms of her buttocks.

She doesn't look like a lingerie model, but a woman more used to keeping her curves underneath a pantsuit, lecturing on Marxist-Feminist philosophy, giving fiery speeches of revolution.

Doing women's work. Submissively ironing her lingerie for a night of Master's fun. Her traditionalist womanly labor and her erotic sexual labor unified in a dialectical materialist unity of opposites just like the hijab lingerie outfit.

Medieval magic slave-training manuals winning out over Marxist-Feminist materialist science.
I just hate the idea of a woman who is clearly not a lingerie model forced to behave and pose like one. She wanted to be taken seriously as an intellectual, philosopher, revolutionary militant politician, feminist theorist.

Her naked body was kept nice and hidden away from the male gaze, under her professional suits and pantsuits.

She gave those fiery revolutionary marxist speeches, calling for rebellion, overthrow, radical equality.

The only part of her that wasn't covered was her face, and she gave those passionate orations. Now it is covered in the hijab.

Her body once comfortable shielded and protected by a pantsuit is now exposed to her enemy misogynist medievalist Islamic husband to enjoy. And when the photograph leaked out, all of Jow Forums to judge mock, and theorize on the significance of garter location.

This is what Islam thinks a Revolutionary Communist woman deserves. She shouldn't have her plain white panties hidden under a pantsuit, as she gives a fiery marxist speech.

oh shit here we go again with this thread...

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Oh look it's this kike faggot again.
Go fight your own war, jewboy.

I'm not a big fan of sharia niggers, but most of this sounds like a pretty good idea

Nothing good at all. An absolute horror
>They offered them incentives—more generous rations, lighter sentences, even amnesty, and access to the prison workshops, where women could earn pocket money as garment workers and men could earn pocket money as metal workers. They also encouraged women repenters to marry eligible guards.;;doc.view=print

These barbaric Islamist Patriarchs forced these broken Leftist Revolutionary women to sew like submissive women, and become obedient Islamic housewives to their thuggish guards

Impregnating these Leftist women and forcing them to marry their guards as submissive housewives is one of the worst fates for women. Rape is horrific enough. But when its over its over at least. But these poor Marxist-Feminist women at to spend the rest of their lives as submissive houseslaves for their patriarchal enemy husbands.

One of the sadistic Officers in the Iranian Guards, would actually show off that his four wives, had all been former Communist Party members. And that uppity atheist Marxist women, now faithfully, obediently and submissively served him under the guidelines of Islamic Patriarchy.

Iran forces leftist women? Sounds good.

I'm getting hard just thinking about it

Its no joke it was unspeakably humiliating degrading painful traumatic for the leftist feminist women who actually endured it

Even for the ones who developed attraction and fell in love with their Masters, it is still rape under international law

Poor Leftist women. From trying to overthrow Islamic Patriarchy, they instead had a Misogynist guard fertilize her eggs. His child gestating in her womb. Then she had to go through the painful childbirth, as the child continued in its father's footsteps in making its mother scream in pain. Her entire body devoted to giving nutrients to her enemy's child. Her breasts which over the last months had known the cruel whip, and existed only to give pleasure to her Husband. Now serves her Husband's child, a source of rich nutrient milk. What a humiliating fate for women who tried to lead Feminist Revolution.

They don't treat Feminist prisoners like humans. They use them as objects. They even use their buttocks as comfy cushions to sit on while whipping their helpless backs.

Its in the human rights report

We can't trust a Regime that was founded on the sexual humiliation of defeated Feminist womyn

And then when those buns where whipped and bruised bloody, the Guards would use them as comfy soft cushions to sit on while whipping their backs.
>female political prisoners reported that inside interrogation and torture chambers, the torturers and interrogators sat on different parts of the their bodies, particularly their buttocks and waists, while lashing them.

so Iran is the country we should be allied with instead of the faggot and pedo capital of the world right next door.

You mean Iraq?

Well keep in mind Iran has a lot of shiite influence there, so they are highly responsible

Islam is definitely better than this kike leftist clown world.

>whipping feminists' cunts

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We can't trust a regime founded on such brutal abuse of dissidents and women

They aren't ashamed of these abuses, they consider it the dawning of the Islamic Republic when all hopes of a Feminist Socialist Republic were drowned in sexual humiliation. It was all in flux after the Shah fell. This is what their nation is founded on. This is the birth of their republic.

They will never be at peace with the secular west

They forced the secular leftist women who advocate "birthrate-killing ideas" to become baby incubators for the birthrate, forcibly impregnating their wombs with the offspring of their worst enemies. Repeatedly raping the fertile wombs of Leftist women political prisoners against their will, until their eggs were fertilized.
This was Iran's barbaric solution to leftism.

I mean, OP isn't kidding anyone. He finds it as hot as us 100%.

Do you seriously expect anyone here to care about commies getting raped? Nobody here gives a fuck about female rights. I think most people reading this thread are reading it because they find this shit hot.

