Scots, we voting UKIP or Brexit party tomorrow?

Scots, we voting UKIP or Brexit party tomorrow?

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Scotland.svg.png (1200x720, 5K)

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>inb4 you get outvoted.

UKIP up here is truly a wasted vote, better to get the strongest-possible turnout for BP.

Attached: 1430575616689.jpg (600x900, 47K)

Cuckland will vote for that fucking open borders cunt "come over and stir me haggis" sturgeon

Voting SNP. UK will leave EU, Scotland will leave UK and immediately begin working towards rejoining EU.

Come visit Scotland, pol. You would like it here. Lots of open space and not many people.

>at fuckin thatcher

UKIP all the way. SNP are fucking worthless, only argument they even have anymore is "muh Tories".

I used to vote SNP because I thought they were the best weapon against Theresa may but fuck that open borders 'Common Market' plan

Brexit party.


A dildo in Thatcher's dead arse

Brexit party but we're gonna get btfo tomorrow by snp i thnik.

I don't speak like this, thank fuck.

Yes, yes you are.

that's a wumin yer talking about

I don't speak anything like that either

>dammed English tellin us what to do
>leaves UK
>joins EU
>love those germans me
hahaha literally retarded

Brexit party. UKIP are beyond dead meme status here.

Wait, you have a vote? what about brexit, it doesn't have sense that you have a vote

>voting SNP

u should know from experience public vote doesn't matter. the kikes control what happens.

the political vote is their to maintain an illusion that we have some control. What little we have is certainly not through any political vote given to us. A much stronger vote in this society is how u spend you money. you are effectively voting with it.

>love those germans me

bunch of fucking pussies for wanting to remain with EU from my perspective across the pond

Attached: marines1958wy2.jpg (400x323, 39K)

i bet you support celtic

Arenige will just bugger off again after a while.

UKIP myself.

Attached: Loyal ScotsMan.jpg (1576x1114, 668K)

Sorry mate I don't use heroin and I'm not an alcoholic.

Do they even have any candidates up there? Meme parties the both of them

I didn't even bother to register user. I voted for Brexit and literally every single mainstream party in Scotland wants to revoke article 50, with the exception of the Scottish tories (who haven't got a chance anyway). It's just gonna be a massive SNP wipeout as usual. Politics in Scotland is even more fucked than in the rest of the UK - if the social media response to farage getting milkshaked is anything to go by.

there is a brexit candidate for where I stay, I was fucking raging when I remembered I hadn't bothered to register.

>fookin laser sights

The Scot Tories have been gaining support as the SNP loses it you certin.

Social media is an utterly worthless tool for gaging elections since it's algorithms only link you with things that fit your data profile.

love this bongish butthurt

>tfw forgot to register to vote
I don't deserve to be white

yeah they are gonna win scotland off of the SNP for sure...
Tomorrow I think we will see SNP majority as usual, with ground taken by the lib dems and Brexit/Ukip.

The SNP cult is genuinley undefeatable, they have the entire younger generation by the balls.

I couldn't be fucked because I am so disillusioned with British politics rn. If i'd known that we would have a Brxit candidate I would have though

The normies will likely go BXP over UKIP.
Tory and Labour leavers.
Bolster their numbers.
Take seats from SNP.
Leave the shit show finally.

At GE vote UKIP.

I hope this was bait. You do realise that England has been subjected to the worse of the EU immigration while scotland has been protected specifically to cause a false divide between the nations on the brexit question. You won’t have your wide open spaces for long mate

EU immigration is white immigration, it's Poles like me and my family. We're as British as any other white person.

>EU immigration is white immigration
EU immigration is Slav, "French", "Spanish" and Balkanite immigration. It's just as bad as sandniggers.

You don't understand, bongs hate you more than muslims because they cant tell with a look who they should feel superior to. You are also a free target as a wh*toid to take out their frustrations out.


think of the Albanian food-trucks.

No, EU is rapidly becoming less white. And you make the mistake that everyone did, which is to assume that when they see how crowded you get and how full the schools are and how you can’t get into see a doctor and the woodlands are being bulldozed for houses, that (((they))) will say ok enough is enough. They won’t. They never will because they don’t give a shit about Scotland. Poland will still be Poland but Scotland will be as fucked as England