Put "sage" in options field.

The only way to find this hot if you have zero empathy for women as humans.

If you imagine being them for a second, it is the most hellish torture man can devise

When you have John Bolton, the ultimate cold warrior, attending the party congress of a Marxist-Feminist Communist Revolutionary organization, and speaking our about their legitimacy, you know how horrible the Islamists in Iran are

Why does this post read like an erotic BDSM novel?

I don't think it's having zero empathy for women, it's having zero empathy for people who want to liberalize society. I'd hate to be a woman in Iran at that time, but I'd say women in the west today are unhappier.
Better to be a good version of yourself than a shitty version of someone else.

They force such an intimate control and surveillance over defeated Feminist women, to the point of sharing the same bed for years, to ensure no Leftist Revolution will be coming out of her while she is sexually dominated every single night

The Iranian misogynists knew exactly what they were doing to leftist women and they intentionally made it as erotic as possible so they'd be too shamed humiliated debased traumatized to ever be effective political resistance again

This bot again, I'm getting hard again.

>The only way to find this hot if you have zero empathy for women as humans.

This is the original line you replied to.

So you are saying its OK to sexually enjoy the rape and torture of women just because they have opinions different from you?

Are Jow Forums single children? I would beat a sandnigger senseless if he even implied doing anything like that to my sister

Theres so much anger and hate in the Iranian political climate. Especially with Feminist women it becomes so personal and sexualized. Now you know how far Islamist Misogynists would take it if they actually did have power over Leftist Feminist women. What they actually did do.

All that anger and rage at Leftist Feminist politics, even though the demoness, is now just a helpless bound scared crying girl in her underwear.

Even when Leftist women are helpless, sobbing, bound and naked, all Islam sees is the demons of Communism and Feminism, and the abuse never ends

Literally the best argument for Islam that I have ever heard. If this is what the IRGC is all about, we have much in common.

Even for you degenerate perverts who look at women purely as sexual objects. These Iranian bests ruined their beauty.

Is there anything sexy about a tamed ex-leftist woman with her buttocks permanently crisscrossed red scarred like a checkers board?

It might sound hot to you safe in your home, but its incredibly painful and cuts and bloodies the skin leaving scars. Women died from it. Its not erotic or sexy at all.

I hate sand niggers....but HOT damn...the one on the right is a PRINCESS! Wowsa!

how is this a bad thing?

Holy shit, why are commie posts never succinct? Literal walls of text that amount to nothing.

Pics or it didn't happen faggot

>All these memeflags
Saged and jewpilled

>Is there anything sexy about a tamed ex-leftist woman with her buttocks permanently crisscrossed red scarred like a checkers board?
Uhhhh... yes there is.

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Iran is a regime that reduces philosopher women to submissive sex slaves

this is what Islam thinks of intellectuals. No wonder they burned Alexandria

But its mutilated, it doesn't look how a butt is naturally supposed to anymore

On left -bullet
on right -keep for waify
-burn all cloths
-clean her proper
-new cloths,house,food,ect.
-begin reconditioning to west
-slowly add redpills
-put babies in her
-at age 40, trade in for 2 20's
-live happy ev after.
-da end

Based and Mohammedpilled

>-begin reconditioning to west
>-slowly add redpills

How is treating her like a slave teaching her values different from Islam?

Sounds kinda hot, desu

>hurr durr, thes es just like muh handmaidens tale!!!!

The reality of Islam is even worse than the dystopia of Handmaid's tale. At least in the novel the sex is supposed to be for procreation. They are supposed to be for chivalrous Christians.

But under Islam its openly for the Master's erotic pleasure

>Is there anything sexy about a tamed ex-leftist woman with her buttocks permanently crisscrossed red scarred like a checkers board?

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So you're saying itan solved the incel problem with state mandated wives?

I think i found a new fetish

And it's pretty redpilled

So it's not just based, it ABSOLUTELY BASED

The human rights report specifically addresses the idea that Leftist Persian women "wanted it" because they developed attraction and fell in love.

>Our findings indicate that marrying off female political prisoners in the 1980s, often as a condition to escape execution, was an issue that recurred in a number of prisons across the country and this indicates the systematic nature of this policy. These marriages are thus classified as forced marriages and any sexual relations resulting from them are a form of sexual torture in accordance with the principles of international law. Islamic Republic. Many of the prisoners have experienced it happening to them or their cellmates. Placing pressure on female prisoners to accept the marriage proposal of the interrogator, prison or judicial official ranged in reason from personal vendetta to an effort at controlling the female prisoner even after her release. Based on what was concluded from our interviews with former female political prisoners, pressuring the prisoner to accept marriage was often done by placing marriage as a condition for release or as a guaranteed exemption from torture or execution. On multiple occasions, young female political prisoners, particularly those who had become tavvab[3], who were psychologically pressured in the harsh conditions of the prison, including by interrogation and torture, developed an attraction toward their interrogators.

There is nothing worse you can do to a woman than force her to be attracted to her worst enemy against her will.

But that is exactly what these Islamic Misogynists did to Leftist Feminist women.

As the report points out, even if these enslaved ex-Leftist women do develop attraction, arousal, fall in love etc, it is still rape under international law, because they were imprisoned and forced into it against their will

>and other forms of sexual harassment following release involving both the prisoners and their family members.[4] Many of the women interviewed considered the pain caused by insults to far exceed that of lashing, a serious form of physical torture, as the former questioned their identity as a human being.

the pain FAR exceeds the whip lashing

That is how painful, cruel, sadistic, humiliating the verbal abuse and cruel taunts insults and verbal bullying of the Iran guards towards Leftist women was.

The lashings were intensely painful. Beyond any pain you can imagine.

But their words stung even more

It destroyed these Feminists as women.

Islamism is sadism

The human rights report points out its still rape even if the women enjoy the sex within marriage.

The marriage never would have happened had they not been enslaved against their will as punishment for leftism

Even if ex-leftist women later consented to sex in submissive marriages, its still rape under UN law

>Many of the female political prisoners resisted these severe and unbearable pressures and did not agree to enter into marriage in prison. However, even those prisoners who agreed to the marriages, regardless of their condition or the intention behind the agreement, could not be classified as having entered into a ‘consensual’ relationship because the conditions necessary to form real ‘consent’ were absent inside the prisons. Hence, such marriages are better classified as forced marriages, and any sexual relations resulting from them a form of sexual torture in accordance with the principles of international law.

Good point, i think the west provides more rights and freedom than Islam. for wamin, i could be wrong.

>this is about human rights
But communists aren't human.

not this fucking thread again

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yes that is what makes the west worth defending

Nothing is more attractive than a woman with a freshly beaten behind, she was being disobedient and was punished. As it should be

Yet the Islamists seemed to want them as human women and all human women provide on the sexual and reproductive side of things

They certainly cried sobbed showed fear like human women

So when can we start doing this in the usa?

>freshly beaten behind,

Its not fresh. These whips make PERMANENT scars for life. It disfigures the butts of feminist women

Iran uber isreal!

If you ask me its not macho. Iranian Islamists are very beta male and can't even talk to a woman if shes not totally unequal and cowering under his whip

Theres a difference between being tough to a woman, when shes bound and you have a whip than say approaching her at a club.

Islamism is incelism

I would say there is more true masculinity in being able to attract a woman when she is your legal equal, and shes not tied up against her will

In America you have to join the football team, work hard, sweat and actually impress some Stacies.

In Iran, r9k incel just puts in a job application for prison guard and can fuck a harem of tamed feminists

Stop, stop, I can only get so erect!

Show flag, jew.


Stop doing pro Islam thread op every day. You are a fucking faggot or an Iran bot doing propaganda toward Iran.

Islam sounds good when you're enjoying the daughters and sisters of other men.

But when men think as brothers and father they reject that sadistic misogyny

Most people on pol dont like Muslim behavior. So its shows that pure masculinity without some feminine influence is barbarism

Even in Medieval times, European women were allowed more rights and political influence

Medieval Islam never even had a concept of "chivalry"

Alexandria was burned by the christians, faggot

The second part of the Crimes and Impunity report indicates that, in contrast to what one might expect of an Islamic regime, in addition to the rape of virgins, the majority of female political prisoners experienced at least one form of sexual harassment throughout the second and third decade of the Islamic Republic. What this means is, if we were to rely on the definitions resulting from the decisions of the International Criminal Court, certain forms of sexual torture were inflicted on female political prisoners in a widespread manner. Amongst these was verbal abuse inflicted with the intention of reducing female political prisoners to the level of a sexual object, and denying their political identity. Other forms included striking genitals while forcing the inmates to crawl on their hands and feet, sex-based cruelty, cavity search as a means of demoralising the prisoners, and other forms of sexual harassment following release involving both the prisoners and their family members.[4] Many of the women interviewed considered the pain caused by insults to far exceed that of lashing, a serious form of physical torture, as the former questioned their identity as a human being.

However, sexual torture inside prisons was not limited to verbal insults. Many female political prisoners were placed in conditions where they feared being raped. Some were even threatened with rape. Fear of rape was especially prominent in prisons where all the personnel, including the wardens, were male. Furthermore, the women’s bodies were assaulted in a variety of different ways. Although the Iranian regime’s principles of shari’a ban any contact between female and male bodies, except in familial or spousal relations, female political prisoners reported that inside interrogation and torture chambers, the torturers and interrogators sat on different parts of the their bodies, particularly their buttocks and waists, while lashing them.

Says the faggot whose nation banned memes.
You don't get to call anyone a beta when you're an omega

No you wouldn't, you'd be in that same camp getting your cock and balls whipped with a leather strap while forced to watch your sister take a superior mans seed.